The blatant truth about Republicans and the word "that"

We're not whining about that. It was clear what he was saying.

And it's clear what Obama is saying about business owners. He doesn't think they're all that ecial. He also is saying we all have to rely on government, which isn't true. Government is more of a barrier to success than anything.

you dont own anything, if you did you would understand that without govt and the infrastructure and the inventions of others you would have nothing

you hate Obama cuz he is Black, you are a very ignorant and dangerous and scared person

all of you are
If you are the best and brightest the left has to offer , you better start packing for a move.

You define ignorance.........

hey, racist bigot terrorist, speak ONLY when spoken to, son, as you are now the minority, no longer do stupid,ugly,fat,never gets laid white guys gonna run things...

you are out, we are in

seawtytch, you are asking a con to admit they are hypocrites

not gonna happen

they are the lowest form of life on the planet, and they know it, it is why they are so pissed off all the time

It's hard for anyone to admit they're hypocrites. I also disagree that "cons" are low life forms. These are our conservative brothers and sisters we are talking about, fellow Americans. They, just like liberals, want what is best for our country...We just disagree on what that is.
If you're trying to say that these donations came from the organizations you'd be lying.

For example a federal employee does not donate in the name of the federal government. They donate privately to the candidate of their choice.
Unless they give to a PAC. And then that PAC gives to the candidate. Then you have what you see when you combine individual with the PAC.

Are you stupid or ignorant? Ignorant is cool as long as you actually learn and gain from this. If you are stupid, carry on with out me.

Why don't you STFU. The problem with this board is that there's so many smart-assed pricks on it.
Well howdy!

That shit was not called for.
No? So essentially you didn't get anything from it. You still believe that banks don't support Mitt for presidency... Or that the military doesn't support Ron Paul over the other candidates.

I don't give a flying fuck how you package it, it's just a way around election laws.
I agree with that.

However... that really doesn't have anything to do with anything other than to support my stance that banks are the major supporter for Mitt.
seawtytch, you are asking a con to admit they are hypocrites

not gonna happen

they are the lowest form of life on the planet, and they know it, it is why they are so pissed off all the time

It's hard for anyone to admit they're hypocrites. I also disagree that "cons" are low life forms. These are our conservative brothers and sisters we are talking about, fellow Americans. They, just like liberals, want what is best for our country...We just disagree on what that is.

And.....unlike liberals..they embrace any tactic, regardless of how dishonest, that gives them hope of winning over a low info voter.

They don't even hesitate. They dive in head first.
You idiots threw a tantrum over 'context' when Romney said he liked firing people.

When did you decide context didn't matter anymore?

Does that mean that now you don't think that context around what Romney said matters anymore?

We're not whining about that. It was clear what he was saying.

And it's clear what Obama is saying about business owners. He doesn't think they're all that special. Like they really care what lazy fuck has to say about it.

He also is saying we all have to rely on government, which isn't true. Government is more of a barrier to success than anything.

So, Is that what Romney was saying when he said the same exact thing days after the President and when he said the exact same thing to Olympiads?

It wasn't the "exact same thing"...

This is very funny... Amazingly humorous to watch y'all...:badgrin:
You idiots threw a tantrum over 'context' when Romney said he liked firing people.

When did you decide context didn't matter anymore?

Does that mean that now you don't think that context around what Romney said matters anymore?

We're not whining about that. It was clear what he was saying.

And it's clear what Obama is saying about business owners. He doesn't think they're all that special. Like they really care what lazy fuck has to say about it.

He also is saying we all have to rely on government, which isn't true. Government is more of a barrier to success than anything.
And there it is, elitist business snobs want to be worshiped as "SPECIAL." The rest of you are just commoners, get on your knees pay homage to your betters.

I suggest Obama run with this.

Tell everyone they're peasants. Just a bunch average run of the mill worker-bees.

His new catch-phrase can be "You're nothing special".
We're not whining about that. It was clear what he was saying.

And it's clear what Obama is saying about business owners. He doesn't think they're all that special. Like they really care what lazy fuck has to say about it.

He also is saying we all have to rely on government, which isn't true. Government is more of a barrier to success than anything.

So, Is that what Romney was saying when he said the same exact thing days after the President and when he said the exact same thing to Olympiads?

It wasn't the "exact same thing"...

This is very funny... Amazingly humorous to watch y'all...:badgrin:
ROMNEY: I know that you recognize a lot of people help you in a business. Perhaps the bank, the investors. There is no question your mom and dad, your school teachers. The people who provide roads, the fire, the police. A lot of people help.
We're not whining about that. It was clear what he was saying.

And it's clear what Obama is saying about business owners. He doesn't think they're all that special. Like they really care what lazy fuck has to say about it.

He also is saying we all have to rely on government, which isn't true. Government is more of a barrier to success than anything.
And there it is, elitist business snobs want to be worshiped as "SPECIAL." The rest of you are just commoners, get on your knees pay homage to your betters.

I suggest Obama run with this.

Tell everyone they're peasants. Just a bunch average run of the mill worker-bees.

His new catch-phrase can be "You're nothing special".
Why should Obama adopt Willard's philosophy??? :cuckoo:
Unless they give to a PAC. And then that PAC gives to the candidate. Then you have what you see when you combine individual with the PAC.

Are you stupid or ignorant? Ignorant is cool as long as you actually learn and gain from this. If you are stupid, carry on with out me.

Why don't you STFU. The problem with this board is that there's so many smart-assed pricks on it.
Well howdy!

That shit was not called for.
No? So essentially you didn't get anything from it. You still believe that banks don't support Mitt for presidency... Or that the military doesn't support Ron Paul over the other candidates.

I don't give a flying fuck how you package it, it's just a way around election laws.
I agree with that.

However... that really doesn't have anything to do with anything other than to support my stance that banks are the major supporter for Mitt.

Many of the banks mentioned gave donations to Obama in 08'.

I still suspect that what you showed was incomplete.
Why don't you STFU. The problem with this board is that there's so many smart-assed pricks on it.
Well howdy!

No? So essentially you didn't get anything from it. You still believe that banks don't support Mitt for presidency... Or that the military doesn't support Ron Paul over the other candidates.

I don't give a flying fuck how you package it, it's just a way around election laws.
I agree with that.

However... that really doesn't have anything to do with anything other than to support my stance that banks are the major supporter for Mitt.

Many of the banks mentioned gave donations to Obama in 08'.
That's true. But not do the degree that it's happening now with Mitt... I found it all once... even '08 Obama... If you like I can do it again.

I still suspect that what you showed was incomplete.
Incomplete? How so?

To possibly save time I believe that both Mitt and Obama are bought off by banks/corporations. I'm not arguing for Obama here.
The word "that" - in red below - refers to the words in bold below.
“If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet. The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together.”

The underlined words reinforce this obvious fact.

Quite frankly, anyone who thinks "that" refers to "business" is a fucking retard, I mean, just really, really stupid. Its amazing you have the mental capacity to even breathe.. Seriously, words cannot express how dumb you are.

And what is the motive of that little ditty?

To tax the rich more.

And how do we know this?

Because of what preceded that part:

But you know what, I’m not going to see us gut the investments that grow our economy to give tax breaks to me or Mr. Romney or folks who don’t need them. So I’m going to reduce the deficit in a balanced way. We’ve already made a trillion dollars’ worth of cuts. We can make another trillion or trillion-two, and what we then do is ask for the wealthy to pay a little bit more. (Applause.) And, by the way, we’ve tried that before -- a guy named Bill Clinton did it. We created 23 million new jobs, turned a deficit into a surplus, and rich people did just fine. We created a lot of millionaires.

Notice how he claims "we created 23 million new jobs".

What do you mean, "We", kemo-sabe?

Obama wants to TAKE something from the rich. Their money. That's what this is really all about.

This is a two-pronged attack. First, portray rich people as evildoers who only got rich by being evil. Thus the Bain ads.

Second, portray rich people as taking OUR money and using it to build roads and bridges for themselves. Which is patently ridiculous on the face of it. They already pay more than everyone else, and we all get to use the same roads and bridges.

The spirit of the rebuttals to this leeching attitude is deadly accurate in its delivery.
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you dont own anything, if you did you would understand that without govt and the infrastructure and the inventions of others you would have nothing

you hate Obama cuz he is Black, you are a very ignorant and dangerous and scared person

all of you are
If you are the best and brightest the left has to offer , you better start packing for a move.

You define ignorance.........

hey, racist bigot terrorist, speak ONLY when spoken to, son, as you are now the minority, no longer do stupid,ugly,fat,never gets laid white guys gonna run things...

you are out, we are in


Somebody call 911..... this one's been huff'n the Rustoleum WAAAAYYYY too much.
I did volunteer work in prisons for about a decade. I refrained from asking the inmates what crimes they had committed as it might jaundice my attitude toward them. However, once in a while, a penitent convict would speak freely about his crimes. And I will never forget how a bank robber told me how he worked himself up to rob a bank.

He would convince himself in his mind that the money in the bank was his. He would get himself all psyched on this idea.

Imbibing some meth would go a long way toward creating this delusion that other people's money was really his.

So when he walked into that bank, he was 100 percent convinced in his mind that it was HIS money and don't anyone even THINK about keeping it from him. For a few moments there, he actually reverted back to a bank robber as he spoke to me. It was chilling to observe as I had grown to like him over the years.

This was a very common experience related to me by robbers and thieves.

Which is why I told everyone I loved that if they were ever held up by a mugger to give them everything they wanted, because they were dealing with a crazed lunatic who actually believed their money was his, and that made them extremely dangerous.

Obama and his following minions have this same attitude. I recognize it well.

It is time to fight these fuckers with every ounce of strength we have.
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It's amusing to watch progressives do "damage control" on yet another instance of Barry being honest about how he views the Private Sector.

This just a few weeks after President "Oops" declared that the Private Sector was doing "fine" and then decided to back pedal furiously on that statement.

Bottom line it this...we have a President who doesn't understand the Private Sector because he's never really been a part of it. To Barry the Private Sector is a "necessary evil"...something that he puts up with only because it can be used to generate revenues to pay for the government programs that he loves so much. You want to know WHY Private Sector capital is sitting on the sidelines trying to wait out this Presidency? Look no further than the unscripted words that come out of Barack Obama's mouth from time to time.

It's not as funny as watching you illiterate morons trying to get mileage out of an outright lie.

But then again, what about conservatism isn't a lie?

Outright lie? Dude...Barry SAID IT!!! Watch the video. He thinks small business owners that busted their asses BUILDING their businesses "owe" something to government for letting them do that. That isn't a "lie"...that's what Barack Obama thinks.
Well howdy!

No? So essentially you didn't get anything from it. You still believe that banks don't support Mitt for presidency... Or that the military doesn't support Ron Paul over the other candidates.

I agree with that.

However... that really doesn't have anything to do with anything other than to support my stance that banks are the major supporter for Mitt.

Many of the banks mentioned gave donations to Obama in 08'.
That's true. But not do the degree that it's happening now with Mitt... I found it all once... even '08 Obama... If you like I can do it again.

I still suspect that what you showed was incomplete.
Incomplete? How so?

To possibly save time I believe that both Mitt and Obama are bought off by banks/corporations. I'm not arguing for Obama here.

I think you're guilty of making sweeping generalizations. We know Obama can be bought and we know he's into bribery.

However, accepting donations doesn't mean Mitt's been bought.
You idiots threw a tantrum over 'context' when Romney said he liked firing people.

When did you decide context didn't matter anymore?

Does that mean that now you don't think that context around what Romney said matters anymore?

We're not whining about that. It was clear what he was saying.

And it's clear what Obama is saying about business owners. He doesn't think they're all that special. Like they really care what lazy fuck has to say about it.

He also is saying we all have to rely on government, which isn't true. Government is more of a barrier to success than anything.

You're hopelessly stupid if you don't think we all need to rely on government.

You won't mind if we cut the military budget to zero then, for starters.
You idiots threw a tantrum over 'context' when Romney said he liked firing people.

When did you decide context didn't matter anymore?

Does that mean that now you don't think that context around what Romney said matters anymore?

We're not whining about that. It was clear what he was saying.

And it's clear what Obama is saying about business owners. He doesn't think they're all that special. Like they really care what lazy fuck has to say about it.

He also is saying we all have to rely on government, which isn't true. Government is more of a barrier to success than anything.

You're hopelessly stupid if you don't think we all need to rely on government.

You won't mind if we cut the military budget to zero then, for starters.

bub but but but but but


I am a REPUKE LI KLAN and you are making me think and that makes my head hurt
We're not whining about that. It was clear what he was saying.

And it's clear what Obama is saying about business owners. He doesn't think they're all that special. Like they really care what lazy fuck has to say about it.

He also is saying we all have to rely on government, which isn't true. Government is more of a barrier to success than anything.

You're hopelessly stupid if you don't think we all need to rely on government.

You won't mind if we cut the military budget to zero then, for starters.

bub but but but but but


I am a REPUKE LI KLAN and you are making me think and that makes my head hurt

It must be true that thinking makes your head hurt.
You're hopelessly stupid if you don't think we all need to rely on government.

You won't mind if we cut the military budget to zero then, for starters.

bub but but but but but


I am a REPUKE LI KLAN and you are making me think and that makes my head hurt

It must be true that thinking makes your head hurt.

relax racist, i have said before that we have decided to let you continue to live here, just start working now with one of these and you will be ok


got it? any questions?

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