The Birth Of The Birthers

the point is that the Hillary campaign started it.

Where and when? I mean you're entitled to your opinion but unless you got some facts to back that up it's nothing but opinion.

The whisper campaign against then candidate Obama to me seem like what Turdblossom (aka Karl Rove) did for President Bush in Texas to beat Ann Richards and against McCain in the 2000 primaries. My opinion is that it was the GOP all along......
Although the left vehemently denies it, the campaign to portray Barack Hussein Obama as a muslim born in Kenya, was born in Hillary Clinton's 2008 run for the White House. Progressives are quick to deflect and redirect these dirty little deeds to blame their targets. It is now considered common knowledge that it was the GOP who started the rumors about Obama, much like the GOP was blamed for the Willy Horton story planted by Al Gore on Michael Dukakis. But back to the is Poppy somebody or other all upset and interrupting when a Kasich supporter points out where the birther movement first moved:t/

I don't know which is funnier.

That the Right wants to believe that Clinton's campaign started the Birther movement- and that therefore Donald Trump is just a gullible idiot whose strings are being pulled by Hillary Clinton.

Or that your redefining of what a Birther is will mean anything to anyone.
And.........why is that important now that the 'Kenyan' is a lame duck?

I think it's important to point out the democrat playbook on tactics, especially what they have in store for Trump. Of course Trump is more than capable of throwing his own shitballs so this looks to be one of the most entertaining summers in political history. :meow:

So do you think that Donald Trump is just really, really gullible and has been having his strings pulled by becoming the Chief Birther- the GOP candidate for President who has championed the Birther ideals for the last 3 years?




Who cares who started the club. Was it a whisper campaign started by Clinton supporters? Who cares, fact is, Donald "The Liar" Trump has been the CEO of the club for several years now. Birthers and Truthers! What a world,

I think blacks should care simply because Hillary's little elves tried to smear the first black with a chance to win the presidency. She no more cares about blacks than she does about hispanics, women, miners, or any other group other than her Wall St. pals and of course, herself.

Bitter old white Conservatives are always telling blacks what they should think.

Because you 'care' sooooo much for them.
No you linked to partisan nonsense. Truth is, you cannot connect Hillary to have ever had anything to do with the birtherism nonsense the GOP has spent 8 years humiliating itself with.

Couldn't care less that you don't like the source of the article...fat chance of any Rat publication printing the truth. The Penn memo is real and ample evidence of the Clinton whisper campaign against Obama. It's what she's capable of and much worse yet you moonbats continue supporting the lying hag. :eusa_snooty:

Frankly no different than what Trump was saying about Cruz. Pointing out a reality about a candidate- which is what the Penn memo was doing- and what Trump said about Cruz- is far different from lying and saying Barack Obama was born in Kenya

Like Trump has suggested.

Over and Over.

Do you think Trump was just a gullible idiot fooled by the Democratic machine?
Actually Obama was the first birther way back in 1991 and promoted himself being born in Kenya for 16 years in 3 book revisions up until 2007, t

As usual Stevie the racist is lying.

Barack Obama has never promoted himself as being born in Kenya
And no book of his has ever referred to him being born in Kenya

Stevie the Racist is lying.
Well those little elves are just rumors and the first documented birther...rrrr...ism I believe came from a RW publication.

Nope, but hey, I don't expect Hillaryites to desert her....a recent poll shows over 70% of her supporters will still be on her side when she's INDICTED....go figure, eh? :dunno:

Yep- go figure.

Democrats believe in innocent until proven guilty.

Republicans believe in guilty until proven innocent- unless the person is a Republican.
That would be so embarrassing for Rubio. If he came crawling back to Trump after Trump made a complete mockery of his life and entire existence. No, I'm pretty sure Rubio will stand by what he said and leave politics forever.

No it wouldn't....I want as many calm and sane advisers around Trump as possible and Rubio is both...and would be one of the best minds in a Trump administration. Also a good job to have with an eye toward 2020 in a position he doesn't have to win in an election. Trump will be 74 and might not want to go through another campaign.

How many advisers will Trump need to get past his Birtherism- and having his strings pulled by the Clinton campaign?
Now from Politico, left wing media....

"As Obama marched toward the presidency, a new suggestion emerged: That he was not eligible to serve.

That theory first emerged in the spring of 2008, as Clinton supporters circulated an anonymous email questioning Obama’s citizenship.

'an anonymous email'

If it was anonymous how do you know it was by a Clinton supporter?

Meanwhile- this rumor had already started in March 2008 on right wing blogs.
And remember Linda Starr? Man oh man she's a real piece of work. This article is really informative.

"After Clinton's concession, Starr turned her attention to Obama. "I determined that I was going to start digging up every bit of dirt that I could find on him," she told me after I hunted her down in late 2009, "and that hopefully that I would find something against him that would convince the Democratic Party to dump him and make Hillary the nominee."

In the first week of August 2008, as the Democrats were getting ready for their convention in Denver, Starr called Philadelphia attorney Philip Berg and offered a challenge. Berg recalled the conversation for me: "She called me up and said, 'Have you heard about Obama not being national born?' I said, 'Yes.' She said, 'Well, now it's for real, and you're the only attorney in the country with brass balls enough to sue Obama.'"

Berg also had been a Clinton supporter.:

The 'Birthers' Began on the Left

AWESOME series of posts....none of it will matter to the turd spamming the thread because he won't read them.

So Tom

Are you a Birther? Do you embrace Birtherism- or do you reject Birtherism?

What do you think of Donald Trump being the Great White Birther? The Birther in Charge? Or as your thread implies- the gullible fool who listened to his good buddy Hillary Clinton?
Now from Politico, left wing media....

"As Obama marched toward the presidency, a new suggestion emerged: That he was not eligible to serve.

That theory first emerged in the spring of 2008, as Clinton supporters circulated an anonymous email questioning Obama’s citizenship.

“Barack Obama’s mother was living in Kenya with his Arab-African father late in her pregnancy. She was not allowed to travel by plane then, so Barack Obama was born there and his mother then took him to Hawaii to register his birth,” asserted one chain email that surfaced on the urban legend site in April 2008."

Birtherism: Where it all began
Notice the key word "supporters".

Not the Clinton campaign.

And then a massive herd of pseudo-right wing retards took it and ran with it, and they are still going full force today. Not only are they gullible, they drank the piss of a Hillary supporter!


Try a massive herd of Hillary supporters first. The PUMA's. Remember them? Party Unity My Ass.

"But there's an inconvenient truth liberals are going to have to confront: The Birthers began not on the right, but on the left.

Investigations for my new book, Wingnuts, revealed that the Birther conspiracy theory was first concocted by renegade members of the original Obama haters, Party Unity My Ass, known more commonly by their acronym, the PUMAs. They were a splinter group of hard-core Hillary Clinton supporters who did not want to give up the ghost after the bitter 50-state Bataan Death March to the 2008 Democratic nomination.

In the early summer of '08, message boards on sites like began lighting up with the ultimate reversal-of-fortune fantasy—that their party's nomination could be overturned on constitutional grounds. "Obama May Be Illegal to Be Elected President!" read one representative e-mail: "This came from a USNA [U.S. Naval Academy] alumnus. It'll be interesting to see how the media handle this...WRITE TO YOUR LOCAL newspaper editors etc. Keep this out there everyday possible. Also write to the DNC too!"

That June, the Obama campaign released his certificate of live birth on its Web site as part of its "fight the smears" effort. and other organizations examined the document in person and declared it genuine: "Our conclusion: Obama was born in the U.S.A. just as he has always said." But posters at the PUMA sites were unimpressed: "Nobody believes it's for real, except the Kool-Aid drinkers themselves."

The 'Birthers' Began on the Left

And Donald Trump still doesn't believe its real- so you think that Donald Trump and the PUMA's are kissing cousins?
Although the left vehemently denies it, the campaign to portray Barack Hussein Obama as a muslim born in Kenya, was born in Hillary Clinton's 2008 run for the White House. Progressives are quick to deflect and redirect these dirty little deeds to blame their targets. It is now considered common knowledge that it was the GOP who started the rumors about Obama, much like the GOP was blamed for the Willy Horton story planted by Al Gore on Michael Dukakis. But back to the is Poppy somebody or other all upset and interrupting when a Kasich supporter points out where the birther movement first moved:

The idea of going after Obama’s otherness dates back to the last presidential election—and to Democrats. … Hillary Clinton’s chief strategist, Mark Penn, recognized this potential vulnerability in Obama and sought to exploit it. … Penn wrote: … “[H]is roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited. I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and his values.”

Here are the facts:
More than a full year before anyone would hear of Orly Taitz, the Birther strategy was first laid out in the Penn memo.
The “othering” foundation was built subliminally by the Clinton campaign itself.
Democrats and Clinton campaign surrogates did the dirtiest of the dirty work: openly spread the Birther lies.
Staffers in Hillary’s actual campaign used email to spread the lies among other Democrats (this was a Democrat primary after all — so that is the only well you needed to poison a month before a primary).
The campaign released the turban photo.


The conclusion to be drawn is simple and straight out of Alinsky's playbook...when caught, in lies and subterfuge, blame the accuser.

So you're arguing that birtherism was a vicious lie started by a couple Democrats?

Then why has the Right run with it ever since, years after it was rejected by the Democratic party?
the point is that the Hillary campaign started it.

Where and when? I mean you're entitled to your opinion but unless you got some facts to back that up it's nothing but opinion.

The whisper campaign against then candidate Obama to me seem like what Turdblossom (aka Karl Rove) did for President Bush in Texas to beat Ann Richards and against McCain in the 2000 primaries. My opinion is that it was the GOP all along......

It came to light in the primaries when McCain was fighting other Republicans and not Obama. Hillary was fighting Obama and it came from her camp. It's so easy, even you should be able to understand it.
Obama attended Occidental College as a foreign student. Did he lie then, or is he lying now?
You're lying now.

That was easy!

Not lying at all.

Yep- just lying.

Or maybe you are as gullible as Donald Trump and believe what Birthers have fed you.

There is no evidence Barack Obama - or Donald Trump- attended any college as a foreign student.

Yeah there is, I'm looking for it at the moment. I'm not talking about the fake ID, I'm talking about a listing in a college program that shows him as a foreign student. I will find it and post it.
Obama attended Occidental College as a foreign student. Did he lie then, or is he lying now?
You're lying now.

That was easy!

Not lying at all.

Yep- just lying.

Or maybe you are as gullible as Donald Trump and believe what Birthers have fed you.

There is no evidence Barack Obama - or Donald Trump- attended any college as a foreign student.

Yeah there is, I'm looking for it at the moment. I'm not talking about the fake ID, I'm talking about a listing in a college program that shows him as a foreign student. I will find it and post it.

Please do- oh wait- I think I will do it for you.....

I suspect that it will be from an article released on April 1, 2009.

And that date is no coincidence.
the point is that the Hillary campaign started it.

Where and when? I mean you're entitled to your opinion but unless you got some facts to back that up it's nothing but opinion.

The whisper campaign against then candidate Obama to me seem like what Turdblossom (aka Karl Rove) did for President Bush in Texas to beat Ann Richards and against McCain in the 2000 primaries. My opinion is that it was the GOP all along......

It came to light in the primaries when McCain was fighting other Republicans and not Obama. Hillary was fighting Obama and it came from her camp. It's so easy, even you should be able to understand it.

The suggestion originated on right wing blogs in March of 2008.

Of course I still find the idea that Donald Trump is just a gullible idiot whose strings are being pulled by Hillary Clinton's campaign to be wonderfully funny.

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