Exactly. Progressives got involved - demanded government throw unlimited money at it, and the costs skyrocketed (because the colleges know the sky is the limit). You dummies are doing the exact same thing to healthcare now.

hardly. What happened to both health care and education is that the capitalists got involved.

it's a very simple thing, if I have something you HAVE to have, I can pretty much charge you whatever I want for it, not just what it cost me to produce. It's why Health care had been rising at three times the rate of inflation, not because the government pays for some of it. Doctors hate taking Medicare patients because they set a fixed price.

Now, back in 1980, when I went to college, you didn't need to go to college to get a job that put food on the table. You could do what my dad and my brothers did, join a union, learn a trade, and bring home a decent paycheck.

So what happened? Well, your boy Ronnie Ray-Gun gutted the unions and sold us out to the Japanese, so a lot of those union jobs went away. But also what happened was the colleges did a very good job of telling parents they HAD to have this for their kids and they better be willing to pony up.

It's not that the universities became more expensive, it's that they became more commercial. I had an opportunity to visit UIC a couple of weeks ago, and the Student Union was taken over by DUnkin Donuts, Amazon, Chase bank, etc.

So if you wonder why all those college kids supported Bernie Sanders (who I consider as much of a huckster as Trump, really), it's because they are getting a taste of how much capitalism sucks at an early age.
hardly. What happened to both health care and education is that the capitalists got involved.

it's a very simple thing, if I have something you HAVE to have, I can pretty much charge you whatever I want for it, not just what it cost me to produce. It's why Health care had been rising at three times the rate of inflation, not because the government pays for some of it.
So then why were healthcare costs stagnent until Medicare and Medicaid were passed? Why did nobody need health insurance in the 1700's and 1800's? Oops...

You lose (as always) chief. Both college and healthcare will extremely affordable in the 1800's and early 1900's. It wasn't until government got involved that everything skyrocketed. It's an indisputable fact. Thanks for playing.
So then why were healthcare costs stagnent until Medicare and Medicaid were passed? Why did nobody need health insurance in the 1700's and 1800's? Oops...

Are some kind of idiot? In the 1700's, medical treatment was putting leeches on people, the infant mortality rate was 50%, they amputated limbs without anesthetic, and the average life expectancy was 50.

You lose (as always) chief. Both college and healthcare will extremely affordable in the 1800's and early 1900's. It wasn't until government got involved that everything skyrocketed. It's an indisputable fact. Thanks for playing.

Well, again, up until the mid 20th century, "health care" was non-existent. People died of things like polio, measles, influenza, tuberculous, diphtheria, in short - things that barely exist today as life threatening conditions.


Similarly, the fact is in 1947, only about 5% of the adult population got a college degree. Which is to say, only the very affluent.


So, um, yeah, when the government got involved, more of us got a good education and we don't die of treatable diseases anymore. OH MY GOD, Government is horrible.

You lose, Poodle!
So then why were healthcare costs stagnent until Medicare and Medicaid were passed? Why did nobody need health insurance in the 1700's and 1800's? Oops...
Are some kind of idiot? In the 1700's, medical treatment was putting leeches on people, the infant mortality rate was 50%, they amputated limbs without anesthetic, and the average life expectancy was 50.
And? That was "modern medicine" back then, you nitwit. In the year 2100 they will look back on this era and talk about the barbarism of cracking open a person's chest and stopping their heart for bypass surgery.

As always, you sound like an idiot. And you've become more desperate after losing.
Well, again, up until the mid 20th century, "health care" was non-existent. People died of things like polio, measles, influenza, tuberculous, diphtheria, in short - things that barely exist today as life threatening conditions.
That has nothing do with government, dimwit. That has to do with science and technology. If government was the reason for those things being solved - then why do we still have cancer, AIDS, and chicken pox?

Go home little boy and lick you wounds. I exposed your idiocy in this thread. Costs of healthcare and education have far outpaced inflation and that has been traced directly back to government interference in both sectors.
And? That was "modern medicine" back then, you nitwit. In the year 2100 they will look back on this era and talk about the barbarism of cracking open a person's chest and stopping their heart for bypass surgery.

As always, you sound like an idiot. And you've become more desperate after losing.

They look at that as barbaric now...when my brother had his heart attack a couple years back, they used laparoscopic surgery to put in a stent. the point is, progress costs money, which goes back to my original point.

Health care is either -

1) A commodity that you should only be entitled to if you are wealthy enough to afford it.

2) A human right that everyone should have equal access to.

Most sane, non-psychopathic people would say it should be the latter.

That has nothing do with government, dimwit. That has to do with science and technology. If government was the reason for those things being solved - then why do we still have cancer, AIDS, and chicken pox?

Wow, guy, you fail to realize most science and technology is actually funded for and sponsored by government. It's why the Libertarian Paradise you dream of wanking off to Ayn Rand doesn't exist anywhere in the world today. Oh, yeah, and Ayn Rand went on Medicare when her smoking gave her lung cancer.

Costs of healthcare and education have far outpaced inflation and that has been traced directly back to government interference in both sectors.

well, you might long for the bygone libertarian days when a "good" doctor could saw off your leg in 3 seconds, and most people couldn't read.

But I like living in a time when education and healthcare are universally available.
Health care is either -

1) A commodity that you should only be entitled to if you are wealthy enough to afford it.

2) A human right that everyone should have equal access to.
Hey dumbass - the U.S. Constitution states I have a right to firearms. By your very idiotic interpretation, that means the U.S. government must purchase firearms for every single American.

Just because something is a right doesn't mean the government pays for it, you imbecile. You have a right to healthcare. It's up to you to pay for it.
But I like living in a time when education and healthcare are universally available.
Of course you do...all parasites do.

Me? I prefer living in a time of liberty. You're refusal to move to Cuba and experience your socialized medicine first-hands speaks volumes. You enjoy mooching off of conservatives. You're all talk. Just looking to keep the handouts coming. Typical selfish progressives.
Health care is either -

1) A commodity that you should only be entitled to if you are wealthy enough to afford it.
Everyone could afford healthcare until you dimwitted progressives demanded that government get involved and caused costs to skyrocket. But...that's what your failed ideology always does.
Hey dumbass - the U.S. Constitution states I have a right to firearms. By your very idiotic interpretation, that means the U.S. government must purchase firearms for every single American.

Just because something is a right doesn't mean the government pays for it, you imbecile. You have a right to healthcare. It's up to you to pay for it.

Poodle, the Constitution says you have a right to a well regulated Militia. I was part of a well organized militia, and guess what, they provided the guns, and the ammo.

Now, that said, how about answering the question.

Do you think poor children should be allowed to die of treatable diseases because their parents are poor?

Sane people say, "No".

Everyone could afford healthcare until you dimwitted progressives demanded that government get involved and caused costs to skyrocket. But...that's what your failed ideology always does.

Well, no, they couldn't, which is why government got involved. The reason why we got medicare and medicaid was because the old and poor couldn't afford health care.

The thing is, the UK, with it's socialized medicine, only spends 9% of it's GDP on health care while we spend 17%. They live longer and have a lower infant mortality rate.
Me? I prefer living in a time of liberty. You're refusal to move to Cuba and experience your socialized medicine first-hands speaks volumes. You enjoy mooching off of conservatives. You're all talk. Just looking to keep the handouts coming. Typical selfish progressives.

Your refusal to move to Somalia and experience your "liberty" first-hand speaks volumes. Like most selfish libertarians, you enjoy mooching off of liberals. You are all talk. Just keep complaining about the handouts until you need them, like that bitch Ayn Rand did.
Just keep complaining about the handouts until you need them, like that bitch Ayn Rand did.
The government took 60% of Ayn Rand's money for the unconstitutional handouts you keep demanding. Whether she needed them or not - it only makes sense to take every last one of them and then some. I plan on getting as much of my money back as I can.

Now - I know that bothers you because you're selfish as hell and want as much of my money as you can get your grubby little hands on, but tough shit.
Me? I prefer living in a time of liberty. You're refusal to move to Cuba and experience your socialized medicine first-hands speaks volumes. You enjoy mooching off of conservatives. You're all talk. Just looking to keep the handouts coming. Typical selfish progressives.
Your refusal to move to Somalia and experience your "liberty" first-hand speaks volumes.
Well for starters - Somalia is a left-wing utopia. Everything is done by force at the barrel of a gun. There is no liberty there. Would you like to try again? :laugh:

And not for nothing, snowflake, but why would I head to any country for liberty when the U.S. Constitution already guarantees me the exact liberty I'm looking for? :dunno:
Poodle, the Constitution says you have a right to a well regulated Militia. I was part of a well organized militia, and guess what, they provided the guns, and the ammo.
Kitty, the more you lie, the dumber you look.
the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed
Now - I do realize that you are the typical illiterate high school dropout progressive - but even you can read that one. The right is of the people to keep and bear arms. It never states that you have a "right to a militia". The U.S. Constitution did, however, already make defense the responsibility of the federal government before the Bill of Rights.

Kids...JoJo there is a prime example of why it's important to stay in school.
Do you think poor children should be allowed to die of treatable diseases because their parents are poor?
I'll answer that question when you answe mine:

xxxxxxxxxxxxxx :dunno:

(Do you get it yet or do you need someone to explain it to you?)

Here's the thing, snowflake. Nobody ever has to make that choice. For starters, charity covers that. A family has never received a bill for the healthcare their child has received from Shriners Hospital. Never. So rational people have to wonder why you insist on being such a disingenuous prick? Why do you have to create false narratives? Oh wait...that's right...your greed and selfishness. You want to keep that government gravy train flowing in your direction.

Second - a person's ability to pay today is absolutely no indication of their ability to pay tomorrow. People have gone from destitute to millionaire over night. So you hand them a bill and then you hold them accountable. See how easy that is?
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The reason why we got medicare and medicaid was because the old and poor couldn't afford health care.
Uh...no....snowflake. The reason we got Medicare and Medicaid is because the Dumbocrats are addicted to power and they thought they saw an opportunity for permanent power. They were too stupid to understand real Americans.
he government took 60% of Ayn Rand's money for the unconstitutional handouts you keep demanding. Whether she needed them or not - it only makes sense to take every last one of them and then some. I plan on getting as much of my money back as I can.

Now - I know that bothers you because you're selfish as hell and want as much of my money as you can get your grubby little hands on, but tough shit.

Rand was never living large on her writing. She died poor. She was one of the welfare leeches you whine about all day. And a hypocrite.

And you can try to cheat the government, but at the end of the day, those baby boomers are going to get what we were promised. Sorry, bud, suck on it.

Here's the thing, snowflake. Nobody ever has to make that choice. For starters, charity covers that. A family has never received a bill for the healthcare their child has received from Shriners Hospital. Never. So rational people have to wonder why you insist on being such a disingenuous prick? Why do you have to create false narratives? Oh wait...that's right...your greed and selfishness. You want to keep that government gravy train flowing in your direction.

Charities can't cover everyone who is sick, and the ONLY reason why Shriners covers that small slice of the population is because big insurance won't. Charities are very good at making the people who run them rich, and not good for much else.

The fact is, government already pays for 39% of medical treatment. The amount that charities spend doesn't even show up on the graph.


Second - a person's ability to pay today is absolutely no indication of their ability to pay tomorrow. People have gone from destitute to millionaire over night. So you hand them a bill and then you hold them accountable. See how easy that is?

Dude, this has to be the most retarded thing you've said yet. Besides the fact that one of the drivers of medical costs is all the people who show up at Emergency Rooms and never, ever pay their bills, actually saddling people with medical debt DECREASES their ability to get a good paying job in the future. Most companies won't hire you if you have a shitty credit score. So what you end up having is poor people walking off on their bills and the hospitals saddling the rest of us with $100.00 Aspirins.

Uh...no....snowflake. The reason we got Medicare and Medicaid is because the Dumbocrats are addicted to power and they thought they saw an opportunity for permanent power. They were too stupid to understand real Americans.

Dude, your party never runs on "We are going to cut Granny's MediCare". I honestly wish the fuck you would, instead of promising the rubes you are going to ban abortion or some such bullshit.

We got them because Private Insurance wasn't doing the job. They are staying because Republicans know damned well they'd be lynched if they got rid of them. Which is why after SEVEN YEARS of talking smack about getting rid of the ACA, they completely folded when it came to actually doing it.
And you can try to cheat the government, but at the end of the day, those baby boomers are going to get what we were promised. Sorry, bud, suck on it.
Cheat the government? Holy cow are you one paranoid parasite. How do you get "cheat the government" from me saying that I plan to take every single penny in "benefits" from the government? :cuckoo:
Cheat the government? Holy cow are you one paranoid parasite. How do you get "cheat the government" from me saying that I plan to take every single penny in "benefits" from the government?

So you are admitting to be ing a hypocrite? Sorry, man, a rugged individualist would rather die than be a slave to the government.

The reality, though... by the time you hit 65, Paul Ryan would have given all your money to the rich in Tax cuts.
Cheat the government? Holy cow are you one paranoid parasite. How do you get "cheat the government" from me saying that I plan to take every single penny in "benefits" from the government?

So you are admitting to be ing a hypocrite? Sorry, man, a rugged individualist would rather die than be a slave to the government.
Again - a weak false narrative. You're so desperate because you unable to defend your idiotic views.

I'm not going to allow the U.S. government to steal 60% of my money for illegal, unconstitutional socialism and then forgo an opportunity to get some of it back. I'm going to get every last penny that I can.

You want to see "rugged individualism", junior? Allow me to opt out so that they can't take my money. I won't take a single cent from them in any form of benefit.

But you parasites won't do that because you know the people you mooch off of will all opt out - leaving you with nothing. That's why the left must do everything by force at the barrel of a gun.

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