Thankfully the American people stepped in and stopped him before he could finish the job.
Uh, the American people voted for Hillary, by about 3 million votes.
Nobody is talking about 2017... :lmao:

The American people stepped in at the 2010 mid-terms and gave the Dumbocrats a historic ass-kicking from coast-to-coast. Republicans went to work implementing proven conservative policy and we’ve been flourishing ever since.
Unemployment never hit 8% under George W. Bush.
Uh, yeah, it did. And to the point, he's the one who screwed the pooch on the economy.
I can’t wrap my head around the progressives belief that they can lie in the era of the internet. Here it is snowflake - indisputable proof that you’re a pathological liar and a fragile snowflake incapable of accepting reality...

United States Unemployment Rates by President, 1948-2016
I can’t wrap my head around the progressives belief that they can lie in the era of the internet. Here it is snowflake - indisputable proof that you’re a pathological liar and a fragile snowflake incapable of accepting reality...

Reality- Bush wrecked the economy. It collapsed on his watch. this isn't even in dispute, Poodle.

If he as so great, Jeb would have won the nomination.
I can’t wrap my head around the progressives belief that they can lie in the era of the internet. Here it is snowflake - indisputable proof that you’re a pathological liar and a fragile snowflake incapable of accepting reality...

Reality- Bush wrecked the economy. It collapsed on his watch. this isn't even in dispute, Poodle.

If he as so great, Jeb would have won the nomination.
Reality...the chart, statistics, and facts don't lie. But you sure as hell do.

The economy was doing quite well under George W. Bush until the Dumbocrats took control of the House and the Senate. And shit went absolutely biblical when the radical marxist took over the White House. Then the American people gave the Dumbocrats a historical ass kicking and over night things started to improve. Now that Republican's have control nation wide at the federal, state, and local level, we're seeing record numbers in the stock market, 4% unemployment, and yet another period of conservative prosperity.
The economy was doing quite well under George W. Bush until the Dumbocrats took control of the House and the Senate.

Not really. Did you miss the whole 2001 - 2003 recession? The only good years Bush had were 2004 to MAYBE 2006. The other five years of his presidency were pretty miserable

WHICH IS WHY he lost control of Congress.

And shit went absolutely biblical when the radical marxist took over the White House. Then the American people gave the Dumbocrats a historical ass kicking and over night things started to improve. Now that Republican's have control nation wide at the federal, state, and local level, we're seeing record numbers in the stock market, 4% unemployment, and yet another period of conservative prosperity.

Poodle, sweetie, when the Trump Recession hits, you'll do similar handstands to tell us it wasn't his fault.

But the last four recessions have been with Republican Presidents. It's not a bug, it's a design feature.
The economy was doing quite well under George W. Bush until the Dumbocrats took control of the House and the Senate.

Not really. Did you miss the whole 2001 - 2003 recession? mean the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks when our financial nerve center was wiped out because Bill Clinton refused to tackle Al Qaeda head-on? Dumb ass.

If Dumbocrats had been in charge, that “recession” would have lasted 8 years. Instead, it was barely a blip on the radar thanks to proven conservative policy.
WHICH IS WHY he lost control of Congress., snowflake. If you weren’t in pre-school at that time, you would know that he lost control of Congress because the left-wing media pushed the “Bush lied, people died” false narrative. That was supplemented by left-wing lunatics like Jodi Evans and Susan Benjamin who - just like yourself - couldn’t accept that the American people had rejected communism and embraced proven conservative policy from Republican representatives. mean the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks when our financial nerve center was wiped out because Bill Clinton refused to tackle Al Qaeda head-on? Dumb ass.

The economy was already tanking before 9/11, buddy. You know, where Bush said, "You've covered your ass, then", when the CIA told him Bin Laden was about to attack us.

If Dumbocrats had been in charge, that “recession” would have lasted 8 years. Instead, it was barely a blip on the radar thanks to proven conservative policy.

Bullshit. If you weren't in grade school at the time, you'd know the main cause of the 2001 recession was excess inventories. Manufacturing had too much stock sitting in warehouses that no one was buying. The usual "Let's cut taxes for rich people" didn't fix that. The shit still sat in warehouses and people stayed unemployed because they didn't need anyone to make new ones.

The ONLY reason why we got out of that was with increased war spending, we had a usual Keynesian solution. Government spends more, people go back to work., snowflake. If you weren’t in pre-school at that time, you would know that he lost control of Congress because the left-wing media pushed the “Bush lied, people died” false narrative.

Um... let's look at that.

Bush said Saddam had nukes. (not WMD's. Nukes!)
Saddam didn't have Nukes. He didn't have Anthrax. He didn't have missiles. He wasn't in cahoots with Al Qaeda.

Bush lied. People died.

That was supplemented by left-wing lunatics like Jodi Evans and Susan Benjamin who

Yeah, who? Who the fuck are they?

couldn’t accept that the American people had rejected communism and embraced proven conservative policy from Republican representatives.

Except Americans did nothing of the sort. Al Gore won the popular vote. They wanted more of the same. Nobody "embraced" conservatism. In fact, you guys haven't won an honest election since 1988. mean the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks when our financial nerve center was wiped out because Bill Clinton refused to tackle Al Qaeda head-on? Dumb ass.
The economy was already tanking before 9/11, buddy.
No it wasn’t, snowflake. No matter how many times you lie, you can’t rewrite history. The economy was just fine until 9/11 and that is an indisputable fact.
If Dumbocrats had been in charge, that “recession” would have lasted 8 years. Instead, it was barely a blip on the radar thanks to proven conservative policy.
Bullshit. If you weren't in grade school at the time, you'd know the main cause of the 2001 recession was excess inventories. Manufacturing had too much stock sitting in warehouses that no one was buying. The usual "Let's cut taxes for rich people" didn't fix that. The shit still sat in warehouses and people stayed unemployed because they didn't need anyone to make new ones.
Another post, another lie by angry little Joey. The Bush tax cuts worked flawlessly. The economy rebounded overnight.

Furthermore - you just defeated your own position. You’re hilariously idiotic “cause” aside (too much stock sitting in warehouses...LMAO!!!!!), the only way to get rid of that stock is to have it purchased. The only way it can be purchased is for people to have the money to buy it. And Bush put more money in our pockets with the tax cuts. You’re so just defeated yourself. Thanks for playing! :laugh:
No it wasn’t, snowflake. No matter how many times you lie, you can’t rewrite history. The economy was just fine until 9/11 and that is an indisputable fact.

No, it wasn't. Company I was working for was doing layoffs all summer in 2001. They started with the design engineers and the moved their way through planning. The 2001 Recession began in March, six months before 9/11.

Everyone agrees the proximate cause of the 2001 Recession was the bursting of the Tech bubble.

Another post, another lie by angry little Joey. The Bush tax cuts worked flawlessly. The economy rebounded overnight.

Actually, the economy was pretty much shit until 2004, which is why Bush only BARELY beat John Kerry.

Furthermore - you just defeated your own position. You’re hilariously idiotic “cause” aside (too much stock sitting in warehouses...LMAO!!!!!), the only way to get rid of that stock is to have it purchased. The only way it can be purchased is for people to have the money to buy it. And Bush put more money in our pockets with the tax cuts. You’re so just defeated yourself. Thanks for playing!

No, people didn't buy that stuff because Bush gave working class families a whopping $300.00 (which the democrats actually had to fight to get for them).

Supply side doesn't work. It never works.
No it wasn’t, snowflake. No matter how many times you lie, you can’t rewrite history. The economy was just fine until 9/11 and that is an indisputable fact.
No, it wasn't. Company I was working for was doing layoffs all summer in 2001.
How precious...the teenager uses his anectodal “evidence” of being laid off from his first job painting of painting houses as “proof” that the economy was bad.

Snowflake...of course a company you worked for would lay off people. You’re lazy. Lazy people bring down companies.
No, people didn't buy that stuff because Bush gave working class families a whopping $300.00 (which the democrats actually had to fight to get for them).
Now that is hilarious... You are now arguing that the “Bush tax cuts” (your words) were actually the result of the Democrats “fighting for those tax cuts” (your words again).
Al Gore won the popular vote.
Once you are in high school, you’ll take a civics class where you’ll learn that the “popular vote” does not elect the president. The Electoral College does.

This has been explained to you hundreds of times already but I do realize that you are young and suffering from learning disability.
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How precious...the teenager uses his anectodal “evidence” of being laid off from his first job painting of painting houses as “proof” that the economy was bad.

Actually, more like my third post army job.... and yeah, the Japanese owned company I worked for at the time laid off people starting in March of 2001. Not an Arab in sight.

Snowflake...of course a company you worked for would lay off people. You’re lazy. Lazy people bring down companies.

Companies lay people off all the time.... you'd know this if you actually worked.

Now that is hilarious... You are now arguing that the “Bush tax cuts” (your words) were actually the result of the Democrats “fighting for those tax cuts” (your words again).

Again, that you are too dumb to follow a discussion isn't my problem. Did Santa bring you extra stupid pills for Christmas.

Once you are in high school, you’ll take a civics class where you’ll learn that the “popular vote” does not elect the president. The Electoral College does.

Look, guy, you weren't arguing civics. You said...

couldn’t accept that the American people had rejected communism and embraced proven conservative policy from Republican representatives.

Except they did nothing of the sort. MORE people voted for Al Gore. MORE people voted for Hillary Clinton. THE PEOPLE said no.

That these buffoons won on technicalities, tells me that you guys can't win without gaming the system.
That these buffoons won on technicalities, tells me that you guys can't win without gaming the system.
The system wasn’t “gamed”. Everyone knew the rules going in. The Dumbocrats can’t win by the rules. Damn near the entire country is red...


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