"The Blind Side was always uncomfortable - now everyone knows why"

The racism binary (according to the racism narrative):

* White family DOESN'T help underprivileged person of African ancestry = "SELFISH AND PRIVILEGED OPPRESSOR" = "RACISM!"

* White family DOES help underprivileged person of African ancestry = "SELF-ANOINTED WHITE SAVIORS" = "RACISM!"

Got it.
There is a long tradition in movies where a white knight steps in to save the black folk from, er, other white folk.
That Mel Gibson character in the Patriot film telling them they were fighting for freedom. It only took another century. LOL.
Atticus was another one.
It says "a long tradition" then lists TWO movies.
British math

At least one of which has absolutely nothing at all to do with what he is claiming about it.

He's just pissed off because The Patriot rightfully depicts his people as the bad guys.
White couples adopting black kids happens all the time in REAL AMERICAN LIFE, not just the movies. I find foreigner trolls like you particularly annoying because you do nothing but bash America and Americans.

And that from a position of not knowing shit about America, and having no standing whatsoever with regard to our country.
It would be great entertainment to see your weak ass step up to Oher and call him "darkie" to his face. It would never happen, but it would be fun to watch.
I was quoting Tommy, the one who initiated the thread. Dumb ass.

Now that would be really funny, to see Tainted Tommy call him a “darkie”.

Tainted Tommy is dumb enough that he might actually do so. How well do you think a self-crippled, one-legged faggot from the UK would hold up against a 300-pound American professional football player?
The british offered freedom to american slaves. Try harder you thick fucker.
I was commenting on a fictitious movie but if you want to talk about how great the British are we can discuss the Empires centuries of slavery, colonization and murder of millions.

You are a US hating hypocrite. Your opinion of my country is worth less than dog shit.
15 yrs ago they came to him to make a movie. He said great. Do it. He did not ask “how much for me”? They made the movie loosely based on his story.

15 yrs later this genius decides “hey, I didnt get paid”. Now he wants a cut Of the revenue? Seems too late. Hollywood was able to take advantage of his naivety. He made millions in NFL. SHUP about it.
The White family didn't get wealthy off of the darkie. They're business owners and were very well off before they helped the kid become somebody, you racist stooge.
I thought they were a good reputable family. Well that's gone now.
White couples adopting black kids happens all the time in REAL AMERICAN LIFE, not just the movies. I find foreigner trolls like you particularly annoying because you do nothing but bash America and Americans.
Except they never actually adopted him. Why do you think that is?

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