View attachment 168661 Yes.... stopping this president from ruining our environment and beautiful country by letting his base... The fossil fuel swamp dwelling polluters... run wild... is a big part of the resistance.
Yes.... stopping this president from ruining our environment and beautiful country by letting his base... The fossil fuel swamp dwelling polluters... run wild... is a big part of the resistance.
Yeah maaaaaaaan....Unreasonable is a modern day hippie, maaaaaan. Time to resist the man, maaaaaaaan. :laugh:
Yes.... stopping this president from ruining our environment and beautiful country by letting his base... The fossil fuel swamp dwelling polluters... run wild... is a big part of the resistance.
Snowflake...”Global Warming” is a scam. Is has been proven to be a scam. The Dumbocrats must laugh their ass off every day at how easy you are to dupe.
An astounding 80% drop in food stamps recipients in just over one year, and a 114% increase in incomes. Who could possibly argue with these results?

In Maine??? Huge state.
Talk about grabbing at straws.
How about Mississippi?
I guess you like my daughter who stated a $150mm business under Obama
Same as always, a few brains and an education aRe useful
Yes.... stopping this president from ruining our environment and beautiful country by letting his base... The fossil fuel swamp dwelling polluters... run wild... is a big part of the resistance.
Snowflake...”Global Warming” is a scam. Is has been proven to be a scam. The Dumbocrats must laugh their ass off every day at how easy you are to dupe.

Nice foul mouth as usual.
Zero Ed obviously
And where did you get your climate science degree from again?
Oh, breitbart, I get it
What does NASA know compared to our patriot.
Looked up Sam Johnson yet?
Patriotism, the last refuge of of the scoundrel.?
Too much history for you I guess
Make America great again!!!
The USA Nazi wwi group name.
Still time to iron your brown shirt
Except there wasn't. America's TRUE GOLDEN AGE was from 1945 to about 1972, where Republicans and Democrats agreed that we needed a strong government role, strong poverty alleviation programs, strong infrastructure and the fucking rich assholes paying their fair share.
Man do we agree there. It’s time the wealthy pay their fair share. That’s why we should work together to cut their taxes by about 15% - 20%. They are paying way more than anyone else and that’s simply not fair. We should all pay 10% since we all benefit from the government services. It’s not fair that the top 10% of earners pay 53% of all federal taxes. What a horrible injustice. It’s time that parasites like you pay your fair share.

Except there wasn't. America's TRUE GOLDEN AGE was from 1945 to about 1972, where Republicans and Democrats agreed that we needed a strong government role, strong poverty alleviation programs, strong infrastructure and the fucking rich assholes paying their fair share.
Man do we agree there. It’s time the wealthy pay their fair share. That’s why we should work together to cut their taxes by about 15% - 20%. They are paying way more than anyone else and that’s simply not fair. We should all pay 10% since we all benefit from the government services. It’s not fair that the top 10% of earners pay 53% of all federal taxes. What a horrible injustice. It’s time that parasites like you pay your fair share.

View attachment 168671
Too much time sucking off our socialist VA SS Medicare benefits I see.
Reminds me of my millionaire dad "I love paying more taxes, it means I made even more last year"
View attachment 168661 Yes.... stopping this president from ruining our environment and beautiful country by letting his base... The fossil fuel swamp dwelling polluters... run wild... is a big part of the resistance.
View attachment 168662
You forget "tell the dumbest white boy he is smarter than the smartest black guy and you can pick his pocket forever"
Why don't you stop the stupid mistakes, he never said that about dems
I guess you like my daughter who stated a $150mm business under Obama
Your daughter started a $150 millimeter business under Barack Insane Obama? :uhh:

I literally don’t even know what that means or how to respond to it.
One hundred and fifty Million dollars, something you obviously know nothing about.
Millimeters usually doesn't have a $ sign in front.
Glad to see you couldn't resist a little Obama insult.
Why don't you have a few balls and say what you really think. An uppity nixxer?
You never do say where is he and where are you mr old white fart.
Double wide sucking off benefits?
An astounding 80% drop in food stamps recipients in just over one year, and a 114% increase in incomes. Who could possibly argue with these results?

We have a federal doctrine and State laws regarding employment at will; yet, the right wing will chose socialism on a, "nation-State" basis over faithful execution of our own laws.
Why don't you stop the stupid mistakes, he never said that about dems
Sweetie...nobody claimed that President Johnson said that. The meme didn’t even imply it. There are no quotes in the meme. It’s just a fact of the left and LBJ really had that approach in everything he did - so he was the perfect person for the meme.

Like all left-wing ideologues, you have yourself in a tizzy. If you would calm down, breathe, and read clearly you wouldn’t make these embarrassing mistakes.
Yes.... stopping this president from ruining our environment and beautiful country by letting his base... The fossil fuel swamp dwelling polluters... run wild... is a big part of the resistance.
Snowflake...”Global Warming” is a scam. Is has been proven to be a scam. The Dumbocrats must laugh their ass off every day at how easy you are to dupe.
Proven where? At your propaganda sites? You can't find one climate scientist that will say that. Not one.
And I'm a hippie because I don't want this president fouling our waters and air?
You're insane.
The traitor can't even be honest about Trump's EO giving Big Coal the right to pollute or any of the other links I educated him on.
At least Soggy Ass ran away quietly.
Do you know what's patriotic?
Working diligently to protect God's green earth.
Just the opposite of what this horrendous president is doing.
And where did you get your climate science degree from again?
History. I received my “climate science degree” from history. Not one of the left’s outrageous “Global Warming” claims have ever come to fruition. Not one.
Biologist Paul Ehrlich predicted in the 1970s that: “Population will inevitably and completely outstrip whatever small increases in food supplies we make,” and that “The death rate will increase until at least 100-200 million people per year will be starving to death during the next ten years.”
Global warming predictions proven wrong 97.4% of the time
And where did you get your climate science degree from again?
History. I received my “climate science degree” from history. Not one of the left’s outrageous “Global Warming” claims have ever come to fruition. Not one.
In January 1970, Life reported, “Scientists have solid experimental and theoretical evidence to support…the following predictions: In a decade, urban dwellers will have to wear gas masks to survive air pollution…by 1985 air pollution will have reduced the amount of sunlight reaching earth by one half….”
Global warming predictions proven wrong 97.4% of the time

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