The Blood Is On His Hands: Chuck Schumer Created The 'Diversity VISA Lottery' Allowing The Terrorist

Dr Love is another sock puppet TROLL that has been placed on IGNORE 100s of times. Probably works for The Clintons or SOROS.
When a troll, is not here for discussion, they go on IGNORE, especially with such a low post count.

All Muslims are ORDERED by their false imposter-trickster god (allah is he who would sit upon the throne of GOD-quote from the Koran) to participate in JIHAD either directly indirectly, therefore all MUSLIMS are JIHADISTS.


And with just 300 messages under your belt, you are just another leftist troll who just makes another account every time he gets IGNORED. Buh Bye.


What a load ^ ^ ^ :rolleyes:

I will now return to not reading you. At least McGarrett is funny with all his Gateway Pundit stories.
Just one month ago, a mental case who was not a Muslim killed 60 people and wounded 550 in Los Vegas. It was deemed an issue of (domestic) Constitutional rights, and we immediately decided that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING should be done to prevent such tragedies from happening again. (Even after BOTH PARTIES agreed that, at the very least, devices like bump fire stocks, which convert semi-automatic rifles into full fledged machine guns should be illegal....nothing has been, or will be done. That was the lowest of the low hanging fruit, and it's apparently off limits.)
This is why I am really not getting all worked up about what happened yesterday in NYC. Didn't affect me and mine....just like Vegas. Meh....these things happen now.

Trump is shameless

Trump falsely blamed the terror attack in New York that happened on his watch on Senate Democratic leader Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY).

The Diversity Visa Lottery Program passed the House with 264 votes, the Senate with 89 votes, and was signed into law by George H.W. Bush in 1990.

Trump Blames Schumer for New York Truck Attack
That's the Swamp in action. That's Why we voted for Trump, to drain it.
Why didn't trump stop the attack yesterday? In his own hometown, even!
Yep, this 'DIEversity VISA Lottery' program was created by the Jew Chuck Schumer under Obama with extreme laxed vetting. It was created out of political correctness. The blood is on his and Obama's hands. Like President. Trump said last night, no more political correctness when it comes to vetting Muslims.

The Schumer Program or also called..
Diversity Immigrant Visa - Wikipedia

Chuck Schumer (A Jew) is getting ripped to shreds right now on his Twitter
https://mobile.twitter. hiscom/SenSchumer/status/649952670418137088

Another 'Victory' for the Left.... :p

Reminds me how Obama mocked Americans for their concern for their safety and our national security...right before a terrorist his administration gave a visa to murdered 7 Americans in California....
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Dr Love is another sock puppet TROLL that has been placed on IGNORE 100s of times. Probably works for The Clintons or SOROS.
When a troll, is not here for discussion, they go on IGNORE, especially with such a low post count.
Can't face the truth, eh?

I do want to know why trump, who promised he would deal with ISIS right away, let something like this happen in his own home town.
Dr Love is another sock puppet TROLL that has been placed on IGNORE 100s of times. Probably works for The Clintons or SOROS.
When a troll, is not here for discussion, they go on IGNORE, especially with such a low post count.
Can't face the truth, eh?

I do want to know why trump, who promised he would deal with ISIS right away, let something like this happen in his own home town.

You thought patterns are excruciatingly childish and one-dimensional.
Dr Love is another sock puppet TROLL that has been placed on IGNORE 100s of times. Probably works for The Clintons or SOROS.
When a troll, is not here for discussion, they go on IGNORE, especially with such a low post count.

Wow, you've placed me on ignore hundreds of times .. and yet you keep coming back.

Stay there this time :)
The actions of liberals are motivated by EMOTION and a separation from Reality.

For example, out of 'COMPASSION' they do not want to keep anyone out of this country - ANYONE. they have no problem allowing people who offer NOTHING but a drain on our economy into the country, violent gang members, drug cartel members, human traffickers, and even terrorists...because it would be 'unfair' / 'cruel' to keep people 'who seek a better life' (at the expense of American citizens) from entering the country.

That's a great 'Kumbaya' vision of America and what they want. Unfortunately they are not looking at reality. They are not looking at, acknowledging, and/or addressing the damage being done to this country by allowing in the 'economic drains', the human traffickers, MS-13, drug cartels, and terrorists.

They don't even want a DELAY in travel from known-terrorist / America-hating nations into this country so we can thoroughly check people's backgrounds to ensure our citizens' safety.

Here's another great example:
There are known Muslim leaders in this country who teach in Mosques that loyalty to Islam and Sharia first and foremost is key, not adhering to our laws, who teach Jihad is acceptable and even expected, who teach how to use weapons, etc. They are teaching SEDITION. They are teaching TREASON within the United States.

It is well within the United State Government's Right - and they SHOULD - close down these mosques and tell the leaders of these mosques who are doing this, 'You are no longer welcome in this country - GET OUT!'

If we even PROPOSED doing the the left would absolutely FREAK OUT! They would rather tolerate the seditious and treasonous acts and allow the spread and growth of Islamic Extremism in this country as it has in Europe. They are looking at EMOTION - how it would not be 'right' to target their 'religion'....despite the fact that no one would be targeting their religion but instead targeting their EXTREMISM, their SEDITION, their TREASON, their SUPPORT FOR TERRORISM. The Left would and do ignore the reality of this.
Yep, this 'DIEversity VISA Lottery' program was created by the Jew ChIuck Schumer under Obama with extreme laxed vetting. It was created out of political correctness. The blood is on his and Obama's hands. Like President. Trump said last night, no more political correctness when it comes to vetting Muslims.

The Schumer Program or also called..
Diversity Immigrant Visa - Wikipedia

Chuck Schumer (A Jew) is getting ripped to shreds right now on his Twitter
https://mobile.twitter. hiscom/SenSchumer/status/649952670418137088

The program was not created under Obama, it has been in existence since 1990 and was signed into law by George H Bush.

Sent from my iPhone using
I didn't say it was created under Obama in the op. But the Jihadist entered the country under Obama's watch which makes him complicit in this. I wouldn't be surprised the Jihadist came here due to Obama being a Muslim.

Mass murderer Stephen Paddock arrived in this country in 1953 — Dwight D. Eisenhower is complicit.


Ever hear of “Operation Wetback”
Just one month ago, a mental case who was not a Muslim killed 60 people and wounded 550 in Los Vegas. It was deemed an issue of (domestic) Constitutional rights, and we immediately decided that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING should be done to prevent such tragedies from happening again. (Even after BOTH PARTIES agreed that, at the very least, devices like bump fire stocks, which convert semi-automatic rifles into full fledged machine guns should be illegal....nothing has been, or will be done. That was the lowest of the low hanging fruit, and it's apparently off limits.)
This is why I am really not getting all worked up about what happened yesterday in NYC. Didn't affect me and mine....just like Vegas. Meh....these things happen now.

Trump is shameless

Trump falsely blamed the terror attack in New York that happened on his watch on Senate Democratic leader Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY).

The Diversity Visa Lottery Program passed the House with 264 votes, the Senate with 89 votes, and was signed into law by George H.W. Bush in 1990.

Trump Blames Schumer for New York Truck Attack
That's the Swamp in action. That's Why we voted for Trump, to drain it.
Why didn't trump stop the attack yesterday? In his own hometown, even!
Whats your tactical assessment of how you would have done it? Give me some examples.
Yep, this 'DIEversity VISA Lottery' program was created by the Jew Chuck Schumer under Obama with extreme laxed vetting. It was created out of political correctness. The blood is on his and Obama's hands. Like President. Trump said last night, no more political correctness when it comes to vetting Muslims.

The Schumer Program or also called..
Diversity Immigrant Visa - Wikipedia

Chuck Schumer (A Jew) is getting ripped to shreds right now on his Twitter
https://mobile.twitter. hiscom/SenSchumer/status/649952670418137088

You are a joke. A partisan hack. You believe everything Trump says without verifying if it's true or not and often times he's lying.

Trump said the suspect used the visa lottery program to legally immigrate from Uzbekistan in 2010. Officials have yet to confirm whether that’s the case.

Are you willing to risk your life Trump is being factual? Then you've got about a 50% chance of living.

Trump is backing a bill that would end the diversity visa lottery program and cut other forms of family-based routes to come to the country legally, with the explicit goal of halving legal immigration.

I like it that he wants to cut legal immigration in half. I applaud him for this. But that doesn't mean I'm going to support him or believe anything he says. I just hope he does. So I won't be fighting him on this decision to end this program but it's a joke to blame Schumer.

Trump just wants to take the attention off his boys who just got arrested no doubt.
Just one month ago, a mental case who was not a Muslim killed 60 people and wounded 550 in Los Vegas. It was deemed an issue of (domestic) Constitutional rights, and we immediately decided that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING should be done to prevent such tragedies from happening again. (Even after BOTH PARTIES agreed that, at the very least, devices like bump fire stocks, which convert semi-automatic rifles into full fledged machine guns should be illegal....nothing has been, or will be done. That was the lowest of the low hanging fruit, and it's apparently off limits.)
This is why I am really not getting all worked up about what happened yesterday in NYC. Didn't affect me and mine....just like Vegas. Meh....these things happen now.

Trump is shameless

Trump falsely blamed the terror attack in New York that happened on his watch on Senate Democratic leader Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY).

The Diversity Visa Lottery Program passed the House with 264 votes, the Senate with 89 votes, and was signed into law by George H.W. Bush in 1990.

Trump Blames Schumer for New York Truck Attack

Reminds me of NAFTA.

I love it how Trump is using Nationalism Isolationism and Protectionism to garner support. It even works on me because I would love to see us cut immigration in half. We have too many people already. PLEASE cut immigration in half. I beg you.
Republican bullshit. They sure loved the immigrants and illegals in the late 20th century.
Assuming your fib was true, how many of them became mass-murderers?

You people bitch and moan about ancient history constantly and think it is some moral equivalency to current events.

This shit was highly predictable and yet you slugs insisted on making it happen.
Amnesty, immigration act of 1990 (what caused this "diversity visa bullshit), setting up the jordan commission etc ALL by republicans in the late 20th century. That isnt a fib. Otherwise, you wouldnt have only insulted my intelligence. When in fact, you only showed me yours..
Hey, mindless, partisan drone, history is relevant when history is the REASON it happened.
Good gawd almighty....
Democrat Chuck Schumer created the Diversity Visa Lottery Program. It's his fault.
Its never the presidents fault when he is a republican, right?
More Democrats voted against that bill than republicans
S. 358 (101st): Immigration Act of 1990 -- Senate Vote #117 -- Jul 13, 1989
That was before 911 you stupid fucking God Damned Motherfucking IDIOTIC DEMOCRAT!!!
Just one month ago, a mental case who was not a Muslim killed 60 people and wounded 550 in Los Vegas. It was deemed an issue of (domestic) Constitutional rights, and we immediately decided that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING should be done to prevent such tragedies from happening again. (Even after BOTH PARTIES agreed that, at the very least, devices like bump fire stocks, which convert semi-automatic rifles into full fledged machine guns should be illegal....nothing has been, or will be done. That was the lowest of the low hanging fruit, and it's apparently off limits.)
This is why I am really not getting all worked up about what happened yesterday in NYC. Didn't affect me and mine....just like Vegas. Meh....these things happen now.

Trump is shameless

Trump falsely blamed the terror attack in New York that happened on his watch on Senate Democratic leader Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY).

The Diversity Visa Lottery Program passed the House with 264 votes, the Senate with 89 votes, and was signed into law by George H.W. Bush in 1990.

Trump Blames Schumer for New York Truck Attack
That's the Swamp in action. That's Why we voted for Trump, to drain it.
Why didn't trump stop the attack yesterday? In his own hometown, even!
Whats your tactical assessment of how you would have done it? Give me some examples.

Donald J. Trump
Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.

11:01 AM - 8 Nov 2013
Republican bullshit. They sure loved the immigrants and illegals in the late 20th century.
Assuming your fib was true, how many of them became mass-murderers?

You people bitch and moan about ancient history constantly and think it is some moral equivalency to current events.

This shit was highly predictable and yet you slugs insisted on making it happen.
Amnesty, immigration act of 1990 (what caused this "diversity visa bullshit), setting up the jordan commission etc ALL by republicans in the late 20th century. That isnt a fib. Otherwise, you wouldnt have only insulted my intelligence. When in fact, you only showed me yours..
Hey, mindless, partisan drone, history is relevant when history is the REASON it happened.
Good gawd almighty....
Democrat Chuck Schumer created the Diversity Visa Lottery Program. It's his fault.
Its never the presidents fault when he is a republican, right?
More Democrats voted against that bill than republicans
S. 358 (101st): Immigration Act of 1990 -- Senate Vote #117 -- Jul 13, 1989
That was before 911 you stupid fucking God Damned Motherfucking IDIOTIC DEMOCRAT!!!
ummm ok
Yep, this 'DIEversity VISA Lottery' program was created by the Jew ChIuck Schumer under Obama with extreme laxed vetting. It was created out of political correctness. The blood is on his and Obama's hands. Like President. Trump said last night, no more political correctness when it comes to vetting Muslims.

The Schumer Program or also called..
Diversity Immigrant Visa - Wikipedia

Chuck Schumer (A Jew) is getting ripped to shreds right now on his Twitter
https://mobile.twitter. hiscom/SenSchumer/status/649952670418137088

The program was not created under Obama, it has been in existence since 1990 and was signed into law by George H Bush.

Sent from my iPhone using
I didn't say it was created under Obama in the op. But the Jihadist entered the country under Obama's watch which makes him complicit in this. I wouldn't be surprised the Jihadist came here due to Obama being a Muslim.

Mass murderer Stephen Paddock arrived in this country in 1953 — Dwight D. Eisenhower is complicit.

He was born here you stupid idiot!!!!

Stephen Paddock - Wikipedia

You morons are too stupid to know when your stupidity is being mocked. :eusa_doh:

OH sure... yeah, he was trying to act ignorant.
Well dickhead, he ain't acting... After reading the posts from you piss drinking rubes since you lost the election, how do you expect us to not think you all aren't a bunch of clueless shit for brains who barely have the brain power to remember to breathe, much less but together a rational argument.
Bush is no conservative. He publicly stated that he was not.

He is a globalist in the model of Bush 41 and the other presidents, save Trump, since 41 held the job. He has more in common with Clinton and Obama than he does past Republican presidents.

Real conservatism died many years ago - and if you believe Trump represents the return of such .. I cannot hep

This is true. The last truly conservative president was Calvin Coolidge

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is this terrorist a white supremacist like in charlottesville? similar circumstances
if the death by car in charlottesvilles made you angry, this murder of 8 people by truck must really piss you off.
Yep, this 'DIEversity VISA Lottery' program was created by the Jew Chuck Schumer under Obama with extreme laxed vetting. It was created out of political correctness. The blood is on his and Obama's hands. Like President. Trump said last night, no more political correctness when it comes to vetting Muslims.

The Schumer Program or also called..
Diversity Immigrant Visa - Wikipedia

Chuck Schumer (A Jew) is getting ripped to shreds right now on his Twitter
https://mobile.twitter. hiscom/SenSchumer/status/649952670418137088

The program was signed into law by GHW Bush in 1990.

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