Now that is hilarious... You are now arguing that the “Bush tax cuts” (your words) were actually the result of the Democrats “fighting for those tax cuts” (your words again).
Again, that you are too dumb to follow a discussion isn't my problem. Did Santa bring you extra stupid pills for Christmas.
Says the young kid who claims the “Bush Tax Cuts” were the results of the Democrats “fighting for those tax cuts”. :laugh:
Says the young kid who claims the “Bush Tax Cuts” were the results of the Democrats “fighting for those tax cuts”.

NO, the dumb kid is the one who thinks the measly $300 most of us got (We got more under the Obama Tax initatives in 2009 and 2010) was the problem. It wasn't. It was the huge giveaways to the rich that did nothing to boost the economy and ballooned the national debt.
The system wasn’t “gamed”. Everyone knew the rules going in. The Dumbocrats can’t win by the rules. Damn near the entire country is red...

And Trump still got less votes.....

Pssst. Pssst. In Democracy, we don't let land vote, we let people vote.
  1. We are not a “democracy” (we are a republic)
  2. Land didn’t vote - people did.
  3. The chart represents the people of those states
I can see why you struggle to keep a job. :laugh:
It was the huge giveaways to the rich that did nothing to boost the economy and ballooned the national debt.
Nothing was “given” to the wealthy, son. Nothing. The government simply took a little bit less of what they didn’t have a right to anyway.
  1. We are not a “democracy” (we are a republic)
  2. Land didn’t vote - people did.
Exactly- and three million MORE of them voted for Mrs. Clinton.
The people of the majority of the states voted for President Trump. It was a bloodbath and Hitlery got her ass kicked. That’s why she’s sitting at home and President Trump is sitting in the Oval Office right now.
Guy, the rich can't exist without government. Someone would just kill them and take their shit.
The wealthy can afford private security - and they have it. Nobody could kill them or take anything. Your irrelevant and very immature “point” illustrates your junior high mentality.
The wealthy can afford private security - and they have it.

Then they'd be shot by their bodyguards. Because, hey, without government, who'd fucking stop them.

Here's a reality you need to learn in your young life, little poodle, most morality is based on CONSEQUENCES. Government mostly exists to protect wealth. Smart governments make sure it is evenly distributed.

Dumb governments end up like these assholes.

Government mostly exists to protect wealth. Smart governments make sure it is evenly distributed., snowflake. Failed, collapsed governments make sure it is “evenly distributed”. It didn’t work in Cuba. It didn’t work in the former U.S.S.R. And it’s not working in Venezuela now. You’ll understand once you get into high school.
Sorry, buddy, getting more votes is not saying "No".
Sorry buddy...the popular vote is not used in the U.S. Presenting it as “evidence” is about as rational as presenting the bottom of my shoe as “evidence” of the efficiency of the iPhone.
Sorry buddy...the popular vote is not used in the U.S. Presenting it as “evidence” is about as rational as presenting the bottom of my shoe as “evidence” of the efficiency of the iPhone.

Okay, guy, let's try to get it nailed down...

Trump didn't win the popular vote. Neither did Hitler.

Trump did win under the mechanisms of government. So did Hitler.

But in both cases, the people said, "NO!"

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