The blatant truth about Republicans and the word "that"


Remember, quoting a Democrat in context and verbatim is distorting what he said.

Right, USMB lefties?
yes, anyone who would now, knowing what they know, vote for ANY republiklan or 99.9% of them, is acting as a terrorist against the united states of america
I have no intention of voting for Mitt... But that's just a downright stupid thing to say. Why should anybody take you seriously?

so voting for a con, who now must caucus with shitbaggers, who want to attack women and science and common sense, that is just the two party system?

think about it
Yeah... think about this...

Zombie Republicans are going to vote republican.
Zombie Democrats are going to vote democrat.

A minority of each party will actually vote because they actually understand government. These people are respectable even if I think their values are fucked up. But again, they are a sever minority in each party.

You need to try to be talking to the independents, non-party affiliated, for their votes. Do you really think that saying things like that is going to get it done?
Has anyone else noticed that last week the liberals were defending Obama's "You didn't build that" remark and this week they're saying that what he said is no longer what he said?

See how critical their media monopoly was to the stranglehold they had on information? That's why they hate Limbaugh and Fox.

Without the media monopoly they all look like complete fucking idiots.

It just took awhile for them to receive their orders from above. :)

No, no, they're all witty, urbane intellectuals and independent thinkers who just coincidentally arrive at the same conclusions at the same time.

More blowback from the 'backbone of America':


Obamabots think...sorry, wrong word...feel that those people should be grateful Obama deigned to speak about them, and that they should just STFU.

Right, Obamabots?
my gawd, the whining...does anyone but his cult followers take obama serious anymore?
links in article at site

Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, July 24, 2012, 6:14 AM
Barack Obama is on the warpath.
He claims Mitt Romney is “twisting” his words.
…By reading exact quotes from cue cards.

Last week while campaigning Mitt Romney used Barack Obama’s exact words – “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.” – to attack the President Obama at his campaign stops.
Romney read the exact quote from a card.

Last night Barack Obama lashed out at Mitt Romney during a fundraiser. Obama accused Romney of “twisting my comments” by quoting his actual words.
Michael A. Memoli carries water for Obama here and misreports his actual attack on business owners
in this LA Times report:

President Obama accused rival Mitt Romney of “knowingly twisting” his comments about American business, in what amounted to his most forceful response to more than a week of sustained attacks by Republicans over a sound bite the president’s campaign argued was taken out of context.

read it all here
Mr. President, if you don't want to be called out for saying stupid shit...

Stop saying stupid shit.


I knew you wouldn't.
We're not whining about that. It was clear what he was saying.

And it's clear what Obama is saying about business owners. He doesn't think they're all that ecial. He also is saying we all have to rely on government, which isn't true. Government is more of a barrier to success than anything.

you dont own anything, if you did you would understand that without govt and the infrastructure and the inventions of others you would have nothing

you hate Obama cuz he is Black, you are a very ignorant and dangerous and scared person

all of you are

How are you related to bobgnote?
They share living space:

Obama stepped out of the Marxist closet in full "I hate free Enterprise" drag and they're trying to tell us we didn't just see it

jesus, by now, knowing the entire planet thinks you are a laughable joke, you would have stopped


you dont seem to be completely stupid, you must know this?
seawtytch, you are asking a con to admit they are hypocrites

not gonna happen

they are the lowest form of life on the planet, and they know it, it is why they are so pissed off all the time

It's hard for anyone to admit they're hypocrites. I also disagree that "cons" are low life forms. These are our conservative brothers and sisters we are talking about, fellow Americans. They, just like liberals, want what is best for our country...We just disagree on what that is.

And.....unlike liberals..they embrace any tactic, regardless of how dishonest, that gives them hope of winning over a low info voter.

They don't even hesitate. They dive in head first.
"Unlike liberals"?

Uh huh.

You idiots threw a tantrum over 'context' when Romney said he liked firing people.

When did you decide context didn't matter anymore?

Does that mean that now you don't think that context around what Romney said matters anymore?

We're not whining about that. It was clear what he was saying.

And it's clear what Obama is saying about business owners. He doesn't think they're all that special. Like they really care what lazy fuck has to say about it.

He also is saying we all have to rely on government, which isn't true. Government is more of a barrier to success than anything.

You're hopelessly stupid if you don't think we all need to rely on government.

You won't mind if we cut the military budget to zero then, for starters.
Very often, government is an impediment to small business.

Do me a favor -- don't claim I want dirty air and water. That's vacuous.
We're not whining about that. It was clear what he was saying.

And it's clear what Obama is saying about business owners. He doesn't think they're all that special. Like they really care what lazy fuck has to say about it.

He also is saying we all have to rely on government, which isn't true. Government is more of a barrier to success than anything.

You're hopelessly stupid if you don't think we all need to rely on government.

You won't mind if we cut the military budget to zero then, for starters.
Very often, government is an impediment to small business.

Do me a favor -- don't claim I want dirty air and water. That's vacuous.

hey guys, look ronald reagan has come back to life

jesus, when i think of how many problems we could have avoided if that idiot rightwing hack actor hadn't committed treason and made a deal with the Iranians so he could get elected prez
you are either on the side of the terrorists or you are not, sound familiar?

I oppose the PATRIOT Act and the TSA and have been called a supporter of terrorism more tan once on this board. You calling me a racist is a compliment.

i have no idea who you are, but if you could even THINK about voting for Romney, then you are on the side of the terrorists

Not that Obama is that much better, but that is a different conversation

this is about saving the country from the ultra stupid and the ultra mean, willard romney the individual probably isnt one of them but he will do what they tell him to do if he thinks it will make him prez
We all chipped in and got you a card.

i have no idea who you are, but if you could even THINK about voting for Romney, then you are on the side of the terrorists

Not that Obama is that much better, but that is a different conversation

this is about saving the country from the ultra stupid and the ultra mean, willard romney the individual probably isnt one of them but he will do what they tell him to do if he thinks it will make him prez


yes, anyone who would now, knowing what they know, vote for ANY republiklan or 99.9% of them, is acting as a terrorist against the united states of america
You idiots threw a tantrum over 'context' when Romney said he liked firing people.

When did you decide context didn't matter anymore?

Does that mean that now you don't think that context around what Romney said matters anymore?

We're not whining about that. It was clear what he was saying.

And it's clear what Obama is saying about business owners. He doesn't think they're all that special. Like they really care what lazy fuck has to say about it.

He also is saying we all have to rely on government, which isn't true. Government is more of a barrier to success than anything.

You're hopelessly stupid if you don't think we all need to rely on government.

You won't mind if we cut the military budget to zero then, for starters.

So what role in commerce did you think the military had?

And you call me hopelessly stupid. We're talking apples and oranges here.
Last edited:
You're hopelessly stupid if you don't think we all need to rely on government.

You won't mind if we cut the military budget to zero then, for starters.
Very often, government is an impediment to small business.

Do me a favor -- don't claim I want dirty air and water. That's vacuous.

hey guys, look ronald reagan has come back to life

jesus, when i think of how many problems we could have avoided if that idiot rightwing hack actor hadn't committed treason and made a deal with the Iranians so he could get elected prez

I oppose the PATRIOT Act and the TSA and have been called a supporter of terrorism more tan once on this board. You calling me a racist is a compliment.

i have no idea who you are, but if you could even THINK about voting for Romney, then you are on the side of the terrorists

Not that Obama is that much better, but that is a different conversation

this is about saving the country from the ultra stupid and the ultra mean, willard romney the individual probably isnt one of them but he will do what they tell him to do if he thinks it will make him prez
We all chipped in and got you a card.


How embarrassed am I? I totally forgot to paypal my contribution. I feel bad now.
i have no idea who you are, but if you could even THINK about voting for Romney, then you are on the side of the terrorists

Not that Obama is that much better, but that is a different conversation

this is about saving the country from the ultra stupid and the ultra mean, willard romney the individual probably isnt one of them but he will do what they tell him to do if he thinks it will make him prez
We all chipped in and got you a card.


How embarrassed am I? I totally forgot to paypal my contribution. I feel bad now.

Dang! So did I. Too late for retroactive?
Ahh, the cute idiot shitbag baggers who are laughed at by the entire planet have ganged up on their superior and think they are funny

wait for it, let me look for it...:eusa_boohoo:

I am so sorry babies, that you feel insulted by me...

I know, read a book sometime and then maybe, just maybe, we can talk :lol:

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