The big picture: Global Authoritarianism

With this action taken by Russia, China will make a move to test how the world will respond…
This appears to be what some Americans want. Pretty amazing.
Yep…and fucked in the head ‘Americans’ want this….
The domestic political reactions to the ugly events in Ukraine have exposed something that I don't think I've been seeing clearly enough.

As we know, authoritarians, terrorists and criminals often ultimately get their way by having the sheer will to do things that more decent people wouldn't even think of doing. They ignore common laws and rules of behavior, create delusional justifications for their behaviors, and then just maul others with the force of their will. That's what Putin is doing right now. This is who he is.

And there are obviously many in America and globally who are sympathetic to his behaviors. They would clearly rather attack those he's attacking than harshly criticize this murderous thug. So I'm thinking maybe it's time to replace a term I often use -- "Tr......pism" -- with a term that would more accurately describe the larger, macro picture: Global Authoritarianism. The free world, represented (at least to a degree) by NATO, will have its hands full as it takes on an adversary who will do absolutely anything to "win", while the free world is trying to play by the rules of decency.

This issue was noticed and discussed a couple of years ago, as people who think alike tend to gravitate towards each other:

^ fucking lowlife scumbag

# countries Putin invaded while Trump was in the WH: 0
# countries Putin invaded while Biden was in the WH: 2 (so far)

Please go fuck yourself with your Michelle Obama dildo
The war powers act stipulates that Congress needs to be notified of Military action within 48 hours and deployment can't exceed 60 days. It doesn't prohibit a president from committing troops. Meriam Webster is a handy tool but I suggest actually looking into the specifics of a law before citing it.

As to Trump not being the GOP candidate if he supports Putin. Nothing in the past suggests that conclusion is warranted.

When Trump was confronted by the statement that Putin was a killer. His excuse for it was that there are American killers too. Didn't stop him from winning the nomination for the GOP in 2016.

When the Trump campaign was approached by someone claiming to speak for the Russian government offering dirt on Clinton they where eager to get it. Didn't really fase the GOP.

When Trump's national security advisor offered easing of sanctions to the Russian ambassador during the campaign and was caught lying about it to the FBI. And was later pardoned for it. Nobody in the GOP batted an eye.

When Trump had the Russian ambassador alone in the Oval office and gave him Israeli intelligence without so much as asking them. The GOP was silent.

When Trump withdrew from Syria giving Russia the free use of port facilities in a country in the Middle-East it produced a yawn from the GOP.

When Trump phoned the Ukrainian ambassador making military aid contingent on an investigation into his main political rival's son all but 1 GOP senator voted to acquit.

Even now if you go on this board you will see people on the right defending his statement on Tuesday and even defending Putin as a victim.

Why exactly makes you believe that Trump being friendly to Putin will damage him to extend of not getting nominated?
1. The US military would not be used overseas to conquer any country. An operation that size would be stopped before it got started. Those operations cost a ton of new "war" funding. The exception might be some approved defense of Taiwan or South Korea.

2. Putin never made GOP primary voter's radar in 2016. In the general it was Trump vs Hillary and her and Obama's dirty tricks. Putin never made the voter's radar. We'll see how the GOP presidential candidates use the many Trump gaffes to advantage.

3. Everyone knows Putin is a killer. The EU buys his energy products. That has zero to do with Trump getting elected. Remember Hillary posing with the Russians and her "reset" button? Psaki posed with them too. The Xiden crime family had $3.6m wired from the Moscow mayor's wife. Your point was?

4. No clue what your dirt on Clinton comment is about. The truth is that Clinton and the DNC paid Russians for the Steele Dossier which was used by the FBI to illegally get FISA warrants to spy on Trump.

5. General Flynn was setup by Comey in a perjury trap, Comey admitted as much.
Flynn did not offer easing of sanctions. He said not to get into an escalation.

6. Trump gave Russians details about Israeli penetration of ISIS, then killed ISIS and 300 Russian mercs. So what?

7. Russia always had access to Assad's ports, duh. Trump killed ISIS after Obama let them grow and expand. Trump also protected the Kurds and gave them a Syrian oil field.
ISIS under Obama expanded, it was killed under Trump

8. Its not a crime to ask for an investigation into extortion committed by Xiden, who withheld $1b in aid until the prosecutor investigating the Biden crime family's cash cow (Burisma) was fired and the investigation killed. I bet Zelensky regrets NOT helping Trump sink Xiden now. Which was a "crime" and which was not? Hint: The Xidens have $millions of Burisma cash in their accounts.

9. I'm sure if Trump makes gaffes defending Putin that GOP candidates will whack Trump with them during the 2024 primaries, if Trump even enters in 2024.
The domestic political reactions to the ugly events in Ukraine have exposed something that I don't think I've been seeing clearly enough.

As we know, authoritarians, terrorists and criminals often ultimately get their way by having the sheer will to do things that more decent people wouldn't even think of doing. They ignore common laws and rules of behavior, create delusional justifications for their behaviors, and then just maul others with the force of their will. That's what Putin is doing right now. This is who he is.

And there are obviously many in America and globally who are sympathetic to his behaviors. They would clearly rather attack those he's attacking than harshly criticize this murderous thug. So I'm thinking maybe it's time to replace a term I often use -- "Tr......pism" -- with a term that would more accurately describe the larger, macro picture: Global Authoritarianism. The free world, represented (at least to a degree) by NATO, will have its hands full as it takes on an adversary who will do absolutely anything to "win", while the free world is trying to play by the rules of decency.

This issue was noticed and discussed a couple of years ago, as people who think alike tend to gravitate towards each other:

AND THE ONLY GUY standing in the way of Global Authoritarianism is.........

The guy you HAD to get rid of because he didn't act "presidential."

It's inevitable now.

Do us all a favor and rid us of you.

That only works if rational decisions are made. History tells us rationality and war don't always mix. It's simply too easy to make a mistake.
That's why the "Doomsday Clock" is nearing midnight...

The Left and Right are miles apart…give up already bud, there is NO middle ground to be shared.
i never said the left and right....i narrowed it down to the far left and the far right.....they call each other the same names...they accuse each other of doing the same shit...and they have the same credo...if you dont believe what we believe,if you dont like what we like......fuck sure someone like you agrees with that....
The domestic political reactions to the ugly events in Ukraine have exposed something that I don't think I've been seeing clearly enough.

As we know, authoritarians, terrorists and criminals often ultimately get their way by having the sheer will to do things that more decent people wouldn't even think of doing. They ignore common laws and rules of behavior, create delusional justifications for their behaviors, and then just maul others with the force of their will. That's what Putin is doing right now. This is who he is.

And there are obviously many in America and globally who are sympathetic to his behaviors. They would clearly rather attack those he's attacking than harshly criticize this murderous thug. So I'm thinking maybe it's time to replace a term I often use -- "Tr......pism" -- with a term that would more accurately describe the larger, macro picture: Global Authoritarianism. The free world, represented (at least to a degree) by NATO, will have its hands full as it takes on an adversary who will do absolutely anything to "win", while the free world is trying to play by the rules of decency.

This issue was noticed and discussed a couple of years ago, as people who think alike tend to gravitate towards each other:

I agree, but I'm still wary of what we did in Iraq and what we stupidly tried to do in Afghan. W was incompetent, and Obama's world view is frankly at odds with things like the Monroe Doctrine and even Eisenhower and JFK's Cuba embargoes. And for the past 4 years we did not do one damn thing for this moment, that's been a long time coming. We have enough natl gas in the Bakken to fuel the EU for decades, but was there not any federal push for LNG carriers like there was for "drill here, drill now."

I'm not pessimistic long term, and getting the EU off Russian hydro carbons and onto Israelis and US hydro carbons may be in everyone (but the russians') interests. But lives will be destroyed just as they were in Hungary in and Czechoslovakia in 1968. Below is a portion of Russia's warning to Czechoslovakia and justification for invasion. I don't see that much has changed.

But at the same time we cannot agree that hostile forces should push your country off the socialist path and threaten to detach Czechoslovakia from the socialist community. This is no longer your affair alone. It is the common cause of all communist and workers’ parties and stats, which are bound by alliance, cooperation, and friendship. It is the common cause of our countries, which have united in the Warsaw Pact to safeguard their independence, to preserve peace, to maintain security in Europe, and to erect an impregnable barrier to the intrigues of aggressive and vengeful imperialist forces.

The peoples of our countries won a victory over Hitlerite fascism at the price of immense sacrifices. They have won freedom and independence and the opportunity to advance on the road of progress and socialism. The borders of the socialist world have been transferred to the center of Europe, to the Elbe and the Šumava mountains. We can never agree that these historic gains of socialism and the independence and security of all our peoples should be threatened. We can never agree that imperialism should break through the socialist system by peaceful or violent means, from within or from without, and change the balance of power in Europe to its advantage.
1. The US military would not be used overseas to conquer any country. An operation that size would be stopped before it got started. Those operations cost a ton of new "war" funding. The exception might be some approved defense of Taiwan or South Korea.

2. Putin never made GOP primary voter's radar in 2016. In the general it was Trump vs Hillary and her and Obama's dirty tricks. Putin never made the voter's radar. We'll see how the GOP presidential candidates use the many Trump gaffes to advantage.

3. Everyone knows Putin is a killer. The EU buys his energy products. That has zero to do with Trump getting elected. Remember Hillary posing with the Russians and her "reset" button? Psaki posed with them too. The Xiden crime family had $3.6m wired from the Moscow mayor's wife. Your point was?

4. No clue what your dirt on Clinton comment is about. The truth is that Clinton and the DNC paid Russians for the Steele Dossier which was used by the FBI to illegally get FISA warrants to spy on Trump.

5. General Flynn was setup by Comey in a perjury trap, Comey admitted as much.
Flynn did not offer easing of sanctions. He said not to get into an escalation.

6. Trump gave Russians details about Israeli penetration of ISIS, then killed ISIS and 300 Russian mercs. So what?

7. Russia always had access to Assad's ports, duh. Trump killed ISIS after Obama let them grow and expand. Trump also protected the Kurds and gave them a Syrian oil field.
View attachment 606148 ISIS under Obama expanded, it was killed under Trump

8. Its not a crime to ask for an investigation into extortion committed by Xiden, who withheld $1b in aid until the prosecutor investigating the Biden crime family's cash cow (Burisma) was fired and the investigation killed. I bet Zelensky regrets NOT helping Trump sink Xiden now. Which was a "crime" and which was not? Hint: The Xidens have $millions of Burisma cash in their accounts.

9. I'm sure if Trump makes gaffes defending Putin that GOP candidates will whack Trump with them during the 2024 primaries, if Trump even enters in 2024.
1. The US military would not be used overseas to conquer any country. An operation that size would be stopped before it got started. Those operations cost a ton of new "war" funding. The exception might be some approved defense of Taiwan or South Korea.

2. Putin never made GOP primary voter's radar in 2016. In the general it was Trump vs Hillary and her and Obama's dirty tricks. Putin never made the voter's radar. We'll see how the GOP presidential candidates use the many Trump gaffes to advantage.

3. Everyone knows Putin is a killer. The EU buys his energy products. That has zero to do with Trump getting elected. Remember Hillary posing with the Russians and her "reset" button? Psaki posed with them too. The Xiden crime family had $3.6m wired from the Moscow mayor's wife. Your point was?

4. No clue what your dirt on Clinton comment is about. The truth is that Clinton and the DNC paid Russians for the Steele Dossier which was used by the FBI to illegally get FISA warrants to spy on Trump.

5. General Flynn was setup by Comey in a perjury trap, Comey admitted as much.
Flynn did not offer easing of sanctions. He said not to get into an escalation.

6. Trump gave Russians details about Israeli penetration of ISIS, then killed ISIS and 300 Russian mercs. So what?

7. Russia always had access to Assad's ports, duh. Trump killed ISIS after Obama let them grow and expand. Trump also protected the Kurds and gave them a Syrian oil field.
View attachment 606148 ISIS under Obama expanded, it was killed under Trump

8. Its not a crime to ask for an investigation into extortion committed by Xiden, who withheld $1b in aid until the prosecutor investigating the Biden crime family's cash cow (Burisma) was fired and the investigation killed. I bet Zelensky regrets NOT helping Trump sink Xiden now. Which was a "crime" and which was not? Hint: The Xidens have $millions of Burisma cash in their accounts.

9. I'm sure if Trump makes gaffes defending Putin that GOP candidates will whack Trump with them during the 2024 primaries, if Trump even enters in 2024.
Don't look now but here you are excusing Trump's and his campaign's actions friendly to Putin, no less than 6 times. While at the same time claiming being friendly to Putin would kill chances for reelection.

Just for your information.

The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.
This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump

His reply

Thanks Rob I appreciate that. I am on the road at the moment but perhaps I just speak to Emin first. Seems we have some time and if it's what you say I love it especially later in the summer. Could we do a call first thing next week when I am back?

The domestic political reactions to the ugly events in Ukraine have exposed something that I don't think I've been seeing clearly enough.

As we know, authoritarians, terrorists and criminals often ultimately get their way by having the sheer will to do things that more decent people wouldn't even think of doing. They ignore common laws and rules of behavior, create delusional justifications for their behaviors, and then just maul others with the force of their will. That's what Putin is doing right now. This is who he is.

And there are obviously many in America and globally who are sympathetic to his behaviors. They would clearly rather attack those he's attacking than harshly criticize this murderous thug. So I'm thinking maybe it's time to replace a term I often use -- "Tr......pism" -- with a term that would more accurately describe the larger, macro picture: Global Authoritarianism. The free world, represented (at least to a degree) by NATO, will have its hands full as it takes on an adversary who will do absolutely anything to "win", while the free world is trying to play by the rules of decency.

This issue was noticed and discussed a couple of years ago, as people who think alike tend to gravitate towards each other:

The domestic political reactions to the ugly events in Ukraine have exposed something that I don't think I've been seeing clearly enough.

As we know, authoritarians, terrorists and criminals often ultimately get their way by having the sheer will to do things that more decent people wouldn't even think of doing. They ignore common laws and rules of behavior, create delusional justifications for their behaviors, and then just maul others with the force of their will. That's what Putin is doing right now. This is who he is.

And there are obviously many in America and globally who are sympathetic to his behaviors. They would clearly rather attack those he's attacking than harshly criticize this murderous thug. So I'm thinking maybe it's time to replace a term I often use -- "Tr......pism" -- with a term that would more accurately describe the larger, macro picture: Global Authoritarianism. The free world, represented (at least to a degree) by NATO, will have its hands full as it takes on an adversary who will do absolutely anything to "win", while the free world is trying to play by the rules of decency.

This issue was noticed and discussed a couple of years ago, as people who think alike tend to gravitate towards each other:

Mac, as usual, a brilliant political analysis. :thup: It combines your homoerotic Trump obsession with your general Dim world view. I mean, of course Trump was a war mongering authoritarian. Look at all the wars he got us into? Ooops.....:D
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i never said the left and right....i narrowed it down to the far left and the far right.....they call each other the same names...they accuse each other of doing the same shit...and they have the same credo...if you dont believe what we believe,if you dont like what we like......fuck sure someone like you agrees with that....
Question that you can’t or won’t answer….what does this “Far Right” stand for that you think they should compromise on?
Isn’t the Far Right comprised of fed-up folks with a ballsack….those with a desire to protect and preserve all things America, those who once compromised with the filthy Left and learned a lesson?
Don't look now but here you are excusing Trump's and his campaign's actions friendly to Putin, no less than 6 times. While at the same time claiming being friendly to Putin would kill chances for reelection.

Just for your information. Donald Trump Jr. responded by posting the emails on Twitter. Here they are.

The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.
This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump

His reply

Thanks Rob I appreciate that. I am on the road at the moment but perhaps I just speak to Emin first. Seems we have some time and if it's what you say I love it especially later in the summer. Could we do a call first thing next week when I am back?
1. No proof of your assertion. How about Hillary's campaign paying Russians for the Steele Dossier? How about the FBI using the fake dirt to illegally get FISA warrants to spy on Trump?

2. Putin is waging war on Ukraine. If Trump is on Putin's side he's not going to win the GOP nomination.

3. Your NYT article was a proven setup, duh.

4. Your emails prove what? Refer to Hillary and the Steel dossier for actual wrong-doing.

So you're batting zero. Thanks for playing.
This appears to be what some Americans want. Pretty amazing.
Biden promised unity. Never even gave it a 2nd thought since his installation. What do you expect? There would of course still be slinging of bull. But there are lines drawn now. A President in the past would have changed direction slightly when he saw the writing on the wall. But not ol Joe. He will probably say "Democracy" fifty times today after they wake him up. We already proved freedoms can be jettisoned at any time.
Biden promised unity. Never even gave it a 2nd thought since his installation. What do you expect? There would of course still be slinging of bull. But there are lines drawn now. A President in the past would have changed direction slightly when he saw the writing on the wall. But not ol Joe. He will probably say "Democracy" fifty times today after they wake him up. We already proved freedoms can be jettisoned at any time.
I know. It's all Biden and the commies. I know.
Question that you can’t or won’t answer….what does this “Far Right” stand for that you think they should compromise on?
Isn’t the Far Right comprised of fed-up folks with a ballsack….those with a desire to protect and preserve all things America, those who once compromised with the filthy Left and learned a lesson?
thats your definition ...i already gave you mine for both sides,its up above try reading it .......
thats your definition ...i already gave you mine for both sides,its up above try reading it .......
Try again.
“Question that you can’t or won’t answer….what does this “Far Right” stand for that you think they should compromise on?”
Try again.
“Question that you can’t or won’t answer….what does this “Far Right” stand for that you think they should compromise on?”
die hard party people (far right,far left),and im sure that includes you, wont compromise with i said above....if you dont like what i like,if you dont believe what i believe....fuck you....thats all the compromise you people can do...

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