The bitter stench of hypocrisy...

freeandfun1 said:
My point is that we are always adult enough to admit that maybe he is right on one or two occassions whilst he NEVER admits any of us that do not agree with his initial view might be right. That means that unlike many on this board, he it totally intellectually dishonest. That was my point.

Actually, I think I turned Bully around on something, once. :laugh:
As a fellow Ohioan, I've been trying to lead Bully in a cheer of "Four more years! Four more years!" So far, he's not having any of it.
OCA said:
Lets not judge a Christian since we are not one and know very little about it. Why don't you stick to the heathen Buddhists, the Chicomms.

I, apparently, know more about it than you do.
Sir Evil said:
I'll give you that Bully, you are capable of your own opinions. However if you feel the republicans are so capable of shooting themselves in the ass why is it that every thread you create is about blasting them? Me thinks it may be because you need to cover another party that is even better at shooting themselves in the ass!

'Cuz it's fun.
OCA said:
Evil, you and I disagree on this one. I think Bully is like a piece of dogshit that you forget was there from an accident the dog had in the house. It gets all moldy and crap and starts to wreak, you discover it scoop it up and promptly throw it in the trash.

All this should be done to Bully.

I'm like Gunny Sargeant Hartman in Full Metal Jacket when he says to Cowboy" I'll be watching you!", I scan every one of Bully's posts with a magnifying glass.

I think you just agreed with SE, since the longer dog shit sits, the less it starts to smell, since it's all dried up. :)
OCA said:
Free I know, i've tried to appeal to his sense of pride, honour anything to get him to act serious now and then but to no avail. I've told myself time after time not to respond to this piece of shit but like a cleverly worded and brightly neoned sign outside of a strip joint I get drawn in every time only to find its full of 40 something housewives and crack addicts.

I guess I just like to meet the Constitution's enemies head on.

Then you need to be spending alot of time looking at yourself in the mirror. As for honor, do you really know what it is?
OCA said:
Evil, you and I disagree on this one. I think Bully is like a piece of dogshit that you forget was there from an accident the dog had in the house. It gets all moldy and crap and starts to wreak, you discover it scoop it up and promptly throw it in the trash.

All this should be done to Bully.

I'm like Gunny Sargeant Hartman in Full Metal Jacket when he says to Cowboy" I'll be watching you!", I scan every one of Bully's posts with a magnifying glass.

You obviously have far too much time on your hands. Perhaps a job emptying bedpans would gove something to do and teach you a little humility...and humanity.
freeandfun1 said:
My point is that we are always adult enough to admit that maybe he is right on one or two occassions whilst he NEVER admits any of us that do not agree with his initial view might be right. That means that unlike many on this board, he it totally intellectually dishonest. That was my point.

In this you are mistaken.
dilloduck said:
Amen--or whatever Buhddists say---how many tenets of your religion have you stomped in this post only ?

Many, the main one being not to intrude on another's path, specifically if a person is of another religion it is against one of the 12 Principles of Buddhism to interfere in their walk in any way. This would include attempting to teach them their religion, particularly from a clear point of misunderstanding as is clearly evident from Bully's post, especially when it is clear that you are attempting to use the actions of one of the people in that religion in an attempt to negate the religion itself.

It is not against this Principle however to correct one who is a Buddhist that is skewing from their path terribly. Either Bully is no longer Buddhist and should no longer claim such, or he needs to learn the value of the closed mouth when dealing with those of another faith. If they ask your opinion you are free to respond but any attempt to push them onto a path you think more worthy is simply wrong.

Remember Bully, be true to yourself watch your own path and be wary of the misguided attempts to move others onto the path you think they should be on. In other words your focus on other's hypocrisy has made you miss your own more glaring example of the same.
OCA said:
Lets not judge a Christian since we are not one and know very little about it. Why don't you stick to the heathen Buddhists, the Chicomms.

The Chicomms are largely not Buddhist, mostly they are into Taoism and Confucianism and not Buddhism.
no1tovote4 said:
The Chicomms are largely not Buddhist, mostly they are into Taoism and Confucianism and not Buddhism.

Really? Most of my Chinese friends living in China are Buddhist while also following Confucius's philosophy. A matter-of-fact, Confucianism and Buddhism often work together. My wife is Buddhist, but being Korean, Confucianism is a major part of her life.

Confucianism is more properly described as ideologies for right living rather than a religion and is often practiced in harmony with other belief systems such as Taoism, Buddhism, and/or Shinto. Confucianism places high importance on values such as humaneness toward others, family love, etiquette, and honesty. Important life events emphasized through traditions in the Confucian religion are birth, reaching maturity, marriage, and death.
freeandfun1 said:
Really? Most of my Chinese friends living in China are Buddhist while also following Confucius's philosophy. A matter-of-fact, Confucianism and Buddhism often work together. My wife is Buddhist, but being Korean, Confucianism is a major part of her life.

Confucianism is more properly described as ideologies for right living rather than a religion and is often practiced in harmony with other belief systems such as Taoism, Buddhism, and/or Shinto. Confucianism places high importance on values such as humaneness toward others, family love, etiquette, and honesty. Important life events emphasized through traditions in the Confucian religion are birth, reaching maturity, marriage, and death.

Buddhism works well with nearly any religion, however it is only the third most popular religion in China. There are many there but they are not the majority. Buddhism can also be described the same way (ideologies for right living rather than a religion) depending on which sect you study.
no1tovote4 said:
Buddhism works well with nearly any religion, however it is only the third most popular religion in China. There are many there but they are not the majority. Buddhism can also be described the same way (ideologies for right living rather than a religion) depending on which sect you study.

Then what are the two largest? I don't know how often you have been to China, but I have been enough to know that Buddhism is everywhere. Almost every restaurant, bar, (heck, workplace) you go into has a Buddhist altar in the back and Buddha's birthday is a big event.

I've been doing some searches and they all keep coming back saying that Buddhism is the largest religion in China. Do you have a link that shows that Taoism is? I always thought Taoism was big in Japan, but not that big in China, but I could be wrong. What I have been able to find all says that Taoism comes in second in China. (shrug) Not that big of a deal I guess in the big scheme of things and in the context of this discussion.
freeandfun1 said:
Then what are the two largest? I don't know how often you have been to China, but I have been enough to know that Buddhism is everywhere. Almost every restaurant, bar, (heck, workplace) you go into has a Buddhist altar in the back and Buddha's birthday is a big event.

I've been doing some searches and they all keep coming back saying that Buddhism is the largest religion in China. Do you have a link that shows that Taoism is? I always thought Taoism was big in Japan, but not that big in China, but I could be wrong. What I have been able to find all says that Taoism comes in second in China. (shrug) Not that big of a deal I guess in the big scheme of things and in the context of this discussion.

Just because there is a Buddhist statue doesn't necessarily mean that people are practicing the religion with any regularity.

However it appears that I was wrong and about 72% would consider themselves Buddhist.

Heck, we can all be wrong sometimes (sheepish grin). It still doesn't change the fact that Buddhism is no more a Communist religion than any other religion out there. I certainly wouldn't even be considered a lefty, let alone a communist even though I am a Buddhist.
no1tovote4 said:
Just because there is a Buddhist statue doesn't necessarily mean that people are practicing the religion with any regularity.

However it appears that I was wrong and about 72% would consider themselves Buddhist.

Heck, we can all be wrong sometimes (sheepish grin). It still doesn't change the fact that Buddhism is no more a Communist religion than any other religion out there. I certainly wouldn't even be considered a lefty, let alone a communist even though I am a Buddhist.

My point was there wouldn't be an altar there with incense burning if somebody didn't want it there.

Anyway, I agree that Buddhism is no more a communist religion than Christianity is a capitalist religion. It was an ignorant statement on his part.
Bullypulpit said:
I, apparently, know more about it than you do.

Sure you do :rolleyes:

Why don't you tell us about your true passions, piss and thunderbird wine.
Bullypulpit said:
Then you need to be spending alot of time looking at yourself in the mirror. As for honor, do you really know what it is?

I want you to know that you've been reported to the FBI as an AL Qaeda sympathizer. LMFAO, he asks me about honor. I guess sympathizing with guys who like to fist each other up the ass is honor, hey?
Bullypulpit said:
You obviously have far too much time on your hands. Perhaps a job emptying bedpans would gove something to do and teach you a little humility...and humanity.

Nope, I have gumption unlike you. Own my own business, but maybe someday if you have a child they can clean up my shit when i'm really old.

Like father like son.
no1tovote4 said:
Many, the main one being not to intrude on another's path, specifically if a person is of another religion it is against one of the 12 Principles of Buddhism to interfere in their walk in any way. This would include attempting to teach them their religion, particularly from a clear point of misunderstanding as is clearly evident from Bully's post, especially when it is clear that you are attempting to use the actions of one of the people in that religion in an attempt to negate the religion itself.

It is not against this Principle however to correct one who is a Buddhist that is skewing from their path terribly. Either Bully is no longer Buddhist and should no longer claim such, or he needs to learn the value of the closed mouth when dealing with those of another faith. If they ask your opinion you are free to respond but any attempt to push them onto a path you think more worthy is simply wrong.

Remember Bully, be true to yourself watch your own path and be wary of the misguided attempts to move others onto the path you think they should be on. In other words your focus on other's hypocrisy has made you miss your own more glaring example of the same.

Never said I was a perfect Buddhist...Just trying to walk the path.

As for trying to push folks onto a path "more worthy" you don't seem to have a problem when a religious right wing-nut attempts the same. In fact, you don't seem to have much of a problem when anyone in the neocon/far right republican camp tries to do the same. Methinks thou dost protest too much.

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