So, Otto, you believe that by confiscating the wages of others (such as myself) that you could create a socialist utopia? What if I decided that the "reward" for my labor wasn't worth the effort? Someone else would do it but I would still get the benefit of their labor. I mean, I COULD do the job.....I just don't wanna.......because the physical exertion required to accomplish the task for some fiat currency is simply too much ....should I be required to do it anyway and if I don't? Should someone else be required to subsidize me??????

Cocksucker Dale, you don't hold down a job. Your coworkers run away when you start screaming, "9/11 was a hoax"!

Joe Cocksucker, I do extremely well and that has to piss you off......that and the fact that I kick your ass in every exchange we have. Hope this helps!
So, Otto, you believe that by confiscating the wages of others (such as myself) that you could create a socialist utopia? What if I decided that the "reward" for my labor wasn't worth the effort? Someone else would do it but I would still get the benefit of their labor. I mean, I COULD do the job.....I just don't wanna.......because the physical exertion required to accomplish the task for some fiat currency is simply too much ....should I be required to do it anyway and if I don't? Should someone else be required to subsidize me??????

Cocksucker Dale, you don't hold down a job. Your coworkers run away when you start screaming, "9/11 was a hoax"!
Well he's not the one calling for government handouts - you are. So draw your own conclusions. Logic (something you lefties are adverse to) would dictate that he's self-sustaining if he's against the government handouts you keep screaming for.
Exactly! And we have more bat-shit crazy socialism/marxism/communism than we did when your parents were growing up.

Um, guy, my parents grew up during the Great Depression and World War II. We had a lot more Marxism back then before McCarthy got us all seeing commies under the bed.

The reason why Marxism/Socialism is so popular with young people is they see what a shit sandwich capitalism has been for most of their parents, and they look out past college of a lifetime of slaving away for a big corporation to pay off their student debt, and they say fuck that, "Bernie 2020".

Here's the thing, if Bernie had been the nominee in 2016, he'd have easily beat Trump.

There was no Obamacare back then, genius. There were no "environmental regulations" back then, genius. We didn't have the highest corporate tax rate in the world back then, genius.

Um, actually, back in the day, pre-Ronnie Ray-Gun (which is when I grew up) the rich paid their fair share. We had awesome infrastructure, full employment and a vibrant middle class. It still kind of sucked to not be white, and you had to put up with an occasional job program dressed up as a war. But certainly better than what we have now with regularly scheduled recessions to keep the working class in it's place.

Only Joey could point to a prosperous time when there was exponentially less government and exponentially less progressivism as "proof" of how bad conservative policy is. Freaking hilarious.

Except there wasn't. America's TRUE GOLDEN AGE was from 1945 to about 1972, where Republicans and Democrats agreed that we needed a strong government role, strong poverty alleviation programs, strong infrastructure and the fucking rich assholes paying their fair share.
Joe Cocksucker, I do extremely well and that has to piss you off......that and the fact that I kick your ass in every exchange we have. Hope this helps!

No, guy, the fact that you are taken care of in whatever crazy home they let you have half an hour of internet time a day is not "doing well".

Someone as crazy as you are couldn't hold down a job. You'd be shreiking' "Those Kids at Sandy Hook are All Faking Being Dead" and your coworkers would be lined up outside HR trying to get rid of you.
Well he's not the one calling for government handouts - you are. So draw your own conclusions. Logic (something you lefties are adverse to) would dictate that he's self-sustaining if he's against the government handouts you keep screaming for.

I don't think he's self-sustaining. I suspect he's probably getting a "White People Welfare" program that people like you have no problem with.

Um, actually, back in the day, pre-Ronnie Ray-Gun (which is when I grew up) the rich paid their fair share. We had awesome infrastructure, full employment and a vibrant middle class.
Clearly you misunderstood your parents stories, little boy. The reason Ronald Reagan made Jimmy Carter a one-term wonder is because the economy was an epic disaster under Carter and the Dumbocrats (as always). Unemployment was high. Inflation was off the charts. Interest rates were over 20%. And the American people couldn’t even get a gallon of gas because of the “energy crisis”.

You weren’t around back then (clearly) so you wouldn’t know. Which is why you should stay out of these discussions and focus on your studies over your Christmas break here. Junior High can be challenging if you don’t prepare properly.
Clearly you misunderstood your parents stories, little boy. The reason Ronald Reagan made Jimmy Carter a one-term wonder is because the economy was an epic disaster under Carter and the Dumbocrats (as always). Unemployment was high. Inflation was off the charts. Interest rates were over 20%. And the American people couldn’t even get a gallon of gas because of the “energy crisis”.

Jimmy Carter was disliked by his own party as much as he was Republicans.

And sorry, Carter's economy wasn't nearly the epic disaster Bush's was... Or even the Recession we had at the begining of Reagan's term.

So Reagan controlled inflation by crushing the middle class, and you thought that was a good thing.
That’s exactly what you said about Hitlery Clinton before she got her ass kicked.

Again, she won by 3 million votes. So,yeah, the Russians managed to game the system, and Trump will be run out of the White House for it.

With luck, he'll take down the whole corrupt GOP with him.

How did they "game the system"? Oh. BTW, the popular vote doesn't mean jack in this country.
An astounding 80% drop in food stamps recipients in just over one year, and a 114% increase in incomes. Who could possibly argue with these results?

You think a biased video is a reliable source?
Way to punk yourself.
That’s exactly what you said about Hitlery Clinton before she got her ass kicked.

Again, she won by 3 million votes. So,yeah, the Russians managed to game the system, and Trump will be run out of the White House for it.

With luck, he'll take down the whole corrupt GOP with him.

How did they "game the system"? Oh. BTW, the popular vote doesn't mean jack in this country.
I’ve explained that to him many, many times already but he’s young and very slow.
You think a biased video is a reliable source?
Are you still “resisting” your own president and your own country? How’s that working out for you, snowflake? :laugh:
I’m not resisting my country. I’m resisting FOR my country.
This POS giving free rein to polluters, denying science and the principles this country is founded is being strongly resisted. There are more of us than there are of you.
Way more.
Another success story from the Maine work requirements....

Welfare Time Limits Pushed Woman to Pull Herself Out of Poverty
MOre far right propaganda. You can never use valid sources for obvious reasons.
You fear facts more than anyone I know.
Hilarious coming from someone who supports a pathological liar and wouldn’t know a fact if it came up and bit him on his fat ass.

Liar: I’ve signed the most bills of any president.
Fact: he’s dead last.
Liar: I’m going to lose a lot of money with this tax bill.
Fact: He stands to gain $6-11 million dollars..

I know you’re too much a coward to call out your pussygrabber on his OBVIOUS lies.
View attachment 168658
You think a biased video is a reliable source?
Are you still “resisting” your own president and your own country? How’s that working out for you, snowflake? :laugh:
I’m not resisting my country. I’m resisting FOR my country.
This POS giving free rein to polluters, denying science and the principles this country is founded is being strongly resisted. There are more of us than there are of you.
Way more.

What on Earth are you talking about?
There’s going to be a lot of gnashing of teeth with the lowly 35% when the Dems take back the House next year.
Real good shot for the Senate too.

Fat ass is toxic in the country being the lowest rated president in history.
America is also not going to forget he campaigned for a child molester.

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