Just think, these stupid Moon Bats all think that prosperity is somehow magically created when the filthy government takes the money that was earned by productive people and given away to the welfare queens, illegal aliens, Muslim refugees, union bosses and environmental wackos.

That is why after eight years of that stupidity under the affirmative action asshole we had increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity and dismal economic growth.

Bob lee, the increase in poverty occured after the republic inspired Great Recession and under President Obama decreased, family income also decreased because of the Great Recession. In regard to household or average incomes both recovered and increased under President Barack Hussein Obama two terms in office so much so the the orange idiot now claims credit for it.

Tremendous debt? You assholes want to talk about debt after passing the greatest debt funded tax heist in our history??? You can throw increased income disparity in that giant load too. Like republic voters even care about those issues.
Just think, these stupid Moon Bats all think that prosperity is somehow magically created when the filthy government takes the money that was earned by productive people and given away to the welfare queens, illegal aliens, Muslim refugees, union bosses and environmental wackos.

That is why after eight years of that stupidity under the affirmative action asshole we had increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity and dismal economic growth.

Bob lee, the increase in poverty occured after the republic inspired Great Recession and under President Obama decreased, family income also decreased because of the Great Recession. In regard to household or average incomes both recovered and increased under President Barack Hussein Obama two terms in office so much so the the orange idiot now claims credit for it.

Tremendous debt? You assholes want to talk about debt after passing the greatest debt funded tax heist in our history??? You can throw increased income disparity in that giant load too. Like republic voters even care about those issues.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The economy was doing fine for six years under Bush.

It went to hell when that 2006 Democrat elected Congress took over.

You know what Congress that was, don't you? The one led by Barney Queerboy, Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry and that worthless affirmative action Negro from the Moon Bat state of Illinois. They fucked everything up and allowed the CRA chickens to come home to roost. They almost destroyed our economy. Shame on them! What the hell were they thinking with that CRA that put pressure on lenders to give credit to people that had neither the inclination or means to pay back the loans? You know, for social justice reason to inure more minority home ownership. What could possibly go wrong?

Then that worthless piece of shit affirmative action Negro became President and poverty increased, family income decreased, debt soared, income disparity increased and we had eight years of dismal economic growth. Terrible President.

It is a great thing that Trump was elected because he is undoing all that damage done by the worthless affirmative action Negro. Good thing Crooked Hillary wasn't elected or else the country would have continued to be a shihole instead of becoming great again.

Stop blaming Obama's failures on somebody else. It just makes you look like a fool when you post that silly crap.
Just think, these stupid Moon Bats all think that prosperity is somehow magically created when the filthy government takes the money that was earned by productive people and given away to the welfare queens, illegal aliens, Muslim refugees, union bosses and environmental wackos.

That is why after eight years of that stupidity under the affirmative action asshole we had increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity and dismal economic growth.

Bob lee, the increase in poverty occured after the republic inspired Great Recession and under President Obama decreased, family income also decreased because of the Great Recession. In regard to household or average incomes both recovered and increased under President Barack Hussein Obama two terms in office so much so the the orange idiot now claims credit for it.

Tremendous debt? You assholes want to talk about debt after passing the greatest debt funded tax heist in our history??? You can throw increased income disparity in that giant load too. Like republic voters even care about those issues.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The economy was doing fine for six years under Bush.

It went to hell when that 2006 Democrat elected Congress took over.

You know what Congress that was, don't you? The one led by Barney Queerboy, Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry and that worthless affirmative action Negro from the Moon Bat state of Illinois. They fucked everything up and allowed the CRA chickens to come home to roost. They almost destroyed our economy. Shame on them! What the hell were they thinking with that CRA that put pressure on lenders to give credit to people that had neither the inclination or means to pay back the loans? You know, for social justice reason to inure more minority home ownership. What could possibly go wrong?

Then that worthless piece of shit affirmative action Negro became President and poverty increased, family income decreased, debt soared, income disparity increased and we had eight years of dismal economic growth. Terrible President.

It is a great thing that Trump was elected because he is undoing all that damage done by the worthless affirmative action Negro. Good thing Crooked Hillary wasn't elected or else the country would have continued to be a shihole instead of becoming great again.

Stop blaming Obama's failures on somebody else. It just makes you look like a fool when you post that silly crap.

bob lee, nothing I can do will make YOU look more like a bigoted fool than your own posts.

Well done.

My work in this thread has concluded.
Your solution is to race to the bottom.
And yet my solution ends in unimaginable wealth and prosperity while your “solution” (and I use that term loosely) ends in Venezuela. Socialism is a race to the bottom - stop projecting. Own it.
That failed, idiotic left-wing policy drove jobs out of the U.S. There isn’t a corporation in U.S. history that wanted to move their operations overseas. It’s a major pain in the ass, it places your operations under less stable governments, and it’s extremely costly.
Oh, bullshit. Most companies would move overseas if they can get cheaper labor, because those government will let them do to workers and the environment what we refuse to let them do to ours.
So you start out with “oh bullshit” and then you echo everything I stated. :laugh:

There isn’t a corporation in U.S. history that wanted to move their operations overseas. It’s a major pain in the ass, it places your operations under less stable governments, there are language barriers, and it’s extremely costly. But when the Dumbocrats made doing business in the U.S. so costly that those other issues were a better deal, they did the only thing they could do. You greedy Dumbocrats pushed them out the door. Then you whined that they were no longer in the house to prepare your dinner for you.

It’s the sort of stupid that can only come from the left.
You can throw increased income disparity in that giant load too.
There is no such thing as “income disparity” you mindless nitwit. There is only talent disparity and effort disparity.

Your income is tiny because both your brains and your effort are tiny.
Tremendous debt? You assholes want to talk about debt after passing the greatest debt funded tax heist in our history???
Yes...we do want to talk about debt. Because Barack Obama and the Dumbocrats added as much to the national debt in 8 years as all presidents in U.S. history combined did in 235 years. It was unspeakably irresponsible and reckless (all of the things we’ve come to expect from the left).
Tremendous debt? You assholes want to talk about debt after passing the greatest debt funded tax heist in our history???
Yes...we do want to talk about debt. Because Barack Obama and the Dumbocrats added as much to the national debt in 8 years as all presidents in U.S. history combined did in 235 years. It was unspeakably irresponsible and reckless (all of the things we’ve come to expect from the left).

Must be using phaxnews "facts".

Want to try again?
Your solution is to race to the bottom.
And yet my solution ends in unimaginable wealth and prosperity while your “solution” (and I use that term loosely) ends in Venezuela. Socialism is a race to the bottom - stop projecting. Own it.

Venezuela is not a socialist nation. Your assertion that it is shows a ignorance bias on your part.
Your solution is to race to the bottom.
And yet my solution ends in unimaginable wealth and prosperity while your “solution” (and I use that term loosely) ends in Venezuela. Socialism is a race to the bottom - stop projecting. Own it.

Venezuela is not a socialist nation. Your assertion that it is shows a ignorance bias on your part.

So, Otto, you believe that by confiscating the wages of others (such as myself) that you could create a socialist utopia? What if I decided that the "reward" for my labor wasn't worth the effort? Someone else would do it but I would still get the benefit of their labor. I mean, I COULD do the job.....I just don't wanna.......because the physical exertion required to accomplish the task for some fiat currency is simply too much ....should I be required to do it anyway and if I don't? Should someone else be required to subsidize me??????
Your solution is to race to the bottom.
And yet my solution ends in unimaginable wealth and prosperity while your “solution” (and I use that term loosely) ends in Venezuela. Socialism is a race to the bottom - stop projecting. Own it.

Venezuela is not a socialist nation. Your assertion that it is shows a ignorance bias on your part.

So, Otto, you believe that by confiscating the wages of others (such as myself) that you could create a socialist utopia? What if I decided that the "reward" for my labor wasn't worth the effort? Someone else would do it but I would still get the benefit of their labor. I mean, I COULD do the job.....I just don't wanna.......because the physical exertion required to accomplish the task for some fiat currency is simply too much ....should I be required to do it anyway and if I don't? Should someone else be required to subsidize me??????

Dale, what in hell are you conflating into one giant clusterfuck of a paragraph.

The government of Venezuela is democratically elected and 71% of economic activity is controlled by private interests.

Does that sound like a socialist nation?
Your solution is to race to the bottom.
And yet my solution ends in unimaginable wealth and prosperity while your “solution” (and I use that term loosely) ends in Venezuela. Socialism is a race to the bottom - stop projecting. Own it.

Venezuela is not a socialist nation. Your assertion that it is shows a ignorance bias on your part.

So, Otto, you believe that by confiscating the wages of others (such as myself) that you could create a socialist utopia? What if I decided that the "reward" for my labor wasn't worth the effort? Someone else would do it but I would still get the benefit of their labor. I mean, I COULD do the job.....I just don't wanna.......because the physical exertion required to accomplish the task for some fiat currency is simply too much ....should I be required to do it anyway and if I don't? Should someone else be required to subsidize me??????

Dale, what in hell you conflating into one giant clusterfuck of a paragraph.

The government of Venezuela is democratically elected and 71% of economic activity is controlled by private interests.

Does that sound like a socialist nation?

It is since the private interests and the "gubermint" are one and the same...........even an idiot like you should be able to figure that one out.
Your solution is to race to the bottom.
And yet my solution ends in unimaginable wealth and prosperity while your “solution” (and I use that term loosely) ends in Venezuela. Socialism is a race to the bottom - stop projecting. Own it.

Venezuela is not a socialist nation. Your assertion that it is shows a ignorance bias on your part.

So, Otto, you believe that by confiscating the wages of others (such as myself) that you could create a socialist utopia? What if I decided that the "reward" for my labor wasn't worth the effort? Someone else would do it but I would still get the benefit of their labor. I mean, I COULD do the job.....I just don't wanna.......because the physical exertion required to accomplish the task for some fiat currency is simply too much ....should I be required to do it anyway and if I don't? Should someone else be required to subsidize me??????

Dale, what in hell you conflating into one giant clusterfuck of a paragraph.

The government of Venezuela is democratically elected and 71% of economic activity is controlled by private interests.

Does that sound like a socialist nation?

It is since the private interests and the "gubermint" are one and the same...........even an idiot like you should be able to figure that one out.

Way to reinforce the low standards of texas education Dale.
Your solution is to race to the bottom.
And yet my solution ends in unimaginable wealth and prosperity while your “solution” (and I use that term loosely) ends in Venezuela. Socialism is a race to the bottom - stop projecting. Own it.

Venezuela is not a socialist nation. Your assertion that it is shows a ignorance bias on your part.

Little patroit man, Venezuela is a petrochemical state. Government is democratically elected and 71% of economic activity is privately controlled.

Now take your badly skidded BVDs down to the laundry.
And yet my solution ends in unimaginable wealth and prosperity while your “solution” (and I use that term loosely) ends in Venezuela. Socialism is a race to the bottom - stop projecting. Own it.

Except it doesn't. We aren't as rich as we were 40 years ago when I was growing up.. You got rid of the unions, the fair wage laws, put in right to work and at-will employment and people are poorer now, not richer.

But keep comparing us to a third world country with a single commodity economy... that will work.
So, Otto, you believe that by confiscating the wages of others (such as myself) that you could create a socialist utopia? What if I decided that the "reward" for my labor wasn't worth the effort? Someone else would do it but I would still get the benefit of their labor. I mean, I COULD do the job.....I just don't wanna.......because the physical exertion required to accomplish the task for some fiat currency is simply too much ....should I be required to do it anyway and if I don't? Should someone else be required to subsidize me??????

Cocksucker Dale, you don't hold down a job. Your coworkers run away when you start screaming, "9/11 was a hoax"!
Tremendous debt? You assholes want to talk about debt after passing the greatest debt funded tax heist in our history???
Yes...we do want to talk about debt. Because Barack Obama and the Dumbocrats added as much to the national debt in 8 years as all presidents in U.S. history combined did in 235 years. It was unspeakably irresponsible and reckless (all of the things we’ve come to expect from the left).

Must be using phaxnews "facts".

Want to try again?
No need to. The facts are indisputable, my fragile 'lil snowflake. The nation debt was $10 trillion when he took office. It was $20 trillion when he left. Took him only 8 years to match 235 years.
And yet my solution ends in unimaginable wealth and prosperity while your “solution” (and I use that term loosely) ends in Venezuela. Socialism is a race to the bottom - stop projecting. Own it.

Except it doesn't. We aren't as rich as we were 40 years ago when I was growing up..
Exactly! And we have more bat-shit crazy socialism/marxism/communism than we did when your parents were growing up.

There was no Obamacare back then, genius. There were no "environmental regulations" back then, genius. We didn't have the highest corporate tax rate in the world back then, genius. You literally defeat your own position every time you post. It's amazing. This is like some idiot claiming that cancer isn't killing them and then pointing to how healthy they were 10 years before cancer. LMAO!!!
And yet my solution ends in unimaginable wealth and prosperity while your “solution” (and I use that term loosely) ends in Venezuela. Socialism is a race to the bottom - stop projecting. Own it.

Except it doesn't. We aren't as rich as we were 40 years ago when I was growing up..
Exactly! And we have more bat-shit crazy socialism/marxism/communism than we did when your parents were growing up.

There was no Obamacare back then, genius. There were no "environmental regulations" back then, genius. We didn't have the highest corporate tax rate in the world back then, genius. You literally defeat your own position every time you post. It's amazing. This is like some idiot claiming that cancer isn't killing them and then pointing to how healthy they were 10 years before cancer. LMAO!!!
Only Joey could point to a prosperous time when there was exponentially less government and exponentially less progressivism as "proof" of how bad conservative policy is. Freaking hilarious.

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