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The Biden BOOM is starting Right Now, Big Jobs Numbers Today

The U.S. economy added 916,000 jobs last month and the unemployment rate fell to 6 percent, in the strongest indication yet that the labor market is finally working its way back to pre-pandemic norms as the number of vaccinations continues to rise.

The hiring and employment data, released Friday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, firmly beat economists' predictions of 675,000 positions added.

Biden economic recovery 2.0
God Bless President Trump for creating those jobs.
Hypocrite, you said they new president gets credit for jobs since their election.

According to you, Biden added 1.3 million jobs so far.

Hypocrite, you said for 8 years Bush was the reason for Obama was such a repeated failure.

Now you're lying again. Why would I have said he failed? He handed Trump an economy at full employment along with a record high stock market. The Golden days.
Obamamessiah left with a 4.7% unemployment vs Trumps record low 3.5%
So? To get to 3.5%, Trump only had to go down 1.2 percentage points from 4.7%. For Obama to get to 4.7%, he had to go down 5.3 percentage points from 10%.

Regardless, Obama still handed Trump 4.7% unemployment and dropping, and we were at full employment when Trump took over.
When’s the last time you worked at Duncan Donuts?
Would you?
If it was the only job I could get and I needed money that badly, sure.
Sadly enough, that was the average type of job GW/Obama left behind.
Prove it...
Disprove it when malls were closing down and construction was at an all time low.
Malls were dying, retail wasn't, even before covid. Maybe you're just 100 years old and don't know how to shop online? Construction was down because there was a massive recession due to housing markets crashing and credit markets locking up, which began under Bush, not Obama. Exactly how fucked in the head are you to not know that??

That still doesn't prove your idiotic claim that Dunkin Donut type jobs were the average under both those presidents.

In fact, reality proves you're a special kind of fucking moron....

The average hourly income was about $21 when Obama left office, while the highest minimum wage job, and only in several states, paid $15. Many were under $10/hour.


... and that's only considering hourly jobs. Salaried jobs pay higher. So now this thread sees you were simply flat out lying which explains why you ran away from proving your claim -- because it's bullshit.

Malls were dying and MDs, thanks to the ACA, were being laid off by the thousands because MDs were forced to sell their practices to business people who were keeping the MDs for 2 years and replacing them with Indian BVs.
The BLS, of course, lies about MDs suddenly being unemployed and explained that the US needed more MDs due to open borders.

The BLS will manipulate any and all of their formulas to keep from having their asses fired.

Macy’s, Lord & Taylor, etc were firing Americans left and right and replacing them with the non-English speaking IT Indians who were laid off by the 2007 crash.

You will parrot anything for the letter D.
I presume you don’t live in a major city because you never seem to know what goes on in real life.
The U.S. economy added 916,000 jobs last month and the unemployment rate fell to 6 percent, in the strongest indication yet that the labor market is finally working its way back to pre-pandemic norms as the number of vaccinations continues to rise.

The hiring and employment data, released Friday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, firmly beat economists' predictions of 675,000 positions added.

Biden economic recovery 2.0
God Bless President Trump for creating those jobs.
Hypocrite, you said they new president gets credit for jobs since their election.

According to you, Biden added 1.3 million jobs so far.

Hypocrite, you said for 8 years Bush was the reason for Obama was such a repeated failure.

Now you're lying again. Why would I have said he failed? He handed Trump an economy at full employment along with a record high stock market. The Golden days.
Obamamessiah left with a 4.7% unemployment vs Trumps record low 3.5%
So? To get to 3.5%, Trump only had to go down 1.2 percentage points from 4.7%. For Obama to get to 4.7%, he had to go down 5.3 percentage points from 10%.

Regardless, Obama still handed Trump 4.7% unemployment and dropping, and we were at full employment when Trump took over.
When’s the last time you worked at Duncan Donuts?
Would you?
If it was the only job I could get and I needed money that badly, sure.
Sadly enough, that was the average type of job GW/Obama left behind.
Prove it...
The U.S. economy added 916,000 jobs last month and the unemployment rate fell to 6 percent, in the strongest indication yet that the labor market is finally working its way back to pre-pandemic norms as the number of vaccinations continues to rise.

The hiring and employment data, released Friday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, firmly beat economists' predictions of 675,000 positions added.

Biden economic recovery 2.0
God Bless President Trump for creating those jobs.
Hypocrite, you said they new president gets credit for jobs since their election.

According to you, Biden added 1.3 million jobs so far.

Hypocrite, you said for 8 years Bush was the reason for Obama was such a repeated failure.

Now you're lying again. Why would I have said he failed? He handed Trump an economy at full employment along with a record high stock market. The Golden days.
Obamamessiah left with a 4.7% unemployment vs Trumps record low 3.5%
So? To get to 3.5%, Trump only had to go down 1.2 percentage points from 4.7%. For Obama to get to 4.7%, he had to go down 5.3 percentage points from 10%.

Regardless, Obama still handed Trump 4.7% unemployment and dropping, and we were at full employment when Trump took over.
When’s the last time you worked at Duncan Donuts?
Would you?
If it was the only job I could get and I needed money that badly, sure.
Sadly enough, that was the average type of job GW/Obama left behind.
Prove it...
The fact that you won’t show Industry specific charts shows you know you’re full of it.
In fact, you never post anything specific and you’re always full of it.
Yes Biden has done NOTHING to spur economic growth. He's riding the coattails of his predecessor. Funny when the economy was booming 2 years into Trumps term it was because of Obama. But 3 months into Bidens term is 100% on Biden.

Fucking liberals.

Trump rode on Obama's coattails and when Trump got that 3am call he failed. That is a simple explanation of history thus far into the 21st Century. Two Presidents - Bush II and Trump - were failures, and Obama led us out of the Great Recession; it is up to Biden to repair the damage done to our nation by Trump, and Biden is well on the way to do so.
Trump was a lot of things, but not a failure. He delivered the best economy in modern American history, neutralized NK and secured the border.

Biden doesn't have the cognition nor the chance to succeed.
Too bad the numbers don't support anything you said.
That's the problem, Trumpers are retarded, they believe any lie they are told. You retards believed Pizza-gate and Michelle Obama is a man, We're rounding the curve, Inject bleach. Fucking retards...

Trump never had 3% annual growth, and therefore never had close to the best economy ever. Trump barely had better than Obama. Obama and Trump had the same rate of job growth.

Bill Clinton had high growth, high jobs growth, and low debt. Biden is going to have 6% GDP this year... How bout dat...

How bout you post some links, retard?

You're nothing but a troll - I love watching lefties suck up your slobber... lol!

Here you go..

He has 4 billion bucks, so he has a billion in debt. If you ever had an income or mortgage you would understand.

You don't actually know he's worth $4 billion. You don't actually know what he's worth. You only know what he tells you and he's a pathological liar and snake oil salesman.

Now I see why he refused to release his taxes after promising he would.
I'd prefer to be a billionaire like Trump boinking Melania than a butthurt poster on USMB. Failure sucks, eh?
It possibly does for failures.
Sorry, I was trying to be diplomatic.
Biden is DESTROYING the US
By adding almost a Million new jobs?

They're not new jobs. They're jobs coming back after a shutdown. Trump has 3.5% unemployment for almost a year. Biden is almost double that. This isn't new shit, this is trying to patch up the bullshit caused by the liberal shutdown of America.
tRump only added like 6.5 million jobs in his whole term, if I recall correctly. President Joe just added 20% of that in a single month.

You're wrong. Trump created 7 million out of the Obama mess he was handed.

Lets see how Biden does once the fake covid jobs numbers settle down.

Pretty ugly when each dollar you have buys you less of everything you want.

Kinda funny most of the states experiencing the worst gas price hikes are blue states.

LOL.. Trump loves to claim he inherited and "Obama mess".. but you know Trump. Always the braggart and liar.

It was the Obama mess. The unemployment was high, the job growth was flat, wages were flat. It was a dead economy. The day Trump won the economy started to soar on hopes a real businessman could lead this country out of the Obama doldrums. And he did. Then he got slammed with the Chinky virus.
Who told you those lies? And why did you believe them?

View attachment 475391

Yea kinda sad when people give up finding work. If the economy was so good why did 14.6 million leave the work force under Obama?

With 14.6 million leaving the work force, the unemployment is bound to come down, but not for a good reason.
6 million left the workforce under Tramp in only 4 years. So Tramp's UE went down for the same bad reason!!!
They left the workforce when they made more money staying home from the leftyflu

Wow.. They must have been paid minimum wage.
A lot of professionals have been working from home.

Then they're still in the workforce, ijit. Out of the workforce doesn't mean working, just not on site of the business.

So get a job at Dunkin Donuts and live in a slum.
To feel other people’s pain.
You obviously don’t give a shit about anybody but yourself and the D.
Yes Biden has done NOTHING to spur economic growth. He's riding the coattails of his predecessor. Funny when the economy was booming 2 years into Trumps term it was because of Obama. But 3 months into Bidens term is 100% on Biden.

Fucking liberals.

Trump rode on Obama's coattails and when Trump got that 3am call he failed. That is a simple explanation of history thus far into the 21st Century. Two Presidents - Bush II and Trump - were failures, and Obama led us out of the Great Recession; it is up to Biden to repair the damage done to our nation by Trump, and Biden is well on the way to do so.
Trump was a lot of things, but not a failure. He delivered the best economy in modern American history, neutralized NK and secured the border.

Biden doesn't have the cognition nor the chance to succeed.
Too bad the numbers don't support anything you said.
That's the problem, Trumpers are retarded, they believe any lie they are told. You retards believed Pizza-gate and Michelle Obama is a man, We're rounding the curve, Inject bleach. Fucking retards...

Trump never had 3% annual growth, and therefore never had close to the best economy ever. Trump barely had better than Obama. Obama and Trump had the same rate of job growth.

Bill Clinton had high growth, high jobs growth, and low debt. Biden is going to have 6% GDP this year... How bout dat...
Trump had the best economy ever----------------sorry that you don't like the truth.

And as for the rest of the chit you post---all lib propaganda injecting bleach? Are you fucking retarded? Trump never said that.

In the last hundred years, Trump and Hoover are the only presidents to leave office with fewer jobs than when they started. Trump left office after losing 3 million jobs. That's not the best economy ever. His lowest unemployment rate was 3.5%. Very good, but not the lowest. His best year of GDP growth was 3%. Not bad, but we've had better. The only ones idiotically claiming Trump had the best economy ever was Trump and his brain-dead cultists who mindlessly echoed him.
Every other nation on earth also lost jobs in 2020.
Thanks for supplying the excuses.
You are in the top 2 of the most intellectually dishonest posters on USMB.

Slobbers the moron who actually claimed Dunkin Donut type jobs were the average job left by GW and Obama; but then ran like a pussy from proving it when challenged.

How to prove something when the BLS was lying it’s ass off?

You literally admit you're making up shit and now making up stupid excuses for why you're making up shit.

Are you conflating the BLS lying with real life?
No, I'm calling you a lying retard who can't prove what he claims.
No problem...75,000,000 people experienced real life.
The U.S. economy added 916,000 jobs last month and the unemployment rate fell to 6 percent, in the strongest indication yet that the labor market is finally working its way back to pre-pandemic norms as the number of vaccinations continues to rise.

The hiring and employment data, released Friday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, firmly beat economists' predictions of 675,000 positions added.

Biden economic recovery 2.0
Maybe Biden has hired thousands of new government employees to deal with the crises his handlers have created.

The Biden Extended Crime Family SUCKS!
Biden is DESTROYING the US
By adding almost a Million new jobs?

They're not new jobs. They're jobs coming back after a shutdown. Trump has 3.5% unemployment for almost a year. Biden is almost double that. This isn't new shit, this is trying to patch up the bullshit caused by the liberal shutdown of America.
tRump only added like 6.5 million jobs in his whole term, if I recall correctly. President Joe just added 20% of that in a single month.

You're wrong. Trump created 7 million out of the Obama mess he was handed.

Lets see how Biden does once the fake covid jobs numbers settle down.

Pretty ugly when each dollar you have buys you less of everything you want.

Kinda funny most of the states experiencing the worst gas price hikes are blue states.

LOL.. Trump loves to claim he inherited and "Obama mess".. but you know Trump. Always the braggart and liar.

It was the Obama mess. The unemployment was high, the job growth was flat, wages were flat. It was a dead economy. The day Trump won the economy started to soar on hopes a real businessman could lead this country out of the Obama doldrums. And he did. Then he got slammed with the Chinky virus.
Who told you those lies? And why did you believe them?

View attachment 475391

Yea kinda sad when people give up finding work. If the economy was so good why did 14.6 million leave the work force under Obama?

With 14.6 million leaving the work force, the unemployment is bound to come down, but not for a good reason.
6 million left the workforce under Tramp in only 4 years. So Tramp's UE went down for the same bad reason!!!
They left the workforce when they made more money staying home from the leftyflu

Wow.. They must have been paid minimum wage.
A lot of professionals have been working from home.

Then they're still in the workforce, ijit. Out of the workforce doesn't mean working, just not on site of the business.

So get a job at Dunkin Donuts and live in a slum.
To feel other people’s pain.
You obviously don’t give a shit about anybody but yourself and the D.

You say that a lot.. Who do YOU give a shit about besides Trump?
The U.S. economy added 916,000 jobs last month and the unemployment rate fell to 6 percent, in the strongest indication yet that the labor market is finally working its way back to pre-pandemic norms as the number of vaccinations continues to rise.

The hiring and employment data, released Friday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, firmly beat economists' predictions of 675,000 positions added.

Biden economic recovery 2.0
Maybe Biden has hired thousands of new government employees to deal with the crises his handlers have created.

The Biden Extended Crime Family SUCKS!

You are delusional.. NOBODY wanted this crisis at the border.
those are not manufacturing jobs!!!! -which Mr Trump was trying to get back to the US
Like everything Tramp "tried" to do while playing golf, he failed miserably. When THE Great Obama left office there were 12,367,000 manufacturing jobs and it was DOWN to 12,213,000 when Tramp left. Biden has reversed Tramp's downward trend INCREASING manufacturing jobs to 12,284,000 in just 2 months.
Hilarious. So Trump had just as many manufacturing jobs as Obummer despite having the worst pandemic in history.
The U.S. economy added 916,000 jobs last month and the unemployment rate fell to 6 percent, in the strongest indication yet that the labor market is finally working its way back to pre-pandemic norms as the number of vaccinations continues to rise.

The hiring and employment data, released Friday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, firmly beat economists' predictions of 675,000 positions added.

Biden economic recovery 2.0
God Bless President Trump for creating those jobs.
Hypocrite, you said they new president gets credit for jobs since their election.

According to you, Biden added 1.3 million jobs so far.

Hypocrite, you said for 8 years Bush was the reason for Obama was such a repeated failure.

Now you're lying again. Why would I have said he failed? He handed Trump an economy at full employment along with a record high stock market. The Golden days.
Obamamessiah left with a 4.7% unemployment vs Trumps record low 3.5%
So? To get to 3.5%, Trump only had to go down 1.2 percentage points from 4.7%. For Obama to get to 4.7%, he had to go down 5.3 percentage points from 10%.

Regardless, Obama still handed Trump 4.7% unemployment and dropping, and we were at full employment when Trump took over.
When’s the last time you worked at Duncan Donuts?
Would you?
If it was the only job I could get and I needed money that badly, sure.
Sadly enough, that was the average type of job GW/Obama left behind.
Prove it...
Disprove it when malls were closing down and construction was at an all time low.
Malls were dying, retail wasn't, even before covid. Maybe you're just 100 years old and don't know how to shop online? Construction was down because there was a massive recession due to housing markets crashing and credit markets locking up, which began under Bush, not Obama. Exactly how fucked in the head are you to not know that??

That still doesn't prove your idiotic claim that Dunkin Donut type jobs were the average under both those presidents.

In fact, reality proves you're a special kind of fucking moron....

The average hourly income was about $21 when Obama left office, while the highest minimum wage job, and only in several states, paid $15. Many were under $10/hour.


... and that's only considering hourly jobs. Salaried jobs pay higher. So now this thread sees you were simply flat out lying which explains why you ran away from proving your claim -- because it's bullshit.

Malls were dying and MDs, thanks to the ACA, were being laid off by the thousands because MDs were forced to sell their practices to business people who were keeping the MDs for 2 years and replacing them with Indian BVs.
The BLS, of course, lies about MDs suddenly being unemployed and explained that the US needed more MDs due to open borders.

The BLS will manipulate any and all of their formulas to keep from having their asses fired.

Macy’s, Lord & Taylor, etc were firing Americans left and right and replacing them with the non-English speaking IT Indians who were laid off by the 2007 crash.

You will parrot anything for the letter D.
I presume you don’t live in a major city because you never seem to know what goes on in real life.

You're a flaming imbecile who repeatedly spouts mindless shit you can't prove. Who on Earth knows why anyone in their right mind would believe you over the BLS, when you yourself cites BLS statistics when it's convenient for ya.

Biden is DESTROYING the US
By adding almost a Million new jobs?

They're not new jobs. They're jobs coming back after a shutdown. Trump has 3.5% unemployment for almost a year. Biden is almost double that. This isn't new shit, this is trying to patch up the bullshit caused by the liberal shutdown of America.
tRump only added like 6.5 million jobs in his whole term, if I recall correctly. President Joe just added 20% of that in a single month.

You're wrong. Trump created 7 million out of the Obama mess he was handed.

Lets see how Biden does once the fake covid jobs numbers settle down.

Pretty ugly when each dollar you have buys you less of everything you want.

Kinda funny most of the states experiencing the worst gas price hikes are blue states.

LOL.. Trump loves to claim he inherited and "Obama mess".. but you know Trump. Always the braggart and liar.

It was the Obama mess. The unemployment was high, the job growth was flat, wages were flat. It was a dead economy. The day Trump won the economy started to soar on hopes a real businessman could lead this country out of the Obama doldrums. And he did. Then he got slammed with the Chinky virus.
Who told you those lies? And why did you believe them?

View attachment 475391

Yea kinda sad when people give up finding work. If the economy was so good why did 14.6 million leave the work force under Obama?

With 14.6 million leaving the work force, the unemployment is bound to come down, but not for a good reason.
6 million left the workforce under Tramp in only 4 years. So Tramp's UE went down for the same bad reason!!!
They left the workforce when they made more money staying home from the leftyflu

Wow.. They must have been paid minimum wage.
A lot of professionals have been working from home.

Then they're still in the workforce, ijit. Out of the workforce doesn't mean working, just not on site of the business.

So get a job at Dunkin Donuts and live in a slum.
To feel other people’s pain.
You obviously don’t give a shit about anybody but yourself and the D.

You say that a lot.. Who do YOU give a shit about besides Trump?
List everyone who ran for President on a pro-American worker platform in the last 30 years or stick your question up your anus.
The U.S. economy added 916,000 jobs last month and the unemployment rate fell to 6 percent, in the strongest indication yet that the labor market is finally working its way back to pre-pandemic norms as the number of vaccinations continues to rise.

The hiring and employment data, released Friday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, firmly beat economists' predictions of 675,000 positions added.

Biden economic recovery 2.0
God Bless President Trump for creating those jobs.
Hypocrite, you said they new president gets credit for jobs since their election.

According to you, Biden added 1.3 million jobs so far.

Hypocrite, you said for 8 years Bush was the reason for Obama was such a repeated failure.

Now you're lying again. Why would I have said he failed? He handed Trump an economy at full employment along with a record high stock market. The Golden days.
Obamamessiah left with a 4.7% unemployment vs Trumps record low 3.5%
So? To get to 3.5%, Trump only had to go down 1.2 percentage points from 4.7%. For Obama to get to 4.7%, he had to go down 5.3 percentage points from 10%.

Regardless, Obama still handed Trump 4.7% unemployment and dropping, and we were at full employment when Trump took over.
When’s the last time you worked at Duncan Donuts?
Would you?
If it was the only job I could get and I needed money that badly, sure.
Sadly enough, that was the average type of job GW/Obama left behind.
Prove it...
Disprove it when malls were closing down and construction was at an all time low.
Malls were dying, retail wasn't, even before covid. Maybe you're just 100 years old and don't know how to shop online? Construction was down because there was a massive recession due to housing markets crashing and credit markets locking up, which began under Bush, not Obama. Exactly how fucked in the head are you to not know that??

That still doesn't prove your idiotic claim that Dunkin Donut type jobs were the average under both those presidents.

In fact, reality proves you're a special kind of fucking moron....

The average hourly income was about $21 when Obama left office, while the highest minimum wage job, and only in several states, paid $15. Many were under $10/hour.


... and that's only considering hourly jobs. Salaried jobs pay higher. So now this thread sees you were simply flat out lying which explains why you ran away from proving your claim -- because it's bullshit.

Malls were dying and MDs, thanks to the ACA, were being laid off by the thousands because MDs were forced to sell their practices to business people who were keeping the MDs for 2 years and replacing them with Indian BVs.
The BLS, of course, lies about MDs suddenly being unemployed and explained that the US needed more MDs due to open borders.

The BLS will manipulate any and all of their formulas to keep from having their asses fired.

Macy’s, Lord & Taylor, etc were firing Americans left and right and replacing them with the non-English speaking IT Indians who were laid off by the 2007 crash.

You will parrot anything for the letter D.
I presume you don’t live in a major city because you never seem to know what goes on in real life.

You're a flaming imbecile who repeatedly spouts mindless shit you can't prove. Who on Earth knows why anyone in their right mind would believe you over the BLS, when you yourself cites BLS statistics when it's convenient for ya.

And you suck D dick.
Biden is DESTROYING the US
By adding almost a Million new jobs?

They're not new jobs. They're jobs coming back after a shutdown. Trump has 3.5% unemployment for almost a year. Biden is almost double that. This isn't new shit, this is trying to patch up the bullshit caused by the liberal shutdown of America.
tRump only added like 6.5 million jobs in his whole term, if I recall correctly. President Joe just added 20% of that in a single month.

You're wrong. Trump created 7 million out of the Obama mess he was handed.

Lets see how Biden does once the fake covid jobs numbers settle down.

Pretty ugly when each dollar you have buys you less of everything you want.

Kinda funny most of the states experiencing the worst gas price hikes are blue states.

LOL.. Trump loves to claim he inherited and "Obama mess".. but you know Trump. Always the braggart and liar.

It was the Obama mess. The unemployment was high, the job growth was flat, wages were flat. It was a dead economy. The day Trump won the economy started to soar on hopes a real businessman could lead this country out of the Obama doldrums. And he did. Then he got slammed with the Chinky virus.
Who told you those lies? And why did you believe them?

View attachment 475391

Yea kinda sad when people give up finding work. If the economy was so good why did 14.6 million leave the work force under Obama?

With 14.6 million leaving the work force, the unemployment is bound to come down, but not for a good reason.
6 million left the workforce under Tramp in only 4 years. So Tramp's UE went down for the same bad reason!!!
They left the workforce when they made more money staying home from the leftyflu

Wow.. They must have been paid minimum wage.
A lot of professionals have been working from home.

Then they're still in the workforce, ijit. Out of the workforce doesn't mean working, just not on site of the business.

So get a job at Dunkin Donuts and live in a slum.
To feel other people’s pain.
You obviously don’t give a shit about anybody but yourself and the D.
That's another Abbie Normal response given it's the D's, and not the R's, who champion raising the minimum wage.
Biden is DESTROYING the US
By adding almost a Million new jobs?

They're not new jobs. They're jobs coming back after a shutdown. Trump has 3.5% unemployment for almost a year. Biden is almost double that. This isn't new shit, this is trying to patch up the bullshit caused by the liberal shutdown of America.
tRump only added like 6.5 million jobs in his whole term, if I recall correctly. President Joe just added 20% of that in a single month.

You're wrong. Trump created 7 million out of the Obama mess he was handed.

Lets see how Biden does once the fake covid jobs numbers settle down.

Pretty ugly when each dollar you have buys you less of everything you want.

Kinda funny most of the states experiencing the worst gas price hikes are blue states.

LOL.. Trump loves to claim he inherited and "Obama mess".. but you know Trump. Always the braggart and liar.

It was the Obama mess. The unemployment was high, the job growth was flat, wages were flat. It was a dead economy. The day Trump won the economy started to soar on hopes a real businessman could lead this country out of the Obama doldrums. And he did. Then he got slammed with the Chinky virus.
Who told you those lies? And why did you believe them?

View attachment 475391

Yea kinda sad when people give up finding work. If the economy was so good why did 14.6 million leave the work force under Obama?

With 14.6 million leaving the work force, the unemployment is bound to come down, but not for a good reason.
6 million left the workforce under Tramp in only 4 years. So Tramp's UE went down for the same bad reason!!!
They left the workforce when they made more money staying home from the leftyflu

Wow.. They must have been paid minimum wage.
A lot of professionals have been working from home.

Then they're still in the workforce, ijit. Out of the workforce doesn't mean working, just not on site of the business.

So get a job at Dunkin Donuts and live in a slum.
To feel other people’s pain.
You obviously don’t give a shit about anybody but yourself and the D.
That's another Abbie Normal response given it's the D's, and not the R's, who champion raising the minimum wage.
Both parties suck.
The U.S. economy added 916,000 jobs last month and the unemployment rate fell to 6 percent, in the strongest indication yet that the labor market is finally working its way back to pre-pandemic norms as the number of vaccinations continues to rise.

The hiring and employment data, released Friday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, firmly beat economists' predictions of 675,000 positions added.

Biden economic recovery 2.0
God Bless President Trump for creating those jobs.
Hypocrite, you said they new president gets credit for jobs since their election.

According to you, Biden added 1.3 million jobs so far.

Hypocrite, you said for 8 years Bush was the reason for Obama was such a repeated failure.

Now you're lying again. Why would I have said he failed? He handed Trump an economy at full employment along with a record high stock market. The Golden days.
Obamamessiah left with a 4.7% unemployment vs Trumps record low 3.5%
So? To get to 3.5%, Trump only had to go down 1.2 percentage points from 4.7%. For Obama to get to 4.7%, he had to go down 5.3 percentage points from 10%.

Regardless, Obama still handed Trump 4.7% unemployment and dropping, and we were at full employment when Trump took over.
When’s the last time you worked at Duncan Donuts?
Would you?
If it was the only job I could get and I needed money that badly, sure.
Sadly enough, that was the average type of job GW/Obama left behind.
Prove it...
Disprove it when malls were closing down and construction was at an all time low.
Malls were dying, retail wasn't, even before covid. Maybe you're just 100 years old and don't know how to shop online? Construction was down because there was a massive recession due to housing markets crashing and credit markets locking up, which began under Bush, not Obama. Exactly how fucked in the head are you to not know that??

That still doesn't prove your idiotic claim that Dunkin Donut type jobs were the average under both those presidents.

In fact, reality proves you're a special kind of fucking moron....

The average hourly income was about $21 when Obama left office, while the highest minimum wage job, and only in several states, paid $15. Many were under $10/hour.


... and that's only considering hourly jobs. Salaried jobs pay higher. So now this thread sees you were simply flat out lying which explains why you ran away from proving your claim -- because it's bullshit.

Malls were dying and MDs, thanks to the ACA, were being laid off by the thousands because MDs were forced to sell their practices to business people who were keeping the MDs for 2 years and replacing them with Indian BVs.
The BLS, of course, lies about MDs suddenly being unemployed and explained that the US needed more MDs due to open borders.

The BLS will manipulate any and all of their formulas to keep from having their asses fired.

Macy’s, Lord & Taylor, etc were firing Americans left and right and replacing them with the non-English speaking IT Indians who were laid off by the 2007 crash.

You will parrot anything for the letter D.
I presume you don’t live in a major city because you never seem to know what goes on in real life.

You're a flaming imbecile who repeatedly spouts mindless shit you can't prove. Who on Earth knows why anyone in their right mind would believe you over the BLS, when you yourself cites BLS statistics when it's convenient for ya.

And you suck D dick.
Sorry, you'll have to troll for your dates elsewhere. I only have sex with women. And since getting married, only with my wife. Unlike Donald "The Loser" Trump.
Biden is DESTROYING the US
By adding almost a Million new jobs?

They're not new jobs. They're jobs coming back after a shutdown. Trump has 3.5% unemployment for almost a year. Biden is almost double that. This isn't new shit, this is trying to patch up the bullshit caused by the liberal shutdown of America.
tRump only added like 6.5 million jobs in his whole term, if I recall correctly. President Joe just added 20% of that in a single month.

You're wrong. Trump created 7 million out of the Obama mess he was handed.

Lets see how Biden does once the fake covid jobs numbers settle down.

Pretty ugly when each dollar you have buys you less of everything you want.

Kinda funny most of the states experiencing the worst gas price hikes are blue states.

LOL.. Trump loves to claim he inherited and "Obama mess".. but you know Trump. Always the braggart and liar.

It was the Obama mess. The unemployment was high, the job growth was flat, wages were flat. It was a dead economy. The day Trump won the economy started to soar on hopes a real businessman could lead this country out of the Obama doldrums. And he did. Then he got slammed with the Chinky virus.
Who told you those lies? And why did you believe them?

View attachment 475391

Yea kinda sad when people give up finding work. If the economy was so good why did 14.6 million leave the work force under Obama?

With 14.6 million leaving the work force, the unemployment is bound to come down, but not for a good reason.
6 million left the workforce under Tramp in only 4 years. So Tramp's UE went down for the same bad reason!!!
They left the workforce when they made more money staying home from the leftyflu

Wow.. They must have been paid minimum wage.
A lot of professionals have been working from home.

Then they're still in the workforce, ijit. Out of the workforce doesn't mean working, just not on site of the business.

So get a job at Dunkin Donuts and live in a slum.
To feel other people’s pain.
You obviously don’t give a shit about anybody but yourself and the D.

You say that a lot.. Who do YOU give a shit about besides Trump?
List everyone who ran for President on a pro-American worker platform in the last 30 years or stick your question up your anus.

Trump wasn't pro-worker.. He has employed illegals since the 1970s when he hired illegal Polish construction workers.. and he's hired illegals for all his golf resorts and hotels.
You are delusional.. NOBODY wanted this crisis at the border.
So why did Biden create it. I remember when kids in cages was a bad thing, now it's good.

Biden didn't create the crisis and he didn't take children away from their parents. These kids are UNACCOMPANIED minors.
And they all rushed in on hearing Uncle Joe was going to take all the little kiddies in. Your joking, right? Joe owns this one 100%.

It's a fucking mess.
The U.S. economy added 916,000 jobs last month and the unemployment rate fell to 6 percent, in the strongest indication yet that the labor market is finally working its way back to pre-pandemic norms as the number of vaccinations continues to rise.

The hiring and employment data, released Friday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, firmly beat economists' predictions of 675,000 positions added.

Biden economic recovery 2.0
God Bless President Trump for creating those jobs.
Hypocrite, you said they new president gets credit for jobs since their election.

According to you, Biden added 1.3 million jobs so far.

Hypocrite, you said for 8 years Bush was the reason for Obama was such a repeated failure.

Now you're lying again. Why would I have said he failed? He handed Trump an economy at full employment along with a record high stock market. The Golden days.
Obamamessiah left with a 4.7% unemployment vs Trumps record low 3.5%
So? To get to 3.5%, Trump only had to go down 1.2 percentage points from 4.7%. For Obama to get to 4.7%, he had to go down 5.3 percentage points from 10%.

Regardless, Obama still handed Trump 4.7% unemployment and dropping, and we were at full employment when Trump took over.
When’s the last time you worked at Duncan Donuts?
Would you?
If it was the only job I could get and I needed money that badly, sure.
Sadly enough, that was the average type of job GW/Obama left behind.
Prove it...
Disprove it when malls were closing down and construction was at an all time low.
Malls were dying, retail wasn't, even before covid. Maybe you're just 100 years old and don't know how to shop online? Construction was down because there was a massive recession due to housing markets crashing and credit markets locking up, which began under Bush, not Obama. Exactly how fucked in the head are you to not know that??

That still doesn't prove your idiotic claim that Dunkin Donut type jobs were the average under both those presidents.

In fact, reality proves you're a special kind of fucking moron....

The average hourly income was about $21 when Obama left office, while the highest minimum wage job, and only in several states, paid $15. Many were under $10/hour.


... and that's only considering hourly jobs. Salaried jobs pay higher. So now this thread sees you were simply flat out lying which explains why you ran away from proving your claim -- because it's bullshit.

Malls were dying and MDs, thanks to the ACA, were being laid off by the thousands because MDs were forced to sell their practices to business people who were keeping the MDs for 2 years and replacing them with Indian BVs.
The BLS, of course, lies about MDs suddenly being unemployed and explained that the US needed more MDs due to open borders.

The BLS will manipulate any and all of their formulas to keep from having their asses fired.

Macy’s, Lord & Taylor, etc were firing Americans left and right and replacing them with the non-English speaking IT Indians who were laid off by the 2007 crash.

You will parrot anything for the letter D.
I presume you don’t live in a major city because you never seem to know what goes on in real life.

You're a flaming imbecile who repeatedly spouts mindless shit you can't prove. Who on Earth knows why anyone in their right mind would believe you over the BLS, when you yourself cites BLS statistics when it's convenient for ya.

And you suck D dick.
Sorry, you'll have to troll for your dates elsewhere. I only have sex with women. And since getting married, only with my wife. Unlike Donald "The Loser" Trump.
I have zero idea how my post inspired the first sentence of your post.
Biden is DESTROYING the US
By adding almost a Million new jobs?

They're not new jobs. They're jobs coming back after a shutdown. Trump has 3.5% unemployment for almost a year. Biden is almost double that. This isn't new shit, this is trying to patch up the bullshit caused by the liberal shutdown of America.
tRump only added like 6.5 million jobs in his whole term, if I recall correctly. President Joe just added 20% of that in a single month.

You're wrong. Trump created 7 million out of the Obama mess he was handed.

Lets see how Biden does once the fake covid jobs numbers settle down.

Pretty ugly when each dollar you have buys you less of everything you want.

Kinda funny most of the states experiencing the worst gas price hikes are blue states.

LOL.. Trump loves to claim he inherited and "Obama mess".. but you know Trump. Always the braggart and liar.

It was the Obama mess. The unemployment was high, the job growth was flat, wages were flat. It was a dead economy. The day Trump won the economy started to soar on hopes a real businessman could lead this country out of the Obama doldrums. And he did. Then he got slammed with the Chinky virus.
Who told you those lies? And why did you believe them?

View attachment 475391

Yea kinda sad when people give up finding work. If the economy was so good why did 14.6 million leave the work force under Obama?

With 14.6 million leaving the work force, the unemployment is bound to come down, but not for a good reason.
6 million left the workforce under Tramp in only 4 years. So Tramp's UE went down for the same bad reason!!!
They left the workforce when they made more money staying home from the leftyflu

Wow.. They must have been paid minimum wage.
A lot of professionals have been working from home.

Then they're still in the workforce, ijit. Out of the workforce doesn't mean working, just not on site of the business.

So get a job at Dunkin Donuts and live in a slum.
To feel other people’s pain.
You obviously don’t give a shit about anybody but yourself and the D.

You say that a lot.. Who do YOU give a shit about besides Trump?
List everyone who ran for President on a pro-American worker platform in the last 30 years or stick your question up your anus.

Trump wasn't pro-worker.. He has employed illegals since the 1970s when he hired illegal Polish construction workers.. and he's hired illegals for all his golf resorts and hotels.
Thanks for perpetrating a lie that was disproven when 60 Minutes interviewed Trump prior to his winning.
It’s fascinating how little self-obsessed people such as yourself can’t let go of lies.

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