When people marvel at the rise of Donald Trump, they forget the republican base, a base so partisan they believe wrong things on top of wrong things so long as the wrong things fall in line with their brainwashing. Any need to mention any? Nah, all you need to do is think for a moment or listen to their talk. You know the words.

Maine Welfare Reforms Have Led to Big Welfare Declines-Mostly Fiction!

From your article...."It led to a 70% reduction in able-bodied adults who receive food stamps". That's exactly what the video says if you had taken the time to watch it. But....being a hardline, brainwashed ideologue, you refuse to research anything or question your ideology.

But able bodied adults make up 5% of the total number of people receiving food stamps. That a 70% decrease of the 5% who are able bodied. In actuality the total number of people receiving food stamps decreased by 3.5%. Which is not out of line with the decreases in food stamp useage nation wide.
Some people speak because they have something to say. Others speak because they have to say something. Joey is clearly the latter. Once again he adds absolutely no value to a thread. But just make a comment for attention.

Naw, dude, you think a hack site like Townhall is a credible news source. That says a lot about you.

It’s such a shame that the left is so uneducated and so ideological. We have the blueprint for prosperity. History has proven time and time again what works (conservatism) and what doesn’t (progressivism).

history proves the exact opposite. We had our greatest prosperity in the period where the rich were taxed and the workforce was unionized.

If you weren't 25 years old, you'd remember what a real middle class looked like.
The numbers don’t lie...progressives do.

The numbers don’t lie...progressives do.

No, those numbers are kind of meaningless in the context of demographics.

The 2008 Recession was a lot worse than the 1981 recession that Reagan intentionally allowed to reduce inflation. You see, if you weren't a child, you'd know that the 1981 recession wasn't an accident. It was intentionally instigated by the Federal Reserve with the collusion of both Carter and Reagan because their biggest concern was bringing down inflation, and the way to do that was to bring down wages.

And while Reagan was dealing with the Baby Boomers hitting their peak in the workforce, Obama had to deal with them exiting it due to aging out.
And while Reagan was dealing with the Baby Boomers hitting their peak in the workforce, Obama had to deal with them exiting it due to aging out.
That means Obama had the distinct advantage of having a natural abundance of jobs that needed to be filled. And he still failed to recover the economy like Reagan did!

Thank you for proving my point for me... :lmao:
The 2008 Recession was a lot worse than the 1981
Another egregious lie. Obama didn’t even have to deal with an energy crisis (though he did his best to manufacture one) like Carter left Reagan with. Those of us who were there remember well, snowflake.
That means Obama had the distinct advantage of having a natural abundance of jobs that needed to be filled. And he still failed to recover the economy like Reagan did!

except they didn't need to be filled, dummy. They had been mostly replaced by automation.

Seriously, do you have any idea how economics works? Well, obviously you don't since you seem to think that Atlas Shrugged is how economies work.

Another egregious lie. Obama didn’t even have to deal with an energy crisis (though he did his best to manufacture one) like Carter left Reagan with. Those of us who were there remember well, snowflake.

Actually, the "Energy Crisis" was pretty much over by 1981. The Saudis panicked when they realized we might start exploring alternative energy and the brought the cost of oil down by putting the spigot up to full. You'd know this if you were around at the time.
That means Obama had the distinct advantage of having a natural abundance of jobs that needed to be filled. And he still failed to recover the economy like Reagan did!
except they didn't need to be filled, dummy. They had been mostly replaced by automation.
Really? Then how did President Trump already create 1 million jobs in his first 7 months on the job, stupid? :lmao:

Watching you chase your own tail is absolutely priceless. You contradict your own position, prove my point for me, and dig yourself deeper and deeper as you attempt ignore facts and rewrite history.
We have the blueprint for prosperity. Ignoring it is done by the left either out of ignorance or out of a deep anti-American sentiment.
One of the nation’s largest wireless broadband providers has committed to investing $1 billion in the economy if Congress cuts corporate taxes
We know how to build a thriving economy. Low taxes. Limited regulations. Minimal labor laws and labor unions.

But doing these things drastically reduces power for the left and requires each individual to be responsible for themselves. Two things the left desperately does not want.

On Tax Reform, This Communications Giant Puts $1B Where Its Mouth Is
We have the blueprint for prosperity. Ignoring it is done by the left either out of ignorance or out of a deep anti-American sentiment.
"The business that I started would be able to grow and employ many more people if we could get the government off our neck," writes Bill Tanksley.
We know how to build a thriving economy. Low taxes. Limited regulations. Minimal labor laws and labor unions.

But doing these things drastically reduces power for the left and requires each individual to be responsible for themselves. Two things the left desperately does not want.

We Hear You: 'High-Tax Paradises Such as California Better Wake Up'
We have the blueprint for prosperity. Ignoring it is done by the left either out of ignorance or out of a deep anti-American sentiment.

Yes, we do. It's called making the rich pay their fair share, giving working people a living wage and investing in infrastructure.

If you weren't 25 getting coffee for the big man, you'd have remembered what that used to look like.
We have the blueprint for prosperity. Ignoring it is done by the left either out of ignorance or out of a deep anti-American sentiment.

Yes, we do. It's called making the rich pay their fair share, giving working people a living wage and investing in infrastructure.
I rest my case. Here is the left ignoring the facts out of Joey’s deep anti-American sentiment. The irony is that he’s advocating for a deep cut in taxes for the wealthy (that’s the only way we could get them to pay their fair share - they currently pay way more).
I rest my case. Here is the left ignoring the facts out of Joey’s deep anti-American sentiment. The irony is that he’s advocating for a deep cut in taxes for the wealthy (that’s the only way we could get them to pay their fair share - they currently pay way more).

Their fair share is what these greedy fucks were paying before Reagan's senile ass came along.

I don't mistake the "rich" for my fellow Americans.

Never met a rich guy once when I was in the military.
Their fair share is what these greedy fucks were paying before Reagan's senile ass came along.
No - their “fair share” is what they will be paying if/when we lower their taxes to about 15%. The numbers don’t lie...even if you progressives do.

The top 1% earn 15% of the income but pay 24% of the taxes. We’d have to cut their tax rate by about 9% and raise yours about 10% for everyone to actually pay their “fair share”.

Their fair share is what these greedy fucks were paying before Reagan's senile ass came along.
This is going to sting a bit...but...looking stupid always does.
1. In 1774, colonial Americans had the highest standard of living on earth
According to historian Alice Hansen Jones, Americans at the end of the colonial era averaged an annual income of £13.85, which was the highest in the western world.

2. The average tax rate in colonial America was between 1% and 1.5%
Colonial and Early Americans paid a very low tax rate, both by modern and contemporary standards. Just prior to the Revolution, British tax rates stood at between 5%-7%, dwarfing Americans’ 1%-1.5% tax rates.

It speaks volumes that even an oppressive King demanded only 5% to 7% and 35% isn’t good enough for your greedy and entitled ass.

Like I said - we have the blueprint for prosperity. Low taxes. No government interference (or “services” outside of their constitutional responsibilities). Maximum liberty.

Ten Facts About the Early American Economy
Rebuild the unions...Workers need a powerful voice!
Break up corporations including the media with anti-trust law enforcement
Invest into education

That my friends is the real blueprint of prosperity. Your problem is you believe in flood up to the very people that are offshoring into tax havens that pay next to zero in some cases. how the fuck can cutting a few percent make a difference for these cheating fucks.
Rebuild the unions...Workers need a powerful voice!
What does that have to do with government?!? You can “rebuild” your unions any time you want. Of course, that will cause all jobs to go overseas as they did in the past, but we are all used to you people engaging in actions which are detrimental to your own self-interests.
Break up corporations including the media with anti-trust law enforcement
Holy shit...Wesley Mouch...is that you? Dog-eat-Dog legislation, anyone? :lmao:
Invest into education
Again...you can do that any time you want. You’re just too cheap and too greedy to invest in other people.
Rebuild the unions...Workers need a powerful voice!
What does that have to do with government?!? You can “rebuild” your unions any time you want. Of course, that will cause all jobs to go overseas as they did in the past, but we are all used to you people engaging in actions which are detrimental to your own self-interests.
Break up corporations including the media with anti-trust law enforcement
Holy shit...Wesley Mouch...is that you? Dog-eat-Dog legislation, anyone? :lmao:
Invest into education
Again...you can do that any time you want. You’re just too cheap and too greedy to invest in other people.

Jobs went overseas in the 1980's.

Our highest rate of Union membership was in the post war 1950's when we exported more than we imported.

Your ron reagan and party in the 1980's pushed "outsourcing" as a way of making more money at the expense of the working class.
but we are all used to you people engaging in actions which are detrimental to your own self-interests

Ha, this one statement quite nicely sums up the entire electorate which voted for don trump.

Hope they like paying for for a fast lane on the internet highway...

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