A product someone else designed, someone else built, someone else delivered.
So you're going to try to convince everyone that Bill Gates didn't design Windows? That Steve Wozniak didn't design the Apple? That Mark Zuckerberg didn't design Facebook? That Larry Ellison didn't design Oracle? That Walt Disney didn't design Mickey Mouse?

With each post you make, Joseph Goebbels, you make yourself look dumber and dumber.
A capitalist is a parasite that has convinced stupid people it's a vital organ.
Amen Joseph Goebbels is at it again. A producer is a "parasite" and a parasite is a "producer". Nice try snowflake. Nobody is fooled other than your fellow ignorant progressives.
o you're going to try to convince everyone that Bill Gates didn't design Windows? That Steve Wozniak didn't design the Apple? That Mark Zuckerberg didn't design Facebook? That Larry Ellison didn't design Oracle? That Walt Disney didn't design Mickey Mouse?

Except that none of those original ideas were what makes the money, bud.

Zuckerman is not the guy sitting there writing the code to keep facebook up to date. That's some fool in India, probably.
Zuckerman is not the guy sitting there writing the code to keep facebook up to date. That's some fool in India, probably.
Zuckerberg created the code. He pays someone else to update it only because he's busy doing exponentially more important things. The person paid to update the code is more than fairly compensated for the mindless work of updating the code. That person didn't have the brains to build the code into a world-changing product like Zuckerberg did.
We have the entire blueprint for prosperity. It's just a matter of ignoring the anti-American progressives who prefer emotion over logic and reason.
“People are leaving blue states. Blue states are losing their political clout because people are leaving blue states,” Moore said, adding: This is every day … roughly a thousand people every day leave blue states and move to red states, so that’s a big migration over a decade. … That’s like 4 million people over a decade … leaving New York and Connecticut and Illinois and Michigan and even California … and other states. People are voting with their feet against liberalism.
Nothing creates poverty & misery - and subsequently causes people to flee - like idiotic, failed, left-wing policy...

GOP State Dominance at 95-Year High
Zuckerberg created the code. He pays someone else to update it only because he's busy doing exponentially more important things.
What, being a rich douchebag?
Yes. What normal, rational people call "running one of the most successful companies in the world".

Meanwhile, in Chicago, you wallow in poverty because you are a poor douchebag.
An astounding 80% drop in food stamps recipients in just over one year, and a 114% increase in incomes. Who could possibly argue with these results?

So we should run the country like Maine….

I'm thinking 1.33 million population, is not a great test run for federal policy… maple sugar and lobster… yeah… um…

And could you please site a legitimate non-youtube source that shows incomes doubled in Maine in one year…
Then why do you spend every waking minute filled with a furious envy of people who have it?

Okay, serious answer time.

I don't. I'm sorry your reading comprehension skills are so poor that's what you come away with.

What I think is that WHENEVER you have a society where most of the wealth is concentrated in too few hands, and most of the rest of the society labors away and sees very little reward for it, you never, ever have good results.

What you have is

France 1787
Russia 1917
China 1949
Cuba 1959
Iran 1979

You get a population that is so angry that it will listen to any charlatan promising to either fix it or at the very least, get revenge on the rich who made it that way.

I see America going that direction. If you told me 35 years ago, a charlatan like Trump would get into office because the white working class was so angry, I'd have laughed at you. But 35 years ago, the Minimum wage had some teeth, and enough of the workforce was unionized to guarantee a real middle class. The stupid white people who voted for Trump know that something has been lost., they just don't understand why.

What I see happening is that WHEN Trump fails to deliver on his promises - the economic ones, anyway- that same white working class will turn to a charlatan like Bernie and you are going to get exactly what you don't want.

So if you want to compare Capitalism to a pit bull. Your sort wants it to roam the neighborhood mauling the neighborhood kids because, hey, they don't have a pit bull of their own.

The socialist wants to take your pit bull out and shoot it.

I want it kept on a short leash and sent to obedience school. It can do some good, but it needs to be controlled.

Now, I'm sure this explanation will be lost on you, and you'll just regurgitate something you heard on hate radio like it was an original thought
We have the blueprint for prosperity. We know what works (and we know what doesn't). There are no excuses. The leadership on the left wants us to fail (Cloward & Piven) and the minions on the left are simply uneducated. We need to educate the minions and stop electing their leaders.

1. A low, flat rate

2. The ability to file taxes on a postcard

3. Immediate expensing

4. A low corporate rate

5. Encourage repatriation

6. Abolish the death tax

7. End the alternative minimum tax

Cruz Highlights 7 Ideas for Tax Reform
We have the blueprint for prosperity. We know what works (and we know what doesn't). There are no excuses. The leadership on the left wants us to fail (Cloward & Piven) and the minions on the left are simply uneducated. We need to educate the minions and stop electing their leaders.

Guy, you've been singing this supply side song for generations now.

The magic prosperity never shows up.
We have the blueprint for prosperity. We know what works (and we know what doesn't). There are no excuses. The leadership on the left wants us to fail (Cloward & Piven) and the minions on the left are simply uneducated. We need to educate the minions and stop electing their leaders.

Guy, you've been singing this supply side song for generations now.

The magic prosperity never shows up.
Yeah...we only live in the wealthiest nation in the world. :lmao:
Yeah...we only live in the wealthiest nation in the world.

But we became the wealthiest nation in the world because of progressive policies. we've been in decline since we started listening to you clowns.

you see, this is how I can tell you are in your 20s. You really aren't old enough to remember what it was like when America was an awesome place to live, when a guy could bring home a good union paycheck and raise a family in comfort.
Yeah...we only live in the wealthiest nation in the world.

But we became the wealthiest nation in the world because of progressive policies. we've been in decline since we started listening to you clowns.

you see, this is how I can tell you are in your 20s. You really aren't old enough to remember what it was like when America was an awesome place to live, when a guy could bring home a good union paycheck and raise a family in comfort.
Snowflake...we've been in decline ever since the rise of progressivism. Pure constitutional conservatism took us from a new founded, fledgling nation to the world's most elite superpower. Progressivism has saddled us with $20 trillion in debt, crumbling infrastructure, and a failed education.

And this is how I know that I'm older than you. Because you buy into the new wave propaganda like a good blind, deaf, and dumb little progressive. I remember when we lead the world in education. Then progressives invaded it, followed by unions, and now we pump out inner city progressive children who read and write and a third grade level.

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