The biggest irony of tonight's event.

Her or not it just boggles my mind the the most anti war candidate is being protested by an anti war group.
A complete disconnect from reality

Trump supporters are no less disconnected from reality. The most pro-war party now supports the most anti-war candidate. Many of them cheered Bush 8 years ago, and now pretend they never supported him. Now he's a RINO like everyone else they've supported for the last decade.
I cheered Bush. I think he did what needed to be done. He was a great leader who inspired the nation in a time of crisis. Iraq was a disastrous clusterfuck in hindsight. Changes nothing about Bush's choices at the time. As far as the term Rino, I don't play those asinine games.


What was needed to be done? The guy was no threat to US...

Bush used 911 to tell the world that the next attack was coming from Iraq/Saddam. That was totally bogus...

I understand Clinton's dilema at the time... New York was attack and she was the New York Senator. She choose to believe her President, she choose to believe the Secutary of State... She looked on this as a time of crisis and her state was attacked...
It is understandable why she voted to go to war, she believed her president during a time of war. This is what she thought at the time putting country before politics...

Bush lied...
Saddam lied. He pretended to have the weapons. He even kicked people out from inspections as if he was hiding them. And why does Hillary get a pass just because she was a senator for a few million people when Bush was the president of ALL people?

First off.. Saddam was playing a balancing act which the CIA knew very well about and told the administration... He had to convince the rebels within his own boarders that he had them or there would be a rebellion...

Clinton hadn't the resources or access Bush had at the time... She had a choice of either trusting her President or calling him a liar... She is guilty of trusting her President during a time of war. Personally I think she trusted Powell and that was a real let down.. If Powell was telling the truth then to be responsible, invading was the right choice...

Problem lies on the false information that was given and coerced. Powell got caught too. I think it was Tom Ricks book that explained all of this..

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