The Birth Of The Birthers

the point is that the Hillary campaign started it.

Where and when? I mean you're entitled to your opinion but unless you got some facts to back that up it's nothing but opinion.

The whisper campaign against then candidate Obama to me seem like what Turdblossom (aka Karl Rove) did for President Bush in Texas to beat Ann Richards and against McCain in the 2000 primaries. My opinion is that it was the GOP all along......

It came to light in the primaries when McCain was fighting other Republicans and not Obama. Hillary was fighting Obama and it came from her camp. It's so easy, even you should be able to understand it.

U 2 are entitled to your opinion. Without any facts it is still opinion. Whisper campaigns are part an parcel of Turdblossom's (aka Rove) tactics. I think he wanted Hillary to win because he saw her a a easier opponent. So he let the leaked out the phony story, probably disguised as a Clinton supporter.
Notice the FURY of the Hildaites trying to bury my OP in flaming crap....they can't allow the truth to be told about their Queen....I'd say heaven forbid but they're all dirtbag atheists so I won't. :cool-45:

LOL.......poor Tommie.

So caught up in trying to blame Hillary Clinton for Trump being the Birther in chief that he doesn't even think about what an idiot that makes Trump look like.
the point is that the Hillary campaign started it.

Where and when? I mean you're entitled to your opinion but unless you got some facts to back that up it's nothing but opinion.

The whisper campaign against then candidate Obama to me seem like what Turdblossom (aka Karl Rove) did for President Bush in Texas to beat Ann Richards and against McCain in the 2000 primaries. My opinion is that it was the GOP all along......

It came to light in the primaries when McCain was fighting other Republicans and not Obama. Hillary was fighting Obama and it came from her camp. It's so easy, even you should be able to understand it.

The suggestion originated on right wing blogs in March of 2008.

Of course I still find the idea that Donald Trump is just a gullible idiot whose strings are being pulled by Hillary Clinton's campaign to be wonderfully funny.

No, it was around long before that. The right wing blogs picked it up later.
the point is that the Hillary campaign started it.

Where and when? I mean you're entitled to your opinion but unless you got some facts to back that up it's nothing but opinion.

The whisper campaign against then candidate Obama to me seem like what Turdblossom (aka Karl Rove) did for President Bush in Texas to beat Ann Richards and against McCain in the 2000 primaries. My opinion is that it was the GOP all along......

It came to light in the primaries when McCain was fighting other Republicans and not Obama. Hillary was fighting Obama and it came from her camp. It's so easy, even you should be able to understand it.

U 2 are entitled to your opinion. Without any facts it is still opinion. Whisper campaigns are part an parcel of Turdblossom's (aka Rove) tactics. I think he wanted Hillary to win because he saw her a a easier opponent. So he let the leaked out the phony story, probably disguised as a Clinton supporter.

You guys are wearing me out with this nonsense.
the point is that the Hillary campaign started it.

Where and when? I mean you're entitled to your opinion but unless you got some facts to back that up it's nothing but opinion.

The whisper campaign against then candidate Obama to me seem like what Turdblossom (aka Karl Rove) did for President Bush in Texas to beat Ann Richards and against McCain in the 2000 primaries. My opinion is that it was the GOP all along......

It came to light in the primaries when McCain was fighting other Republicans and not Obama. Hillary was fighting Obama and it came from her camp. It's so easy, even you should be able to understand it.

The suggestion originated on right wing blogs in March of 2008.

Of course I still find the idea that Donald Trump is just a gullible idiot whose strings are being pulled by Hillary Clinton's campaign to be wonderfully funny.

No, it was around long before that. The right wing blogs picked it up later.

I am looking forward to the fine 'evidence' the right wing blogs told you about.
I don't know which is funnier.

That the Right wants to believe that Clinton's campaign started the Birther movement- and that therefore Donald Trump is just a gullible idiot whose strings are being pulled by Hillary Clinton.

Or that your redefining of what a Birther is will mean anything to anyone.

I'm not picking up a "funny" reaction to my OP....quite the opposite in leftists are rallying to protect the closet-racist hag who did start the "otherness" campaign that later became the "birther" movement.
How many advisers will Trump need to get past his Birtherism- and having his strings pulled by the Clinton campaign?

Why drag Trump into this? He's merely echoed what the Clintons have said about Obama all along..only in private and through emails. Barack pulled it off....he's home-free and will get away with the biggest swindle in American history....a Kenyan being elected president.
As usual Stevie the racist is lying.

Barack Obama has never promoted himself as being born in Kenya
And no book of his has ever referred to him being born in Kenya

Stevie the Racist is lying.

Got a real bug up your ass now that the truth is staring at you, eh? :badgrin: Face it, you been okie-doked TWICE....I'd feel embarrassed and ashamed if I were you too.
How many advisers will Trump need to get past his Birtherism- and having his strings pulled by the Clinton campaign?

Why drag Trump into this? He's merely echoed what the Clintons have said about Obama all along..only in private and through emails. Barack pulled it off....he's home-free and will get away with the biggest swindle in American history....a Kenyan being elected president.

Why do you so desperately want to ignore the GOP Birther in Chief?

As you know- there is not a single record of 'the Clinton's' ever saying any of the Birtherisms of Donald Trump- but you do speak like a true Birther- who never let the facts get in the way of Birtherism!
Redirect Notice

But I do think it is hilarious that you blame your own Birther idiocy on Hillary Clinton!
I don't know which is funnier.

That the Right wants to believe that Clinton's campaign started the Birther movement- and that therefore Donald Trump is just a gullible idiot whose strings are being pulled by Hillary Clinton.

Or that your redefining of what a Birther is will mean anything to anyone.

I'm not picking up a "funny" reaction to my OP....quite the opposite in leftists are rallying to protect the closet-racist hag who did start the "otherness" campaign that later became the "birther" movement.
Birthers never have had much of a sense of humor.

Don't blame your own idiotic Birther beliefs on Hilary Clinton. You and the racist misogynistic Trump have no one but yourselves to blame for your idiotic beliefs
As usual Stevie the racist is lying.

Barack Obama has never promoted himself as being born in Kenya
And no book of his has ever referred to him being born in Kenya

Stevie the Racist is lying.

Got a real bug up your ass now that the truth is staring at you, eh? :badgrin: Face it, you been okie-doked TWICE....I'd feel embarrassed and ashamed if I were you too.

So you agree with Stevie the Racist?

Do you agree with Stevie the Racist about blacks and Jews too?

And aren't you at least slightly embarressed to use 'truth' in a sentence- when Birthers are so 'truth averse'?
I am still laughing over this topic from yesterday. Birthers blaming Hillary for their own birtherism!



It's Hillary's fault I believe Obama was born in Kenya.
I am still laughing over this topic from yesterday. Birthers blaming Hillary for their own birtherism!


"It's Hillary's fault I believe Obama was born in Kenya."

And: "I support the candidate who Hillary Clinton fooled into thinking Obama was born in Kenya"
what's a ''birther''? what does that even mean? who came up with that bastardization of the english language?
It's a rhetorical shortcut. Easier than saying "retards who believe Obama was born in Kenya" every damn time.

It's that damn bitch Hillary's fault I bleev Obama was born in Kenya!

It's that damn Hillary's fault I believe Obama was born in Kenya, which is one of the reasons I endorsed Rick Perry for President.

All right, all've convinced me. He was born in Kenya!

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