Well duh...the military is not a wealthy endeavor. It is public service.

So the wealthy don't value military public service which defends our nation?

Talk about not standing for the National Anthem.
Your ron reagan and party in the 1980's pushed "outsourcing" as a way of making more money at the expense of the working class.
How does one “push” outsourcing? And why would Ronald Reagan submarine his own presidency by “pushing” corporations to take action which would cause unemployment to skyrocket (especially considering unemployment decreased from the time Reagan took office from Carter until the time he left)? It’s amazing how you people swallow whatever progressive narrative you are fed.

The fact is - failed progressive policy pushed jobs overseas. Companies don’t want the expense, the headache, and the instability of doing business in China. They have no choice because failed left-wing policy (highest corporate tax rate in the world, devastating regulations, labor laws, and unions) have made it impossible to do business in the U.S. and still turn a profit.
Well duh...the military is not a wealthy endeavor. It is public service.

Well, duh, the kids of the rich never seemed to end up there, for some reason.

Let the fuckers fight their own damned wars for a change.

You see, I think we should have conscription, but the children of the rich should be put into a special airborne unit that will be the first deployed to any war zone.

Betcha we never fight another war over false pretenses or weapons that don't exist again.

It speaks volumes that even an oppressive King demanded only 5% to 7% and 35% isn’t good enough for your greedy and entitled ass.

Okay, here's the problem with this retarded argument. Back in 1776, Leeches were considered cutting edge medical technology. A road was a patch of ground that was troden over a lot and a bunch of yahoos with squirrel guns were considered an "Army".

I guess that if you consider "Dying by age 50" to be " a high standard of living" or going hungry every winter because you didn't have enough food, then yeah, those Colonial Americans had a wonderful standard of living.

If they were white.

If they were a black slave doing the back-breaking work or a native american who was about to get genocided for his land, it was considerably worse.
Well duh...the military is not a wealthy endeavor. It is public service.
So the wealthy don't value military public service which defends our nation?
Because the military is public service, your dumb ass somehow draws the conclusion that (and I quote) “the wealthy don’t value military service”? :uhh:

Vintage libtard “logic” there. Let’s look at this as a rational person would. Here is but a small list of very wealthy people who served extensively in the U.S. military:

John F. Kennedy
Stanley McCrystal
Collin Powell
George H.W. Bush
Richard Marcinko

Of course...this list is near infinite. What they all have in common is that they made their wealth after leaving the military because the military is not a wealthy endeavor - it is public service (normal people don’t need this explained to them).

Seriously, how stupid do you look right now otto105? Even by your normal standards of stupidity, that was extra idiotic!
Well duh...the military is not a wealthy endeavor. It is public service.
Well, duh, the kids of the rich never seemed to end up there, for some reason.
Well sure...if one is a typical Dumbocrat who ignores all facts in favor of making shit up as they go to support a failed and idiotic ideology (ie you).

Let’s see...the Kennedy’s children (such as JFK) served. Even served in wartime. George H.W. Bush was wealthy and powerful and still George W. Bush served. Just recently, the (son/nephew?) of a sitting representative died in special forces.

In fact, the service academies are FILLED with the family members of wealthy and powerful people. But as with everything else, you’re just too damn ignorant to know it.
Vintage libtard “logic” there. Let’s look at this as a rational person would. Here is but a small list of very wealthy people who served extensively in the U.S. military:

Okay, but you see, other than the generals, who wasn't wealthy when they joined the military, all of those guys joined when we had universal conscription and it was kind of expected.

When you got Vietnam, the rich found ways to avoid the draft through hiding out in the National Guard (Bush, Quayle), Fake medical conditions- (Limbaugh, Trump), Student deferrment (Cheney) and so on. Today they let the poor kids do it.

The whole notion that a Powell or a McCrystal can get rich after leaving the service by working for the Military Industrial Complex is kind of a problem, too. It's part of the reason we have a bloated military when we spend more than the next 10 countries combined, and 8 of them are allies.

Let’s see...the Kennedy’s children (such as JFK) served. Even served in wartime. George H.W. Bush was wealthy and powerful and still George W. Bush served. Just recently, the (son/nephew?) of a sitting representative died in special forces.

Here's the thing, in WWII, everyone WAS expected to serve. The thing was, the children of the Rich got to be the officers, even if they had no leadership abilities. It was very classist at the time.

And, no George W. Stupid joining the National Guard and not showing up for drill assemblies because he was stoned off his ass doesn't count as serving. There was a whole year nobody can tell you where the guy was.

In fact, the service academies are FILLED with the family members of wealthy and powerful people. But as with everything else, you’re just too damn ignorant to know it.

Yeah, well, actually, if there is one thing that is a HUGE example of military waste, it's the Service Academies, where they spend $400,000 to produce a single O-1. Compared to ROTC, where they may spend about $75,000 or OCS - the only officers I ever met who were worth a shit - where they spend the cost of a 90 day course.

Why are OCS officers better? Because they've already distinguished themselves as enlisted men and they know what's going on.

Seriously, if you want to get rid of waste in the government, West Point, Annapolis and Colorado Springs would be GREAT places to start.
Your ron reagan and party in the 1980's pushed "outsourcing" as a way of making more money at the expense of the working class.
How does one “push” outsourcing? And why would Ronald Reagan submarine his own presidency by “pushing” corporations to take action which would cause unemployment to skyrocket (especially considering unemployment decreased from the time Reagan took office from Carter until the time he left)? It’s amazing how you people swallow whatever progressive narrative you are fed.

The fact is - failed progressive policy pushed jobs overseas. Companies don’t want the expense, the headache, and the instability of doing business in China. They have no choice because failed left-wing policy (highest corporate tax rate in the world, devastating regulations, labor laws, and unions) have made it impossible to do business in the U.S. and still turn a profit.

You can take your little crap ass response and just Google ‘outsourcing’. You will find a beautiful start In Reagan’s 1980s. He barely raised a finger.

Plant closings in the auto industry, private equity firms buy and boning...all of which occurred under the greedy free trade republic pols who early in the 1990s pushed NAFTA on America workers.

Of course, in Russia where you're employed the oligarchy was just getting started.

You can take your little crap ass response and just Google ‘outsourcing’. You will find a beautiful start In Reagan’s 1980s. He barely raised a finger.

Plant closings in the auto industry, private equity firms buy and boning...all of which occurred under the greedy free trade republic pols who early in the 1990s pushed NAFTA on America workers.

Of course, in Russia where you're employed the oligarchy was just getting started.

Poodle likes to forget that after he left office, the Japanese paid Reagan a shitload of money for services rendered.
Poodle likes to forget that after he left office, the Japanese paid Reagan a shitload of money for services rendered.
Joey forgets that Barack Insane Obama violated U.S. policy and paid Iran “a shitload of money” for hostages.
Poodle likes to forget that after he left office, the Japanese paid Reagan a shitload of money for services rendered.
Joey forgets that Barack Insane Obama violated U.S. policy and paid Iran “a shitload of money” for hostages.

Patidiot forgets that it was Reagan that caused the money to be paid in the first place.
That was Iran's money. We seized it in the 1970's and never gave it back, even after they returned our hostages.
So logically Barack Insane Obama wouldn’t return it in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, or 2013. Nope...Barack Insane Obama flies it out in the middle of the night on an unmarked plane at the exact same time our hostages are returned.

Wonder why Obama waited 6 long years to “return” money that was over 40 years old at that point....and...it just “happens” to coincide with the return of our hostages. The probability of that has to be one in several quadrillions.
So logically Barack Insane Obama wouldn’t return it in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, or 2013. Nope...Barack Insane Obama flies it out in the middle of the night on an unmarked plane at the exact same time our hostages are returned.

No, he would return it as part of the treaty we signed with Iran that resolved all issues and monitored their nuclear program.
So logically Barack Insane Obama wouldn’t return it in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, or 2013. Nope...Barack Insane Obama flies it out in the middle of the night on an unmarked plane at the exact same time our hostages are returned.

No, he would return it as part of the treaty we signed with Iran that resolved all issues and monitored their nuclear program.
Again....flown out in the middle of the night....on an unmarked plane....at the exact moment our hostages are released. All great big giant "coincidences", uh chief? How long can you deny reality before it just becomes too exhausting for you? :lmao:
Again....flown out in the middle of the night....on an unmarked plane....at the exact moment our hostages are released. All great big giant "coincidences", uh chief? How long can you deny reality before it just becomes too exhausting for you?

I kind of don't care.

Actually, it wasn't nearly as bad as your boy Reagan providing ACTUAL WEAPONS to Iran in exchange for hostages, and then diverting the funds to drug dealers in Central America.
The blueprint for prosperity

an escape route out of the Federal Pen in Herlong Ca for Trump and his cartel pals.
Again....flown out in the middle of the night....on an unmarked plane....at the exact moment our hostages are released. All great big giant "coincidences", uh chief? How long can you deny reality before it just becomes too exhausting for you?

I kind of don't care.

Actually, it wasn't nearly as bad as your boy Reagan providing ACTUAL WEAPONS to Iran in exchange for hostages, and then diverting the funds to drug dealers in Central America.
So you finally admit it! About damn time. The criminal Barack Insane Obama never "returned" anything to Iran. That was the lame ass excuse he used after he got caught. He engaged in major criminal behavior.

As for Reagan - as least he was doing it in the best interest of the U.S. and preventing the spread communism. Obama engaged in his actions out of love for Iran and islam.
So you finally admit it! About damn time. The criminal Barack Insane Obama never "returned" anything to Iran. That was the lame ass excuse he used after he got caught. He engaged in major criminal behavior.

Um, no the Iran agreement called for the return of that money... please try to stop living in your own world, Poodle

As for Reagan - as least he was doing it in the best interest of the U.S. and preventing the spread communism. Obama engaged in his actions out of love for Iran and islam.

Hey, guy, here's the thing... The Jihadism Reagan created was a lot worse than Communism ever was. He essentially radicalized a whole region and turned us into peacekeepers there for the last 30 years. That's all sorts of fucked up.
Um, no the Iran agreement called for the return of that money...
Um...the “Iran Agreement” was money in exchange for hostages (hostages that Barack Insane Obama handed Iran by telling his own Navy to stand down and surrender).

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