Yeah...nothing says “fucked up” like being a peacekeeper.

Tell you what, when your lily-white entitled ass signs up for the military, you can let me know.

Um...the “Iran Agreement” was money in exchange for hostages (hostages that Barack Insane Obama handed Iran by telling his own Navy to stand down and surrender).

You mean the guys who illegally violated Iran's territorial waters because some lazy officer wanted to take a shortcut?
You mean the guys who illegally violated Iran's territorial waters because some lazy officer wanted to take a shortcut?’s so “logical” to surrender because you inadvertently sailed into a certain section of water. Because that is the spirit of America. :eusa_doh:

You really are the quintessential progressive, Joey. Give up. Quit. Surrender. Demand others provide for you.
More indisputable evidence that conservative policy generates prosperity while liberal policy generates poverty and collapse.

With Income Tax Eliminated, $85 Million Flows Into Kansas
OLD news, it just kept getting worse, till even Republicans revolted against Brownback, as Kansas slipped down the list of doing ok states.
Facts are still facts - you can’t avoid them by calling them “old news”. :lmao:
The Fact is that Brownback's plan did not work, he called it the test case for the Republican trickle down plan of giving every thing to big business & they would create lots of jobs, it did not work. Kansas went slowly down into the toilet. you I guess don't live in Kansas.
The problem is that democrats thrive on anger and unrest. Barry Hussein promoted the use of food stamps to show the world that Americans are victims of poverty but he did nothing to increase employment or stimulate the economy. In fact Hussein seemed to go out of his way to keep the economy stagnated and stir up racial unrest because anger is the only way the democrat party gets votes. What is good for America is bad for the DNC. Tax breaks are good so democrats ran out of the room rather than than doing their duty that Americans hired them to do by voting.
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The problem is that democrats thrive on anger and unrest. Barry Hussein promoted the use of food stamps to show the world that Americans are victims of poverty but he did nothing to increase employment or stimulate the economy.

Except we went from 10% unemployment to 4.9% unemployment on his watch and recovered from the worst economic disaster in 80 years.
“Entitled”? I’m not a Democrat. You’re the one who thinks he has a right to what other people earned.

No, you think you are entitled by the race and gender you were born with.

Born on Third and thought you hit a triple, buddy.
By nature of being born in the United States, you too were “born on third”. But like all lazy, entitled, helpless progressive snowflakes, you cry that you “struck out”.
The problem is that democrats thrive on anger and unrest. Barry Hussein promoted the use of food stamps to show the world that Americans are victims of poverty but he did nothing to increase employment or stimulate the economy.

Except we went from 10% unemployment to 4.9% unemployment on his watch and recovered from the worst economic disaster in 80 years.
Uh...we went from 7% unemployment to over 10% unemployment on Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats watch. That’s when the American people turned the entire nation over to the Republicans in the 2010 mid-terms (remember the “shellacking”?). They in turn implemented proven conservative policy and the turn around was under way (in spite of Barack Insane Obama’s best efforts to collapse the U.S. economy).
Uh...we went from 7% unemployment to over 10% unemployment on Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats watch.

Uh, dummy, the economy was in free-fall when Obama got there, Bush and his rich cronies screwed it up so bad, and left the rest of us holding the bag. Were you fucking asleep during 2008? Well, either than or in High School. I'm guessing the latter.
By nature of being born in the United States, you too were “born on third”. But like all lazy, entitled, helpless progressive snowflakes, you cry that you “struck out”.

Actually, I've dealt with shit in my life that would leave your pansy entitled ass crying.
Whether you have or not, you were still “born on third” (and you still cry that the world owes you).
Uh...we went from 7% unemployment to over 10% unemployment on Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats watch.

Uh, dummy, the economy was in free-fall when Obama got there, Bush and his rich cronies screwed it up so bad, and left the rest of us holding the bag. Were you fucking asleep during 2008? Well, either than or in High School. I'm guessing the latter.
Uh...unemployment never exceeded 7% under George W. Bush and climbed to over 10% under the Dumbocrats watch after they “promised” that it would never reach 8% if we passed their illegal/unconstitutional, idiotic “stimulus package”.
The blue print of the 20th century was
1. Anti-trust as one or two corporations controlling the industry is bad for the industry
2. Strong unions---The workers deserve good pay!

Today we'd also need to consider fining and raising taxes on anyone that offshores or outsources their business.
Whether you have or not, you were still “born on third” (and you still cry that the world owes you).

I don't cry the world owes me. Fuck, man, I don't even abuse my veteran status that much.

Uh...unemployment never exceeded 7% under George W. Bush and climbed to over 10% under the Dumbocrats watch after they “promised” that it would never reach 8% if we passed their illegal/unconstitutional, idiotic “stimulus package”.

It was at 7.8 when he left and companies were shedding 500,000 jobs a month. Again, I realize you were in High School when this happened, so I can understand if you don't have a really good memory of it.
The blue print of the 20th century was
1. Anti-trust as one or two corporations controlling the industry is bad for the industry
2. Strong unions---The workers deserve good pay!

Today we'd also need to consider fining and raising taxes on anyone that offshores or outsources their business.
Ah yes...the communist mentality. :eusa_doh:

The “workers” don’t deserve a damn thing. The worker (ie the individual) earns exactly what they are worth. No less. No more.
More indisputable evidence that conservative policy generates prosperity while liberal policy generates poverty and collapse.

With Income Tax Eliminated, $85 Million Flows Into Kansas
OLD news, it just kept getting worse, till even Republicans revolted against Brownback, as Kansas slipped down the list of doing ok states.
Facts are still facts - you can’t avoid them by calling them “old news”. :lmao:
The Fact is that Brownback's plan did not work, he called it the test case for the Republican trickle down plan of giving every thing to big business & they would create lots of jobs, it did not work. Kansas went slowly down into the toilet. you I guess don't live in Kansas.
It clearly did work as $85 million flowed into Kansas...
It was at 7.8 when he left and companies were shedding 500,000 jobs a month. Again, I realize you were in High School when this happened, so I can understand if you don't have a really good memory of it.
I’m pretty sure it was 7.4% when Bush’s left and companies were “shedding” 500,000 jobs per month on news that a radical, anti-American had been elected to the White House and the Dumbocrats would be in control of everything. That’s what happens when a devout marxist goes around campaigning on “capitalism is evil” and “I think the way you do that is to spread the wealth”.

Just as - conversely - the market skyrocketed upon news that Donald Trump would be the next President of the United States. That’s the way it works, junior. You’ll understand after you get out of high school and join the real world.

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