The Big Fucking Lie That Everyone Is Repeating This Week

Trump knew the severity of the virus and he ADMITTED that He purposely downplayed it because he was afraid of political blowback..

Go gas light someone else with that bullshit
Trump knew the severity of the virus and he ADMITTED that He purposely downplayed it because he was afraid of political blowback..

Go gas light someone else with that bullshit
Yawn..........He did it while your side was having a hug a Chinaman day in New York and San Fransicko........Then bitched later how he did nothing.

One day your side might make up it's mind........doubt it .......because you just fart into the wind and follow the wind.
And as usual....right wingers begin the revision game...same shit they initially tried with Bush...

Started out trying to rewrite history to justify invading Iraq...then when it was clear that rehabilitating bush wasn't going to work...they just up and pretended they were against Bush and the war all along..

Now with Trump, they are claiming that Trump and his admin took mitigation tactics against COVID seriously all along...when in reality, Trump and Trumpers whined and bitched about every mitigation tactic.. especially if it caused them personal inconvenience..and they still do...but if Trumpers couldn't gaslight -- they would have no light at all...when it's no longer feasible to rehabilitate Trump, they will do him like they did bush
1) the iraq war xiden voted for?
2) he did, ask Fauci the Great, he said he did
Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?

I have an eidetic memory, I never forget. The DNC pustules change their stories and lies more often than the wind changes direction. If Dems ever told the truth their faces would split open.
They'd certainly never get elected to anything.

1) the iraq war xiden voted for?
2) he did, ask Fauci the Great, he said he did
Yes, the war Biden and many Democrats voted for? Your point??

I am not married to a party therefore I don't have to twist myself into pretzels to defend everything a democrat does...

But I do know that when folks like me opposed iraq, it was folks like you who called us terrorists..

So I could give a fuck that you all want to pretend you were against the war all along... because that would be bullshit...

Just like your attempt to claim you folks took mitigation measures against COVID seriously...that is bullshit too...
No. Trump said he didn’t want everyone to go into a panic mode.
Trump wanted to stop testing, Trump politicized wearing masks, he claimed the virus will go away in a few days even tho it was bullshit... so please spare me about panic...

You are the same goofy morons who claim every month that caravans are coming to rape everyone, that Communists are coming to get us, Muslims are taking over -- all you morons do is fearmonger and manufacture fake that bullshit on someone else
Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

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While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

The beauty now is that the unvacinnated, maskless Trump Cult is clogging up the hospitals and morgues. The virus is running amuck among them. Hopefully it continues; the best thing for the country is for that mob to get gone. Bigly!!!
The beauty now is that the unvacinnated, maskless Trump Cult is clogging up the hospitals and morgues. The virus is running amuck among them. Hopefully it continues; the best thing for the country is for that mob to get gone. Bigly!!!
Yes.....death to your neighbors.
Why don't you save everyone the trouble and just do a few drive-by shootings while you're at it.
BTW, you're a putz.

FYI, I've never seen the Dr's waiting rooms so empty. Went to a couple at the hospital the last two weeks and hardly anyone is there.
Yes, the war Biden and many Democrats voted for? Your point??

I am not married to a party therefore I don't have to twist myself into pretzels to defend everything a democrat does...

But I do know that when folks like me opposed iraq, it was folks like you who called us terrorists..

So I could give a fuck that you all want to pretend you were against the war all along... because that would be bullshit...

Just like your attempt to claim you folks took mitigation measures against COVID seriously...that is bullshit too...
nah i never called you a terrorist

i wasn’t against the war, and i’m still not. I think the obama/xiden disaster of a pull out was a epic failure obviously
Trump wanted to stop testing, Trump politicized wearing masks, he claimed the virus will go away in a few days even tho it was bullshit... so please spare me about panic...

You are the same goofy morons who claim every month that caravans are coming to rape everyone, that Communists are coming to get us, Muslims are taking over -- all you morons do is fearmonger and manufacture fake that bullshit on someone else
You’re good at blanket labeling and posting lies, aren’t you Biff?

Lies from your post: entire 2nd paragraph. Call me out for my own statements. Anything beyond that just proves that you enjoy lying.
Lol! Every “expert.” A claim “fact checked” by Facebook?

Crappy, you still suck at this. You have no credibility of any kind.
Is this echo chamber so boring that you have to go back and dig up my posts from a year ago when I'm not here?

This is just sad, guys.
Is this echo chamber so boring that you have to go back and dig up my posts from a year ago when I'm not here?

This is just sad, guys.
Man you have a big ego for a Crap stain.

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