NY attack-save your anger for the real evil.

It's much more American to be killed by your fellow Americans with guns......'cause 'MERICA!
Yea, we got enough problems without you bringing in people who want to kill Americans
I've not brought one person in ....nor have I ever tried to. Obviously you have me confused with trump who brings in foreign workers for his businesses.
More American citizens killed so the left can strut around like peacocks bragging about diversity. Its time to hold the left accountable for these deaths.
It's much more American to be killed by your fellow Americans with guns......'cause 'MERICA!

Buttecea, the dried up skank SEZ????? "Only da gubermint should have guns!!!! It made Russia great after the glorious Bolshevik Revolution! We can't have the serfs walking around with the ability to defend themselves! Oh HELL no!!!!"

62 years old, Buttecea? You are right at the "tweener" age where you could croak tomorrow or live another 20 years...the first option makes me smile....the second option???? Not so much........
Isn't it precious how you make things up? I am pro-2nd Amendment and own many guns myself. Isn't that cool? And I know how to use them, having qualified for both the Expert Pistol and Expert Rifle medals when I was in. But don't get too scared when you come to San Diego. I'm a law-abiding gun owner......;)

as for the "real evil"? There is none....it's just bad things we are becoming used to.....the only time we make a big deal is if it's some big event like Vegas, or someone wants to make political hay like NYC yesterday.

But yet you whine along with your leftard pals about "gun violence" and point to obvious stare ran "Operation Gladio" type of events to restrict gun ownership. You can't have it both ways. Gun restrictions don't prevent the bad guys from getting them any more than drug laws prevent junkies from getting their fix, capiche?

Let me fill you in another few home truths, buttecea....the day would never come that I would "fear" the likes of a skank like you. I am not afraid of diddly squat. I have been married three times.....I have been to hell and back and none the worse for the wear. If I can make it through that? I can make it through anything.....especially as it pertains to a sniveling loud-mouth clunt like you.....are we clear???? Did I miss anything? Do we have an understanding now or perhaps I was too subtle???

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