The Big Lie


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011
Where should the hardcore Trump cultists build their compound to wait for the End Times? Waco? Guyana?

And what happens when Trump kicks the bucket? Sure, the cultists will be watching each other, ready to denounce and attack any fellow cultists who aren't crying hysterically enough (See: North Korea). But after the weeping dies down, what then? How does trumpism survive without Trump?
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Big Lie.jpg
Where should the hardcore Trump cultists build their compound to wait for the End Times? Waco? Guyana?

And what happens when Trump kicks the bucket? Sure, the cultists will be watching each other, ready to denounce and attack any fellow cultists who aren't crying hysterical enough (See: North Korea). But after the weeping dies down, what then? How does trumpism survive without Trump?
You people are the cultists, the racists, the fascists and the haters. That's settled.
Projection. It is exactly what the censorship was for. It failed.

Keep buying that Trump hat, and that Trump shirt, and that Trump hoodie, and that Trump flag, and that Trump bumper stick, and that Trump ... etc., etc., etc.!

And don't forget to donate to the Trump PAC!

That's what the base is for!

Keep the Big Lie alive!

Yes there was cheating on a massive, epic scale. It was in our face. There really wasn't even much of an effort to hide it. There's more of an effort to lie about it now than there was to hide it while they were committing the cheating. But we all know, and they know too. But, democrats are corrupt trash. Hell lying to cover up their dirty work is small potatoes. They'll do whatever it takes. Problem for them is, virtually every person in America, and around the world for that matter, knows the November election was one huge cheat fest by the demtrash and their chinese commie partners in crime.

It'll catch up with them though, just give it time. The push back is picking up steam.
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Trump has just taken the "big lie" away from the media. He is not about to let anyone forget about the obvious and massive fraud.
tRump needs a new tag line. Everyone already knows what the big lie is.
Trump has just taken the "big lie" away from the media. He is not about to let anyone forget about the obvious and massive fraud.
tRump needs a new tag line. Everyone already knows what the big lie is.
Well over a hundred million think otherwise.
Trump has just taken the "big lie" away from the media. He is not about to let anyone forget about the obvious and massive fraud.
The only people that care are members of the QOP. Even regular GOP members don't give a sh*t what Trump has to say.
Trump has just taken the "big lie" away from the media. He is not about to let anyone forget about the obvious and massive fraud.
tRump needs a new tag line. Everyone already knows what the big lie is.
Well over a hundred million think otherwise.

Only 74M voted for Trump. And I got even money that if the election were reheld today, he'd lose by even more. :)

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