Snowflake...we've been in decline ever since the rise of progressivism

Like I said, buddy, when you grow up some day, you'll realize America is great because of progressiveness.
In other words, you can’t dispute anything I said because it is 100% accurate. Sorry snowflake, but history has proven that government control and coercion ends badly.
In other words, you can’t dispute anything I said because it is 100% accurate. Sorry snowflake, but history has proven that government control and coercion ends badly.

History proves nothing of the sort. If you took your whacky LIbertarian views to an actual history department, you'd be laughed at.
I don’t have “views” snowflake. I have history, facts, data, etc. All of which proves your ideology is nonsense.
I don’t have “views” snowflake. I have history, facts, data, etc. All of which proves your ideology is nonsense.

Okay buddy, there's a reason why Warren Harding is considered one of worst presidents and FDR is considered one of the best, if you want to talk about "history".

If you want to talk about "Data", we had our greatest prosperity when the Rich were taxed a high rate and the workforce was highly unionized.

Again, if you were older than 25, you'd know this.
Okay buddy, there's a reason why Warren Harding is considered one of worst presidents and FDR is considered one of the best, if you want to talk about "history".’s called “progressive propaganda”. Outside of progressive propaganda, FDR is considered a joke. He personally oversaw (and expanded) The Great Depression. Even his own Secretary of the Treasury - who was none other than the architect behind the idiotic “Raw Deal” - admitted it.
“We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work.”
'We're Spending More Than Ever and It Doesn't Work'

Then, even left-wing institutions admitted it. All of which you are highly ignorant of because you’re an immature, uninformed, envious partisan hack.

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate

Misguided government policies prolonged Great Depression

Your schtick has grown tiring junior. Go play with your fellow snowflake millennials - the adults are in charge once again and we’re taking care of business.
If you want to talk about "Data", we had our greatest prosperity when the Rich were taxed a high rate and the workforce was highly unionized.
Yeah...there’s a reason why Jimmy Carter was a one term joke. Your parasite policies don’t work. Everyone on USMB has grown weary of your schtick. Move along now junior. Go troll somewhere else.’s called “progressive propaganda”. Outside of progressive propaganda, FDR is considered a joke. He personally oversaw (and expanded) The Great Depression. Even his own Secretary of the Treasury - who was none other than the architect behind the idiotic “Raw Deal” - admitted it.

What kind of bizarre ass alternate history did you learn? I really have to ask this.

FDR got us through the great depression, helped win WWII, and created the American Middle Class which really didn't exist before 1929.

Seriously between you and Political Chick, I think you both got off the spaceship from Bizarro World.

Yeah...there’s a reason why Jimmy Carter was a one term joke. Your parasite policies don’t work. Everyone on USMB has grown weary of your schtick. Move along now junior. Go troll somewhere else.

Again, this is where i suspect you are about 25, probably not even old enough to remember when Jimmy Carter was president.

Do you know why Jimmy Carter failed? Because he was a Republican masquerading as a Democrat. After the McGovern Debacle of 1972, the Democrats tried to move to the right, to the point where there was little or no difference between Carter and Jerry Ford. If Ford hadn't pardoned Nixon, he'd have probably won.

By 1980, Democrats were so fed up with Carter that they got behind Ted Kennedy, who probably would have won the nomination had the Iran Hostage Crisis hadn't happened.

Again, if you weren't 25 and learned your "history" from a closeted homosexual on Hate Radio, you'd know this.’s called “progressive propaganda”. Outside of progressive propaganda, FDR is considered a joke. He personally oversaw (and expanded) The Great Depression. Even his own Secretary of the Treasury - who was none other than the architect behind the idiotic “Raw Deal” - admitted it.

What kind of bizarre ass alternate history did you learn? I really have to ask this.
The kind that included 3 links proving I was 100% right and you were completely wrong (as usual).
Well what do you know - Mr. Progressive here is demanding true conservative policy when it comes to his company. Funny, he talks one hell of a progressive game when it comes to everyone else’s company (much like Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Tim Cook, etc.). It’s amazing that they are so easily able to dupe the left-wing masses. When they talk a progressive game, they are simply trying to pull the ladder up behind themselves to ensure the supremacy of their own companies (and by extension - the supremacy of their own wealth and power).
Amazon has some requirements, however. Its new home would ideally be in a city with at least 1 million people, an international airport, and a "stable and business-friendly environment."
In other words, Mr. Progressive wants the lowest tax rates he can negotiate in the entire U.S., the least amount of regulations he can negotiate in the entire U.S., and the minimal left-wing labor laws he must ensure. Jeff Bezos - like all successful businessmen - wants his companies to operate under Ronald Reagan / Rand Paul policies.

We Have The Blueprint For Prosperity

Amazon has triggered a $5 billion bidding war — here are the cities that are in competition for its new HQ
Poodle thinks TownHall is credible.... That's adorable.
Some people speak because they have something to say. Others speak because they have to say something. Joey is clearly the latter. Once again he adds absolutely no value to a thread. But just make a comment for attention.
It’s such a shame that the left is so uneducated and so ideological. We have the blueprint for prosperity. History has proven time and time again what works (conservatism) and what doesn’t (progressivism). We lose so many jobs and so many opportunities for prosperity due to the cancer known as progressivism...
"We turn away enough people to fill another drive-in on the weekends, but I don't have enough money to expand, between the taxes and regulations," says Susan Kochevar.
We see this every day across America. Lost opportunities for expansion. For wealth. For jobs. For prosperity. All because of failed left-wing socialism. The left wants Venezuela and the former U.S.S.R. when we could have prosperity that even surpasses the U.S. at its peak.

How Tax Reform Could Empower This Drive-in Theater Owner to Expand Her Business

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