The BILLIONAIRES are backing Joe "FAKE NEWS" Biden. Why??


Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2020

Biden Pulls Away In Race For Billionaire Donors, With 131 To Trump’s 99

"The billionaires seem to love Joe Biden."


A few of note:

1)Soros gave $505,600 to Biden’s joint fundraising committee with the Democratic National Committee in May. Soros has spent over $8 million this election cycle on other causes so far.

2) Facebook billionaires Sean Parker and Dustin Moskovitz made six-figure contributions

3) Twitter cofounder Ev Williams,

4)Nicole Systrom, who is married to Instagram cofounder Kevin Systrom, donated $250,000.

Biden Pulls Away In Race For Billionaire Donors, With 131 To Trump’s 99

"The billionaires seem to love Joe Biden."


A few of note:

1)Soros gave $505,600 to Biden’s joint fundraising committee with the Democratic National Committee in May. Soros has spent over $8 million this election cycle on other causes so far.

2) Facebook billionaires Sean Parker and Dustin Moskovitz made six-figure contributions

3) Twitter cofounder Ev Williams,

4)Nicole Systrom, who is married to Instagram cofounder Kevin Systrom, donated $250,000.

Must be because they all want to lose money in the stock market and the upcoming massive depression you guys predict every time we have a Democratic Party President.

Either that or they know something you don't.
they all hang out on Epsteins Island.

Only subhuman scum support Democrats in this day and age.
Epstein was Trump's butt buddy.
He was much closer with Bill Clinton. Funny how abc didn't cover this while they were hiding pizzagate.

Democrats love bill Clinton and most think they can behave like him. They let him speak at their convention they love him so much.

Democrats = soft on pedophilia
They are the ones making money as the Democrat party stomps all over the little guys trying to earn a living by running their own small businesses.

Pretty much spot on.

The Billionaires will thrive with regulations and increased taxes. They will thrive because
all the small businesses will be out of business. Then the billionaires are free to corner the
market in their industry and charge whatever they want.

Obama tried his best to destroy the middle class, but when all the big boys sent jobs away
from our shores...he was caught in a pinch and couldn't carry out his plans for a socialist
government. You can have socialism and a strong middle class. A socialist country has
rich folks and poor folks...none in the middle.
they all hang out on Epsteins Island.

Only subhuman scum support Democrats in this day and age.
Epstein was Trump's butt buddy.
He was much closer with Bill Clinton. Funny how abc didn't cover this while they were hiding pizzagate.

Democrats love bill Clinton and most think they can behave like him. They let him speak at their convention they love him so much.

Democrats = soft on pedophilia

I give Bill Clinton almost no shot at winning this election.

But getting back to relevance...Epstein was Trump's boy.... Why do you support pedophiles?
they all hang out on Epsteins Island.

Only subhuman scum support Democrats in this day and age.
Epstein was Trump's butt buddy.
He was much closer with Bill Clinton. Funny how abc didn't cover this while they were hiding pizzagate.

Democrats love bill Clinton and most think they can behave like him. They let him speak at their convention they love him so much.

Democrats = soft on pedophilia

I give Bill Clinton almost no shot at winning this election.

But getting back to relevance...Epstein was Trump's boy.... Why do you support pedophiles?
Just because trump and Epstein were at the same party 20 years ago doesn't make them best buddies. Epstein is friends with far more Democrats than republicans.

Bill Clinton is relevant because he would be in the white house today partying with Epstein if Hillary won in 2016 and you would be here defending them.

The type of people who watch Biden creep on little girls and give it a pass are probably pretty sick fucks themselves.

Did it make you proud seeing Bill Clinton, your favorite pedophile, speak at your convention?

Biden Pulls Away In Race For Billionaire Donors, With 131 To Trump’s 99

"The billionaires seem to love Joe Biden."


A few of note:

1)Soros gave $505,600 to Biden’s joint fundraising committee with the Democratic National Committee in May. Soros has spent over $8 million this election cycle on other causes so far.

2) Facebook billionaires Sean Parker and Dustin Moskovitz made six-figure contributions

3) Twitter cofounder Ev Williams,

4)Nicole Systrom, who is married to Instagram cofounder Kevin Systrom, donated $250,000.

China and Big Government that they intend to control via cash and consolidating their control over the economy at the expense of the Middle Class.

If Trump could get away from his "tough on crime" shtick, he'd have a slam dunk easy path to victory by calling out why he is better for the economy and average citizen.

Start with China and end with China. You can ask tech workers, business owners, poor and Middle Class, "do you think allowing China and Big Government to control our lives is good for us? I'm the only one who stood up to them and I will do so again my Second Term".

The debates are going to be in Bidens court, not that Weasel Wallace was objective. Trump has to control the narrative and get on the issues that favor him while calling out those extremists behind Biden that will hurt minority citizens with their socialist, destructive policies.
Walmart Billionaire, Christy Walton, is another Biden supporter.

Joe is pushing a buy American agenda, so why would Christy favor him as Walmart gets much of its products from China?? Maybe she thinks he isn't serious about his "buy American" pledge.
You have to be a sick fuck to support the kid sniffer. How much you wanna bet the Waltons are tied in with Epstein like John Roberts
they all hang out on Epsteins Island.

Only subhuman scum support Democrats in this day and age.
Epstein was Trump's butt buddy.
He was much closer with Bill Clinton. Funny how abc didn't cover this while they were hiding pizzagate.

Democrats love bill Clinton and most think they can behave like him. They let him speak at their convention they love him so much.

Democrats = soft on pedophilia

We know it is much worse even than that. Let's be frank and speak freely. Many powerful men and women—many of them democrats—also sacrifice children on altars raised to God fucking knows what dark deities. Some day (soon, we hope) a righteous purge will burn these inhuman hedonists from our planet.
they all hang out on Epsteins Island.

Only subhuman scum support Democrats in this day and age.
Epstein was Trump's butt buddy.
He was much closer with Bill Clinton. Funny how abc didn't cover this while they were hiding pizzagate.

Democrats love bill Clinton and most think they can behave like him. They let him speak at their convention they love him so much.

Democrats = soft on pedophilia

We know it is much worse even than that. Let's be frank and speak freely. Many powerful men and women—many of them democrats—also sacrifice children on altars raised to God fucking knows what dark deities. Some day (soon, we hope) a righteous purge will burn these inhuman hedonists from our planet.
God willing, the seas will turn red with the blood of the soulless
Walmart Billionaire, Christy Walton, is another Biden supporter.

Joe is pushing a buy American agenda, so why would Christy favor him as Walmart gets much of its products from China?? Maybe she thinks he isn't serious about his "buy American" pledge.

We'd love to ask Joe Biden, face to face, about what happened to Sparrow's Point steel mill. Buy American my ass. And what about Crown, Cork and Seal? Huh, Joe?

Biden Pulls Away In Race For Billionaire Donors, With 131 To Trump’s 99

"The billionaires seem to love Joe Biden."


A few of note:

1)Soros gave $505,600 to Biden’s joint fundraising committee with the Democratic National Committee in May. Soros has spent over $8 million this election cycle on other causes so far.

2) Facebook billionaires Sean Parker and Dustin Moskovitz made six-figure contributions

3) Twitter cofounder Ev Williams,

4)Nicole Systrom, who is married to Instagram cofounder Kevin Systrom, donated $250,000.
I would assume they're backing Biden, because they think Trump is a moron. They may not like everything about the Dems, but like many Americans, they value stability over the chaos of the current administration.

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