The Blood Is On His Hands: Chuck Schumer Created The 'Diversity VISA Lottery' Allowing The Terrorist

Republican bullshit. They sure loved the immigrants and illegals in the late 20th century.
Assuming your fib was true, how many of them became mass-murderers?

You people bitch and moan about ancient history constantly and think it is some moral equivalency to current events.

This shit was highly predictable and yet you slugs insisted on making it happen.
Amnesty, immigration act of 1990 (what caused this "diversity visa bullshit), setting up the jordan commission etc ALL by republicans in the late 20th century. That isnt a fib. Otherwise, you wouldnt have only insulted my intelligence. When in fact, you only showed me yours..
Hey, mindless, partisan drone, history is relevant when history is the REASON it happened.
Good gawd almighty....
Republican bullshit. They sure loved the immigrants and illegals in the late 20th century.
Assuming your fib was true, how many of them became mass-murderers?

You people bitch and moan about ancient history constantly and think it is some moral equivalency to current events.

This shit was highly predictable and yet you slugs insisted on making it happen.
Amnesty, immigration act of 1990 (what caused this "diversity visa bullshit), setting up the jordan commission etc ALL by republicans in the late 20th century. That isnt a fib. Otherwise, you wouldnt have only insulted my intelligence. When in fact, you only showed me yours..
Hey, mindless, partisan drone, history is relevant when history is the REASON it happened.
Good gawd almighty....
Democrat Chuck Schumer created the Diversity Visa Lottery Program. It's his fault.
Chuck Schumer is an extreme left wing bigot who loathes our great country.
He just doesn’t care about the American victims of Islamic mass murder.
Democrats just want more third world voters and to make mainstream middle class voters the minority ASAP. The Terrorist Sayfullo Saipov came here though their “Diversity Visa Lottery” program.
The dumb liberal Democrats are playing Russian Roulette with the lives of Americans just for more votes.
Yep, this 'DIEversity VISA Lottery' program was created by the Jew Chuck Schumer under Obama with extreme laxed vetting. It was created out of political correctness. The blood is on his and Obama's hands. Like President. Trump said last night, no more political correctness when it comes to vetting Muslims.

The Schumer Program or also called..
Diversity Immigrant Visa - Wikipedia

Chuck Schumer (A Jew) is getting ripped to shreds right now on his Twitter
https://mobile.twitter. hiscom/SenSchumer/status/649952670418137088
Then charge him with a crime if that's true.
Just one month ago, a mental case who was not a Muslim killed 60 people and wounded 550 in Los Vegas. It was deemed an issue of (domestic) Constitutional rights, and we immediately decided that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING should be done to prevent such tragedies from happening again. (Even after BOTH PARTIES agreed that, at the very least, devices like bump fire stocks, which convert semi-automatic rifles into full fledged machine guns should be illegal....nothing has been, or will be done. That was the lowest of the low hanging fruit, and it's apparently off limits.)

Forgive me...but this political system is totally f--ked.
Republican bullshit. They sure loved the immigrants and illegals in the late 20th century.
Assuming your fib was true, how many of them became mass-murderers?

You people bitch and moan about ancient history constantly and think it is some moral equivalency to current events.

This shit was highly predictable and yet you slugs insisted on making it happen.
Amnesty, immigration act of 1990 (what caused this "diversity visa bullshit), setting up the jordan commission etc ALL by republicans in the late 20th century. That isnt a fib. Otherwise, you wouldnt have only insulted my intelligence. When in fact, you only showed me yours..
Hey, mindless, partisan drone, history is relevant when history is the REASON it happened.
Good gawd almighty....
Democrat Chuck Schumer created the Diversity Visa Lottery Program. It's his fault.
Its never the presidents fault when he is a republican, right?
More Democrats voted against that bill than republicans
S. 358 (101st): Immigration Act of 1990 -- Senate Vote #117 -- Jul 13, 1989
Yep, this 'DIEversity VISA Lottery' program was created by the Jew Chuck Schumer under Obama with extreme laxed vetting. It was created out of political correctness. The blood is on his and Obama's hands. Like President. Trump said last night, no more political correctness when it comes to vetting Muslims.

The Schumer Program or also called..
Diversity Immigrant Visa - Wikipedia

Chuck Schumer (A Jew) is getting ripped to shreds right now on his Twitter
https://mobile.twitter. hiscom/SenSchumer/status/649952670418137088
Jeff Flake @JeffFlake
Actually, the Gang of 8, including @SenSchumer, did away with the Diversity Visa Program as part of broader reforms. I know, I was there …
8:36 AM - Nov 1, 2017

Flake backs Schumer on immigration after Trump tweet


© Greg Nash
Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) on Wednesday responded to a President Trump tweet after the president attacked Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) on immigration and referenced Tuesday's terrorist attack in New York.

Flake responded to Trump's assertion that a "Chuck Schumer beauty," the Diversity Visa Program, allowed 29-year-old suspect Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov to enter the country by reminding Trump that the 2013 "Gang of Eight" immigration reforms, written in part by Schumer, actually would have eliminated the program.

"The terrorist came into our country through what is called the "Diversity Visa Lottery Program," a Chuck Schumer beauty," Trump tweeted early Tuesday. "I want merit based."

"Actually, the Gang of 8, including @SenSchumer, did away with the Diversity Visa Program as part of broader reforms. I know, I was there," Flake tweeted at Trump in response.
Yep, this 'DIEversity VISA Lottery' program was created by the Jew ChIuck Schumer under Obama with extreme laxed vetting. It was created out of political correctness. The blood is on his and Obama's hands. Like President. Trump said last night, no more political correctness when it comes to vetting Muslims.

The Schumer Program or also called..
Diversity Immigrant Visa - Wikipedia

Chuck Schumer (A Jew) is getting ripped to shreds right now on his Twitter
https://mobile.twitter. hiscom/SenSchumer/status/649952670418137088

The program was not created under Obama, it has been in existence since 1990 and was signed into law by George H Bush.

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I didn't say it was created under Obama in the op. But the Jihadist entered the country under Obama's watch which makes him complicit in this. I wouldn't be surprised the Jihadist came here due to Obama being a Muslim.

Mass murderer Stephen Paddock arrived in this country in 1953 — Dwight D. Eisenhower is complicit.

He was born here you stupid idiot!!!!

Stephen Paddock - Wikipedia

You morons are too stupid to know when your stupidity is being mocked. :eusa_doh:
Yep, this 'DIEversity VISA Lottery' program was created by the Jew Chuck Schumer under Obama with extreme laxed vetting. It was created out of political correctness. The blood is on his and Obama's hands. Like President. Trump said last night, no more political correctness when it comes to vetting Muslims.

The Schumer Program or also called..
Diversity Immigrant Visa - Wikipedia

Chuck Schumer (A Jew) is getting ripped to shreds right now on his Twitter
https://mobile.twitter. hiscom/SenSchumer/status/649952670418137088
Wow, You people are such dumbasses.

Trump blamed Schumer.

I have news.

The Diversity VISA program was part of legislation passed in 1990. BEFORE Schumer was in Congress.

'My God, what a moron Trump is. What a moron the OP is. What morons Trumpettes are.

The bill passed the House & Senate with majorrity votes by both parties ^& signed by HW Bush.

Bit hey, you idiots blame someone who wasn't even in Congress.

My God, the stupidity of the right has no bounds.

Actually Schumer was in Congress in 1990.

But it is still stupid and morally reprehensible to blame him for the deaths. More than 1.35 million people have came to the US on this program and when one does something bad it is all Schumer’s fault? It is that sort of partisan ignorance that is killing our country.

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Yep, this 'DIEversity VISA Lottery' program was created by the Jew Chuck Schumer under Obama
I didn't say it was created under Obama in the op. But the Jihadist entered the country under Obama's watch which makes him complicit in this.
You sure did, you worthless lying scum POS!
And he was radicalized under Tramp which makes Tramp complicit!!!
Sure is convenient, Tramp's collusion gets exposed and then suddenly there is a terrorist attack. Trump/Putin false flag?????
Don't start spamming my thread again with off topic bullshit or I'll have you banned again like I did a couple of months ago.
Flake backs Schumer after Trump tweet:asshole:
"Actually, the Gang of 8, including @SenSchumer, did away with the Diversity Visa Program as part of broader reforms. I know, I was there," Flake tweeted at Trump in response.:finger3:
Chuck Schumer is an extreme left wing bigot who loathes our great country.
He just doesn’t care about the American victims of Islamic mass murder.
Democrats just want more third world voters and to make mainstream middle class voters the minority ASAP. The Terrorist Sayfullo Saipov came here though their “Diversity Visa Lottery” program.
The dumb liberal Democrats are playing Russian Roulette with the lives of Americans just for more votes.

The Diversity Visa program was signed into law by Conservative Republican George H Bush.

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Trump blames Schumer-proposed immigration program for NYC attack

President Trump called for immigration reform on Twitter this morning by stating that Sayfullo Saipov, the alleged New York City attacker, entered the United States via the Diversity Visa Lottery program, calling the program a "Chuck Schumer beauty." Schumer hit back at POTUS, accusing him of continually "politicizing and dividing America" during times of national tragedy.

The problem: We don't know yet if Trump's tweet can be taken as confirmation of Saipov's immigration status. The Diversity Visa Lottery tidbit about Saipov first came up in an unconfirmed local ABC7 report, which was seized on by right-wing outlets like Breitbart and Blunt Force Truth as well as former Trump advisor Sebastian Gorka — seemingly to connect Schumer's prior immigration work to yesterday's deadly attack.

per a Washington Post report on the program:

  • The program, which took effect in 1995, was designed to increase American immigration diversity by offering 50,000 visas to "low-admission" countries via a lottery.
  • Applicants to the program must have at least a high school education or two years of formal job training.
  • Most people who enter the United States under the program do so from African countries. Saipov reportedly hailed from Uzbekistan.
How it passed:
  • The measure that eventually became the Diversity Visa Program was indeed proposed by then-Rep. Chuck Schumer.
  • It was swept into a larger immigration reform package that passed both houses of Congress with bipartisan votes — including an 89-8 vote in the Senate — and was signed into law by President George H.W. Bush in 1990.
Worth noting: A 2007 study from the Government Accountability Office stated that there was "no documented evidence" that anyone admitted under the Diversity Visa Program posed a terrorist threat, though it did highlight that the program was susceptible to fraud, which might allow terrorists to enter.

And now, this: Sen. Jeff Flake, who was a member of the immigration Gang of 8 along with Schumer, reminded Trump that their 2013 attempt to reform the nation's immigration system would have done away with the Diversity Visa Program:

"I have always believed and continue to believe that immigration is good for America. President Trump, instead of politicizing and dividing America, which he always seems to do at times of national tragedy, should be focusing on the real solution — anti-terrorism funding — which he proposed cutting in his most recent budget.

I'm calling on the President to immediately rescind his proposed cuts to this vital anti-terrorism funding."

More tweets from Trump

In response to a Fox & Friends segment on the topic, soon after his initial tweet:

Trump blames Schumer-proposed immigration program for NYC attack
Yep, this 'DIEversity VISA Lottery' program was created by the Jew Chuck Schumer under Obama
I didn't say it was created under Obama in the op. But the Jihadist entered the country under Obama's watch which makes him complicit in this.
You sure did, you worthless lying scum POS!
And he was radicalized under Tramp which makes Tramp complicit!!!
Sure is convenient, Tramp's collusion gets exposed and then suddenly there is a terrorist attack. Trump/Putin false flag?????
You expect lucidity from a bigot?
Chuck Schumer is an extreme left wing bigot who loathes our great country.
He just doesn’t care about the American victims of Islamic mass murder.
Democrats just want more third world voters and to make mainstream middle class voters the minority ASAP. The Terrorist Sayfullo Saipov came here though their “Diversity Visa Lottery” program.
The dumb liberal Democrats are playing Russian Roulette with the lives of Americans just for more votes.

The Diversity Visa program was signed into law by Conservative Republican George H Bush.

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Bush is no conservative. He publicly stated that he was not.

He is a globalist in the model of Bush 41 and the other presidents, save Trump, since 41 held the job. He has more in common with Clinton and Obama than he does past Republican presidents.
Yep, this 'DIEversity VISA Lottery' program was created by the Jew Chuck Schumer under Obama
I didn't say it was created under Obama in the op. But the Jihadist entered the country under Obama's watch which makes him complicit in this.
You sure did, you worthless lying scum POS!
And he was radicalized under Tramp which makes Tramp complicit!!!
Sure is convenient, Tramp's collusion gets exposed and then suddenly there is a terrorist attack. Trump/Putin false flag?????
He came here in 2010 and was radicalized under Obama during the last 7 years of his term. After that, he was just awaiting his orders.
Chuck Schumer is an extreme left wing bigot who loathes our great country.
He just doesn’t care about the American victims of Islamic mass murder.
Democrats just want more third world voters and to make mainstream middle class voters the minority ASAP. The Terrorist Sayfullo Saipov came here though their “Diversity Visa Lottery” program.
The dumb liberal Democrats are playing Russian Roulette with the lives of Americans just for more votes.
dude, he's for open boarders. What else can he say with that position?
Don't start spamming my thread again with off topic bullshit or I'll have you banned again like I did a couple of months ago.
Flake backs Schumer after Trump tweet:asshole:
"Actually, the Gang of 8, including @SenSchumer, did away with the Diversity Visa Program as part of broader reforms. I know, I was there," Flake tweeted at Trump in response.:finger3:
This was well after Schumer's DIEversity Lottery Program let this terrorist in so your post is irrelevant as your continued predilection for irrelevancy demonstrates. Flakes comments also proves he's a swamp rat.
New York Blood on Schumer's Soft Uncalloused Bloody New York Hands.

Not only did Schumer sponsor this scam Diversity Visa Lottery which gives Foreign Nationals literally instant citizenship, in the most Diverse Nation on Earth....

But Schumer when he was questioned about why we need such a program when many other nations are far less diverse and have far more stringent immigration standards, said that he thinks we should DECREASE FUNDING FOR FIGHTING TERRORISM, and DECREASE FUNDING for IMMIGRATION CONTROL.

That fucker is an accessory to MURDER.

And so are these two Marxist Obama Appointed Federal Judges.

Judge Derrick K. Watson
Judge Theodore D. Chuang

These two should be hounded mercilessly and impeached from the bench.

And BTW, since when is a little insignificant judge on a circuit court allowed to stop an E.O. from the President? That should be reviewed only by the SCOTUS imo, if at ALL. The Judicial Branch has become far too powerful. So has The Senate.

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