The blatant truth about Republicans and the word "that"

We all chipped in and got you a card.


How embarrassed am I? I totally forgot to paypal my contribution. I feel bad now.

Dang! So did I. Too late for retroactive?

I'm sure he'll take donations...there will be other cards *that* will need to be sent.
We're not whining about that. It was clear what he was saying.

And it's clear what Obama is saying about business owners. He doesn't think they're all that special. Like they really care what lazy fuck has to say about it.

He also is saying we all have to rely on government, which isn't true. Government is more of a barrier to success than anything.

You're hopelessly stupid if you don't think we all need to rely on government.

You won't mind if we cut the military budget to zero then, for starters.
Very often, government is an impediment to small business.

Do me a favor -- don't claim I want dirty air and water. That's vacuous.

Yes, and innocent until proven guilty is often an impediment to putting the bad guy in jail. Should we get rid of it?
We're not whining about that. It was clear what he was saying.

And it's clear what Obama is saying about business owners. He doesn't think they're all that special. Like they really care what lazy fuck has to say about it.

He also is saying we all have to rely on government, which isn't true. Government is more of a barrier to success than anything.

You're hopelessly stupid if you don't think we all need to rely on government.

You won't mind if we cut the military budget to zero then, for starters.

So what role in commerce did you think the military had?

And you call me hopelessly stupid. We're talking apples and oranges here.

Apples? What? The military is now not part of the government?

The claim is we don't have to rely on government.

Okay, if that's true then we don't need the military, which is a part of the government.
So Obama's speech was to point out that entrepreneurs didnt build bridges and roads? Like anyone thought they did?
No. His point was that there is no individual success. Elizabeth Warren, whom he paraphrases, said, No one got rich on his own. That is the theme here: if you were successful it was not because of being smart--lots of people are smart. It wasn't because you worked hard--lots of people work hard. It was because you had good luck and a lot of work was done by government before you. So now it's payback time and we want our money. Because you. didnt. really. earn. it.
That is his theme. Anyone who thinks he's referring to roads and bridges is a Class A moron.

Exactly. The whole speech was quite poorly worded, but the message got through.

It's still damn funny though. From yes we can to no you didn't.

For the record I absolutely agree that we are products of our communities and prior successes. But that doesn't mean the community (dictator) should own you.
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You're hopelessly stupid if you don't think we all need to rely on government.

You won't mind if we cut the military budget to zero then, for starters.
Very often, government is an impediment to small business.

Do me a favor -- don't claim I want dirty air and water. That's vacuous.

Yes, and innocent until proven guilty is often an impediment to putting the bad guy in jail. Should we get rid of it?

Innocent until proven guilty is part of the bill of rights.

Dirty air and dirty water is a fairytale invented by the Obama campaign.

One of many.
So Obama's speech was to point out that entrepreneurs didnt build bridges and roads? Like anyone thought they did?
No. His point was that there is no individual success. Elizabeth Warren, whom he paraphrases, said, No one got rich on his own. That is the theme here: if you were successful it was not because of being smart--lots of people are smart. It wasn't because you worked hard--lots of people work hard. It was because you had good luck and a lot of work was done by government before you. So now it's payback time and we want our money. Because you. didnt. really. earn. it.
That is his theme. Anyone who thinks he's referring to roads and bridges is a Class A moron.

Exactly. The whole speech was quite poorly worded, but the message got through.

It's still damn funny though. From yes we can to no you didn't.

Or "You can't without our help".
Ahh, the cute idiot shitbag baggers who are laughed at by the entire planet have ganged up on their superior and think they are funny

wait for it, let me look for it...:eusa_boohoo:

I am so sorry babies, that you feel insulted by me...

I know, read a book sometime and then maybe, just maybe, we can talk :lol:

I hate to break this to you Conz...but generally speaking...people who declare THEMSELVES to be "superior" are some of the biggest idiots you'll ever meet. The rule of thumb is that when OTHERS start telling you that you're superior then you might want to start feeling proud....when you have to say it YOURSELF however, it's time to be embarrassed.
i have no idea who you are, but if you could even THINK about voting for Romney, then you are on the side of the terrorists

Not that Obama is that much better, but that is a different conversation

this is about saving the country from the ultra stupid and the ultra mean, willard romney the individual probably isnt one of them but he will do what they tell him to do if he thinks it will make him prez
We all chipped in and got you a card.


How embarrassed am I? I totally forgot to paypal my contribution. I feel bad now.
It was pretty cheap. I get 'em in bulk. I know a lot of leftists.
Ahh, the cute idiot shitbag baggers who are laughed at by the entire planet have ganged up on their superior and think they are funny

wait for it, let me look for it...:eusa_boohoo:

I am so sorry babies, that you feel insulted by me...

I know, read a book sometime and then maybe, just maybe, we can talk :lol:


You're hopelessly stupid if you don't think we all need to rely on government.

You won't mind if we cut the military budget to zero then, for starters.
Very often, government is an impediment to small business.

Do me a favor -- don't claim I want dirty air and water. That's vacuous.

Yes, and innocent until proven guilty is often an impediment to putting the bad guy in jail. Should we get rid of it?
I should have put that in the list of vacuous responses.

Let's look, for example, at what the State of Washington has to say about businesses hiring employees:
Having employees with the right attributes and skills for your business is critical for successful
growth. There are resources to help you with employment planning, including Workforce
There are also programs to help you find and train qualified employees:
• WorkSource can bring you applicants that are skilled and ready to work.
• Job Fairs and free, online job posting can help increase your pool of applicants.
3• Tax credits can help lessen the cost of new employees.
• Options for employee training assistance.
• On-the-job training wage subsidies.
• Employee training resources - Career Bridge.
• Apprenticeship programs.
• Work study employees.
If you’re hiring your first employees, you’ll need to re-file your Business License Application
with the State at a cost of $15. Once you’ve filed your business license, the Department
of Employment Security will set up your state unemployment tax account, and the
Department of Labor & Industries creates your workers’ compensation account and
obtains your minor work permit, if applicable.
Every new employee will need to complete the federal I-9 Employment Eligibility
Verification Form within 3 days of hire. They will also need to complete an Internal Revenue
Service (IRS) W-4 Form. You are required to report each new and rehired employee through
Department of Social and Health Services New Hire Reporting Program within 20 days of
Employment is an area of significant regulation, including minimum wage, overtime pay,
employment of minors and family members, workplace safety, nondiscrimination, etc.
A frequently misunderstood area involves the use of independent contractors. Unless an
individual is truly in business for himself or herself, is licensed and actively markets as such,
has multiple clients/customers, and is performing work that is outside the business’ normal
activities, chances are state and federal law would require that the individual be treated as
an employee.
Employment is also an area of significant recordkeeping and tax responsibilities. It’s
important that you understand the regulations and costs as you plan your business.
• Employment Law Advisor
• Wage and hour laws
• Workplace poster requirements
• Employment of minors
• Independent contractors (Labor & Industries)
4• Independent contractors (Employment Security)
• Independent contractors (IRS)
• Workplace safety
• Federal payroll taxes
• State unemployment taxes
• Workers’ compensation
• Child Support Withholding Laws
• City of Seattle sick leave requirement​

Makes you wanna run right out and hire people, doesn't it?
So, you think obammy used the word "that" which is singular, to describe great teachers you may or may not have had, roads and bridges that you pay for, and this great American system that he wants to fundamentally transform? Does obammy not know proper English? Or was the word " that" used in conjunction with the other singular item he included-business. Was obammy jest talkin jive?

Yes, he used a singular form when a plural form would have been grammatically correct - so impeach him for it.
The fact that you try to define that just means that you're so far out that you can't put that bottle down. I suggest that you get some help with that.

I didn't define 'that', I merely pointed out what the antecedent of "that" so obviously was.

Its actually a direct quotation of exactly what he said. But hey, don't let the facts and evidence get in the way of what you know to be true in your heart.

Doesn't matter how you all want to spin it...He still ticked off enough of the people and business owners by it..

tsk tsk so close to elections..

I'm not spinning anything. I quoted exactly what he said. You're the one attempting to spin by suggesting that popular opinion could somehow alter factual reality. The point of his statement, per his exact words, is:

The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together.

Do you disagree that business succeeds because of individual initiative?
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Its actually a direct quotation of exactly what he said. But hey, don't let the facts and evidence get in the way of what you know to be true in your heart.

Doesn't matter how you all want to spin it...He still ticked off enough of the people and business owners by it..

tsk tsk so close to elections..

I'm not spinning anything. I quoted exactly what he said. You're the one attempting to spin by suggesting that popular opinion could somehow alter factual reality.

yeah right, posting something about a word, "that"
no spin there
like I said, it doesn't matter...he gets to live it.
Doesn't matter how you all want to spin it...He still ticked off enough of the people and business owners by it..

tsk tsk so close to elections..

I'm not spinning anything. I quoted exactly what he said. You're the one attempting to spin by suggesting that popular opinion could somehow alter factual reality.

yeah right, posting something about a word, "that"
no spin there

No spin, simply English for morons like yourself. The fact it has to be explained to people is a sign of the prevalence of brain dead ignorant sheep like yourself that are easily worked into a frenzy over nothing by the wealthy business interests that own your thoughts.

like I said, it doesn't matter...he gets to live it.

I'm already quite aware that facts and evidence are completely irrelevant to you and your kind. No need to remind me.
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Obama stepped in it BIG TIME...poor thing


Owners of area firms offer examples of government making their jobs harder.


Eleven Southern California business owners met this week with Mitt Romney, the presumptive Republican presidential candidate, at a Costa Mesa manufacturing plant. On the wall behind Mr. Romney's chair hung a large banner that read, "We did build it!" – with "did" underlined for emphasis.

The banner underscored how out of touch President Barack Obama seems with what makes the American economy work. The business owners echoed the ire of those nationwide who do understand what makes the American economy work. Their words Monday in Costa Mesa directly refuted the president's now-infamous campaign utterance of last week: "If you've got a business – you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen."

Eleven Southern California business owners and executives met with Gov. Mitt Romney, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, at a small business round table hosted by Jim Burra, president of Endural LLC in Costa Mesa on Monday.

Mr. Obama appears to sincerely believe government is required for businesses to flourish. Consequently, he demands that more of their profits – and even of their sales – be transferred to the government in taxes. As business owners meeting with his Republican opponent illustrated, the president is wrong.

The owners who met at Endural LLC in Costa Mesa took turns detailing for Mr. Romney what doesn't work. They itemized the Obama administration's regulations and taxes.

The CEO of Irvine's Endologix described how his not-yet-profitable 400-employee medical-device firm nevertheless faces a 2.3-percent tax in 2013 under the Affordable Care Act, basically, a $1 million obligation. The tax is based on sales, not profits, as are most business taxes. It is likely to cost his company 50 jobs.

The president of 200-employee Ace Clearwater Enterprises manufacturing in Torrance, founded by her grandfather, said taxes put companies like hers at a 20-percent cost disadvantage in nine major trading-partner countries. Her S-corporation passes profits through to its owners to be taxed as individual income, the type the president wants to raise Jan. 1.

all of it here
Editorial: Business owners make case to Romney | business, president, taxes - Opinion - The Orange County Register
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Obama stepped in it BIG TIME...poor thing


Owners of area firms offer examples of government making their jobs harder.


Eleven Southern California business owners met this week with Mitt Romney, the presumptive Republican presidential candidate, at a Costa Mesa manufacturing plant. On the wall behind Mr. Romney's chair hung a large banner that read, "We did build it!" – with "did" underlined for emphasis.

The banner underscored how out of touch President Barack Obama seems with what makes the American economy work. The business owners echoed the ire of those nationwide who do understand what makes the American economy work. Their words Monday in Costa Mesa directly refuted the president's now-infamous campaign utterance of last week: "If you've got a business – you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen."

Eleven Southern California business owners and executives met with Gov. Mitt Romney, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, at a small business round table hosted by Jim Burra, president of Endural LLC in Costa Mesa on Monday.

Mr. Obama appears to sincerely believe government is required for businesses to flourish. Consequently, he demands that more of their profits – and even of their sales – be transferred to the government in taxes. As business owners meeting with his Republican opponent illustrated, the president is wrong.

The owners who met at Endural LLC in Costa Mesa took turns detailing for Mr. Romney what doesn't work. They itemized the Obama administration's regulations and taxes.

The CEO of Irvine's Endologix described how his not-yet-profitable 400-employee medical-device firm nevertheless faces a 2.3-percent tax in 2013 under the Affordable Care Act, basically, a $1 million obligation. The tax is based on sales, not profits, as are most business taxes. It is likely to cost his company 50 jobs.

The president of 200-employee Ace Clearwater Enterprises manufacturing in Torrance, founded by her grandfather, said taxes put companies like hers at a 20-percent cost disadvantage in nine major trading-partner countries. Her S-corporation passes profits through to its owners to be taxed as individual income, the type the president wants to raise Jan. 1.

all of it here
Editorial: Business owners make case to Romney | business, president, taxes - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Wow. A non-sequitor cut&paster. Typical sheeple.

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