The Big Smear Job


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
I have personally known several left-wing Journalists and they are, without exception, disgusting pieces of crap who I would not let inside my house, let alone have dinner with. If enough Americans believe them, then so be it. But hopefully, enough Americans have heard them cry wolf once too often.
You understand you sound like a crazy hate-cultist, right?

Probably not. Few Trump-thugs understand just how awful they sound to normal decent people.
I have personally known several left-wing Journalists and they are, without exception, disgusting pieces of crap who I would not let inside my house, let alone have dinner with. If enough Americans believe them, then so be it. But hopefully, enough Americans have heard them cry wolf once too often.
yea and they live in hillbilly land off !-95 , too funny
Trump,sure is intent on creating enemies. The press, the intelligence community, anyone who disagrees with him. Is he channeling Richard Nixon? Can he just play to his base who seems to be as paranoid, angry and low brow as himself?

Keep telling us everybody else is lying and your administration is running like a fine tuned machine.

If you shout that refrain loudly enough and long enough, it may just take on an aura of truth. Like all propaganda does.

But it was a truly great president who said, "You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time."
I have personally known several left-wing Journalists and they are, without exception, disgusting pieces of crap who I would not let inside my house, let alone have dinner with. If enough Americans believe them, then so be it. But hopefully, enough Americans have heard them cry wolf once too often.

There are too many like Sally Kohn who exist to attack opposition and keep the base riled. The latest from that nut job is about what you'd expect. They are all dreaming about a Trump assassination and a plot to install Hillary or other Dem in their place. They must plot their hostile takeover every waking moment these days. Their thinking has gotten so far from reality that it's almost sad. These folks should be in therapy, many even institutionalized, but they are still out there pretending to be reporters.

After watching the complete meltdown on MSNBC election night, it was clear that a mass breakdown was happening. They haven't shown any sign of recovery and instead spiral deeper into mental illness. It's almost like they are torn between actually murdering Republicans or ending up on a ledge themselves.

Sally Kohn Proposes Plan To Install President Hillary -- Twitter Beats Her With A Metaphorical Sack Of Oranges [VIDEO]
They are all dreaming about a Trump assassination and a plot to install Hillary or other Dem in their place.

Normal people consider your rant to be an example of paranoid delusions. Most Trump-cultists now display paranoid delusions constantly. After all, their master displays them, and their cult constantly tells them to believe the paranoid delusions as well.

And there's no way to penetrate the cult anti-reality bubble, as anyone who tells them the truth about their paranoid delusions is classified as "The enemy".

Or, as Trump just put it "An enemy of the people". Lenin also started using that term shortly after taking power. It's not a coincidence. All dictator wannabees start ranting about "enemies of the people", trying to rally their thugs to action. The problem for Trump is he doesn't have enough thugs. The majority of the nation kind of hates him.
They are all dreaming about a Trump assassination and a plot to install Hillary or other Dem in their place.

Normal people consider your rant to be an example of paranoid delusions. Most Trump-cultists now display paranoid delusions constantly. After all, their master displays them, and their cult constantly tells them to believe the paranoid delusions as well.

And there's no way to penetrate the cult anti-reality bubble, as anyone who tells them the truth about their paranoid delusions is classified as "The enemy".

Or, as Trump just put it "An enemy of the people". Lenin also started using that term shortly after taking power. It's not a coincidence. All dictator wannabees start ranting about "enemies of the people", trying to rally their thugs to action. The problem for Trump is he doesn't have enough thugs. The majority of the nation kind of hates him.

Most I know are in a wait and see mode where Trump is concerned. Many do seem to appreciate his attempts to fulfill campaign promises. They aren't marching around dressed like vaginas, rioting and destroying businesses and beating people, or endlessly expressing a desire to have the president assassinated. Hearing way too much of that shit from the left these days. Sally Kohn thinks that if Trump and Pence are assassinated, then Hillary can become president. And her wild fantasies seem to be shared by many libs. Even some lib media is telling the leftwing radicals to chill because the fake stories are not based on fact Time to get a grip.


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