Again - a weak false narrative. You're so desperate because you unable to defend your idiotic views.

I'm not going to allow the U.S. government to steal 60% of my money for illegal, unconstitutional socialism and then forgo an opportunity to get some of it back. I'm going to get every last penny that I can.

So you are perfectly okay being a slave to the government... Got it.

Not that the government is taking anywhere near 60% of your wealth, but never mind.

You want to see "rugged individualism", junior? Allow me to opt out so that they can't take my money. I won't take a single cent from them in any form of benefit.

sure you won't. You've just said you are okay with welfare as long as it's "White People Welfare".

But you parasites won't do that because you know the people you mooch off of will all opt out - leaving you with nothing. That's why the left must do everything by force at the barrel of a gun.

We do everything by ballot box. Every last social program you whine about, people voted for saying, "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea".

The problem with your crazy ideas is no one really wants them, not even conservatives.
We do everything by ballot box. Every last social program you whine about, people voted for saying, "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea".
You sound like a lunatic. I mean...more than normal. Nobody voted for Social Security. FDR and the Dumbocrats did that shit all on their own. Nobody voted for welfare. FDR and the Dumbocrats did that shit all on their own. Nobody voted for Obamacare. Obama and the Dumbocrats did that shit all on their own (and it cost them big time).

Is there anything you don't lie about?
So you are perfectly okay being a slave to the government...
Nope. Not the least bit ok with it. Parasites such as yourself have tried to make all Americans slaves to the government for your own selfish greed. Sadly, you've been somewhat successful.
You want to see "rugged individualism", junior? Allow me to opt out so that they can't take my money. I won't take a single cent from them in any form of benefit.
sure you won't. You've just said you are okay with welfare as long as it's "White People Welfare".
Again - a false narrative. I said I'm getting back what was stolen from me by selfish, greedy parasites such as yourself. How does that equate to "ok with welfare"?

You're getting more desperate with each post. I guess that's what happens when you irrational, emotional opinions get their ass kicked by cold, hard facts!
Not that the government is taking anywhere near 60% of your wealth, but never mind.
Being that you are an uninformed, uneducated, left-wing parasite, I don't expect you to even remotely understand this one so I will happily explain it to you.

Income tax by the federal government is not the only taxes you pay (unfortunately the left is too stupid to realize that).

First, the federal government hits me with an income tax. Then, the state hits me with an income tax. Then, the county hits me with an income tax. At 50% right there alone.

Now, what's left I'm supposed to live off of. But it doesn't stop there. Then the city hits me with a property tax. Then, when I got to the store, I get hit with a sales tax. Then I go to the pump and I get hit with a gas tax. One of my personal favorites? The 911 tax on my cell phone bill. That's not even half the taxes you get hit with. Again, you're just too stupid to know it. All of which adds up to 60% - 65% in taxes. day when you grow up and mommy and daddy aren't paying your bills for you, you'll realize how ignorant your socialism views are (if you ever actually get a job).
You sound like a lunatic. I mean...more than normal. Nobody voted for Social Security. FDR and the Dumbocrats did that shit all on their own. Nobody voted for welfare. FDR and the Dumbocrats did that shit all on their own. Nobody voted for Obamacare. Obama and the Dumbocrats did that shit all on their own (and it cost them big time).

Yes, they did. They threw nearly every last Republican out of office in the 1930's, and the GOP wasn't allowed back into power until the 1950's, when Ike had to admit- "Um, yeah, the New Deal was a pretty good idea. Good thing we did that."

Sadly, the GOP has been taken over by religious nuts and libertarian assholes, which is why they have to steal elections because they can't win them.

First, the federal government hits me with an income tax. Then, the state hits me with an income tax. Then, the county hits me with an income tax. At 50% right there alone.

I don't know what county you live in where there's a county income tax. But somehow, I doubt you make enough money where you'd hit that threshold. I made over $80,000 last year, and my total payout was less than $20,000 on a side business and two properties.

Again, you're just too stupid to know it. All of which adds up to 60% - 65% in taxes.

Now you are just making shit up. If you were in a high enough bracket where those things were really a factor, (you aren't), then even an accountant who was half asleep could lower your liability.

So again, probably a 25 year old kid who has dreams of being rich when he climbs the corporate ladder, listening to the big man complain about paying his fair share.
Again, you're just too stupid to know it. All of which adds up to 60% - 65% in taxes.

Now you are just making shit up. If you were in a high enough bracket where those things were really a factor, (you aren't), then even an accountant who was half asleep could lower your liability.
Like I said'll understand one day when you move out of mommy and daddy's home and your out on your own, actually paying taxes.

You're just a little butt-hurt at the moment because I exposed your astounding ignorance of taxes.
You sound like a lunatic. I mean...more than normal. Nobody voted for Social Security. FDR and the Dumbocrats did that shit all on their own. Nobody voted for welfare. FDR and the Dumbocrats did that shit all on their own. Nobody voted for Obamacare. Obama and the Dumbocrats did that shit all on their own (and it cost them big time).
Yes, they did.
I realize that you don't have the slightest clue how your own system of government functions (you've proven that much time and time again). But even you know that none of those items were put up for a vote and voted on by the American people.

Every time you get your ass kicked (which is every time you post), you resort to lying.
Again, you're just too stupid to know it. All of which adds up to 60% - 65% in taxes.
Now you are just making shit up. If you were in a high enough bracket where those things were really a factor, (you aren't), then even an accountant who was half asleep could lower your liability.
Accountants can't lower sales tax, you dumb dillhole. :lmao:

Accountants can't lower property tax, you dumb dillhole. :lmao:

Accountants can't lower income tax, you dumb dillhole. :lmao:

The only thing they can do to lower the total amount of actual dollars is to cheat the system. Now parasites like you do that all the time - but I refuse to. I'd rather pay my 60% - 65% than go to prison (liberty is priceless - a fact you're too stupid and greedy to figure out).
Like I said'll understand one day when you move out of mommy and daddy's home and your out on your own, actually paying taxes.

You're just a little butt-hurt at the moment because I exposed your astounding ignorance of taxes.

dude, you simply don't make that much money.

Any accountant that isn't taking your deductions on Schedule A for those other things is grossly inept.

So my guess, you are just repeating whatever shit you hear on Hate Radio because you think that's reality.

Accountants can't lower property tax, you dumb dillhole

No, but they would know how to deduct that from Schedule A... and reduce your overall tax burden... so it tells me that you really don't know that much about taxes.

I do. I've been paying them for 35 years now.
Geez....and you still haven't moved out of your parents house yet?!? I guess a YouTube channel just doesn't bring it that much money.

Wouldn't know, don't have a YouTube channel. Are you stalking some poor fool on YouTube because you think he's me?
It's bad enough you ruin USMB with your presence. Do you really think I want to seek you out in other platforms? :cuckoo:
Go back and read your Karl Marx. He'll tell you that your mooching off of other people is justified.

obviously you've never read Marx..

Not that I agree with him, he got lot of stuff wrong.

SO let me get this straight, someone makes millions of dollars off the labor of others, and the workers are mooching?
They aren't making millions of dollars "off the labor of others". They are making millions of dollars off of their idea, their product, etc.

Your false narratives are idiotic.
They aren't making millions of dollars "off the labor of others". They are making millions of dollars off of their idea, their product, etc.

Your false narratives are idiotic.

A product someone else designed, someone else built, someone else delivered.

A capitalist is a parasite that has convinced stupid people it's a vital organ.

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