The Big Fucking Lie That Everyone Is Repeating This Week

I guess liberals forget that their previous statements are all on You Tube........You can run but you can;t hide
But we went thru that with the Iraq war. Dems were on video, all throughout the Clinton and Bush admin, making the case against Saddam and his WMDs, which he would use again.

But it didn't matter. I wish I had a dollar for every time I have had to repost those videos, or refute the ignorant left as they tried to rewrite that history.

I love how fucking ignorant you stupid Trumpettes are.

The "Dems" were calling to rein in Sadam. NOT go to fucking war.

That was your butt buddy Bush who LIED to get 4600 soldiers kilkled in Iraq.
And yet they all voted to go to war, go figure.
You're still fucking that dog? Go figure yer self. The Orange does not give a flying Fuck.
I see YOU are still trying to change or ignore facts from history.
Nope. History Is.
I guess liberals forget that their previous statements are all on You Tube........You can run but you can;t hide
But we went thru that with the Iraq war. Dems were on video, all throughout the Clinton and Bush admin, making the case against Saddam and his WMDs, which he would use again.

But it didn't matter. I wish I had a dollar for every time I have had to repost those videos, or refute the ignorant left as they tried to rewrite that history.

I love how fucking ignorant you stupid Trumpettes are.

The "Dems" were calling to rein in Sadam. NOT go to fucking war.

That was your butt buddy Bush who LIED to get 4600 soldiers kilkled in Iraq.
And yet they all voted to go to war, go figure.
You're still fucking that dog? Go figure yer self. The Orange does not give a flying Fuck.
I see YOU are still trying to change or ignore facts from history.
Nope. History Is.
History is just as I noted and you wanna pretend it never happened. Remind me if you whined when the Democrats all supported war?
I guess liberals forget that their previous statements are all on You Tube........You can run but you can;t hide
But we went thru that with the Iraq war. Dems were on video, all throughout the Clinton and Bush admin, making the case against Saddam and his WMDs, which he would use again.

But it didn't matter. I wish I had a dollar for every time I have had to repost those videos, or refute the ignorant left as they tried to rewrite that history.

I love how fucking ignorant you stupid Trumpettes are.

The "Dems" were calling to rein in Sadam. NOT go to fucking war.

That was your butt buddy Bush who LIED to get 4600 soldiers kilkled in Iraq.
And yet they all voted to go to war, go figure.
You're still fucking that dog? Go figure yer self. The Orange does not give a flying Fuck.
I see YOU are still trying to change or ignore facts from history.
Nope. History Is.
History is just as I noted and you wanna pretend it never happened. Remind me if you whined when the Democrats all supported war?

You assfucks get dumber every fucking day.

Bush presented a plan that said Bush needed the OK for military action to use as a big stick in negotiations with Iraq. He said he would use military action only as a last resort. This after telling the American people that Iraq likely had a nuclear weapon that they could sell to terrorists. "The smoking gun may be in the form of a mushroom cloud"

1) Bush lied about Iraq's nuclear and wmd programs.
2) He got the bill passed & started moving assets to invade Iraq lying about the last resort.

So assfuck, quit blaming Democrats because they were so fucking stupid as believe the President of the United States. Go fuck yourself.
I guess liberals forget that their previous statements are all on You Tube........You can run but you can;t hide
But we went thru that with the Iraq war. Dems were on video, all throughout the Clinton and Bush admin, making the case against Saddam and his WMDs, which he would use again.

But it didn't matter. I wish I had a dollar for every time I have had to repost those videos, or refute the ignorant left as they tried to rewrite that history.

I love how fucking ignorant you stupid Trumpettes are.

The "Dems" were calling to rein in Sadam. NOT go to fucking war.

That was your butt buddy Bush who LIED to get 4600 soldiers kilkled in Iraq.

I love how you fucking left-drones think that intelligence is conveyed by parroting the "correct" talking points. "I am saying the same things my heroes are, so I are SMART!" Spare me.

I could show you the quotes, but we both know that you would just start convincing yourself that they were "really" saying whatever it was your masters told you this week's rewrite is. And then a week from now, if your masters decided that NOW it was beneficial to them for you to believe that the Dems were all for nuking Iraq into glass, you'd be stating that with equal conviction.

Just a tip, not that your empty skull can hold onto it: the definition of "lie" is not "saying things while being a Republican".
I guess liberals forget that their previous statements are all on You Tube........You can run but you can;t hide
But we went thru that with the Iraq war. Dems were on video, all throughout the Clinton and Bush admin, making the case against Saddam and his WMDs, which he would use again.

But it didn't matter. I wish I had a dollar for every time I have had to repost those videos, or refute the ignorant left as they tried to rewrite that history.

I love how fucking ignorant you stupid Trumpettes are.

The "Dems" were calling to rein in Sadam. NOT go to fucking war.

That was your butt buddy Bush who LIED to get 4600 soldiers kilkled in Iraq.
And yet they all voted to go to war, go figure.
You're still fucking that dog? Go figure yer self. The Orange does not give a flying Fuck.
I see YOU are still trying to change or ignore facts from history.
Nope. History Is.
History is just as I noted and you wanna pretend it never happened. Remind me if you whined when the Democrats all supported war?

You assfucks get dumber every fucking day.

Bush presented a plan that said Bush needed the OK for military action to use as a big stick in negotiations with Iraq. He said he would use military action only as a last resort. This after telling the American people that Iraq likely had a nuclear weapon that they could sell to terrorists. "The smoking gun may be in the form of a mushroom cloud"

1) Bush lied about Iraq's nuclear and wmd programs.
2) He got the bill passed & started moving assets to invade Iraq lying about the last resort.

So assfuck, quit blaming Democrats because they were so fucking stupid as believe the President of the United States. Go fuck yourself.

"These are this week's talking points, so accept them as TRUE!!!" Thanks for sharing, Assfuck Dave. Saves so much time when we can just come straight to you to find out what your masters have ordered you left-drones to "think" currently.
And yet they all voted to go to war, go figure.
I know right?

The new Dimocrat thinking, is that flying into another nation's airspace, killing people and destroying bildings by dropping bombs on their people and installations, is not an act of war. Bill Clinton committed multiple acts of war against Saddam, Obama blew the hell out of Libya. Butaccording to these dimwits on the left, those were not acts of war, they were... well.... peaceful diplomatic discussions from a US aircraft or cruise missile silo.
Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

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While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

Biden called him a xenophobe for stopping flights from China. This should be a campaign ad.
So Watters wasn't advocating that someone kill Fauci?

This guy thought he was

Just a tip, not that your empty skull can hold onto it: the definition of "lie" is not "saying things while being a Republican".
You're not Republicans. You're magaturds. Big difference. And pretty much everything your politically radicalized tribe verbally vomits is a lie.

You've built your trough, now root around in it.
President Trump started travel bans as early as January 2020 and Democrats called him "racist" and "xenophobic" for it. While Trump was urging people to be careful Democrats were ignoring and encouraging crowds. President Trump held press conferences daily in an effort to be as transparent as possible. Unfortunately Democrats politicized the virus and even cheered at the deaths as they knew it gave them a chance to win in November 2020. Now a year later Biden is a total failure as COVID is worse than it was last year even WITH a vaccine that Trump delivered.
February 22, 2020
Interviewer: "How concerned are you?"
Trump: "Well, we've pretty much shut it down."

February 26, 2020
Press Conference
"Within a couple of days it's gonna be down to close to zero."

While he was saying these two things the local VA hospital was undertaking a 6 week project to turn a unit into a negative pressure area for the purpose of treating COVID patients.

The Govt knew how bad it was going to be.
Trump blocked some travel from China and then declared “Mission Accomplished”

What else was there for him to do?

While Trump was announcing the Virus was beaten, cases would not rise and quickly go down to zero and comparing the virus to the flu, he should have been using the time to get tests out there, urge isolation and gathering respirators
Lying commie^^^
COVID is worse than it was last year even WITH a vaccine that Trump delivered.
WITH Delta and Omicron...which are incredibly infectious

and WITH vaccine hesitant Trumpers

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