The blue states dropping mandates are scared of the midterms

This thread is the prefect example of what it is like to be a partisan hack.

For 2 years we heard how evil the left was for making people wear mask, now we are hearing how evil the left is for lifting said mask requirement.
they don't seem mad it's being removed, they are saying it was never needed.

and that keeps seeming to be true as "science" isn't filtered
The science changed many months ago, if not a year ago at worst.


Do not fall for this bullshit. Do not vote for anyone who supported mandates and passports.

That is fascism.

The genuine science has not changed since before the #CoronaHoax2020 began.

What has changed, as necessary to fit the left wrong-wing agenda, has been their mockery of “science”, the same “science” which supports the claim that Bruce Jenner is a woman.
The communists see an absolute bloodbath coming as they are already losing elections.
The latest. GOP picks up council seat in Maywood, a Democratic town - New Jersey Globe

Will New Jersey finish the job as go red?

Look what just happened in Than Fwanthithco, of all places…

More than 70% of voters supported the recall of School Board President Gabriela López, Vice President Faauuga Moliga and Commissioner Alison Collins as of Wednesday morning, according to preliminary results from the San Francisco Department of Elections.

If a left wrong-wing agenda can be so solidly rejected by voters in a LIbtARd shithole like Than Fwanthithco, then you have to know that LIbEralism is in danger everywhere in the country, that it has become poison to to electorate.
And yet blue states are dropping mandates while the polls drop.

You just prove what you try to deny. All you've demonstrated is that people
are fed up with covid restrictions and tales of doom and the political geniuses
on the left have gotten the message.

With their reelections in jeopardy, LIbEral politicians are fleeing in terror from harmful, unpopular policies that they staunchly supported and helped to put into place.

What reason do we have that any of them, if they survive this reelection cycle, will not run straight back to those polices as long as they think they can get away with them?
This thread is the prefect example of what it is like to be a partisan hack.

For 2 years we heard how evil the left was for making people wear mask, now we are hearing how evil the left is for lifting said mask requirement.
This is an example of politicians backtracking because they public opinion has changed and they need to get re-elected. It was obvious in 2020 just before the elections as well as governors did not close up businesses until after the elections as numbers of infected were growing.

It is all political, you would need to be blind and uninformed not to see it.
The science was an indicator and always will be. We have a clearer view and the people are choosing to favor their odds of making it through a better known threat, in a more normalized manner. It does not have to do with midterms. Do you get up, think about how your personal day-to-day living decision will affect a midterm election. No. Neither does anybody else, no matter how much the pundits would like to influence you.
This was not a dry run on fascism. Get real.
Your science is horse shit. Men cannot be women. There are only two sexes. Masks and social distancing have zero effect, we are not evolved from apes, and you will never find life on another planet.
Compare the number of cases a year ago.

The seven-day average of new Covid-19 cases in the U.S. fell 23% from a week ago to about 85,200 as of Feb. 15, (2021) while Covid-related deaths hold steady at roughly 3,000 per day, according to a seven-day average of data from Johns Hopkins University.

151,613 on Feb. 16, 2022.

Yep, dropping covid mandates is all about political science.

The authoritarian left overplayed their hand.

This was a dry run to 100% fascism, next time they might do it right and they might be successful.

Honestly I think they are playing the game.

They created a lot of major problems last year, not just mandates, they fucked up the country in many ways. I think they saw 1 of 2 outcomes.

1 is people put up with their shit and they continue on.

Or 2 is people hate their shit and democrats suddenly do an about face on everything they did and try to come out smelling like roses saying "look the mandates are gone and gas prices are going down yes we did this for you America". And hope that Americans forget they were the ones that caused all the problems and will now vote for them.

I wouldn't put it past them to cause problems, let people wallow in them for a while, and then just reverse what they did to cause the problems so they can pat themselves on the back and tell America how they fixed the problems while saying Republicans didn't do anything.

The authoritarian left overplayed their hand.

This was a dry run to 100% fascism, next time they might do it right and they might be successful.

And I understand that now, THIRTY democrats have resigned ahead of the mid-terms! :shok:

Dems are falling like a house O cards! MAGAMAGAMAGAMAGAMAGAMAGAMAGAMAGA

Your science is horse shit. Men cannot be women. There are only two sexes. Masks and social distancing have zero effect, we are not evolved from apes, and you will never find life on another planet.
You got the wrong guy. Maybe you should read one of my posts sometime. I have never in the history of the board or off the board said men can be women or anything close. It is not even in the thread from anybody else. Are you feeling alright? Maybe ya got root rot, old tree. You're babbling.
You got the wrong guy. Maybe you should read one of my posts sometime. I have never in the history of the board or off the board said men can be women or anything close. It is not even in the thread from anybody else. Are you feeling alright? Maybe ya got root rot, old tree. You're babbling.
Joe Biden is not the legitimate president of The United States.

The authoritarian left overplayed their hand.

This was a dry run to 100% fascism, next time they might do it right and they might be successful.

You're right. The science has not changed. The restrictions are coming off in areas with high vaccination rates, because cases are coming down in those jurisdictions.

Sort your chart by deaths per million of population:

1. Mississippi
2. Arizona
3. New Jersey
4. Alabama
5. Louisiana
6. New York
7. Tennessee
8. West Virginia
9. Arkansas
10. Michigan

7 of the top 10 death states are Republican.

The more people voted for Donald Trump in a given state, the more likely they are to be in this top 10 list. Michigan being a case in point. They have a Democratic governor, but a Republican State House.
Your science is horse shit. Men cannot be women. There are only two sexes. Masks and social distancing have zero effect, we are not evolved from apes, and you will never find life on another planet.

Our science is not horse shit. No one said men can be women, or that there are more than two sexes.

Masks and social distancing have keep the numbers of people getting sick, being hospitalized and dying, in every jurisdiction where they have been used. The USA, which is the world epicenter of vaccine and mask resistance, has the highest rate of disease and death in the world.

We are evolved from apes. Some, such as yourself, have a long ways to go before we'll consider you fully human. And life has already been found on other planets.

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