The blatant truth about Republicans and the word "that"

bub but but but but but


I am a REPUKE LI KLAN and you are making me think and that makes my head hurt

It must be true that thinking makes your head hurt.

relax racist, i have said before that we have decided to let you continue to live here, just start working now with one of these and you will be ok


got it? any questions?

You certainly made your point.
relax racist, i have said before that we have decided to let you continue to live here, just start working now with one of these and you will be ok


got it? any questions?

You certainly made your point.

you are either on the side of the terrorists or you are not, sound familiar?

I oppose the PATRIOT Act and the TSA and have been called a supporter of terrorism more tan once on this board. You calling me a racist is a compliment.
Many of the banks mentioned gave donations to Obama in 08'.
That's true. But not do the degree that it's happening now with Mitt... I found it all once... even '08 Obama... If you like I can do it again.

I still suspect that what you showed was incomplete.
Incomplete? How so?

To possibly save time I believe that both Mitt and Obama are bought off by banks/corporations. I'm not arguing for Obama here.

I think you're guilty of making sweeping generalizations. We know Obama can be bought and we know he's into bribery.

However, accepting donations doesn't mean Mitt's been bought.
I agree... Accepting donations doesn't mean that he is.

However... Isn't it really weird that it's like 99% of the donations? I mean that doesn't strike you as odd at all?

And I think we can both agree that companies, banks included, are going to donate money to whoever is partial to their interests... And Mitt has... Banks... A shit load of them... Why?
You certainly made your point.

you are either on the side of the terrorists or you are not, sound familiar?

I oppose the PATRIOT Act and the TSA and have been called a supporter of terrorism more tan once on this board. You calling me a racist is a compliment.

i have no idea who you are, but if you could even THINK about voting for Romney, then you are on the side of the terrorists

Not that Obama is that much better, but that is a different conversation

this is about saving the country from the ultra stupid and the ultra mean, willard romney the individual probably isnt one of them but he will do what they tell him to do if he thinks it will make him prez
you are either on the side of the terrorists or you are not, sound familiar?

I oppose the PATRIOT Act and the TSA and have been called a supporter of terrorism more tan once on this board. You calling me a racist is a compliment.

i have no idea who you are, but if you could even THINK about voting for Romney, then you are on the side of the terrorists

Not that Obama is that much better, but that is a different conversation

this is about saving the country from the ultra stupid and the ultra mean, willard romney the individual probably isnt one of them but he will do what they tell him to do if he thinks it will make him prez

Glad to know you are completly off your rocker.
I oppose the PATRIOT Act and the TSA and have been called a supporter of terrorism more tan once on this board. You calling me a racist is a compliment.

i have no idea who you are, but if you could even THINK about voting for Romney, then you are on the side of the terrorists

Not that Obama is that much better, but that is a different conversation

this is about saving the country from the ultra stupid and the ultra mean, willard romney the individual probably isnt one of them but he will do what they tell him to do if he thinks it will make him prez

Glad to know you are completly off your rocker.

i will take that to mean you are voting for romney

hey terrorist, how goes it
you are either on the side of the terrorists or you are not, sound familiar?

I oppose the PATRIOT Act and the TSA and have been called a supporter of terrorism more tan once on this board. You calling me a racist is a compliment.

i have no idea who you are, but if you could even THINK about voting for Romney, then you are on the side of the terrorists

Not that Obama is that much better, but that is a different conversation

this is about saving the country from the ultra stupid and the ultra mean, willard romney the individual probably isnt one of them but he will do what they tell him to do if he thinks it will make him prez

I oppose the PATRIOT Act and the TSA and have been called a supporter of terrorism more tan once on this board. You calling me a racist is a compliment.

i have no idea who you are, but if you could even THINK about voting for Romney, then you are on the side of the terrorists

Not that Obama is that much better, but that is a different conversation

this is about saving the country from the ultra stupid and the ultra mean, willard romney the individual probably isnt one of them but he will do what they tell him to do if he thinks it will make him prez


yes, anyone who would now, knowing what they know, vote for ANY republiklan or 99.9% of them, is acting as a terrorist against the united states of america
The word "that" - in red below - refers to the words in bold below.

The underlined words reinforce this obvious fact.

Quite frankly, anyone who thinks "that" refers to "business" is a fucking retard, I mean, just really, really stupid. Its amazing you have the mental capacity to even breathe.. Seriously, words cannot express how dumb you are.


If you've got a business - you didn't build that.

The antecedent of that is business. Simple grammar. Simple English. Simple rules.

Bullshit. In full context, it's clear that the "you didn't build that" is referring to everything surrounding that one sentence i.e. the American system, education, roads, bridges, lines of communication etc.

Now, you're too smart to believe otherwise so I'm just chalking this up to you being obtuse for partisan purposes which is fine but don't think you are fooling anybody who doesn't share your agenda and/or has two brain cells left to rub together.
You're giving Oopy a run for his money over his Obama Bootlicker award.
You were very honest in your assessment of the discussion between Art and Mud. But then you blew it with the "simple grammar" comment.

My mistake.
:lol: Grammatical rules are "dishonest" now.

Damn, the left cracks me up.

You're not even honest about that. You are not laughing now. More than likely, you are frowning as you contemplate your need to be disingenuous on an anonymous Internet forum.
It's funny when leftists think they can dictate people's emotions. :lol:

Why are you unable to accept that people laugh at you? Are you really so convinced of your own superiority? In Gaea's name, why?
i have no idea who you are, but if you could even THINK about voting for Romney, then you are on the side of the terrorists

Not that Obama is that much better, but that is a different conversation

this is about saving the country from the ultra stupid and the ultra mean, willard romney the individual probably isnt one of them but he will do what they tell him to do if he thinks it will make him prez


yes, anyone who would now, knowing what they know, vote for ANY republiklan or 99.9% of them, is acting as a terrorist against the united states of america
I have no intention of voting for Mitt... But that's just a downright stupid thing to say. Why should anybody take you seriously?
The word "that" - in red below - refers to the words in bold below.

The underlined words reinforce this obvious fact.

Quite frankly, anyone who thinks "that" refers to "business" is a fucking retard, I mean, just really, really stupid. Its amazing you have the mental capacity to even breathe.. Seriously, words cannot express how dumb you are.


If you've got a business - you didn't build that.

The antecedent of that is business. Simple grammar. Simple English. Simple rules.

Bullshit. In full context, it's clear that the "you didn't build that" is referring to everything surrounding that one sentence i.e. the American system, education, roads, bridges, lines of communication etc.

Now, you're too smart to believe otherwise so I'm just chalking this up to you being obtuse for partisan purposes which is fine but don't think you are fooling anybody who doesn't share your agenda and/or has two brain cells left to rub together.

So who built it, Keebler Elves?

I used to think you were intellectually honest...nah, I never really thought that you fucking hack Obama Fluffer


yes, anyone who would now, knowing what they know, vote for ANY republiklan or 99.9% of them, is acting as a terrorist against the united states of america
I have no intention of voting for Mitt... But that's just a downright stupid thing to say. Why should anybody take you seriously?

so voting for a con, who now must caucus with shitbaggers, who want to attack women and science and common sense, that is just the two party system?

think about it
YOU DID build the roads, the teachers and the American System with tax dollars which more times than not have been managed ineffectively..
It's hilarious how these people on the right profess to revere individualism and hate collectivism,

and yet they also profess to revere the military, where your individualism is the first thing to go, and collectivism is paramount.

Leftists discussing the military is like ugly virgin prudes discussing sex:

No experience, no interest in getting any, no chance of getting any.
It's hilarious how these people on the right profess to revere individualism and hate collectivism,

and yet they also profess to revere the military, where your individualism is the first thing to go, and collectivism is paramount.

wow, that was pathetic

you fail
Ask him why the left have contempt for the military, when the left idealizes collectivism.

Of course, he won't have a rational answer.
If you've got a what?
You didn't build what?

Seems pretty clear to me.
You guys can try all you want to clean his mess up as always...
But the President really let his true feelings show this time..
I don't know how you guys can spin this differently. :eusa_whistle:

I have no doubt it seems clear to you. That is why you're easily fooled by propaganda (I'd bet Fox News is your primary source of information). As a concrete thinker the ability to understand even the mildly abstract is beyond your comprehension.

Sad, but endemic to the whole set infamously known as the callous conservatives.

omg, drips with condescension and nothing else..
and you call others callous
Wry is better than you because he's a liberal.

Yeah, that's pretty much his only claim to superiority.

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