The Biden Question or What do you think of me now, boys?


Council to Supreme Soviet
Dec 12, 2009
People's Republic
With all the recent reports of Citizen Hillary’s problems with emails and Bill’s befriending of billionaire pedophiles, the DNC has begun to question if her primary qualification of having ‘lady parts’ can overcome these issues to become the next President. While our associates in the MSM will do their best to protect her, some things cannot be overcome.

As such the central committee has learned that one candidate driven by a true passion to be President and maddened by the overlooking of his possibility due to him being assigned as a male at birth and his parents not fixing it for him, has made the ultimate sacrifice to become qualified for President.

Joe Biden, unbeknownst to this committee, went and had sex reassignment surgery to become the proper sex to be qualified for the President.

I present to the you the next President of the US, “Josephina” Biden


Obviously, such passion and commitment will resonate with the voter and the added bonus of having our first transgender President.

Side Note:
Biden did donate his old parts to NOW so that they could burn them in a ceremony to celebrate his decision to become ‘one of the girls’. Since the ceremony was also to celebrate Mother Earth, no carbon was released, according to 97% of scientists.
What passes as political satire for conservatives
truth hurts
truth is the worst enemy of the left

I mentioned it on another thread but conservatives have a pitiful sense of political humor. No wit, no sense of satire, no political relevance

Stuff like you post highlights the difficulties conservatives have in using humor to their advantage

Look everyone......Biden made up like a woman
Look everyone....I made Liz Warren look like an Indian sqaw

Hey....did ha see this one? Obama made up like an ape
because it hits at the key points and truth of the matter
Like Papa Obama she has nothing to offer except

Her belonging to a certain sex somehow qualifies her

truth hurts
when one realizes the Democrats have nothing real to offer

Hasn't the US suffered enough under the Democrat's current
experiment with a under-qualified, overrated and inexperienced
politician as President?

Your reaction, shows how it does worry the left
thank you
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because it hits at the key points and truth of the matter
Like Papa Obama she has nothing to offer except

Her belonging to a certain sex somehow qualifies her

truth hurts
when one realizes the Democrats have nothing real to offer

Hasn't the US suffered enough under the Democrat's current
experiment with a under-qualified, overrated and inexperienced
politician as President?

Your reaction, shows how it does worry the left
thank you

Sorry, but is the OP the best you are capable of?

Seriously, what you find to be funny is a good indicator of the depth of your intellect.

Please tell us you are just having a bad day
seeing your reaction
just shows me how correct, I am
on so many points in the post.

In the spirit of the post and your reaction
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks"

thank you
truth hurts
truth is the worst enemy of the left

I mentioned it on another thread but conservatives have a pitiful sense of political humor. No wit, no sense of satire, no political relevance

Stuff like you post highlights the difficulties conservatives have in using humor to their advantage

Look everyone......Biden made up like a woman
Look everyone....I made Liz Warren look like an Indian sqaw

Hey....did ha see this one? Obama made up like an ape

Warren as a squaw, well for abusing a minority status to her
advantage, most would agree she deserves it

Obama like an ape, Michelle thing
never did it

If fact in one posting I even said it was harsh


'Planet Of The Apes' Comment Towards Michelle Obama

it was rather harsh of him

should have stuck with the basics
like aliens

so they are all conservatives, the frat boys?

or is this one of your opinions you project on people
like the one that a 13 yr old that you claimed asked for sex with an adult (Polanski) ?

or is this like the one where progressives think black should only think and act a
certain way, thus conservative blacks are somehow disingenuous?

My, how progressive of you ...

One suspects we know what the answer is..

But thank you for posting
it reaffirms the Democrats issues with Hillary

Side note:
it won't be so creepy now when Biden gets close to women/girls
for photo ops
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so they are all conservatives, the frat boys?

or is this one of your opinions you project on people
like the one that a 13 yr old that you claimed asked for sex with an adult (Polanski) ?

Man, dude, you are realy bent out of shape about something that happened 40 years ago that the woman involved doesn't care about anymore.

or is this like the one where progressives think black should only think and act a
certain way, thus conservative blacks are somehow disingenuous?

You mean some uncle tom gets up there and tells white people what they want to hear and laughs all the way to the bank. THat sounds disingenuous to me.

My, how progressive of you ...

One suspects we know what the answer is..

But thank you for posting
it reaffirms the Democrats issues with Hillary

Side note:
it won't be so creepy now when Biden gets close to women/girls
for photo ops

Meh, i don't think Biden is running because he isn't doing the things you do when you get ready to run. He's not hiring staff and he's not raising money.

I don't care much about Hillary one way or the other. I'm a registered Republican, and there are a few guys on the GOP side I might vote for over her.

But you fuckheads are probably going to nominate Bush, and the country will not be brain dead enough to put a third Bush in the White House after the first two were complete disasters.
could care less, I just enjoy how it makes you crazy, more than usual :)

Uncle Tom
very progressive

Hopefully not Bush
I am not registered with any political party
too many calls and mailings

Biden, no he was busy getting the surgery :)

of course, it might explain all those creepy photo ops..

he was getting so close and hands on in those photos-
to check out the clothes and textures for future reference
could care less, I just enjoy how it makes you crazy, more than usual :)

Why do you keep bringing it up, then?

Uncle Tom
very progressive

Just pointing out what other blacks think. If Ben Carson goes ahead in front of the NAACP with his 'We sho be shiftless" schtick, then I'd take him seriously.

Hopefully not Bush
I am not registered with any political party
too many calls and mailings

Oh, they'll nominate BUsh and you'll be back here supporting him because Hillary's vajayjay scares you... and then when he loses, you'll claim it was because he wasn't a "real" conservative.
could care less, I just enjoy how it makes you crazy, more than usual :)

Why do you keep bringing it up, then?


Uncle Tom
very progressive
Just pointing out what other blacks think. If Ben Carson goes ahead in front of the NAACP with his 'We sho be shiftless" schtick, then I'd take him seriously.

What you assume they think...
really safer bet that most white Democrats think it as well
with their racism of low expectations

Hopefully not Bush
I am not registered with any political party
too many calls and mailings

Oh, they'll nominate BUsh and you'll be back here supporting him because Hillary's vajayjay scares you... and then when he losefs, you'll claim it was because he wasn't a "real" conservative.

Well he is not conservative enough
plus the baggage of the Bush name
Americans also don't like anything that smells like "royalty"

Which is why, MSM, DNC and the left who pretend to be "Republicans"
will push for him - they assume he will lose

Working for anyone who challenges Hillary, she comes across as old and tired, fake, dishonest, and not warm at all. Plus the sense of entitlement that the MSM and Hillary both show
is a real turn off to people..

" Hillary's vajayjay scares you."
probably not seeing it, just having to smell it
could be scary- who knows, perhaps we could ask Huma?
Maybe it is like all her business deals- fishy as hell :)

Granted, it seems the biggest qualifying factor for Democrats and her only "claim" to be President ....
but we see how poorly their current experiment worked out with supporting some under qualified person for President based on identity politics - who wants to repeat that mistake, again ?
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What you assume they think...
really safer bet that most white Democrats think it as well
with their racism of low expectations

Well, no, a lotof them have come out and said so. You can succeed without being a total sellout.

Well he is not conservative enough
plus the baggage of the Bush name
Americans also don't like anything that smells like "royalty"

The Kennedys and the Bushes would say otherwise.

Which is why, MSM, DNC and the left who pretend to be "Republicans" will push for him - they assume he will lose

No, the reason why he'll win the nomination is because you fuckhead nuts really don't run the GOP, as much as you like to think you do. You end up supporting who they tell you to support, because you don't have the balls to form a third party that will only get 3% of the vote.

Working for anyone who challenges Hillary, she comes across as old and tired, fake, dishonest, and not warm at all. Plus the sense of entitlement that the MSM and Hillary both show
is a real turn off to people..

Which people are that. The polls show she beats anyone in the Clown Car.
What you assume they think...
really safer bet that most white Democrats think it as well
with their racism of low expectations

Well, no, a lotof them have come out and said so. You can succeed without being a total sellout.

Well he is not conservative enough
plus the baggage of the Bush name
Americans also don't like anything that smells like "royalty"

The Kennedys and the Bushes would say otherwise.

Which is why, MSM, DNC and the left who pretend to be "Republicans" will push for him - they assume he will lose

No, the reason why he'll win the nomination is because you fuckhead nuts really don't run the GOP, as much as you like to think you do. You end up supporting who they tell you to support, because you don't have the balls to form a third party that will only get 3% of the vote.

Working for anyone who challenges Hillary, she comes across as old and tired, fake, dishonest, and not warm at all. Plus the sense of entitlement that the MSM and Hillary both show
is a real turn off to people..

Which people are that. The polls show she beats anyone in the Clown Car.

Polls this early from low information voters are
mostly based on name recognition-- If polls were always correct, Romney should be President.

While her " vajayjay ' (in your words) can be a good asset for some things, if that is all one brings to the table as the main thing,
then it is not enough qualification for being President. The last experiment with identity politics,
to get an under-qualified person like Papa Obama as President has been an unmitigated disaster
for the US. Why repeat the same mistakes?

As for other things, again probably best to ask Huma or Bill.

Not a matter of "balls" but common sense...
One has to doubt that all Democrats are always happy with the selected candidate

As your own posts points to,,, it would only split the vote and help the Democrat

Jeb, would still be a better alternative to anything the Democrats have to offer
at worst, he would at least slow up the impacts of the damage done or planned out by Papa Obama's crappy policies.

There are a lot of great qualified people who happen to be women
that should be President

Hillary is not one of them....

and to keep it on topic .....
which is why, when her ship has sailed
Josephina Biden will be ready to step in... :)
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Polls this early from low information voters are
mostly based on name recognition-- If polls were always correct, Romney should be President.

Repeating a phrase from a fat drug addict you hear on the radio does not impress.

Jeb, would still be a better alternative to anything the Democrats have to offer
at worst, he would at least slow up the impacts of the damage done or planned out by Papa Obama's crappy policies.

no, he wouldn't. His father was a fuckup and his brother was a fuckup. If you guys really want to make this an argument of Bush vs. Clinton, I suspect that's an argument the Democrats would LOVE to have.
Well now, when it comes to the polls, you are being disingenuous and silly
when you know it is too early.

I never said Jeb could be beat Hillary,
It was the point that the Democrats last experiment with Identity politics and Papa Obama
produced the mess and nightmare we have today from promoting under-qualified candidates.

As such, anything the Republican offer would be a better choice

Indeed, with the Democrats and a high chance Clinton could self destruct,
their crappy identity politics would force them to run Warren at this point.

Of course with her baggage, they would have to increase the stakes,
One can see it now - Warren could make some more false claims about herself
and then the democrats could try the "first Indian Lesbian" running for President or the first
black Indian Lesbian. If her statement that she has "high cheek bones" makes her an Indian
I suppose she could claim Black and then she would say it is because of her "pronounced nose" or something.

Who knows, maybe Warren be willing to cut off some body part and
then the Democrats could run the first handicap Indian women for President
or the whole thing first black Indian handicapped lesbian women for President :)

wow, talk about qualified

Which is why ....

if her ship has sailed and the Indian Lesbian angle does not work
Josephina Biden will be ready to step in... :)
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Well now, when it comes to the polls, you are being disingenuous and silly
when you know it is too early.

I never said Jeb could be beat Hillary,
It was the point that the Democrats last experiment with Identity politics and Papa Obama
produced the mess and nightmare we have today from promoting under-qualified candidates.

Guy, the only person Obama is a nightmare for is people like you who shit their pants at the thought of a black man in the White House. Obama hasn't gotten anywhere near the ability to fuck things up that the Bushes did.

Indeed, with the Democrats and a high chance Clinton could self destruct,
their crappy identity politics would force them to run Warren at this p


Are you typing that shit with one hand? Because, frankly, after nearly 20 years of watching, "Boy, We got the Clintons THIS time," that prediction is getting a bit silly. Maybe you guys need to stop using the Wile E. Coyote strategy of getting elected.

Of course with her baggage, they would have to increase the stakes,
One can see it now - Warren could make some more false claims about herself
and then the democrats could try the "first Indian Lesbian" running for President

I think what you are failing to realize is what your real problem is.

Your problem is NOT that the democrats are using some kind of devious Jedi MInd trick called "Identity Politics".

Your problem is that after 40 years of pandering to the fears of white males to get them to vote against their own economic interests, you've managed to alienate women and minorities.

The GOP has become a collection of crazy people unified only by their hate of Obama. Once he's out of the picture, what do you got? Hatred of Hillary?
The Democrats debasing politics into Identity Politics is one of the major problems of our current system.

Using the dubious claims of racism is easy for the Democrats, because they have devolved from
a political party into some-kind of cult worship of their political leaders. Such things never work
well for the body politic.

If Hillary actually runs and wins, no doubt the cult worship will come back with claims
of "misogyny", they hate strong women,, etc If anyone questions her crappy policies as well.

The only one stuck on the race of Papa Obama are the Democrats.
Really, since the Democrats are the party of slavery, segregation and socialism, it only makes sense.
They have always been racist in some fashion, only now they have picked a different race.
Really, pandering to fears is done best by Democrats with blacks...

50 years of voting Democrat have gotten them so little- unless never ending poverty, terrible neighborhoods, broken families, is somehow considered a "win"
Seriously, if a real racist against blacks wanted to "hurt" blacks, he or she could not have
picked a better system than the one Democrats promote.

The mere fact that Papa Obama denied future school vouchers for poor black kids to
go to the same school as his daughters, tells us all we need to know about pandering to people's fears to vote against their self interest.

Of course, the whole false narrative of "hands-up"... talk about playing on people's fears
Never mind the hundred of needless deaths of black on black crime- look over here
at white police officers (and vote for us )

Talk about selling someone a "bag of goods"...


It just came to me .......

Hillary and Warren could claim they have both "evolved" into Lesbians and they are now a couple
and they are going to run for President and Vice President.

Really, it could even be one of those Unitarian style marriages where Bill and them are "married"
No doubt Bill wouldn't mind the thought of DP action, though one suspects with his befriending of
billionaire pedophiles, he may have had something else in mind....

Regardless - wow

Lesbian/bi "tri-marriage" involving a Native American

it could work !

If not
Josephina Biden will be ready to step in... :)
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