The Big Lie

I don't like what you do Using libertarian to justify Democrat party fascism and totalitarian government and alibiing their racism is pretty pathetic

I'm not really using the term "libertarian" any more. Not on this board. I still think the word has meaning - a radically different meaning than your conception - but words mean what people mean when they use them. And what you mean when you say "libertarian" has, apparently, utterly nothing to do with what I mean when I use the term.

So, to avoid confusion, let me state clearly that whatever it is you mean by "libertarian" - I'm not it. Clear? I want exactly nothing to do with your Trumpster statist idiocy.

What a bunch of useless hot air. And again you disagree with EVERY libertarian on the board and are saying they aren't libertarians and leftists love you. You slap each other on the butt, high five each other and grove all the time. Even Faun, who is one of the most hate filled leftists on the board. He walks up and is like you're great. Mac. The list goes on. They love the Democrat party, they love you.

So, what do I believe that you think isn't small government libertarian? Be specific.

Dayum, it really bothers you that I find some common ground with some libertarians.

Libertarian. That is singular.

And it's unclear how dblack is a libertarian, that's why I asked him.

You're not the only totalitarian leftist who likes him. And he doesn't get along either with a single libertarian on the board.

Let him answer the question, I really would like to know how it makes sense that someone formerly called a libertarian resonates only with totalitarians
You kaz, i.e., lie, again. You're no libertarian. No real libertarian would have voted for Trump.

Another leftist who says I'm not a libertarian ... who can't come up with any examples ...

Libertarians are just disenfranchised Republicans with a slight twist. Meh.

Democrats are just Nazis who miss the 1930s

So let me get this straight. Trump employs all of Hitler's tactics. Nationalism. Racism. Trump even starts his own Beer Hall Putsch. And you have the balls to call us Nazi's?

Hitler went to jail after his failed coup. Let's see if Trump follows the same path.

But also keep in mind Hitler came into power after he was let out of prison. At least in this country you can't run for POTUS if you are a convicted felon. That's why Republicans refuse to impeach him in the Senate.
Huh? What prevents a convicted felon of running for president, other than a felony of rebelling against the government?
I thought if he was convicted or impeached in the Senate then he couldn't run again.
If he was convicted of Impeachment, he could not run again; but that wouldn't make him a felon. A felon has to be convicted in a court of law and such people can run. Technically, a felon in prison could legally run, though it would make campaigning a bitch.
No, a felon could not run. You have to be a registered voter to run for office. I believe only one state allows felons to register.
I hadn't considered that but I'm not sure that matters. For one, I don't know if felons lose their voters registration or if their names are simply taken off the voter roles. For another, I'm not sure a person has to be registered with a party to run for president. Especially given the only Constitutional requirements are at least 35 years of age, a natural born citizen, and not already served 2 terms.

That's it! It was my Republican buddy who's a felon who voted for Trump. This is why Republicans know voter fraud exists because they do it.

I think you might be underestimating the number of libertarians who are motivated by opposition to cultural or social norms.

Quite a lot of drug legalization types. Ann Coulter ran into some of that, when there was some discussion of having her run on a Libertarian ticket.
Yea that's a great example of how libertarians are just like Republicans only they are for legalizing pot. sorry that's not enough to make me like their mostly Republican/conservative policies.

Ann Coulter is a horrible person. Ever see her get roasted on Comedy Central? Funny shit. They tore her apart.

IF the Libertarians were just like republicans like you claim, they would have been happy with Ann. The plan feel apart.

That roast? That was your people revealing themselves to be animals. Yes. They did tear her apart. Wow. What an accomplishment. A bunch of people get together and insult the shit out of a woman who is massively outnumbered.

And you consider that something to be proud of?
Yes I am proud because everything horrible they said about her was true. She has balls to show up I'll give her that.

Literally, I think she has balls. Have you seen her adams apple?

Your hate has made you ...disgusting and irrational.

Trump is famous for revenge.. That's what he's doing now.. If he loses he destroys people, political parties etc.

Sorry, in a world where you people sold the "very fine people" lie, I have no reason to believe anything any of you say about Trump.

Trump said there are fine people on both sides. Are you an American?

Trump is a sell out..

Yes, there are very fine people who support and oppose Civil War statues. That was pretty reasonable

Yep. Though I disagree with those that oppose them, I do not think that they are all bad people.

And even if I did disagree, I would not lie about what Trump said, so that I could attack him based on that lie.

I object to anyone who removes Confederate Statues with violence like BLM and Antifa and their supporters. But I have no problem with people who do it the right way.

I get why reasonable people would be offended by the statues. The generals they honor were fighting on the side of slavery. Obviously private property is another thing. But I don't think government should display things that reasonably offend a large share of it's citizens.

The Statues were also all done specifically in support of Jim Crow and in your face racism.

The dirty secret is they were put up by Democrats and honor Democrats, just like Jim Crow, the KKK, lynching, cross burning and segregation. Democrats are racists
So it's funny today Republicans are the ones defending and arguing for those Democrats from yesterday

The democrats from yesterday are all dead. This is about their descendants and whether they have the right to celebrate their heritage.

During the 1960s a lot of DIXIECRATS became Republicans.

Does that mean that you think that Southerns today do or do NOT have the right to celebrate their heritage?

I AM a Southerner you nitwit.

That's nice. I hope you enjoy the weather.

Does that mean that you think that Southerns today do or do NOT have the right to celebrate their heritage?
Just like Germans shouldn't praise the Nazi's southerners shouldn't celebrate their traitor ancestors even if they were Democrats.

Don't forget the south lost. We should celebrate how we kicked their asses and we should rub it in their faces with statues of Grant and Lincoln in their cities. Would they object? Why?

View attachment 499177

Nothing I have said indicates that ONLY southerns have a right to celebrate their heritage. Your questions make no sense.
Southerners and Germans don't get to celebrate sedition, treason and their relatives who tried to secede from the United States of America.

They are not patriots. No you should not be able to fly a confederate flag on your car. I know it's allowed but it shouldn't be. It's like wearing your KKK hood around town. Why don't you do that if you are so proud of this heritage?

You remind me of the confederate flag today. You're a white racist pretending not to be.

You would arrest people for having a confederate flag on their car?

Wow. Thanks for showing just where this kind of thinking leads to.

I mean, I knew, but making the case is hard, because it sounds so outrageous to Americans.

BUt, you just demonstrated it for me.

Can you legally ride around in a car with the word N8**#r on it? I'm curious if that's legal or not.

I would bet money that there are bumper stickers that say such shit.

BUT, regardless, a confederate flag is not obscene.

You thinking of walking that back some?
No, but you'd think Americans would be revolted by seditionists who fought against the USA. And got their asses kicked, to boot.

I would not think that. The Americans that fought against them were not. Americans generally don't hold grudges. Especially over long periods of time.

When is the last time you were angry at a Canadian over kicking our asses in 1812?
The grudge is not against the ones who did the ass kicking -- it's against the seditionists who went to war with their own country.

Um, yeah, I got that. Nothing I said in any way suggested any confusion on this end.

My point stands. I would not expect Americans to still be holding a grudge over a war from over a 150 years ago. Indeed, that grudge was over and buried in pretty short order, certainly by the time of WWI, it was gone.

In the majority of my lifetime, the flying of the Confederate Flag was seen as a harmless symbol of regional pride. It is only fairly recently that drama queens decided to have a hissy fit about it, because they had run out of any real racism to whine about.
What about blacks? You think they don't still hold a grudge? They're Americans too, ya know.
ou said that the "means by which the rabid right" got it's information was not effected.

I agreed with the point, though I dropped your partisan spin.

I went on to make a point that my original concern was more about the more moderate voters.

That was not a "backhanded insult". That was my conceding your point. There was no insult at all.

"might have learned to ignore the propaganda spouted by people like you"

Then you besmirch and sow mistrust of my fellow Americans and try to instill faithlessness in our democratic elections with:

"they are not an informed electorate, but a MISINFORMED electorate."

"And the election is thus not legitimate."

I completely disagree.

DO you believe that President Trump said that ws were "very fine people"?

I don't have to believe what he said, we have recordings.

Reporter: "Mr. President, are you putting what you’re calling the alt-left and white supremacists on the same moral plane?"

Trump: "I’m not putting anybody on a moral plane. What I’m saying is this: You had a group on one side and you had a group on the other, and they came at each other with clubs -- and it was vicious and it was horrible. And it was a horrible thing to watch.

"But there is another side. There was a group on this side. You can call them the left -- you just called them the left -- that came violently attacking the other group. So you can say what you want, but that’s the way it is.

Reporter: (Inaudible) "… both sides, sir. You said there was hatred, there was violence on both sides. Are the --"

Trump: "Yes, I think there’s blame on both sides. If you look at both sides -- I think there’s blame on both sides. And I have no doubt about it, and you don’t have any doubt about it either. And if you reported it accurately, you would say."

Reporter: "The neo-Nazis started this. They showed up in Charlottesville to protest --"

Trump: "Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves -- and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group. Excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name."

Reporter: "George Washington and Robert E. Lee are not the same."

Trump: "George Washington was a slave owner........"

And thank you for proving my point that you people are the ones pushing propaganda and lies.

That you can stand by that lie, after it has been so repeatedly and completely debunked, shows that you are beyond saving.

That you people SUCCESSFULLY pushed that lie, and made it stick, is incredible.


Crocodile tears. Both sides do it. Recall the "You didn't build that" campaign.

So, you admit it was a political lie. THank you.

Your lie though was massively successful. I can think of nothing more damaging in this day and age, as being smeared with the ws label.

And by that fact, you undermined the election.


Well that is was the Republican tactic, completely lie about the context of what was said, whereas the part of the Trumpyberra quote they emphasized was half true in that the Grumpster was trying to equivocate and satisfy both sides.

Romney gained ground back in 2012 after they used that attack ad campaign too. Furthermore the Trumpybear campaign embraced a very deceptive campaign against Sec. Clinton in 2016.

Sounds like you guys can dish it out alright, but when the tables are turned, you cry "Fraud"!


THe point stands. THe voters were misled on a massive scale.

AND, as per the op, also intimidated.

Thus, not a legitimate election.

Not in the slightest bit true. Trump is most definitely a white supremacist, and Charlottesville was the first time he dropped the mask after the election. ...

From the speech you people lied about then and are still lying now.

"And you had people -- and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists."

That is what he actually said about ws.

If the American people were told what Trump really said, instead of what you people believe he meant, it could very likely have changed the outcome of the election.
Yes, you also had neo-confederates and kkk and other assorted racists. So that's who was "very fine people."

If you people had attacked him, on the basis of your DISAGREEMENT with his opinion of who was at the rally, that would have been a legitimate disagreement, that we could debate ad nauseum.

BUT, instead you pretended that he AGREED with you, that only ws of various stripes were there, on the side of the statues, and then you clearly and purposefully LIED ABOUT WHAT HE SAID,

in order to support your belief that Trump was a ws.

That was a massive lie, that you held together as a group, and thus sold to the American voters.

By and large, the American voters believe(d) that Trump is/was sympathetic towards ws.

That BY itself would have a HUGE impact on the election, quite possibly changing it's outcome.


AND, as per the op, it was not by itself.
It's what he said, loser. You're the one trying to read his mind by guessing he believed there were non-racists there; but he never said that's what he believes. That you saying g that's what he believes. It's too bad he didn't say that himself.

i quoted him repeatedly, and explicitly stating that he was not referring to the ws.

That bit where you keep tryhing to conflate ws with wacist? We all see what you are doing. Knock that bullshit off.

"Those people -- all of those people – excuse me, I’ve condemned neo-Nazis. I’ve condemned many different groups. But not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me. Not all of those people were white supremacists by any stretch."
Yes, he condemned many different groups but not all of them. He supports many hate groups, including the Proud Boys who he told to stand by; which they did for him until Insurrection Day.

You are being silly now. His meaning was clear. He was condemning the ws groups but sticking up for regular people who supported the historical statues.

And you people, instead of voicing your disagreement with his take on it,


How many people do you think voted against Trump because they believed that he was a WS?

"His meaning was clear."

Translation: you're trying to read his mind

Thanks for finally admitting that.
For 4 years Trump said horrible things and the next day every time Correll would come here and tell us what he meant was.....

His general style is to ramble and jump around and be unclear. It invites discussion on his meaning.

IN THIS INSTANCE, he was very careful and very clear. His response was almost perfect. We have complete tapes and transcripts of everything he said. There is no doubt about what he said, or what he meant.

IN THIS INSTANCE, you people are just lying.
Nope, you're the liar. It was a racist rally conceived, sponsored, promoted, ran, and attended by racists. Trump never once indicated he believed otherwise or thought there were non-racists among that crowd.

Trump explicitly and clearly stated that he believed that there were OTHER people there, who should up for OTHER reasons.

"excuse me, I’ve condemned neo-Nazis. I’ve condemned many different groups. But not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me. Not all of those people were white supremacists by any stretch. Those people were also there because they wanted to protest the taking down of a statue of Robert E. Lee." "

You people managed to sell the BIG LIE to the American People, the moderates and the non-politicals at least, that the President was a ws.

That was huge. That could likely have flipped the election right there. That was FRAUD BY DECPTION.
That's right, not all those people were neo-Nazis. Some were neo-Confederates. Some were Kkk. Some were white nationalists. Some were white supremacists. He did condemn some. He didn't condemn them all. And there was no one else there among the Unite the Right crowd. It was a racist rally and stupid of him to say there were "very fine people" on their side.
Oh, well there you go then. It's up to you what a libertarian would do. Thanks for settling that, George. There'll be a little extra thank you pay in your Chinese disinformation paycheck. Shhh, the other Chinese disinformation officers will get jealous ...

It's not really necessary for you to sign your posts. The forum already knows who you are.

Another playground insult! It's the domain you live
Poor baby, do you ever stop crying?



Your post does not contradict my point.

You lied about what he said. You lied about what he meant.

I quoted him, kazzer.

No shit, angry little boy. But you said what he was talking about, which wasn't the purpose of the march and wasn't part of his quote. You lied about what he was referring to.

My God you're stupid. No wonder you're constantly just maxing out at playground insults and posting like an eight year old

It was a racist rally, ya kazzer. Who among those racists are "very fine people?"

You see everything as racist, it's because you are one

I note you don't want to answer that question... who among the Unite the Right is a very fine person?

Your reluctance to answer reveals you're full of shit.

I directly answered that question. You are a liar, Trump never said that.

Why do you hate black people? So?

You're kazzing again.

I didn't ask you what Trump said. I asked you who among the Unite the Right was a very fine person?

I'm asking you again... this makes 4 times I'm asking. Your reluctance to answer reveals you're full of shit.

Were these very fine people...?

Evasion. I asked you why you are a racist. Answer the question I asked
The answer to you're question is I'm not a racist.

5th time... who among the Unite the Right was a very fine person?

I find that hard to believe. Don't you support many racist policies?

You don't support discriminating if favor of traditionally disadvantaged minorities to make up for past injustices?
No, I don't. I believe it was necessary back in the day but I believe it's no longer necessary.
Just like Germans shouldn't praise the Nazi's southerners shouldn't celebrate their traitor ancestors even if they were Democrats.

Don't forget the south lost. We should celebrate how we kicked their asses and we should rub it in their faces with statues of Grant and Lincoln in their cities. Would they object? Why?
You assholes want to tear down those statues too.

I agree with the proposal to put them in museums. They are works of art

What other group is not allowed to publicly celebrate their heritage?

So no other racial or ethnic or regional groups who's right to celebrate their heritage is subject to veto by others, other than whites?

Based on race? That makes it racism and you a racist and a supporter of racism.
Nazi isn't a race, ya moron. :cuckoo:
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
The Democrats' Demographic Demolition Derby

On all issues, Americans have been pushed by massive mind-control to miss the point, which is in this case the fact that we are not allowed to vote on who can vote and who can come into the country and become a citizen. Since we weren't free to do that and stop this forced nation-destroying mongrelization of the electorate back in the 1960s, our country has lost its way and is rapidly sliding straight into the gutter with other failed nations. Those who jealously hate those who built America have sneaked this one over on us, an America that has returned to the pre-Columbian wasteland occupied by savages. Only a revolution or secession can solve this continual weakening of our foundation, which is leading to a collapse into chaos.

What is leading your "collapse into chaos" is the amount of resources and energy you expend in keeping the white man in charge, and the rest of your population subjugated and under control. You are becoming a second tier nation not because of your diversity, but because of your racism and authoritarianism.

Imagine if you didn't have the largest prison population in the world, what you could do with that money. Instead of spending $120,000 per year per person keeping people locked up. You could give them all these prisoners a free education for less than the cost of a 3 year prison term.

One of the goals of the rally was to unite the White Supremacist movement.

There is no white supremacist movement. It is propaganda backed by the real supremacists. They are all kinds of colors.
Nah. They're all white. How many black billionaires are there? 5?
Oh, well there you go then. It's up to you what a libertarian would do. Thanks for settling that, George. There'll be a little extra thank you pay in your Chinese disinformation paycheck. Shhh, the other Chinese disinformation officers will get jealous ...

It's not really necessary for you to sign your posts. The forum already knows who you are.

Another playground insult! It's the domain you live
Poor baby, do you ever stop crying?



Your post does not contradict my point.

You lied about what he said. You lied about what he meant.

I quoted him, kazzer.

No shit, angry little boy. But you said what he was talking about, which wasn't the purpose of the march and wasn't part of his quote. You lied about what he was referring to.

My God you're stupid. No wonder you're constantly just maxing out at playground insults and posting like an eight year old

It was a racist rally, ya kazzer. Who among those racists are "very fine people?"

You see everything as racist, it's because you are one

I note you don't want to answer that question... who among the Unite the Right is a very fine person?

Your reluctance to answer reveals you're full of shit.

I directly answered that question. You are a liar, Trump never said that.

Why do you hate black people? So?

You're kazzing again.

I didn't ask you what Trump said. I asked you who among the Unite the Right was a very fine person?

I'm asking you again... this makes 4 times I'm asking. Your reluctance to answer reveals you're full of shit.

Were these very fine people...?

Evasion. I asked you why you are a racist. Answer the question I asked
The answer to you're question is I'm not a racist.

5th time... who among the Unite the Right was a very fine person?

I find that hard to believe. Don't you support many racist policies?

You don't support discriminating if favor of traditionally disadvantaged minorities to make up for past injustices?
No, I don't. I believe it was necessary back in the day but I believe it's no longer necessary.
I disagree. Women and minorities still face discrimination and bias in the business world.
Oh, well there you go then. It's up to you what a libertarian would do. Thanks for settling that, George. There'll be a little extra thank you pay in your Chinese disinformation paycheck. Shhh, the other Chinese disinformation officers will get jealous ...

It's not really necessary for you to sign your posts. The forum already knows who you are.

Another playground insult! It's the domain you live
Poor baby, do you ever stop crying?



Your post does not contradict my point.

You lied about what he said. You lied about what he meant.

I quoted him, kazzer.

No shit, angry little boy. But you said what he was talking about, which wasn't the purpose of the march and wasn't part of his quote. You lied about what he was referring to.

My God you're stupid. No wonder you're constantly just maxing out at playground insults and posting like an eight year old

It was a racist rally, ya kazzer. Who among those racists are "very fine people?"

You see everything as racist, it's because you are one

I note you don't want to answer that question... who among the Unite the Right is a very fine person?

Your reluctance to answer reveals you're full of shit.

I directly answered that question. You are a liar, Trump never said that.

Why do you hate black people? So?

You're kazzing again.

I didn't ask you what Trump said. I asked you who among the Unite the Right was a very fine person?

I'm asking you again... this makes 4 times I'm asking. Your reluctance to answer reveals you're full of shit.

Were these very fine people...?

Evasion. I asked you why you are a racist. Answer the question I asked
The answer to you're question is I'm not a racist.

5th time... who among the Unite the Right was a very fine person?

I find that hard to believe. Don't you support many racist policies?

You don't support discriminating if favor of traditionally disadvantaged minorities to make up for past injustices?
No, I don't. I believe it was necessary back in the day but I believe it's no longer necessary.
I disagree. Women and minorities still face discrimination and bias in the business world.
Discrimination cases can be handled by the courts.
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
The Democrats' Demographic Demolition Derby

On all issues, Americans have been pushed by massive mind-control to miss the point, which is in this case the fact that we are not allowed to vote on who can vote and who can come into the country and become a citizen. Since we weren't free to do that and stop this forced nation-destroying mongrelization of the electorate back in the 1960s, our country has lost its way and is rapidly sliding straight into the gutter with other failed nations. Those who jealously hate those who built America have sneaked this one over on us, an America that has returned to the pre-Columbian wasteland occupied by savages. Only a revolution or secession can solve this continual weakening of our foundation, which is leading to a collapse into chaos.

What is leading your "collapse into chaos" is the amount of resources and energy you expend in keeping the white man in charge, and the rest of your population subjugated and under control. You are becoming a second tier nation not because of your diversity, but because of your racism and authoritarianism.

Imagine if you didn't have the largest prison population in the world, what you could do with that money. Instead of spending $120,000 per year per person keeping people locked up. You could give them all these prisoners a free education for less than the cost of a 3 year prison term.

One of the goals of the rally was to unite the White Supremacist movement.

There is no white supremacist movement. It is propaganda backed by the real supremacists. They are all kinds of colors.

Apparently Richard Spencer, David Duke and Jason Kessler, disagree with you. Gavin McInnes and the Proud Boys chose to disassociate themselves from the whole "Unite the Right" Movement because of their overt white supremacy:

Kind of puts the lie to your whole denial of white supremacy in the USA, now doesn't it.
Oh, well there you go then. It's up to you what a libertarian would do. Thanks for settling that, George. There'll be a little extra thank you pay in your Chinese disinformation paycheck. Shhh, the other Chinese disinformation officers will get jealous ...

It's not really necessary for you to sign your posts. The forum already knows who you are.

Another playground insult! It's the domain you live
Poor baby, do you ever stop crying?



Your post does not contradict my point.

You lied about what he said. You lied about what he meant.

I quoted him, kazzer.

No shit, angry little boy. But you said what he was talking about, which wasn't the purpose of the march and wasn't part of his quote. You lied about what he was referring to.

My God you're stupid. No wonder you're constantly just maxing out at playground insults and posting like an eight year old

It was a racist rally, ya kazzer. Who among those racists are "very fine people?"

You see everything as racist, it's because you are one

I note you don't want to answer that question... who among the Unite the Right is a very fine person?

Your reluctance to answer reveals you're full of shit.

I directly answered that question. You are a liar, Trump never said that.

Why do you hate black people? So?

You're kazzing again.

I didn't ask you what Trump said. I asked you who among the Unite the Right was a very fine person?

I'm asking you again... this makes 4 times I'm asking. Your reluctance to answer reveals you're full of shit.

Were these very fine people...?

Evasion. I asked you why you are a racist. Answer the question I asked
The answer to you're question is I'm not a racist.

5th time... who among the Unite the Right was a very fine person?

I find that hard to believe. Don't you support many racist policies?

You don't support discriminating if favor of traditionally disadvantaged minorities to make up for past injustices?
No, I don't. I believe it was necessary back in the day but I believe it's no longer necessary.
I disagree. Women and minorities still face discrimination and bias in the business world.
Discrimination cases can be handled by the courts.
Hard to prove. And by the way, this is another bias against women and blacks, and too often it's true. You can't fire them like you can a white dude. White dudes never sue. But women and blacks do and a lot of times they get settlements. Not because it's true but because the company doesn't want a bad rep or to go to court over it. So they pay. But that right there is a bias that us white men have against blacks and women.

I don't like it when they are discriminated against but I also don't like it that they can't be let go like us white guys are because the company is afraid of being sued.
Oh, well there you go then. It's up to you what a libertarian would do. Thanks for settling that, George. There'll be a little extra thank you pay in your Chinese disinformation paycheck. Shhh, the other Chinese disinformation officers will get jealous ...

It's not really necessary for you to sign your posts. The forum already knows who you are.

Another playground insult! It's the domain you live
Poor baby, do you ever stop crying?



Your post does not contradict my point.

You lied about what he said. You lied about what he meant.

I quoted him, kazzer.

No shit, angry little boy. But you said what he was talking about, which wasn't the purpose of the march and wasn't part of his quote. You lied about what he was referring to.

My God you're stupid. No wonder you're constantly just maxing out at playground insults and posting like an eight year old

It was a racist rally, ya kazzer. Who among those racists are "very fine people?"

You see everything as racist, it's because you are one

I note you don't want to answer that question... who among the Unite the Right is a very fine person?

Your reluctance to answer reveals you're full of shit.

I directly answered that question. You are a liar, Trump never said that.

Why do you hate black people? So?

You're kazzing again.

I didn't ask you what Trump said. I asked you who among the Unite the Right was a very fine person?

I'm asking you again... this makes 4 times I'm asking. Your reluctance to answer reveals you're full of shit.

Were these very fine people...?

Evasion. I asked you why you are a racist. Answer the question I asked
The answer to you're question is I'm not a racist.

5th time... who among the Unite the Right was a very fine person?

I find that hard to believe. Don't you support many racist policies?

You don't support discriminating if favor of traditionally disadvantaged minorities to make up for past injustices?
No, I don't. I believe it was necessary back in the day but I believe it's no longer necessary.
I disagree. Women and minorities still face discrimination and bias in the business world.
Discrimination cases can be handled by the courts.
Hard to prove. And by the way, this is another bias against women and blacks, and too often it's true. You can't fire them like you can a white dude. White dudes never sue. But women and blacks do and a lot of times they get settlements. Not because it's true but because the company doesn't want a bad rep or to go to court over it. So they pay. But that right there is a bias that us white men have against blacks and women.

I don't like it when they are discriminated against but I also don't like it that they can't be let go like us white guys are because the company is afraid of being sued.
That's a different subject. Now you're talking about protected classes. I have no problem with those.

But programs like affirmative action; I feel it's time to get rid of. Programs like that were absolutely necessary when they were implemented. After having a boot on the necks of blacks for hundreds of years, we could just lift that boot and expect them to compete. They were too far behind others financially and educationally. Programs like affirmative action were put in place to help level the playing field. But it's been more than half a century and I feel the playing field, while not entirely level, is level enough for them to compete now. It's time to end those programs. They would have to work harder than they do now but that would make them have to work as hard as everyone else to compete. It's not the 1960's anymore. They now have the tools, the education, and the finances to compete like everyone else.
Oh, well there you go then. It's up to you what a libertarian would do. Thanks for settling that, George. There'll be a little extra thank you pay in your Chinese disinformation paycheck. Shhh, the other Chinese disinformation officers will get jealous ...

It's not really necessary for you to sign your posts. The forum already knows who you are.

Another playground insult! It's the domain you live
Poor baby, do you ever stop crying?



Your post does not contradict my point.

You lied about what he said. You lied about what he meant.

I quoted him, kazzer.

No shit, angry little boy. But you said what he was talking about, which wasn't the purpose of the march and wasn't part of his quote. You lied about what he was referring to.

My God you're stupid. No wonder you're constantly just maxing out at playground insults and posting like an eight year old

It was a racist rally, ya kazzer. Who among those racists are "very fine people?"

You see everything as racist, it's because you are one

I note you don't want to answer that question... who among the Unite the Right is a very fine person?

Your reluctance to answer reveals you're full of shit.

I directly answered that question. You are a liar, Trump never said that.

Why do you hate black people? So?

You're kazzing again.

I didn't ask you what Trump said. I asked you who among the Unite the Right was a very fine person?

I'm asking you again... this makes 4 times I'm asking. Your reluctance to answer reveals you're full of shit.

Were these very fine people...?

Evasion. I asked you why you are a racist. Answer the question I asked
The answer to you're question is I'm not a racist.

5th time... who among the Unite the Right was a very fine person?

I find that hard to believe. Don't you support many racist policies?

You don't support discriminating if favor of traditionally disadvantaged minorities to make up for past injustices?
No, I don't. I believe it was necessary back in the day but I believe it's no longer necessary.
I disagree. Women and minorities still face discrimination and bias in the business world.
Discrimination cases can be handled by the courts.
Hard to prove. And by the way, this is another bias against women and blacks, and too often it's true. You can't fire them like you can a white dude. White dudes never sue. But women and blacks do and a lot of times they get settlements. Not because it's true but because the company doesn't want a bad rep or to go to court over it. So they pay. But that right there is a bias that us white men have against blacks and women.

I don't like it when they are discriminated against but I also don't like it that they can't be let go like us white guys are because the company is afraid of being sued.
That's a different subject. Now you're talking about protected classes. I have no problem with those.

But programs like affirmative action; I feel it's time to get rid of. Programs like that were absolutely necessary when they were implemented. After having a boot on the necks of blacks for hundreds of years, we could just lift that boot and expect them to compete. They were too far behind others financially and educationally. Programs like affirmative action were put in place to help level the playing field. But it's been more than half a century and I feel the playing field, while not entirely level, is level enough for them to compete now. It's time to end those programs. They would have to work harder than they do now but that would make them have to work as hard as everyone else to compete. It's not the 1960's anymore. They now have the tools, the education, and the finances to compete like everyone else.
And if they don't it's their fault. Or their parents fault for bringing them into this world without the ability to raise them to be productive members of society. You are right.

But clearly 2000 companies disagree with you. Their CEO's signed diversity pledge because there is such a lack of diversity in the work place. Not enough women and people of color. And that's odd in a country as diverse as ours, don't you think?

Still way too few black and women VP's in the workplace let alone CEO's.
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
The Democrats' Demographic Demolition Derby

On all issues, Americans have been pushed by massive mind-control to miss the point, which is in this case the fact that we are not allowed to vote on who can vote and who can come into the country and become a citizen. Since we weren't free to do that and stop this forced nation-destroying mongrelization of the electorate back in the 1960s, our country has lost its way and is rapidly sliding straight into the gutter with other failed nations. Those who jealously hate those who built America have sneaked this one over on us, an America that has returned to the pre-Columbian wasteland occupied by savages. Only a revolution or secession can solve this continual weakening of our foundation, which is leading to a collapse into chaos.

What is leading your "collapse into chaos" is the amount of resources and energy you expend in keeping the white man in charge, and the rest of your population subjugated and under control. You are becoming a second tier nation not because of your diversity, but because of your racism and authoritarianism.

Imagine if you didn't have the largest prison population in the world, what you could do with that money. Instead of spending $120,000 per year per person keeping people locked up. You could give them all these prisoners a free education for less than the cost of a 3 year prison term.

One of the goals of the rally was to unite the White Supremacist movement.

There is no white supremacist movement. It is propaganda backed by the real supremacists. They are all kinds of colors.

Apparently Richard Spencer, David Duke and Jason Kessler, disagree with you. Gavin McInnes and the Proud Boys chose to disassociate themselves from the whole "Unite the Right" Movement because of their overt white supremacy:

Kind of puts the lie to your whole denial of white supremacy in the USA, now doesn't it.
First, Spencer is a Leftist, second, David Duke was shunned by Trump, third show me why the Proud Boys are White Supremacists because they come in every color. You are simply a hater, and most definitely a liar.
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
The Democrats' Demographic Demolition Derby

On all issues, Americans have been pushed by massive mind-control to miss the point, which is in this case the fact that we are not allowed to vote on who can vote and who can come into the country and become a citizen. Since we weren't free to do that and stop this forced nation-destroying mongrelization of the electorate back in the 1960s, our country has lost its way and is rapidly sliding straight into the gutter with other failed nations. Those who jealously hate those who built America have sneaked this one over on us, an America that has returned to the pre-Columbian wasteland occupied by savages. Only a revolution or secession can solve this continual weakening of our foundation, which is leading to a collapse into chaos.

What is leading your "collapse into chaos" is the amount of resources and energy you expend in keeping the white man in charge, and the rest of your population subjugated and under control. You are becoming a second tier nation not because of your diversity, but because of your racism and authoritarianism.

Imagine if you didn't have the largest prison population in the world, what you could do with that money. Instead of spending $120,000 per year per person keeping people locked up. You could give them all these prisoners a free education for less than the cost of a 3 year prison term.

One of the goals of the rally was to unite the White Supremacist movement.

There is no white supremacist movement. It is propaganda backed by the real supremacists. They are all kinds of colors.

Apparently Richard Spencer, David Duke and Jason Kessler, disagree with you. Gavin McInnes and the Proud Boys chose to disassociate themselves from the whole "Unite the Right" Movement because of their overt white supremacy:

Kind of puts the lie to your whole denial of white supremacy in the USA, now doesn't it.
First, Spencer is a Leftist, second, David Duke was shunned by Trump, third show me why the Proud Boys are White Supremacists because they come in every color. You are simply a hater, and most definitely a liar.
First, Spencer is not a “leftist”. You’re being ridiculous. Second,

This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
The Democrats' Demographic Demolition Derby

On all issues, Americans have been pushed by massive mind-control to miss the point, which is in this case the fact that we are not allowed to vote on who can vote and who can come into the country and become a citizen. Since we weren't free to do that and stop this forced nation-destroying mongrelization of the electorate back in the 1960s, our country has lost its way and is rapidly sliding straight into the gutter with other failed nations. Those who jealously hate those who built America have sneaked this one over on us, an America that has returned to the pre-Columbian wasteland occupied by savages. Only a revolution or secession can solve this continual weakening of our foundation, which is leading to a collapse into chaos.

What is leading your "collapse into chaos" is the amount of resources and energy you expend in keeping the white man in charge, and the rest of your population subjugated and under control. You are becoming a second tier nation not because of your diversity, but because of your racism and authoritarianism.

Imagine if you didn't have the largest prison population in the world, what you could do with that money. Instead of spending $120,000 per year per person keeping people locked up. You could give them all these prisoners a free education for less than the cost of a 3 year prison term.

One of the goals of the rally was to unite the White Supremacist movement.

There is no white supremacist movement. It is propaganda backed by the real supremacists. They are all kinds of colors.

Apparently Richard Spencer, David Duke and Jason Kessler, disagree with you. Gavin McInnes and the Proud Boys chose to disassociate themselves from the whole "Unite the Right" Movement because of their overt white supremacy:

Kind of puts the lie to your whole denial of white supremacy in the USA, now doesn't it.
First, Spencer is a Leftist, second, David Duke was shunned by Trump, third show me why the Proud Boys are White Supremacists because they come in every color. You are simply a hater, and most definitely a liar.
First, Spencer is not a “leftist”. You’re being ridiculous. Second,


And any fact check is useless. It has been proven they are bias and bought and paid for.
The topic is the Big Lie. That lie is that there was no fraud. Why are so many people worried about what our mods think is a conspiracy theory?

The Big Lie is that there was fraud. The Big Lie is that Trump was re-elected. That the American people really wanted four more years of his incompetence, corruption, and chaos.

Only a fool believes that Trump won the election.
Trump was not incompetent. Trump was not corrupt. And the chaos is the media's making helped by race baiters and Communists.

Nothing is ever Trump's fault, even though he's the guy who made ALL of the decisions. Everyone is out to get him. With 6 bankruptcies under his belt, and a 7th happening while the campaign was under way, along with a $125 million fraud trial under way, what would ever lead you believe Trump isn't a chaotic fuck up of epic proportions.

Fully 1/4 of his White House staffers and advisors quit or were fired in the first year. That chaos was entirely the doing of Donald Trump, who assured us he hired "only the best people". He had 3 Chief's of Staff in the first year. With no prior government experience or expertise, and a refusal/inability to read briefing papers.

Trump has been a failure as a businessman, and a failure as a President. He is the Greatest Conman in the History of the World, however, having conned his way into the White House.

I'm sure at some point in your life, the Kool-Aid will wear off and you will realize what a dishonest, fuckup Trump really is, and I'm willing to bet real money that when that day comes, you'll talk about how Trump "fooled everybody". No he didn't. Some of us who were here in 2015 were saying exactly the same things about Donald Trump being a corrupt, lying incompetent, BEFORE you let him destroy your country.

All those RINO's, Democrats, and New Yorkers (who refused to vote for him), weren't fooled for a second.

Did the media fire a quarter of his staff in the first year of the Administration?
The topic is the Big Lie. That lie is that there was no fraud. Why are so many people worried about what our mods think is a conspiracy theory?

The Big Lie is that there was fraud. The Big Lie is that Trump was re-elected. That the American people really wanted four more years of his incompetence, corruption, and chaos.

Only a fool believes that Trump won the election.
Trump was not incompetent. Trump was not corrupt. And the chaos is the media's making helped by race baiters and Communists.

Nothing is ever Trump's fault, even though he's the guy who made ALL of the decisions. Everyone is out to get him. With 6 bankruptcies under his belt, and a 7th happening while the campaign was under way, along with a $125 million fraud trial under way, what would ever lead you believe Trump isn't a chaotic fuck up of epic proportions.

Fully 1/4 of his White House staffers and advisors quit or were fired in the first year. That chaos was entirely the doing of Donald Trump, who assured us he hired "only the best people". He had 3 Chief's of Staff in the first year. With no prior government experience or expertise, and a refusal/inability to read briefing papers.

Trump has been a failure as a businessman, and a failure as a President. He is the Greatest Conman in the History of the World, however, having conned his way into the White House.

I'm sure at some point in your life, the Kool-Aid will wear off and you will realize what a dishonest, fuckup Trump really is, and I'm willing to bet real money that when that day comes, you'll talk about how Trump "fooled everybody". No he didn't. Some of us who were here in 2015 were saying exactly the same things about Donald Trump being a corrupt, lying incompetent, BEFORE you let him destroy your country.

All those RINO's, Democrats, and New Yorkers (who refused to vote for him), weren't fooled for a second.

Did the media fire a quarter of his staff in the first year of the Administration?
Fuck the media. Other than that your post is irrelevant.
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
The Democrats' Demographic Demolition Derby

On all issues, Americans have been pushed by massive mind-control to miss the point, which is in this case the fact that we are not allowed to vote on who can vote and who can come into the country and become a citizen. Since we weren't free to do that and stop this forced nation-destroying mongrelization of the electorate back in the 1960s, our country has lost its way and is rapidly sliding straight into the gutter with other failed nations. Those who jealously hate those who built America have sneaked this one over on us, an America that has returned to the pre-Columbian wasteland occupied by savages. Only a revolution or secession can solve this continual weakening of our foundation, which is leading to a collapse into chaos.

What is leading your "collapse into chaos" is the amount of resources and energy you expend in keeping the white man in charge, and the rest of your population subjugated and under control. You are becoming a second tier nation not because of your diversity, but because of your racism and authoritarianism.

Imagine if you didn't have the largest prison population in the world, what you could do with that money. Instead of spending $120,000 per year per person keeping people locked up. You could give them all these prisoners a free education for less than the cost of a 3 year prison term.

One of the goals of the rally was to unite the White Supremacist movement.

There is no white supremacist movement. It is propaganda backed by the real supremacists. They are all kinds of colors.

Apparently Richard Spencer, David Duke and Jason Kessler, disagree with you. Gavin McInnes and the Proud Boys chose to disassociate themselves from the whole "Unite the Right" Movement because of their overt white supremacy:

Kind of puts the lie to your whole denial of white supremacy in the USA, now doesn't it.
First, Spencer is a Leftist, second, David Duke was shunned by Trump, third show me why the Proud Boys are White Supremacists because they come in every color. You are simply a hater, and most definitely a liar.
First, Spencer is not a “leftist”. You’re being ridiculous. Second,


And any fact check is useless. It has been proven they are bias and bought and paid for.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt. I guess you disregard fact checks because NONE of your sources has every passed one.

The topic is the Big Lie. That lie is that there was no fraud. Why are so many people worried about what our mods think is a conspiracy theory?

The Big Lie is that there was fraud. The Big Lie is that Trump was re-elected. That the American people really wanted four more years of his incompetence, corruption, and chaos.

Only a fool believes that Trump won the election.
Trump was not incompetent. Trump was not corrupt. And the chaos is the media's making helped by race baiters and Communists.

Nothing is ever Trump's fault, Trump has been a failure as a businessman, and a failure as a President.

There is actually a great deal to fault Trump for. He made a lot of mistakes. No one is perfect and the same could be said of EVERY president, no less JOE BIDEN. But a failure? Pure BULLSHIT.

Trump had some businesses go belly up, but then, that can happen to anyone even if they do everything right, and when you open the DOZENS and DOZENS of businesses he has, you're are BOUND to have a few go under, especially with flagging economies!

But YOU ARE NEVER THAT HONEST, you level the business criticism at Trump though it has NOTHING to do with his presidency, and you'll never levy that criticism at Joe because HE HAS NO BUSINESS.

Joe Biden couldn't run a Starbucks Coffee or Dunkin' Donuts. While Trump got ALL of his money working for himself making it in private enterprise, Bidden has gotten EVERY FUCKING NICKEL he has in public office, taken out of the pockets of taxpayers.


NOTHING. To hear Joe talk, the nation is just chock FULL of problems and they all occurred under HIS watch.
The topic is the Big Lie. That lie is that there was no fraud. Why are so many people worried about what our mods think is a conspiracy theory?

The Big Lie is that there was fraud. The Big Lie is that Trump was re-elected. That the American people really wanted four more years of his incompetence, corruption, and chaos.

Only a fool believes that Trump won the election.
Trump was not incompetent. Trump was not corrupt. And the chaos is the media's making helped by race baiters and Communists.

Nothing is ever Trump's fault, even though he's the guy who made ALL of the decisions. Everyone is out to get him. With 6 bankruptcies under his belt, and a 7th happening while the campaign was under way, along with a $125 million fraud trial under way, what would ever lead you believe Trump isn't a chaotic fuck up of epic proportions.

Fully 1/4 of his White House staffers and advisors quit or were fired in the first year. That chaos was entirely the doing of Donald Trump, who assured us he hired "only the best people". He had 3 Chief's of Staff in the first year. With no prior government experience or expertise, and a refusal/inability to read briefing papers.

Trump has been a failure as a businessman, and a failure as a President. He is the Greatest Conman in the History of the World, however, having conned his way into the White House.

I'm sure at some point in your life, the Kool-Aid will wear off and you will realize what a dishonest, fuckup Trump really is, and I'm willing to bet real money that when that day comes, you'll talk about how Trump "fooled everybody". No he didn't. Some of us who were here in 2015 were saying exactly the same things about Donald Trump being a corrupt, lying incompetent, BEFORE you let him destroy your country.

All those RINO's, Democrats, and New Yorkers (who refused to vote for him), weren't fooled for a second.

Did the media fire a quarter of his staff in the first year of the Administration?
Fuck the media. Other than that your post is irrelevant.

Deny, deny, deny, little FuckBoi. It's all you have left.

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