The big picture: Global Authoritarianism

1. I think I agree with the OP. Years ago Saddam Hussein attacked Iran and then took Kuwait. Just by the force of his will and ambitions.

2. Putin may have had his ego stroked too much with the recent spike in oil revenue and flush with cash upgraded his military, so why keep it on the shelf, use it to advantage. Instead of upgrading the pitiful Russian economy. Biden gave Putin the excess cash by shutting down US oil & gas production.

3. If you are trying to link Trump to Putin as an overly aggressive "global authoritarian" I disagree. Trump is no Putin, besides, here in the US the president cannot order the US military to attack without congressional approval. The joint chiefs would refuse illegal orders.

4. Are you using Trump's recent praise of Putin as part of your rationale'? I don't know why Trump praisied Putin. Is he blowing smoke? Is he playing him for some reason? Does he have a sincere admiration for dictators? It doesn't matter. What matters is that Trump's many gaffes will be used against him in the 2024 GOP primaries, so once again Trump doesn't understand US politics.
Trump didn't praise Putin, WTF are you talking about? I heard what Trump said, he said he got along with Putin and other leaders among the world's more despotic regimes, because they respected one another in the context of maintaining global balance and peacetime. Saying there's mutual respect between two nuclear powers is not blanket praise of Putin in any way shape or form. By contrast, Biden standing at a podium at the G7 conference and calling Putin a killer in front of the world without provocation, the day before meeting with him, is overtly antagonistic and destabilizing to diplomacy.
The domestic political reactions to the ugly events in Ukraine have exposed something that I don't think I've been seeing clearly enough.

As we know, authoritarians, terrorists and criminals often ultimately get their way by having the sheer will to do things that more decent people wouldn't even think of doing. They ignore common laws and rules of behavior, create delusional justifications for their behaviors, and then just maul others with the force of their will. That's what Putin is doing right now. This is who he is.

And there are obviously many in America and globally who are sympathetic to his behaviors. They would clearly rather attack those he's attacking than harshly criticize this murderous thug. So I'm thinking maybe it's time to replace a term I often use -- "Tr......pism" -- with a term that would more accurately describe the larger, macro picture: Global Authoritarianism. The free world, represented (at least to a degree) by NATO, will have its hands full as it takes on an adversary who will do absolutely anything to "win", while the free world is trying to play by the rules of decency.

This issue was noticed and discussed a couple of years ago, as people who think alike tend to gravitate towards each other:

As we know, authoritarians, terrorists and criminals often ultimately get their way by having the sheer will to do things that more decent people wouldn't even think of doing.
The stolen election, censorship, and mandates prove that. Thanks.
Around the world, from the richest countries to the poorest, a dangerous new crop of leaders has sprung up. Unlike their totalitarian counterparts, these populists entered office through elections, but they show decidedly undemocratic proclivities. They propagate lies that become articles of faith among their followers. They sell themselves as noble and pure champions of the people, fighting against corrupt and greedy elites. They defy any constraints on their power and concentrate it in their own hands, launching frontal attacks on the institutions that sustain constitutional democracy, stacking the judiciary and the legislature, declaring war on the press, and scrapping laws that check their authority.

The new autocrats include current leaders such as Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro, Hungary’s Viktor Orban, India’s Narendra Modi, Mexico’s Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the Philippines’ Rodrigo Duterte, Russia’s Vladimir Putin, and Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The label also applies to leaders who are no longer in power, such as the late Hugo Chávez of Venezuela, Austria’s Sebastian Kurz, and, yes, the United States’ Donald Trump. All reengineered the old dictator’s playbook to enhance their ability to impose their will on others. Despite the enormous national, cultural, institutional, and ideological differences among their countries, the new autocrats’ approaches are uncannily similar. Bolsonaro and López Obrador, for example, could not be more different ideologically or more similar in their strategies to grab and retain power.

Trump didn't praise Putin, WTF are you talking about? I heard what Trump said, he said he got along with Putin and other leaders among the world's more despotic regimes, because they respected one another in the context of maintaining global balance and peacetime
1. No proof of your assertion. How about Hillary's campaign paying Russians for the Steele Dossier? How about the FBI using the fake dirt to illegally get FISA warrants to spy on Trump?

2. Putin is waging war on Ukraine. If Trump is on Putin's side he's not going to win the GOP nomination.

3. Your NYT article was a proven setup, duh.

4. Your emails prove what? Refer to Hillary and the Steel dossier for actual wrong-doing.

So you're batting zero. Thanks for playing.
Lol, This is exactly why I said you or the GOP will not in any way abandon Trump no matter what he does.

The truth of the matter is that you will give him the benefit of the doubt, no matter how far-fetched your excuses are. He can stand on a stage, hold a joint press conference, tell you he believes Putin over his own intelligence community, and you will still say "it is a gaffe", or "what about when Biden did this thing".

You place NATO as a force against global authoritarianism.

Seems to b me that most nations as a whole are moving closer to authoritarianism in general. Far from standing against authoritarians, everyone is moving straight toward the concept.
Around the world, from the richest countries to the poorest, a dangerous new crop of leaders has sprung up. Unlike their totalitarian counterparts, these populists entered office through elections, but they show decidedly undemocratic proclivities. They propagate lies that become articles of faith among their followers. They sell themselves as noble and pure champions of the people, fighting against corrupt and greedy elites. They defy any constraints on their power and concentrate it in their own hands, launching frontal attacks on the institutions that sustain constitutional democracy, stacking the judiciary and the legislature, declaring war on the press, and scrapping laws that check their authority.

The new autocrats include current leaders such as Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro, Hungary’s Viktor Orban, India’s Narendra Modi, Mexico’s Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the Philippines’ Rodrigo Duterte, Russia’s Vladimir Putin, and Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The label also applies to leaders who are no longer in power, such as the late Hugo Chávez of Venezuela, Austria’s Sebastian Kurz, and, yes, the United States’ Donald Trump. All reengineered the old dictator’s playbook to enhance their ability to impose their will on others. Despite the enormous national, cultural, institutional, and ideological differences among their countries, the new autocrats’ approaches are uncannily similar. Bolsonaro and López Obrador, for example, could not be more different ideologically or more similar in their strategies to grab and retain power.

Except, it's the western countries who are beating the protestors. These are the new world global authoritarians. Biden is too senile to understand what's happening.
die hard party people (far right,far left),and im sure that includes you, wont compromise with i said above....if you dont like what i like,if you dont believe what i believe....fuck you....thats all the compromise you people can do...
Hahaha…I knew it, you don’t have the balls to answer the question.
What is it that these far right folks stand for that you think they should compromise with the left on?”
I’m asking for your opinion.
Around the world, from the richest countries to the poorest, a dangerous new crop of leaders has sprung up. Unlike their totalitarian counterparts, these populists entered office through elections, but they show decidedly undemocratic proclivities. They propagate lies that become articles of faith among their followers. They sell themselves as noble and pure champions of the people, fighting against corrupt and greedy elites. They defy any constraints on their power and concentrate it in their own hands, launching frontal attacks on the institutions that sustain constitutional democracy, stacking the judiciary and the legislature, declaring war on the press, and scrapping laws that check their authority.

The new autocrats include current leaders such as Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro, Hungary’s Viktor Orban, India’s Narendra Modi, Mexico’s Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the Philippines’ Rodrigo Duterte, Russia’s Vladimir Putin, and Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The label also applies to leaders who are no longer in power, such as the late Hugo Chávez of Venezuela, Austria’s Sebastian Kurz, and, yes, the United States’ Donald Trump. All reengineered the old dictator’s playbook to enhance their ability to impose their will on others. Despite the enormous national, cultural, institutional, and ideological differences among their countries, the new autocrats’ approaches are uncannily similar. Bolsonaro and López Obrador, for example, could not be more different ideologically or more similar in their strategies to grab and retain power.

We just had a Canadian leader enact Martial Law over a trucker protest. And with the jackbooted national police stomping on and arresting people, the totalitarian state took their trucks and froze their bank accounts. That is a dictator. What was done on the Jan 6 protest by our government,.... dictator. Antifa and BLM are given free reign for political purposes. The tyranny laws still exist and that won't be tolerated when the power is completed. Terrorism will be anything decided by the leadership and the marching orders they get from the elites.

how to respond?

I dont know any russian gangsters in NYC or other cities on the East Coast

so I can honestly say that all the russians I’ve met since the breakup of the soviet union are pretty decent people

unfortunately I can’t say the same for democrats

so dont assume that those guys are pro putin because I dont think they are

how to respond?

I dont know any russian gangsters in NYC or other cities on the East Coast

so I can honestly say that all the russians I’ve met since the breakup of the soviet union are pretty decent people

unfortunately I can’t say the same for democrats

so dont assume that those guys are pro putin because I dont think they are
Ah, you went from "you're a liar", to "I agree with the sentiment."

It really is what it comes down to isn't it? Most people in the GOP are unable to put aside their factionalism even in response to war.
Lol, This is exactly why I said you or the GOP will not in any way abandon Trump no matter what he does.

The truth of the matter is that you will give him the benefit of the doubt, no matter how far-fetched your excuses are. He can stand on a stage, hold a joint press conference, tell you he believes Putin over his own intelligence community, and you will still say "it is a gaffe", or "what about when Biden did this thing".

After eight grueling years under that ‘Change America’ Kenyan dude…“American’s First” policies became very very powerful. The almost dead dude in office now is making them even more powerful.
Thanks to the clowns you elect, Trump OWNS American politics on that sentiment alone.
1. I think I agree with the OP. Years ago Saddam Hussein attacked Iran and then took Kuwait. Just by the force of his will and ambitions.

2. Putin may have had his ego stroked too much with the recent spike in oil revenue and flush with cash upgraded his military, so why keep it on the shelf, use it to advantage. Instead of upgrading the pitiful Russian economy. Biden gave Putin the excess cash by shutting down US oil & gas production.

3. If you are trying to link Trump to Putin as an overly aggressive "global authoritarian" I disagree. Trump is no Putin, besides, here in the US the president cannot order the US military to attack without congressional approval. The joint chiefs would refuse illegal orders.

4. Are you using Trump's recent praise of Putin as part of your rationale'? I don't know why Trump praisied Putin. Is he blowing smoke? Is he playing him for some reason? Does he have a sincere admiration for dictators? It doesn't matter. What matters is that Trump's many gaffes will be used against him in the 2024 GOP primaries, so once again Trump doesn't understand US politics.
Authoritarianism of course is a manifestation of the right – the consequence of conservative reactionaryism.

Because positive, beneficial change flourishes in a democracy, the authoritarian right seeks to destroy democracy in an effort to stop the positive, beneficial change conservatives needlessly fear and oppose.
Hahaha…I knew it, you don’t have the balls to answer the question.
What is it that these far right folks stand for that you think they should compromise with the left on?”
I’m asking for your opinion.
i just gave you my opinion....people like you on the far right and the other asses on the far left wont compromise with anyone unless they toe the line with asswipes are the reason there is so much fucking disorder in this country....tit for tat thats all you assholes do...
i just gave you my opinion....people like you on the far right and the other asses on the far left wont compromise with anyone unless they toe the line with asswipes are the reason there is so much fucking disorder in this country....tit for tat thats all you assholes do...
Hahaha…you scared ass pussy….you can’t answer the question because you know the “far right” shouldn’t dare make deals with this nations enemy, the far left.…you long for some bullshit utopian feel good unity….FUCK THAT!
We’re too different now…you fucked up and flooded this nation with wetbacks, foreigners, faggots, weirdos, atheists and the like…..FUCK THEM ALL!
die hard party people (far right,far left),and im sure that includes you, wont compromise with i said above....if you dont like what i like,if you dont believe what i believe....fuck you....thats all the compromise you people can do...
BrokeLoser asked you a legit question that you failed to answer and just babbled platitudes instead

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