I’ve been trying to get it nailed down - but you’re a slow learner.

No, guy, you keep avoiding the point.

No one is arguing that Trump won the archaic, idiotic, racist method we use to elect presidents.

What he doesn't have is a mandate from the people. The people clearly, loudly and decisively said "No".
The people are that system you refer to as “archaic, idiotic, and racist” (as all sore losers do).
Just think, these stupid Moon Bats all think that prosperity is somehow magically created when the filthy government takes the money that was earned by productive people and given away to the welfare queens, illegal aliens, Muslim refugees, union bosses and environmental wackos.

That is why after eight years of that stupidity under the affirmative action asshole we had increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity and dismal economic growth.
Your ron reagan and party in the 1980's pushed "outsourcing" as a way of making more money at the expense of the working class.
Your Dumbocrat Party pushed the “success is evil” narrative so they could steal wealth in the form of taxes and take control in the form of regulations - all of which made doing business in the U.S. impossible (at the expense of the working class).
but we are all used to you people engaging in actions which are detrimental to your own self-interests

Ha, this one statement quite nicely sums up the entire electorate which voted for don trump.

Hope they like paying for for a fast lane on the internet highway...
The internet has existed for decades without “Net Neutrality” and nobody ever had to pay for a “fast lane”.

It is hilarious how easily duped the left-wing voter is... :lmao:
Your ron reagan and party in the 1980's pushed "outsourcing" as a way of making more money at the expense of the working class.
Your Dumbocrat Party pushed the “success is evil” narrative so they could steal wealth in the form of taxes and take control in the form of regulations - all of which made doing business in the U.S. impossible (at the expense of the working class).

Are you an idiot or just pretend to be one?
Your ron reagan and party in the 1980's pushed "outsourcing" as a way of making more money at the expense of the working class.
Your Dumbocrat Party pushed the “success is evil” narrative so they could steal wealth in the form of taxes and take control in the form of regulations - all of which made doing business in the U.S. impossible (at the expense of the working class).

Are you an idiot or just pretend to be one?
Are you an idiot or are you a liar? No corporation left the United States because it was convenient or because they wanted to. They left the U.S. because idiot left-wing anti-business policies like the highest corporate tax rates in the world, the most oppressive regulations in the world, and greedy unions drove them out of the U.S. Those are the facts and they are completely indisputable.
Your ron reagan and party in the 1980's pushed "outsourcing" as a way of making more money at the expense of the working class.
Your Dumbocrat Party pushed the “success is evil” narrative so they could steal wealth in the form of taxes and take control in the form of regulations - all of which made doing business in the U.S. impossible (at the expense of the working class).

Are you an idiot or just pretend to be one?
Are you an idiot or are you a liar? No corporation left the United States because it was convenient or because they wanted to. They left the U.S. because idiot left-wing anti-business policies like the highest corporate tax rates in the world, the most oppressive regulations in the world, and greedy unions drove them out of the U.S. Those are the facts and they are completely indisputable.
Your ron reagan and party in the 1980's pushed "outsourcing" as a way of making more money at the expense of the working class.
Your Dumbocrat Party pushed the “success is evil” narrative so they could steal wealth in the form of taxes and take control in the form of regulations - all of which made doing business in the U.S. impossible (at the expense of the working class).

Are you an idiot or just pretend to be one?
Are you an idiot or are you a liar? No corporation left the United States because it was convenient or because they wanted to. They left the U.S. because idiot left-wing anti-business policies like the highest corporate tax rates in the world, the most oppressive regulations in the world, and greedy unions drove them out of the U.S. Those are the facts and they are completely indisputable.

The world doesn't need more idiots, stop being one.
Stop being a troll
Your ron reagan and party in the 1980's pushed "outsourcing" as a way of making more money at the expense of the working class.
Your Dumbocrat Party pushed the “success is evil” narrative so they could steal wealth in the form of taxes and take control in the form of regulations - all of which made doing business in the U.S. impossible (at the expense of the working class).

Are you an idiot or just pretend to be one?
Are you an idiot or are you a liar? No corporation left the United States because it was convenient or because they wanted to. They left the U.S. because idiot left-wing anti-business policies like the highest corporate tax rates in the world, the most oppressive regulations in the world, and greedy unions drove them out of the U.S. Those are the facts and they are completely indisputable.
Your ron reagan and party in the 1980's pushed "outsourcing" as a way of making more money at the expense of the working class.
Your Dumbocrat Party pushed the “success is evil” narrative so they could steal wealth in the form of taxes and take control in the form of regulations - all of which made doing business in the U.S. impossible (at the expense of the working class).

Are you an idiot or just pretend to be one?
Are you an idiot or are you a liar? No corporation left the United States because it was convenient or because they wanted to. They left the U.S. because idiot left-wing anti-business policies like the highest corporate tax rates in the world, the most oppressive regulations in the world, and greedy unions drove them out of the U.S. Those are the facts and they are completely indisputable.

The world doesn't need more idiots, stop being one.
The world doesn't need more idiots, stop being one.
Vintage idiot left-wing response to facts that don’t align with their brainwashed ideology.

What "facts" are you referring too?
That failed, idiotic left-wing policy drove jobs out of the U.S. There isn’t a corporation in U.S. history that wanted to move their operations overseas. It’s a major pain in the ass, it places your operations under less stable governments, and it’s extremely costly. But sadly, it’s cheaper than dealing with the Dumbocrats who handed corporations the highest tax rates in the world, the most costly and stifling regulations in the world, and greedy unions. Those are the indisputable facts.
Nobody tell him that Ayn Rand died using Medicare and Social Security because no one was buying her crappy books.
Ayn Rand died using Social Security & Medicaid because the government took 60% of what she earned and left her with nothing. Exactly what what you advocate for every day because you want everyone beholden to government (power) and you want to be able to mooch off of society like a parasite (money).
That failed, idiotic left-wing policy drove jobs out of the U.S. There isn’t a corporation in U.S. history that wanted to move their operations overseas. It’s a major pain in the ass, it places your operations under less stable governments, and it’s extremely costly.

Oh, bullshit. Most companies would move overseas if they can get cheaper labor, because those government will let them do to workers and the environment what we refuse to let them do to ours.

Your solution is to race to the bottom.

Ayn Rand died using Social Security & Medicaid because the government took 60% of what she earned and left her with nothing.

She didn't get taxed at nearly that rate. She just wasn't making that much money.

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