The Big Fucking Lie That Everyone Is Repeating This Week

Trump may have delivered the vaccine but he failed to deliver supporters who were willing to get the vaccine
One of the most ridiculous posts I’ve ever read. I know Democrats who aren’t vaccInated and now have COVID. It’s Joe Xiden’s job to deal with all of it, even people who don’t agree with him. Imagine that. Unfortunately Joe has failed miserably.
One of the most ridiculous posts I’ve ever read. I know Democrats who aren’t vaccInated and now have COVID. It’s Joe Xiden’s job to deal with all of it, even people who don’t agree with him. Imagine that. Unfortunately Joe has failed miserably.
Democrats are overwhelmingly vaccinated

It is the MAGA republicans who refuse to vaccinate
Trumps fault
Democrats are overwhelmingly vaccinated

It is the MAGA republicans who refuse to vaccinate
Trumps fault
Even if true its irrelevant. Joe Xiden owns it all. Joe is responsible the people that refuse to vaccinate. Sure, how nice it would be for any president to walk into office and make all citizens do what he wants by executive order. But it doesn’t work that way. Face it. Joe has failed us. YOU failed us by voting for a man with no plan. COVID is way worse now.
Even if true its irrelevant. Joe Xiden owns it all. Joe is responsible the people that refuse to vaccinate. Sure, how nice it would be for any president to walk into office and make all citizens do what he wants by executive order. But it doesn’t work that way. Face it. Joe has failed us. YOU failed us by voting for a man with no plan. COVID is way worse now.
Our President did not anticipate the lies and misinformation coming from the Rightwing media.
Where shall we start….

Covid is no worse than a cold or flu
Masks and Social Distancing don’t work
Vaccines are dangerous and are more likely to kill you than protect you
You are better off just getting Covid
Oh like the multiple lies told by dumb Joe and lil’ Lyin’ Fauci?
Democrats are overwhelmingly vaccinated

It is the MAGA republicans who refuse to vaccinate
Trumps fault
It is on the guy who promised to unite America. What has he done to unite America? Vaccine mandates? Using scare tactics on the unvaccinated? He has done little to unite America. He shouldn't promise what he can't deliver. He is like past Presidents, they promise what he can't deliver.
Trump blocked some travel from China and then declared “Mission Accomplished”

What else was there for him to do?

While Trump was announcing the Virus was beaten, cases would not rise and quickly go down to zero and comparing the virus to the flu, he should have been using the time to get tests out there, urge isolation and gathering respirators
No he didn't. But you say he did.

Who actually did say that was top Democrats. The videos of them saying it are all over the place. But I understand you are unable to accept that.

He also never said the virus was beaten. But Biden did, and so did Fauci and so did Biden's CDC appointment. But again, I know you can't accept that. So keep repeating it anyway, cause we all know you will.
No he didn't. But you say he did.

Who actually did say that was top Democrats. The videos of them saying it are all over the place. But I understand you are unable to accept that.

He also never said the virus was beaten. But Biden did, and so did Fauci and so did Biden's CDC appointment. But again, I know you can't accept that. So keep repeating it anyway, cause we all know you will.

But...but...but that's different!
It’s going to go away, hopefully at the end of the month. And, if not, hopefully it will be soon after that.
President Trump
March 31, 2020
But I will tell you, we’re very close to a vaccine, and we’re very close to therapeutics, really good therapeutics. And — but even without that — I don’t even like to talk about that, because it’s fading away. It’s going to fade away.
President Trump
June 17, 2020
Where shall we start….

Covid is no worse than a cold or flu
Masks and Social Distancing don’t work
Vaccines are dangerous and are more likely to kill you than protect you
You are better off just getting Covid


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