The Birth Of The Birthers

Odd isn't it? When it comes to smearing a R candidate for something one of their supporters did that was stupid or illegal the left wing wankers go the extra mile to link said act with the candidate.

Like the thread that pointed out a Trump delegate was charged with child pornography. BUT NO. When it's a D supporter that does something stupid or illegal the campaign has nothing ever look away look away is that a rabbit over there?
Is Sheriff Arpaio a part of the Hillary campaign? No?

Is he a Hillary supporter?

How about Donald Trump?

How about any birther on this forum you can name?

How about Orly Taiz?

How about any of these people: Birthers from A to Z - Obama Conspiracy Theories

What? You mean to say they are vastly pseudo-right wingers?

Okay, then.

How many more times? It BEGAN with Clinton staffers.....and it took off from there.
This is the umpteenth topic attempting to conceal the fact that the vast majority of birthers are right wingers.

It's exactly like those topics which attempt to deflect from the GOP being infected with right wing racists by trying to point out the racists used to be Democrats a long fucking time ago.

It's a pathetic attempt to deflect away from the present day failings of the pseudo-Right.
That would be so embarrassing for Rubio. If he came crawling back to Trump after Trump made a complete mockery of his life and entire existence. No, I'm pretty sure Rubio will stand by what he said and leave politics forever.

No it wouldn't....I want as many calm and sane advisers around Trump as possible and Rubio is both...and would be one of the best minds in a Trump administration. Also a good job to have with an eye toward 2020 in a position he doesn't have to win in an election. Trump will be 74 and might not want to go through another campaign.
Calm and sane advisors hmm... like Trump's advisor who thinks he has the power to stop tsunami's?
This is the umpteenth topic attempting to conceal the fact that the vast majority of birthers are right wingers.

It's exactly like those topics which attempt to deflect from the GOP being infected with right wing racists by trying to point out the racists used to be Democrats a long fucking time ago.

It's a pathetic deflection away from their sins.

For the umpteenth time, the point is that the Hillary campaign started it. No one is saying that only Hillary supporters are birthers.
Is Sheriff Arpaio a part of the Hillary campaign? No?

Is he a Hillary supporter?

How about Donald Trump?

How about any birther on this forum you can name?

How about Orly Taiz?

How about any of these people: Birthers from A to Z - Obama Conspiracy Theories

What? You mean to say they are vastly pseudo-right wingers?

Okay, then.

How many more times? It BEGAN with Clinton staffers.....and it took off from there.
And it took off on the Right, dipshit. And it has STAYED there. To this day.

In the present day, the vast majority of these tards are on the Right. That's the part you assholes always somehow fail to mention.

And by this, you are enabling and protecting and excusing them. It's a weird form of denial.
And it took off on the Right, dipshit. And it has STAYED there. To this day.

You bet your ass it did....we had no more use for that muslim fake than Hilly supporters did. But that doesn't change the fact her STAFF started the (true) rumors now does it? You should be more concerned about the depth of her sleaziness, disdain for a black equal, and gutter tactics....but of course you're not.
How hilarious is it a bunch of pseudo-right wing tards stole a leftie's idea and ran with it? :lol:
I have no doubt, absolutely none, that he was born in Kenya, is a muslim, and has worked to promote radical islam in the middle-east

I have no doubt either. Obama Derangement Syndrome has made you fucking insane. No doubt at all.

But you sure write some funny shit.
Which reminds me. Which tard invented the "Obama is a Muslim" frosting on the birther cake? Pretty sure it wasn't a Hillary supporter.
Boom! There it is. Another tard birther idiot finally comes out from behind Hillary's pants suit.

I see you're still hiding behind her massive thighs and cankles, not me. Face it boy, you dig fat old liars wearing pearls before swine.
Notice the FURY of the Hildaites trying to bury my OP in flaming crap....they can't allow the truth to be told about their Queen....I'd say heaven forbid but they're all dirtbag atheists so I won't. :cool-45:
Boom! There it is. Another tard birther idiot finally comes out from behind Hillary's pants suit.

I see you're still hiding behind her massive thighs and cankles, not me. Face it boy, you dig fat old liars wearing pearls before swine.
Nope. I just dig the truth. I can't stand Hillary. Or Obama. Or Democrats.

RUBE: Clinton has extinguished the sun!

G5000: Hey, dipshit. Look out the window.

You're lying now.

That was easy!

Okay, now've done your little duty by spamming an expose on your creepshow queen....anything more out of you and I'll report your sorry ass.

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