Yup, zero college rubes can't understand them.
It's comical listening to a buffoon with zero college (you) constantly use lack of college as an insult. You have the education of a high school dropout. You misspell basic words. Your grammar is atrocious. And you can't even form complete thoughts.
Yup, zero college rubes can't understand them.
It's comical listening to a buffoon with zero college (you) constantly use lack of college as an insult. You have the education of a high school dropout. You misspell basic words. Your grammar is atrocious. And you can't even form complete thoughts.
I'm still waiting for examples and your college. Trump u?
I thought you were away blasting and preventing the latest gun deaths.
I'm still waiting for examples and your college. Trump u?
Unlike you, I went to college. Not sure what "examples" you need other than the fact that I create intelligent posts with complete sentences and proper grammar (unlike you).
I thought you were away blasting and preventing the latest gun deaths.
Well thinking clearly isn't your strong point, so.... :lmao:
We've reached an era much like the "Reagan Revolution" of the 1980's. People saw the horrors of the left-wing ideology and are converting to conservatism in mass across the globe.

Conservative Blowout in Britain Puts Brexit Back on Track
Omg, daily signal. You really have to stop with these commie rags.
You will be believing in trickle down soon.
Hey I'm all for it, I'm a millionaire like you
Back on track? They have been suffering for 8 years under the cons.
Why do you think they voted to leave?
And our Boris "the last guy you would want to be left with in a pub at closing time"
Try fintan otoole.
The best explanation of brexit and uk and USA white nationalism I've read
I'm still waiting for examples and your college. Trump u?
Unlike you, I went to college. Not sure what "examples" you need other than the fact that I create intelligent posts with complete sentences and proper grammar (unlike you).
I thought you were away blasting and preventing the latest gun deaths.
Well thinking clearly isn't your strong point, so.... :lmao:
Had a Nobel prize winner as your external examiner?
If you know what an ee is?
I'm still waiting for examples and your college. Trump u?
Unlike you, I went to college. Not sure what "examples" you need other than the fact that I create intelligent posts with complete sentences and proper grammar (unlike you).
I thought you were away blasting and preventing the latest gun deaths.
Well thinking clearly isn't your strong point, so.... :lmao:
i get it. I didn't put " thought" in red
I'm still waiting for examples and your college. Trump u?
Unlike you, I went to college. Not sure what "examples" you need other than the fact that I create intelligent posts with complete sentences and proper grammar (unlike you).
I thought you were away blasting and preventing the latest gun deaths.
Well thinking clearly isn't your strong point, so.... :lmao:
Examples of my superior grammar and sentences will do.
Love how you have to emphasis. CAPS next!!
We've reached an era much like the "Reagan Revolution" of the 1980's. People saw the horrors of the left-wing ideology and are converting to conservatism in mass across the globe.

Conservative Blowout in Britain Puts Brexit Back on Track
I guess we post what supports our made up small minds
"Critics believe that the trickle-down policy has done damage6 to the U.S. economy more times than it has helped. It has met with disastrous results when applied at the federal and state level
Kansas is a case in point. Business taxes were cut by almost a third, which left the state’s income in the red. The benefits have gone to a handful of the wealthy, who did not invest much to spur the state’s economic growth. Because the state’s revenues are markedly decreased, Kansas’ education budget has been significantly curtailed as well."
That's right, I believe in the good old American way. I have mine, screw you.
Don't you?!
Omg, daily signal. You really have to stop with these commie rags.
You will be believing in trickle down soon.
Hey I'm all for it, I'm a millionaire like you
Back on track? They have been suffering for 8 years under the cons.
Why do you think they voted to leave?
And our Boris "the last guy you would want to be left with in a pub at closing time"
Try fintan otoole.
The best explanation of brexit and uk and USA white nationalism I've read
See the incomplete sentences in the post above? See the incomplete thoughts? That is what happens when one drops out of high school instead of going to college. Don't be like Ph3iron, kids. Stay in school. Get your education.
That's right, I believe in the good old American way. I have mine, screw you. Don't you?!
It's a damn shame you don't believe in liberty and independence. The two concepts the United States were built on.

Sadly, what you actually believe in is the good old Cuban communist way of "fuck society - I'm entitled to half of what everyone else worked really hard for".

The "good old American way of I have mine, screw you" has done more to raise the standard of living and eliminate poverty than all other systems and all people combined.
That's right, I believe in the good old American way. I have mine, screw you. Don't you?!
It's a damn shame you don't believe in liberty and independence. The two concepts the United States were built on.

Sadly, what you actually believe in is the good old Cuban communist way of "fuck society - I'm entitled to half of what everyone else worked really hard for".

The "good old American way of I have mine, screw you" has done more to raise the standard of living and eliminate poverty than all other systems and all people combined.
How man you times do I have to tell
That's right, I believe in the good old American way. I have mine, screw you. Don't you?!
It's a damn shame you don't believe in liberty and independence. The two concepts the United States were built on.

Sadly, what you actually believe in is the good old Cuban communist way of "fuck society - I'm entitled to half of what everyone else worked really hard for".

The "good old American way of I have mine, screw you" has done more to raise the standard of living and eliminate poverty than all other systems and all people combined.
How many you times do I have to tell

Apologies, how many times do I have to tell you I never voted for a dem in my life?
I don't know a rich friend who did.
We know which side our bread is buttered as they say
And look at you!! Wow on at 3 pm, on at 9 pm.
You really have to get a life beyond searching the Blaze and daily caller/signal
Omg, daily signal. You really have to stop with these commie rags.
You will be believing in trickle down soon.
Hey I'm all for it, I'm a millionaire like you
Back on track? They have been suffering for 8 years under the cons.
Why do you think they voted to leave?
And our Boris "the last guy you would want to be left with in a pub at closing time"
Try fintan otoole.
The best explanation of brexit and uk and USA white nationalism I've read
See the incomplete sentences in the post above? See the incomplete thoughts? That is what happens when one drops out of high school instead of going to college. Don't be like Ph3iron, kids. Stay in school. Get your education.

Any actual facts??
Just dumb insults from a patriot who doesn't know what an external examiner is.
Or what the Nobel prize is
Please quote an example.
Not from the blaze if possible
Apologies, I try to use short statements so you can understand
Read Fintan yet?brexit and USA old white farts is all about envy. A dreaming to return to good old days plus a feeling of superiority.
I presume you are still sucking off your commie SS?
And look at you!! Wow on at 3 pm, on at 9 pm.
That’s right - I never tire of relentlessly fighting to protect the U.S. Constitution and exposing the propaganda of you anti-American leftists. And I never will.

Got to support our Ben and other slave rapists and constitution?
Guess you are for our vagina grabber and teen peeper?
Love them.
I guess you saw the data where the economy is better under dem Pres?
I guess that will consume another day of your valuable time searching when the rep congress was in power?
Trust you are enjoying your dem pension, vacation pay?
But PLEASE Get a life beyond the blaze and daily caller

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