Solving simple poverty, health care reform, and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

Vote blue not red!
In other words... danielpalos isn’t willing to work for what he wants - so vote Dumbocrat so that he can get handouts and steal from others who do work.
It is about equal protection of the law; only the right wing, never gets it.
There is no law that states you are entitled to what other people have just because you're don't want to hold a job. Sorry, snowflake.
the law is employment at will, not "wage slavery" for the benefit of capitalists. That does not help labor regarding wages. It is worse than the H1 visa system for keeping wages low.
Solving simple poverty
Yeah...great job “solving simple poverty”. Since you dillholes violated the U.S. Constitution and got government involved in your “War on Poverty”, poverty in the U.S. has grown ten fold.

Nothing ends in failure like left-wing policy!
Only due to right wing obstruction.
Bwahahahaha! Tell us, snowflake, how the right has "obstructed" the programs you losers created. Nobody stopped welfare, or Social Security, or Medicaid, or Medicare, or food stamps, etc.

This is amazing! When faced to admit that poverty has grown exponentially since the left started their idiotic "War on Poverty", danielpalos just arbitrarily attempts to blame it on the right. :lmao:

They are YOUR side's programs - and they have failed miserably. Left-wing policy always does.
Healthcare reform; the right wing has nothing but repeal instead of any better solutions at lower cost.

And, right wing solutions always seem to involve, socialism on a national basis.

our right wing, alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror, are examples.
Healthcare reform; the right wing has nothing but repeal instead of any better solutions at lower cost.
Medicare and Medicaid were never “repealed”, snowflake. And Obamacare still hasn’t been repealed.

You just can’t accept that your ideology is failed ideology even when the facts are indisputable.
it can't be a failed ideology, if the right wing couldn't repeal it.
The ability to get the votes to repeal something is no indication of the failure of a policy. The results of the policy are the indicator of the failure or success. And everything you people have done has been catastrophic failure.

Poverty has skyrocketed since the left-wing "War on Poverty". Healthcare has skyrocketed since Obamacare.
it can't be a failed ideology, if the right wing couldn't repeal it.
The ability to get the votes to repeal something is no indication of the failure of a policy. The results of the policy are the indicator of the failure or success. And everything you people have done has been catastrophic failure.

Poverty has skyrocketed since the left-wing "War on Poverty". Healthcare has skyrocketed since Obamacare.
And, the right wing was willing to have nothing but repeal for healthcare and helping the rich get richer, through lower taxes?
And, the right wing was willing to have nothing but repeal for healthcare
That's because the U.S. Constitution dictates that the government is not allowed to do anything with healthcare. Unlike you left-wing thugs, conservatives actually respect and obey the law.
And, the right wing was willing to have nothing but repeal for healthcare
That's because the U.S. Constitution dictates that the government is not allowed to do anything with healthcare. Unlike you left-wing thugs, conservatives actually respect and obey the law.
Unlike corporate welfare, which even paid multimillion dollar bonuses to Individuals.
And where did you get your climate science degree from again?
History. I received my “climate science degree” from history. Not one of the left’s outrageous “Global Warming” claims have ever come to fruition. Not one.
In 2008, Al Gore predicted that there is a 75% chance that the entire north polar ice cap would be completely melted within 5-7 years. He at least hedged that prediction by giving himself “75%” certainty. By 2014 - the polar ice cap had expanded over 60% (more than 900,000 sq miles)
Global warming predictions proven wrong 97.4% of the time
You lie like you breathe.
Snowflake...Al Gore's claim is on record. And the results are on record as well (the polar ice cap is not only NOT "completely melted" - it actually expanded a mind-boggling 900,000 sq miles).

You're such a pathological liar, that you actually lie about lying. Wow. I didn't lie and it's ALL on record for anyone to "fact check". You're just pissed off that you were so dumb, the Dumbocrats were able to easily dupe you. But don't take it on me - you're to blame for your own ignorance.

Apart from the bile, you never did say why NASA is wrong or where you got your climate sciencdegree
Dumbocrats? Snowflake?
Nice foul mouth.
Is this what you are reduced too?
2nd grade insults?
Which polar icecap?
The other one is melting like crazy.
Is this the limit of your intelligence.?
I just take what 90% of the science communities say.
Not an old white fart sucking off his socialist benefits
you never did say why NASA is wrong or where you got your climate sciencdegree
I told you half a dozens times already...I got my “Climate Sceince Degree” from history (which has proven you left-wing fascists wrong hundreds and hundreds of times).

What did it start at under Obama and what did it start at, under Trump?
Let me use a Football analogy . Obama came in at QB in the Fourth Quarter with the team down 4 scores . He not only threw 4 TD s he converted 3 consecutive onside kicks .......Trump came in with a comfortable lead and with the game officials in his back pocket ..
What did it start at under Obama and what did it start at, under Trump?
Let me use a Football analogy . Obama came in at QB in the Fourth Quarter with the team down 4 scores . He not only threw 4 TD s he converted 3 consecutive onside kicks .......Trump came in with a comfortable lead and with the game officials in his back pocket ..

Trump cam in with a comfortable lead and with game officials in his back pocket??? You sorry delusional child, you seem to be getting Trump confused with Hillary.
What did it start at under Obama and what did it start at, under Trump?
Let me use a Football analogy . Obama came in at QB in the Fourth Quarter with the team down 4 scores . He not only threw 4 TD s he converted 3 consecutive onside kicks .......Trump came in with a comfortable lead and with the game officials in his back pocket ..

Trump cam in with a comfortable lead and with game officials in his back pocket??? You sorry delusional child, you seem to be getting Trump confused with Hillary.
What were the actual numbers for Mr. Trump, right wingers?
What did it start at under Obama and what did it start at, under Trump?
Let me use a Football analogy . Obama came in at QB in the Fourth Quarter with the team down 4 scores . He not only threw 4 TD s he converted 3 consecutive onside kicks .......Trump came in with a comfortable lead and with the game officials in his back pocket ..

Trump cam in with a comfortable lead and with game officials in his back pocket??? You sorry delusional child, you seem to be getting Trump confused with Hillary.
What were the actual numbers for Mr. Trump, right wingers?

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