The blatant truth about Republicans and the word "that"

I know what that means, that's why I'm voting for that other candidate and not oblamo.
I don't assume that.


This will be the third time I post this: Top Contributors to Mitt Romney | OpenSecrets

Goldman Sachs $593,080
JPMorgan Chase & Co $467,089
Bank of America $425,100
Morgan Stanley $399,850
Credit Suisse Group $390,360
Citigroup Inc $312,800
Kirkland & Ellis $264,302
Wells Fargo $237,550
Barclays $234,650
PricewaterhouseCoopers $227,250
Deloitte LLP $222,250
HIG Capital $216,995
UBS AG $207,750
Blackstone Group $198,800
Bain Capital $156,500
Elliott Management $146,275
Marriott International $137,827
General Electric $135,450
Bain & Co $130,550
EMC Corp $129,450

Microsoft Corp $387,395
University of California $330,258
DLA Piper $306,727
Google Inc $271,300
Sidley Austin LLP $257,296
Harvard University $232,158
Comcast Corp $201,606
Stanford University $188,290
Time Warner $183,614
Skadden, Arps et al $169,753
US Government $149,458
US Dept of State $147,917
Kaiser Permanente $139,507
National Amusements Inc $138,955
Morgan & Morgan $135,145
Columbia University $134,497
Wells Fargo $127,807
University of Chicago $127,507
Wilmerhale Llp $117,661
Kirkland & Ellis $113,770

Ron Paul:
US Army $113,703
US Navy $89,993
US Air Force $89,009
Google Inc $42,478
US Dept of Defense $38,350
Microsoft Corp $30,259
US Marine Corps $29,703
Boeing Co $27,367
IBM Corp $27,006
Lockheed Martin $22,000
Northrop Grumman $21,813
US Government $21,482
Intel Corp $21,445
Ragingwire Enterprise Solutions $20,000
Corriente Advisors $20,000
Oracle Corp $17,405
Verizon Communications $17,243
AT&T Inc $16,652
US Postal Service $16,203
FedEx Corp $16,115

I don't know what you're trying to prove.

It says in bright red letters that the organizations themselves do not donate. It comes from individual donors.

And why is the US Government and the State Department listed in Obama's donor list?

LOL you're too funny. Read your second sentence; then read your final sentence.

Actually the link provided is funny.

It lists banks in Mitt's column and colleges and the state department in Obama's column. Neither is accurate according to the statement in red.
It lists banks in Mitt's column and colleges and the state department in Obama's column. Neither is accurate according to the statement in red.
OH no wonder you are so idiotic about this whole THAT thing. You can't even finish a sentence. Let me quote what you didn't, obviously because you aren't completely stupid to know that it doesn't support your stance.

This table lists the top donors to this candidate in the 2012 election cycle. The organizations themselves did not donate , rather the money came from the organizations' PACs, their individual members or employees or owners, and those individuals' immediate families.
I don't know what you're trying to prove.

It says in bright red letters that the organizations themselves do not donate. It comes from individual donors.
From... People within those organizations. Yeah... Why would bankers be so gungho for Mitt???

And it says:
This table lists the top donors to this candidate in the 2012 election cycle. The organizations themselves did not donate , rather the money came from the organizations' PACs, their individual members or employees or owners, and those individuals' immediate families. Organization totals include subsidiaries and affiliates.
And why is the US Government and the State Department listed in Obama's donor list?
They obviously are employed by the government.

If you're trying to say that these donations came from the organizations you'd be lying.

For example a federal employee does not donate in the name of the federal government. They donate privately to the candidate of their choice.
The word "that" - in red below - refers to the words in bold below.
“If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet. The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together.”

The underlined words reinforce this obvious fact.

Quite frankly, anyone who thinks "that" refers to "business" is a fucking retard, I mean, just really, really stupid. Its amazing you have the mental capacity to even breathe.. Seriously, words cannot express how dumb you are.

You're suggesting the word "that" is referring to roads and bridges? Businesses did build those from their tax revenues that they pay, more so than the bottom feeders who don't pay any taxes.

So either way Obama is a dumbass or just a liar.

Carry on, dipshit.
The word "that" - in red below - refers to the words in bold below.

The underlined words reinforce this obvious fact.

Quite frankly, anyone who thinks "that" refers to "business" is a fucking retard, I mean, just really, really stupid. Its amazing you have the mental capacity to even breathe.. Seriously, words cannot express how dumb you are.


If you've got a business - you didn't build that.

The antecedent of that is business. Simple grammar. Simple English. Simple rules.

Bullshit. In full context, it's clear that the "you didn't build that" is referring to everything surrounding that one sentence i.e. the American system, education, roads, bridges, lines of communication etc.

Now, you're too smart to believe otherwise so I'm just chalking this up to you being obtuse for partisan purposes which is fine but don't think you are fooling anybody who doesn't share your agenda and/or has two brain cells left to rub together.
So, you are saying that the ever-intelligent obammy does not know how to use demonstratives?

Either interpretation-of which yours, which defies proper grammar, means the same thing. Get out your checkbook, business owners, cuz we need your money more than you do.
I'm not talking out of my ass. You are just unwilling to own up to the game you are playing.

What Obama said is basically like telling a baseball team owner that there are coaches, after school programs, little leagues, colleges, parents, etc that created an environment for which your team can thrive. You own a baseball team - you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen. Yada yada...

Am I saying that the owner didn't build their baseball team?
Art, I know what the rest of the surrounding rhetoric was and I know what he wanted to say for minimization of political damage in those two sentences. And, I agree with that: If one has a business, they didn't do that on their own. Someone or several someones helped them along the way. Few accomplishments of any human being are done in a vacuum.

I agree.

Again, as I said above, he DIDN'T say that, even though it is simple enough to say. Also as I said, hanging a hat on a gaffe, IMO, is just lame.

If he had just said the one sentence, in my book, it's a gaffe. Two sentences? Nah. As my cop friends like to say, they are not big believers in coincidences.

Based on what I have seen in this POTUS and from his actions, I have little doubt that individualism is bad and collectivism is good in his mind. And, that sort of attitude is a big red flag for me.

Just a difference of opinion about him.

Now, what IS dishonest is this bullshit that grammar isn't grammar - in fact, I cannot believe the WaPo printed that. Fuck, they make a living on grammar. Give me a fucking break.

One sentence, two sentences .... meh ... no matter. Both statements are referring to the one prior and he meant what he said. Could he have articulated it better? Sure but this is still a manufactured gaffe.
For the OWS parasites, everything obammy does and says is above criticism. He can use what must be totally dipshit grammar to say what any interpretation of his words shows that he says, and that is that business owners did not really build their businesses themselves, as they use our infrastructure. He said the same thing whether you ass e he was speaking Ebonics (your interpretation), or whether you give the president credit for speaking proper English ( normal people's interpretation). Yet you find him above criticism. I guess this is just more of the OWS parasites belief in affirmative action made good.
I don't know what you're trying to prove.

It says in bright red letters that the organizations themselves do not donate. It comes from individual donors.
From... People within those organizations. Yeah... Why would bankers be so gungho for Mitt???

And it says:
This table lists the top donors to this candidate in the 2012 election cycle. The organizations themselves did not donate , rather the money came from the organizations' PACs, their individual members or employees or owners, and those individuals' immediate families. Organization totals include subsidiaries and affiliates.
And why is the US Government and the State Department listed in Obama's donor list?
They obviously are employed by the government.

If you're trying to say that these donations came from the organizations you'd be lying.

For example a federal employee does not donate in the name of the federal government. They donate privately to the candidate of their choice.
Unless they give to a PAC. And then that PAC gives to the candidate. Then you have what you see when you combine individual with the PAC.

Are you stupid or ignorant? Ignorant is cool as long as you actually learn and gain from this. If you are stupid, carry on with out me.
my gawd, the whining...does anyone but his cult followers take obama serious anymore?
links in article at site

Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, July 24, 2012, 6:14 AM
Barack Obama is on the warpath.
He claims Mitt Romney is “twisting” his words.
…By reading exact quotes from cue cards.

Last week while campaigning Mitt Romney used Barack Obama’s exact words – “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.” – to attack the President Obama at his campaign stops.
Romney read the exact quote from a card.

Last night Barack Obama lashed out at Mitt Romney during a fundraiser. Obama accused Romney of “twisting my comments” by quoting his actual words.
Michael A. Memoli carries water for Obama here and misreports his actual attack on business owners
in this LA Times report:

President Obama accused rival Mitt Romney of “knowingly twisting” his comments about American business, in what amounted to his most forceful response to more than a week of sustained attacks by Republicans over a sound bite the president’s campaign argued was taken out of context.

read it all here
Last edited:
The word "that" - in red below - refers to the words in bold below.
“If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet. The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together.”

The underlined words reinforce this obvious fact.

Quite frankly, anyone who thinks "that" refers to "business" is a fucking retard, I mean, just really, really stupid. Its amazing you have the mental capacity to even breathe.. Seriously, words cannot express how dumb you are.

You're suggesting the word "that" is referring to roads and bridges? Businesses did build those from their tax revenues that they pay, more so than the bottom feeders who don't pay any taxes.

So either way Obama is a dumbass or just a liar.

Carry on, dipshit.
Yeah... I know a woman that did so many drugs when she was young that she actually told people she helped build the house she was born in. I'm assuming you knew her as well.
my gawd, the whining...does anyone but his cult followers take obama serious anymore?
links in article at site

Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, July 24, 2012, 6:14 AM
Barack Obama is on the warpath.
He claims Mitt Romney is “twisting” his words.
…By reading exact quotes from cue cards.

Last week while campaigning Mitt Romney used Barack Obama’s exact words – “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.” – to attack the President Obama at his campaign stops.
Romney read the exact quote from a card.

Last night Barack Obama lashed out at Mitt Romney during a fundraiser. Obama accused Romney of “twisting my comments” by quoting his actual words.
Michael A. Memoli carries water for Obama here and misreports his actual attack on business owners
in this LA Times report:

President Obama accused rival Mitt Romney of “knowingly twisting” his comments about American business, in what amounted to his most forceful response to more than a week of sustained attacks by Republicans over a sound bite the president’s campaign argued was taken out of context.

read it all here

He twisted the meaning by leaving out words. Obama said much more than Romney's saying. Isn't this the same "mistake" y'all were crying about when Romney said, "I like to be able to fire people"?
The word "that" - in red below - refers to the words in bold below.

The underlined words reinforce this obvious fact.

Quite frankly, anyone who thinks "that" refers to "business" is a fucking retard, I mean, just really, really stupid. Its amazing you have the mental capacity to even breathe.. Seriously, words cannot express how dumb you are.

You're suggesting the word "that" is referring to roads and bridges? Businesses did build those from their tax revenues that they pay, more so than the bottom feeders who don't pay any taxes.

So either way Obama is a dumbass or just a liar.

Carry on, dipshit.
Yeah... I know a woman that did so many drugs when she was young that she actually told people she helped build the house she was born in. I'm assuming you knew her as well.

That was damn pathetic. You are a democrat right?.
my gawd, the whining...does anyone but his cult followers take obama serious anymore?
links in article at site

Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, July 24, 2012, 6:14 AM
Barack Obama is on the warpath.
He claims Mitt Romney is “twisting” his words.
…By reading exact quotes from cue cards.

Last week while campaigning Mitt Romney used Barack Obama’s exact words – “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.” – to attack the President Obama at his campaign stops.
Romney read the exact quote from a card.

Last night Barack Obama lashed out at Mitt Romney during a fundraiser. Obama accused Romney of “twisting my comments” by quoting his actual words.
Michael A. Memoli carries water for Obama here and misreports his actual attack on business owners
in this LA Times report:

President Obama accused rival Mitt Romney of “knowingly twisting” his comments about American business, in what amounted to his most forceful response to more than a week of sustained attacks by Republicans over a sound bite the president’s campaign argued was taken out of context.

read it all here

He twisted the meaning by leaving out words. Obama said much more than Romney's saying. Isn't this the same "mistake" y'all were crying about when Romney said, "I like to be able to fire people"?

my gawd, the whining...does anyone but his cult followers take obama serious anymore?
links in article at site

Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, July 24, 2012, 6:14 AM
Barack Obama is on the warpath.
He claims Mitt Romney is “twisting” his words.
…By reading exact quotes from cue cards.

Last week while campaigning Mitt Romney used Barack Obama’s exact words – “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.” – to attack the President Obama at his campaign stops.
Romney read the exact quote from a card.

Last night Barack Obama lashed out at Mitt Romney during a fundraiser. Obama accused Romney of “twisting my comments” by quoting his actual words.
Michael A. Memoli carries water for Obama here and misreports his actual attack on business owners
in this LA Times report:

President Obama accused rival Mitt Romney of “knowingly twisting” his comments about American business, in what amounted to his most forceful response to more than a week of sustained attacks by Republicans over a sound bite the president’s campaign argued was taken out of context.

read it all here

He twisted the meaning by leaving out words. Obama said much more than Romney's saying. Isn't this the same "mistake" y'all were crying about when Romney said, "I like to be able to fire people"?


LOL!!! You're just a hypocrite to the hilt, aren't you? :cool:
Well, Obama's a fucking lair, even CNN, WaPost and the NYTimes say so, so maybe using his exact words makes Romney misleading.
You're suggesting the word "that" is referring to roads and bridges? Businesses did build those from their tax revenues that they pay, more so than the bottom feeders who don't pay any taxes.

So either way Obama is a dumbass or just a liar.

Carry on, dipshit.
Yeah... I know a woman that did so many drugs when she was young that she actually told people she helped build the house she was born in. I'm assuming you knew her as well.

That was damn pathetic. You are a democrat right?.
No. She might have been. I'm unsure. I tend to remove myself from their presence or let them know that there are some things better left unsaid when in mine.

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