The Blood Is On His Hands: Chuck Schumer Created The 'Diversity VISA Lottery' Allowing The Terrorist

Yep, this 'DIEversity VISA Lottery' program was created by the Jew Chuck Schumer under Obama
I didn't say it was created under Obama in the op. But the Jihadist entered the country under Obama's watch which makes him complicit in this.
You sure did, you worthless lying scum POS!
And he was radicalized under Tramp which makes Tramp complicit!!!
Sure is convenient, Tramp's collusion gets exposed and then suddenly there is a terrorist attack. Trump/Putin false flag?????
He came here in 2010 and was radicalized under Obama during the last 7 years of his term. After that, he was just awaiting his orders.

So, when it comes to the economy, Trump was in charge for a few months and he took all the credit for the economy doing well, and yet when Muslims kill people, he doesn't take any of the blame for things going wrong?

What a fucking surprise. The worst sort of boss, the c*nt who takes all the credit and none of the blame.
The Trumpenfuhrer has been blessed by God by being born with White Privilege. He can think or do anything he wants, like me. That's the beauty of having White Privilege.
Scummer when asked about his Diversity Visa Bill, and challenged on it, said we should decrease funding to fight TERRORISM!

Yep, this 'DIEversity VISA Lottery' program was created by the Jew Chuck Schumer under Obama
I didn't say it was created under Obama in the op. But the Jihadist entered the country under Obama's watch which makes him complicit in this.
You sure did, you worthless lying scum POS!
And he was radicalized under Tramp which makes Tramp complicit!!!
Sure is convenient, Tramp's collusion gets exposed and then suddenly there is a terrorist attack. Trump/Putin false flag?????
He came here in 2010 and was radicalized under Obama during the last 7 years of his term. After that, he was just awaiting his orders.

So, when it comes to the economy, Trump was in charge for a few months and he took all the credit for the economy doing well, and yet when Muslims kill people, he doesn't take any of the blame for things going wrong?

What a fucking surprise. The worst sort of boss, the c*nt who takes all the credit and none of the blame.
The Trumpenfuhrer has been blessed by God by being born with White Privilege. He can think or do anything he wants, like me. That's the beauty of having White Privilege.

Yeah, right....

Seems you don't disagree with my assessment then.
Amnesty, immigration act of 1990 (what caused this "diversity visa bullshit), setting up the jordan commission etc ALL by republicans in the late 20th century. That isnt a fib. Otherwise, you wouldnt have only insulted my intelligence. When in fact, you only showed me yours..
Hey, mindless, partisan drone, history is relevant when history is the REASON it happened.
Good gawd almighty....'re not serious are you?

The Bushs are ALL globalists/Establishment hacks....Like Angela Merkel, Hillary the **** and Obama !!
They CALL themselves Republicans.....I can "Call" myself a Liberal....but that would be just as disgusting.
In fact. MOST of the lyin Ryans etc are globalists masquerading as Republicans.

Your "knowledge" is one dimensional. like your feeble thinking.
What i said isnt true because they dont meet your standards! Gotcha!
If things were as they should be Schumer would be arrested, tried for treason and willfully endangering American citizens and then dealt with summarily.
I'll take dragging him out of his taxpayer paid for LIMO, tarring and feathering him and riding him out of Congress on a rail.
Just one month ago, a mental case who was not a Muslim killed 60 people and wounded 550 in Los Vegas. It was deemed an issue of (domestic) Constitutional rights, and we immediately decided that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING should be done to prevent such tragedies from happening again. (Even after BOTH PARTIES agreed that, at the very least, devices like bump fire stocks, which convert semi-automatic rifles into full fledged machine guns should be illegal....nothing has been, or will be done. That was the lowest of the low hanging fruit, and it's apparently off limits.)
This is why I am really not getting all worked up about what happened yesterday in NYC. Didn't affect me and mine....just like Vegas. Meh....these things happen now.

Trump is shameless

Trump falsely blamed the terror attack in New York that happened on his watch on Senate Democratic leader Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY).

The Diversity Visa Lottery Program passed the House with 264 votes, the Senate with 89 votes, and was signed into law by George H.W. Bush in 1990.

Trump Blames Schumer for New York Truck Attack
Amnesty, immigration act of 1990 (what caused this "diversity visa bullshit), setting up the jordan commission etc ALL by republicans in the late 20th century. That isnt a fib. Otherwise, you wouldnt have only insulted my intelligence. When in fact, you only showed me yours..
Hey, mindless, partisan drone, history is relevant when history is the REASON it happened.
Good gawd almighty....'re not serious are you?

The Bushs are ALL globalists/Establishment hacks....Like Angela Merkel, Hillary the **** and Obama !!
They CALL themselves Republicans.....I can "Call" myself a Liberal....but that would be just as disgusting.
In fact. MOST of the lyin Ryans etc are globalists masquerading as Republicans.

Your "knowledge" is one dimensional. like your feeble thinking.
What i said isnt true because they dont meet your standards! Gotcha!

This isn't about LEFT vs. RIGHT.

It's about WE THE PEOPLE vs. THE SWAMP and people that want to kill us, and politicians that want to destroy this country.

When you LEFTARDS realize this, and REALIZE Traitor GLOBALISTS on THE LEFT and RIGHT are a DANGER to you, your way of life and YOUR FAMILY, then maybe you and people like you will wake up, band together with WE THE PEOPLE and FIGHT WITH US, INSTEAD OF AGAINST US!
This may be your stupidest post since i've been around here.

1) Trump's "extreme vetting" already existed. It was (and still) is a rigorous process typically taking two years
2) Neither Donald's Muslim ban nor even MORE extreme vetting would have kept out Sayfullo Saipov. He's came from Uzbekistan in 2010 and was permanent legal resident.

He's another lone wolf ISIS wannabe who was radicalized same as many others we've seen of late. We can't stop this unless we can find a way to eliminate any and all ISIS propaganda web content from reaching the US. We should be spending a ton more money on cyber - but of course that might prevent Putin from electing his little buddy in 2020, so THAT ain't gonna happen.

Saipov also been on the radar of Feds - perhaps the "blood" is on Captain Chaos' hands?

What We Know About New York Terror Attack Suspect Sayfullo Saipov
Oh, wow, the Republicans talking about blood on the hands of people hey?

What about the people who keep the guns in the hands of people who then go and kill 10,000 people a year?

Yep, I agree.....Democrats are a murderous bunch alright. You should visit Chicagos South side.
We agree...Democrats and Leftist SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO HAVE GUNS.
That simple measure would solve 99.9999% of Americans "Gun problems"

What about the blood on the hands of those who sent soldiers to invade Iraq? Bomb Libya, completely mess up the Middle East and increase anger among Muslims and cause a massive spike in Islamic terrorism in Europe and America?

Hmmmm....IIRC, Obama did the same.

Yeah, forgot about THAT BLOOD on the hands of REPUBLICANS and no doubt will find some shit reason why it wasn't their fault.

Um...."excuses"....sorry skippy but the truth shall set you free. Seek it.
The program was not created under Obama, it has been in existence since 1990 and was signed into law by George H Bush.

This kinda reminds me of the "Obamaphone" myth, a program which long predated Obama and which the POTUS has had little control over.

Derp :eusa_doh:
Republican bullshit. They sure loved the immigrants and illegals in the late 20th century.
Assuming your fib was true, how many of them became mass-murderers?

You people bitch and moan about ancient history constantly and think it is some moral equivalency to current events.

This shit was highly predictable and yet you slugs insisted on making it happen.
Amnesty, immigration act of 1990 (what caused this "diversity visa bullshit), setting up the jordan commission etc ALL by republicans in the late 20th century. That isnt a fib. Otherwise, you wouldnt have only insulted my intelligence. When in fact, you only showed me yours..
Hey, mindless, partisan drone, history is relevant when history is the REASON it happened.
Good gawd almighty....
Democrat Chuck Schumer created the Diversity Visa Lottery Program. It's his fault.
It was created before Schumer was in Congress.
This may be your stupidest post since i've been around here.

1) Trump's "extreme vetting" already existed. It was (and still) is a rigorous process typically taking two years
2) Neither Donald's Muslim ban nor even MORE extreme vetting would have kept out Sayfullo Saipov. He's came from Uzbekistan in 2010 and was permanent legal resident.

He's another lone wolf ISIS wannabe who was radicalized same as many others we've seen of late. We can't stop this unless we can find a way to eliminate any and all ISIS propaganda web content from reaching the US. We should be spending a ton more money on cyber - but of course that might prevent Putin from electing his little buddy in 2020, so THAT ain't gonna happen.

Saipov also been on the radar of Feds - perhaps the "blood" is on Captain Chaos' hands?

What We Know About New York Terror Attack Suspect Sayfullo Saipov

You really need to visit Germany.
Talk with the tens of thousands of Germans (especially women) assaulted by the "new Germans".

Hillary would have greatly expanded the inflow and relaxed the vetting considerably just as Obama wanted to do and as Angel Merkel DID to Germany.

So you think it's only the Internet that's creating a problem? Ever hear of 911?

Lax enforcement at the borders circumvents the vetting process. Are you for open borders?
Yep, this 'DIEversity VISA Lottery' program was created by the Jew ChIuck Schumer under Obama with extreme laxed vetting. It was created out of political correctness. The blood is on his and Obama's hands. Like President. Trump said last night, no more political correctness when it comes to vetting Muslims.

The Schumer Program or also called..
Diversity Immigrant Visa - Wikipedia

Chuck Schumer (A Jew) is getting ripped to shreds right now on his Twitter
https://mobile.twitter. hiscom/SenSchumer/status/649952670418137088

The program was not created under Obama, it has been in existence since 1990 and was signed into law by George H Bush.

Sent from my iPhone using
I didn't say it was created under Obama in the op. But the Jihadist entered the country under Obama's watch which makes him complicit in this. I wouldn't be surprised the Jihadist came here due to Obama being a Muslim.

Mass murderer Stephen Paddock arrived in this country in 1953 — Dwight D. Eisenhower is complicit.

Where was Dwight's "Extreme Baby Vetting" anyway? :)
Chuck Schumer is an extreme left wing bigot who loathes our great country.
He just doesn’t care about the American victims of Islamic mass murder.
Democrats just want more third world voters and to make mainstream middle class voters the minority ASAP. The Terrorist Sayfullo Saipov came here though their “Diversity Visa Lottery” program.
The dumb liberal Democrats are playing Russian Roulette with the lives of Americans just for more votes.
Wow, the endless stream of dumbasses friom the right.

The program was created in 1990. Passed with majorities in both parties. Signed by HW Bush.

Now, Mr Brilliant, how does that make it :"Their"?
Republican bullshit. They sure loved the immigrants and illegals in the late 20th century.
Assuming your fib was true, how many of them became mass-murderers?

You people bitch and moan about ancient history constantly and think it is some moral equivalency to current events.

This shit was highly predictable and yet you slugs insisted on making it happen.
Amnesty, immigration act of 1990 (what caused this "diversity visa bullshit), setting up the jordan commission etc ALL by republicans in the late 20th century. That isnt a fib. Otherwise, you wouldnt have only insulted my intelligence. When in fact, you only showed me yours..
Hey, mindless, partisan drone, history is relevant when history is the REASON it happened.
Good gawd almighty....
Democrat Chuck Schumer created the Diversity Visa Lottery Program. It's his fault.
It was created before Schumer was in Congress.
Bullshit. Schumer was in congress when this was passed. He was in the House.
Chuck Schumer: ‘President Trump, Where Is Your Leadership?’

Schumer compared Trump’s response to former President George W. Bush’s response to 9/11.

“I’ve seen the tweets from President Trump,” he said. “After September 11th, the first thing that President Bush did was invite Sen. Clinton and me to the White House, where he pledged to do what was ever in his power to help our city. President Bush, in a moment of national tragedy, understood the meaning of his high office, and sought to bring our country together.”

Schumer added later: “I have always believed that immigration is good for America, I believe it today. President Trump, instead of politicizing and dividing America, which he always seems to do at times of national tragedy, should be bringing us together and focusing on the real solution, anti-terrorism funding, which he proposed to cut in his most recent budget.”

Trump’s most recent proposed budget cut millions from various domestic anti-terrorism and -extremism programs.

Schumer concluded: “Instead of dividing, instead of politicizing, do something real, Mr. President. Restore these funds, now.”

Chuck Schumer: 'President Trump, Where Is Your Leadership?'

trump cut anti-terrorism funds
Did you notice that Chuck Schumer didn’t cry for the 8 dead newest victims of Islamic hate, but he did cry for the Terrorist on Trump's travel ban.
Did you notice that Trumps ban would not have stopped this guy?

I did notice that your orange POS took advantage of 8 dead to wrongly accuse a Democrat.

Why the fuck can't you people tell the truth?
Everyone here who keeps spewing the partisan BS about this party did this and that party did that.

Chuck Schumer is an extreme left wing bigot who loathes our great country.
He just doesn’t care about the American victims of Islamic mass murder.
Democrats just want more third world voters and to make mainstream middle class voters the minority ASAP. The Terrorist Sayfullo Saipov came here though their “Diversity Visa Lottery” program.
The dumb liberal Democrats are playing Russian Roulette with the lives of Americans just for more votes.
Wow, the endless stream of dumbasses friom the right.

The program was created in 1990. Passed with majorities in both parties. Signed by HW Bush.

Now, Mr Brilliant, how does that make it :"Their"?

It’s like you’re actually trying to reason with right wing nuts

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