The Biden Administration is Crashing Faster Than the Hindenburg

Does anyone know where Biden is as this shit show goes on? They used an old photo form months ago claiming it was about the Afghan situation.

Psaki is on vacation.

Kamala is focusing on Haiti.

Dont Taz Me Bro So I take it you would now change your vote to Trump if you could?
Trump is the one that withdrew all but 2,500 troops before he left and made an agreement that all of them would be out by May 1st? This was going to happen no matter what since Trump set it up that way....
What ever helps you sleep at night. Right now, you're looking at a midterm bloodbath and you know it.
Yes. We were looking at one for about 4 or 5 months now. The Afghan withdraw won't be a factor.
Hell, you've got the governor of California at 50/50 odds he can survive his recall election next month in one of the most Democratic states in the country and his replacement could be Larry Elder for God's sake.
We'll see what happens.
You just had the governor of New York step down who was your party's darling just one year ago.
And this has what to do with Biden?
Biden is imploding and he will take the whole party down with him.
We'll see what happens. I seriously doubt that.

At some point, this was going to be the scene in Afghanistan. I think the American people are mature enough to know this.

As for the covid spike; 99% of those in the hospitals are not vaccinated. Any American who has been paying attention knows that they and their neighbors would be able to get fully vaccinated at the snap of a finger. Who do you think that level-headed Americans are going to blame....Biden or the people who believe that the vaccine is deadly based on gateway pundit? LOL

Stock market is at record levels... That used to impress blob supporters. Suddenly it doesn't matter? C'mon.

This replay of Hue is butt-ugly. The Biden administration screwed the pooch on this. But it was never going to be elegant.
The decision to pull U.S. troops out of Afghanistan was part of an agreement former President Donald Trump forged with the Taliban in February 2020. Under that deal, the U.S. agreed to withdraw all its forces. In exchange, the Taliban promised to sever its ties with al-Qaida and end its attacks on American forces. The Trump administration began a drawdown of U.S. forces, and about 2,500 U.S. troops remained by the time he left office.

When Biden took office, he decided to go ahead with plans to end U.S. involvement in the war but delayed the withdrawal of U.S. troops.
Yes, we know the leftist spin but I think we’re going to need to see the Trump plan to make sure The disaster in chief stuck to it. Do you think it will be released soon?
Yes, we know the leftist spin but I think we’re going to need to see the Trump plan to make sure The disaster in chief stuck to it. Do you think it will be released soon?
I am sure it will be and then you can deny complicity by Trump.
Groceries are back down, lumber and gas retreated in prices so I don't see any breakdown in society of a pollical regime.
Not according to news sources.

According to AAA, gas prices are up another two cents a gallon, so gas prices aren't retreating, and they are seeing the opposite.

Groceries are not down and they don't expect them to retreat anytime soon.

You seem to be way off on the economy.
Biden gonna be sending them a plane load of cash to buy people's freedom before too long

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