The Blood Is On His Hands: Chuck Schumer Created The 'Diversity VISA Lottery' Allowing The Terrorist

Should Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood buddies apologize for the latest Muslim mass murder of innocent Americans?
Yep, this 'DIEversity VISA Lottery' program was created by the Jew ChIuck Schumer under Obama with extreme laxed vetting. It was created out of political correctness. The blood is on his and Obama's hands. Like President. Trump said last night, no more political correctness when it comes to vetting Muslims.

The Schumer Program or also called..
Diversity Immigrant Visa - Wikipedia

Chuck Schumer (A Jew) is getting ripped to shreds right now on his Twitter
https://mobile.twitter. hiscom/SenSchumer/status/649952670418137088

The program was not created under Obama, it has been in existence since 1990 and was signed into law by George H Bush.

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I didn't say it was created under Obama in the op. But the Jihadist entered the country under Obama's watch which makes him complicit in this. I wouldn't be surprised the Jihadist came here due to Obama being a Muslim.

well seeing the chaos in DC these days with the deep state, we see what some muslims can do. It's in his, obummer's, faith, your post shows us what he as a muslim will do, will sneak in and then devour you like a snake.
ALSO it should not go without noting that a large majority of the Nations who are part of Schummer's Diversity Visa Program (laughable in itself) are Islamic Nations ALL KNOWN to have issue with Islamic Extremists.

We have Leftists Liberal Jihadists like Paddock who was recruited in our own country, converted to Islam, and slaughtered the biggest gathering of "Deplorables" he could at a Country Music Concert in Las Vegas. We have Leftist Liberals trying to kill GOP Congressmen at softball games. We have Leftist Liberal Jihadists making graphic comments about blowing up the White House, Assassinating the President, and Beheading him....RIGHT HERE IN AMERICA!

We don't need to import more hostile people as well to Strengthen the Leftist Liberal Jihadist Alliance.

Even THE GAZA STRIP is allowed to participate in this program.....but it's done on the LOW they are classified as "EGYPTIAN"

American Visa Lottery - List of eligible and ineligible countries for lottery green card
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In any case this is not the time to be talking politics lets just send "thoughts and prayers" :badgrin: you know like when the perpetrator is white American

By the way most of the dead where from Argentina

Five of those killed after a terrorist plowed a truck through a Manhattan bike path were Argentine high school pals celebrating three decades of friendship.

The Argentine government identified the slain victims as Hernán Mendoza, Diego Angelini, Alejandro Pagnucco, Ariel Erlij and Hernan Ferruchi.
Did you notice that Chuck Schumer didn’t cry for the 8 dead newest victims of Islamic hate, but he did cry for the Terrorist on Trump's travel ban.

Chuck U Schumer cries?

Doesn't that require brain activity and a conscience?
Thread summary:

The Trumpflakes have seen the facts that show they're lying.

They all choose to keep lying anyways.

This is why anything that any Trumpflake says is always initially be assumed to be a lie, unless independent evidence indicates otherwise. Trumpflakes are literally the most dishonest and treasonous human shitstains to ever walk American soil.
Fxck Chuck, he will do anything for a Buck
Of course, he's a Jew. Aways remember, the Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you. How many times have we seen Schumer cry?



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Yep, this 'DIEversity VISA Lottery' program was created by the Jew Chuck Schumer under Obama
I didn't say it was created under Obama in the op. But the Jihadist entered the country under Obama's watch which makes him complicit in this.
You sure did, you worthless lying scum POS!
And he was radicalized under Tramp which makes Tramp complicit!!!
Sure is convenient, Tramp's collusion gets exposed and then suddenly there is a terrorist attack. Trump/Putin false flag?????
He came here in 2010 and was radicalized under Obama during the last 7 years of his term. After that, he was just awaiting his orders.
Nope, if he was radicalized under Obama he would have acted under Obama. Tramp radicalized him and Tramp has blood on his tiny hands.
Yep, this 'DIEversity VISA Lottery' program was created by the Jew Chuck Schumer under Obama with extreme laxed vetting. It was created out of political correctness. The blood is on his and Obama's hands. Like President. Trump said last night, no more political correctness when it comes to vetting Muslims.

The Schumer Program or also called..
Diversity Immigrant Visa - Wikipedia

Chuck Schumer (A Jew) is getting ripped to shreds right now on his Twitter
https://mobile.twitter. hiscom/SenSchumer/status/649952670418137088

Oh, wow, the Republicans talking about blood on the hands of people hey?

What about the people who keep the guns in the hands of people who then go and kill 10,000 people a year? What about the blood on the hands of those who sent soldiers to invade Iraq? Bomb Libya, completely mess up the Middle East and increase anger among Muslims and cause a massive spike in Islamic terrorism in Europe and America?

Yeah, forgot about THAT BLOOD on the hands of REPUBLICANS and no doubt will find some shit reason why it wasn't their fault.
Yep, this 'DIEversity VISA Lottery' program was created by the Jew Chuck Schumer under Obama with extreme laxed vetting. It was created out of political correctness. The blood is on his and Obama's hands. Like President. Trump said last night, no more political correctness when it comes to vetting Muslims.

The Schumer Program or also called..
Diversity Immigrant Visa - Wikipedia

Chuck Schumer (A Jew) is getting ripped to shreds right now on his Twitter
https://mobile.twitter. hiscom/SenSchumer/status/649952670418137088

Oh, wow, the Republicans talking about blood on the hands of people hey?

What about the people who keep the guns in the hands of people who then go and kill 10,000 people a year? What about the blood on the hands of those who sent soldiers to invade Iraq? Bomb Libya, completely mess up the Middle East and increase anger among Muslims and cause a massive spike in Islamic terrorism in Europe and America?

Yeah, forgot about THAT BLOOD on the hands of REPUBLICANS and no doubt will find some shit reason why it wasn't their fault.
Irrelevant to the topic as your continued predilection for irrelevancy demonstrates.
ALSO is should not go without noting that a large majority of the Nations who are part of Schummer's Diversity Visa Program (laughable in itself) are Islamic Nations ALL KNOWN to have issue with Islamic Extremists.

We have Leftists Liberal Jihadists like Paddock who was recruited in our own country, converted to Islam, and slaughtered the biggest gathering of "Deplorables" he could at a Country Music Concert in Las Vegas. We have Leftist Liberals trying to kill GOP Congressmen at softball games. We have Leftist Liberal Jihadists making graphic comments about blowing up the White House, Assassinating the President, and Beheading him....RIGHT HERE IN AMERICA!

We don't need to import more hostile people as well to Strengthen the Leftist Liberal Jihadist Alliance.

Even THE GAZA STRIP is allowed to participate in this program.....but it's done on the LOW they are classified as "EGYPTIAN"

American Visa Lottery - List of eligible and ineligible countries for lottery green card

The countries in this years Diversity Visa List:
China (mainland)
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
South Korea
United Kingdom (except Northern Ireland)

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Yep, this 'DIEversity VISA Lottery' program was created by the Jew Chuck Schumer under Obama
I didn't say it was created under Obama in the op. But the Jihadist entered the country under Obama's watch which makes him complicit in this.
You sure did, you worthless lying scum POS!
And he was radicalized under Tramp which makes Tramp complicit!!!
Sure is convenient, Tramp's collusion gets exposed and then suddenly there is a terrorist attack. Trump/Putin false flag?????
He came here in 2010 and was radicalized under Obama during the last 7 years of his term. After that, he was just awaiting his orders.

So, when it comes to the economy, Trump was in charge for a few months and he took all the credit for the economy doing well, and yet when Muslims kill people, he doesn't take any of the blame for things going wrong?

What a fucking surprise. The worst sort of boss, the c*nt who takes all the credit and none of the blame.
Yep, this 'DIEversity VISA Lottery' program was created by the Jew Chuck Schumer under Obama
I didn't say it was created under Obama in the op. But the Jihadist entered the country under Obama's watch which makes him complicit in this.
You sure did, you worthless lying scum POS!
And he was radicalized under Tramp which makes Tramp complicit!!!
Sure is convenient, Tramp's collusion gets exposed and then suddenly there is a terrorist attack. Trump/Putin false flag?????
He came here in 2010 and was radicalized under Obama during the last 7 years of his term. After that, he was just awaiting his orders.
Nope, if he was radicalized under Obama he would have acted under Obama.
Based on specifically what?
Yep, this 'DIEversity VISA Lottery' program was created by the Jew Chuck Schumer under Obama with extreme laxed vetting. It was created out of political correctness. The blood is on his and Obama's hands. Like President. Trump said last night, no more political correctness when it comes to vetting Muslims.

The Schumer Program or also called..
Diversity Immigrant Visa - Wikipedia

Chuck Schumer (A Jew) is getting ripped to shreds right now on his Twitter
https://mobile.twitter. hiscom/SenSchumer/status/649952670418137088

Oh, wow, the Republicans talking about blood on the hands of people hey?

What about the people who keep the guns in the hands of people who then go and kill 10,000 people a year? What about the blood on the hands of those who sent soldiers to invade Iraq? Bomb Libya, completely mess up the Middle East and increase anger among Muslims and cause a massive spike in Islamic terrorism in Europe and America?

Yeah, forgot about THAT BLOOD on the hands of REPUBLICANS and no doubt will find some shit reason why it wasn't their fault.
Irrelevant to the topic as your continued predilection for irrelevancy demonstrates.

Wait, you're talking about blood on people's hands, right? Or did I just make that up?
Just one month ago, a mental case who was not a Muslim killed 60 people and wounded 550 in Los Vegas. It was deemed an issue of (domestic) Constitutional rights, and we immediately decided that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING should be done to prevent such tragedies from happening again. (Even after BOTH PARTIES agreed that, at the very least, devices like bump fire stocks, which convert semi-automatic rifles into full fledged machine guns should be illegal....nothing has been, or will be done. That was the lowest of the low hanging fruit, and it's apparently off limits.)

Forgive me...but this political system is totally f--ked.
This is why I am really not getting all worked up about what happened yesterday in NYC. Didn't affect me and mine....just like Vegas. Meh....these things happen now.
Chuck Schumer is an extreme left wing bigot who loathes our great country.
He just doesn’t care about the American victims of Islamic mass murder.
Democrats just want more third world voters and to make mainstream middle class voters the minority ASAP. The Terrorist Sayfullo Saipov came here though their “Diversity Visa Lottery” program.
The dumb liberal Democrats are playing Russian Roulette with the lives of Americans just for more votes.

The Diversity Visa program was signed into law by Conservative Republican George H Bush.

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Replace "Conservative Republican" with "Globalist Traitor" and you have something!

H.W. Bush also drafted NAFTA. Major peckerheads the Bushes are. Invading Iraq with the US army because he screwed Hussein in a business deal and Saddam put a hit out on him?

Egregiously foul, the Bushes are. So many deaths on their heads (including this truck thing) it's not even funny. So many innocent Iraqis, so many American soldiers.
Amnesty, immigration act of 1990 (what caused this "diversity visa bullshit), setting up the jordan commission etc ALL by republicans in the late 20th century. That isnt a fib. Otherwise, you wouldnt have only insulted my intelligence. When in fact, you only showed me yours..
Hey, mindless, partisan drone, history is relevant when history is the REASON it happened.
Good gawd almighty....'re not serious are you?

The Bushs are ALL globalists/Establishment hacks....Like Angela Merkel, Hillary the **** and Obama !!
They CALL themselves Republicans.....I can "Call" myself a Liberal....but that would be just as disgusting.
In fact. MOST of the lyin Ryans etc are globalists masquerading as Republicans.

Your "knowledge" is one dimensional. like your feeble thinking.

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