The Blamer In Chief: Obama Blames Everyone Other Than Himself


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
[ame=]The Blamer In Chief: Obama Blames Everyone Other Than Himself and His Failed Liberal Policies - YouTube[/ame]

Ironic, considering that conservatives don't blame anyone other than Obama...unless you take into consideration that conservatives have somehow managed to accept as gospel the farcical notion that inner city minorities somehow managed to tank both the housing market and the financial sector of the economy.

Now, what do those two things have in common? Maybe we should ask AG Eric Holder to answer that question.
Wow...another post with a stupid, cutsey nickname...if you love bears so much...go hug a grizzly.
First some set-up: On Monday night David Axelrod appeared on The Daily Show and discussed, among other things, the administrations lack of urgency in addressing lax regulatory guidelines that may have impacted bot the cause and effect of the BP oil disaster. Fox and Friends saw the clip and guest Laura Ingraham summed it up as blaming the former administration under George W. Bush. Cue Jon Stewart running various clips of GOP officials dismissing the “blame it on Bush” syndrome, followed by various clips of conservative pundits blaming previous Bill Clinton. Comedy hi-jinks ensue!

Jon Stewart | Blame Bush | Blame Clinton | Mediaite
Let's see- Pubs gave us a depression and have paralized the gov't since 2/2010- WTF is wrong with you dupes?

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