The blatant truth about Republicans and the word "that"

You can't assume that.
I don't assume that.

Just like I can't assume that most of Obama's money comes from Hollywood.

This will be the third time I post this: Top Contributors to Mitt Romney | OpenSecrets

Goldman Sachs $593,080
JPMorgan Chase & Co $467,089
Bank of America $425,100
Morgan Stanley $399,850
Credit Suisse Group $390,360
Citigroup Inc $312,800
Kirkland & Ellis $264,302
Wells Fargo $237,550
Barclays $234,650
PricewaterhouseCoopers $227,250
Deloitte LLP $222,250
HIG Capital $216,995
UBS AG $207,750
Blackstone Group $198,800
Bain Capital $156,500
Elliott Management $146,275
Marriott International $137,827
General Electric $135,450
Bain & Co $130,550
EMC Corp $129,450

Microsoft Corp $387,395
University of California $330,258
DLA Piper $306,727
Google Inc $271,300
Sidley Austin LLP $257,296
Harvard University $232,158
Comcast Corp $201,606
Stanford University $188,290
Time Warner $183,614
Skadden, Arps et al $169,753
US Government $149,458
US Dept of State $147,917
Kaiser Permanente $139,507
National Amusements Inc $138,955
Morgan & Morgan $135,145
Columbia University $134,497
Wells Fargo $127,807
University of Chicago $127,507
Wilmerhale Llp $117,661
Kirkland & Ellis $113,770

Ron Paul:
US Army $113,703
US Navy $89,993
US Air Force $89,009
Google Inc $42,478
US Dept of Defense $38,350
Microsoft Corp $30,259
US Marine Corps $29,703
Boeing Co $27,367
IBM Corp $27,006
Lockheed Martin $22,000
Northrop Grumman $21,813
US Government $21,482
Intel Corp $21,445
Ragingwire Enterprise Solutions $20,000
Corriente Advisors $20,000
Oracle Corp $17,405
Verizon Communications $17,243
AT&T Inc $16,652
US Postal Service $16,203
FedEx Corp $16,115

I don't know what you're trying to prove.

It says in bright red letters that the organizations themselves do not donate. It comes from individual donors.

And why is the US Government and the State Department listed in Obama's donor list?

LOL you're too funny. Read your second sentence; then read your final sentence.
riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight :eusa_whistle:
Hey... I offered it once to someone, I'll offer again... Want to throw a bet at it? Like I get to put whatever I want as your sig for a month when Romney loses? Mine is yours for a month if he wins.

Edit: I'll quote myself in this post... Because quite frankly Zombies seem to believe if you say it over and over enough, then it's obviously true. Unfortunately Zombies, being what they are, do outnumber the people who actually give a shit about the country. That sucks... But... I'll try.

And that's why Mitt is going to lose. You see... Independents already think that both parties are fucked up. But then you got zombies running around actively TRYING to be stupid.

Why would I want to follow stupid? If you want to help your party out... Start actually addressing something worth something in an intelligent manner. Otherwise those of us who aren't party affiliated have no real choice but to assume you don't mind Obama in another four years.

Sorry, but regardless how Obama tries to spin it everyone knows now what he thinks of small business.

I've been finding out personally. I've been trying to refinance some of my properties and the banks keep telling me about all of the new regulations that have been imposed that make it impossible for me to refinance. They advertize that they have all of these wonderful programs to help you out but once you get into it you discover that it's all bull shit.

The refinance programs are designed to give those who don't have property the impression that Obama is actually trying to help people. It shows he's concerned about people. Unfortunately the only people that can take advantage of these programs are the rich. The rules make it impossible for someone who isn't rich to refinance. One of the rules is that I have at least 6 months of mortgage payments for all of my properties in the bank in cash to be qualified to refinance. That means I would have to have $100,000.00 in cash on hand to refinance two of my properties. To top that off, banks are allowed to purchase partial properties through inside transactions that we investors can't. Bank of America bought some of the mortgages on my properties but they were part of other loans. They never should have been allowed to do this. The only way I can refinance these properties is if I pay to have them legally severed from the other properties. This would cost me thousands.

Dodd/Frank was supposed to prevent this. It was supposed to streamline lending. It was supposed to prevent banks from ripping off the consumer. It definitely doesn't do what it was advertized to do. Instead it has complicated everything and made is more expensive. Because banks play by one set of rules and homeowners and small investors have to play by another my finances are in a mess and there is little I can do about it. I am basically at the mercy of banks and the economy. As long as I keep making my payments I'm in good shape, but a dip in the economy could mean I lose everything.

"Sorry, but regardless how Obama tries to spin it everyone knows now what he thinks of small business."

Sorry... But you are in error about what "everyone" knows. You are in error about what YOU know.

Obama is not in personal control of what the banks can or will do following the bail out.

There has been some progress forcing with what limited preasure the administration CAN apply through the AG's office to hold the banks feet to the fire in treating the borrowing public better. Bank of America was recently forced to pay millions to many tricked into bad loans when better options were available to these borrowers.

On a personal note one of my brothers recently had been unemployed for an extended period of time and was in danger of losing his home, which he designed and built himself on the water in South Puget Sound. He managed to navigate the banks threats of forclosure and got re-employed and finally a restructure on his mortgage..I believe it was with BOA. The restructure was part of what the gubmint forced the banks to consider doing to help many people after the economic collapse...and the following layoffs. I'm happy to say he is doing well again..making big bank.. now THAT THE ECONOMY IS IMPROVING and is in no danger of going through the nightmare he suffered the last couple of years.

The lesson I'm tring to impart... do the best you can to improve your own income and do your own due dilligence on persuing the programs that ARE available to get the financing you need. Money IS loosening up. It's YOUR job to find it.
Has anyone else noticed that last week the liberals were defending Obama's "You didn't build that" remark and this week they're saying that what he said is no longer what he said?
What's dishonest is ignoring what was said immediately before and immediately after the statement in order to make one believe that when Obama said "that" he was referring to the actual business and not the American system, education, roads, bridges, lines of communication etc. which is obviously what he is referring to when what he said is put in full context.
Hmmm. As my post DOESN'T ignore any of that, you're talking out your ass.

Simple grammar. TWO sentences, not one. One's a gaffe; two is crystal clear.

Just how it works for me.

I'm not talking out of my ass. You are just unwilling to own up to the game you are playing.

What Obama said is basically like telling a baseball team owner that there are coaches, after school programs, little leagues, colleges, parents, etc that created an environment for which your team can thrive. You own a baseball team - you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen. Yada yada...

Am I saying that the owner didn't build their baseball team?

George Steinbrenner didn't build up the Yankees? Really? Who did? Gene Michael? Bob Sheppard?

You Obama Fluffers, I wish you could see how stupid your love and defense of Fearless Leader makes you look.

On second thought, nah, keep sounding like fRANCOwtf cause that's funny and keeps me coming back to USMB
It's hilarious how these people on the right profess to revere individualism and hate collectivism,

and yet they also profess to revere the military, where your individualism is the first thing to go, and collectivism is paramount.

Guess you're not bright enough to figure that out for yourself.

It's true, you need help.

You're too dumb to function on your own.
Hmmm. As my post DOESN'T ignore any of that, you're talking out your ass.

Simple grammar. TWO sentences, not one. One's a gaffe; two is crystal clear.

Just how it works for me.

I'm not talking out of my ass. You are just unwilling to own up to the game you are playing.

What Obama said is basically like telling a baseball team owner that there are coaches, after school programs, little leagues, colleges, parents, etc that created an environment for which your team can thrive. You own a baseball team - you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen. Yada yada...

Am I saying that the owner didn't build their baseball team?

George Steinbrenner didn't build up the Yankees? Really? Who did? Gene Michael? Bob Sheppard?

You Obama Fluffers, I wish you could see how stupid your love and defense of Fearless Leader makes you look.

On second thought, nah, keep sounding like fRANCOwtf cause that's funny and keeps me coming back to USMB

IQ15 doesn't know what he's talking about. And too stupid to realize it.
Yes we know what that meant...[ame=]Obama Victory Celebration Displays Communist Flag - YouTube[/ame]
Has anyone else noticed that last week the liberals were defending Obama's "You didn't build that" remark and this week they're saying that what he said is no longer what he said?

See how critical their media monopoly was to the stranglehold they had on information? That's why they hate Limbaugh and Fox.

Without the media monopoly they all look like complete fucking idiots.
Has anyone else noticed that last week the liberals were defending Obama's "You didn't build that" remark and this week they're saying that what he said is no longer what he said?

and now it's we really didn't hear what we heard..
They know Obama stepped in it big time with this, that's what all the spinning is about..
Has anyone else noticed that last week the liberals were defending Obama's "You didn't build that" remark and this week they're saying that what he said is no longer what he said?

See how critical their media monopoly was to the stranglehold they had on information? That's why they hate Limbaugh and Fox.

Without the media monopoly they all look like complete fucking idiots.

It just took awhile for them to receive their orders from above. :)
Did you ever notice that the very first act of a cult in their effort to brainwash/indoctrinate a new member is to seperate that new member from all information sources other than those approved by the cult????

Seperate yourself from the "media monopoly"
Trust no news except what you hear from fellow cultists

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