The winning does the unimaginable lunacy of the Dumbocrats. If Barack Insane Obama had achieved any of this - the left would be crowing from the mountain tops. But they inexplicably complain about President Trump creating more jobs, higher wages, and increased prosperity.

Most workers will see pay hike in February under new tax law
it is being financed.
By proven economic policy!
proven to not increase revenues like tax hikes would.
The government doesn’t need “increased revenue”. They need to cut spending. We don’t have an income problem - never have. We have a spending problem. Indisputable fact.
all political talk and no political action from the right wing. end the drug war.
Nothing but repeal, from the right legislative wing.
That’s what constitutional government is - repealing illegal/unconstitutional oppressive nonsense from the left. It’s remarkable how liberty shakes you to your core.
y'all Only have a problem when it promotes the general Welfare not the general Badfare.
Actually, we have a problem when it “promotes” anything as promotion is not the responsibility of government. It’s truly a shame that you don’t even know why your own government exists. A product of the entitled and selfish generation.
Nothing but repeal, from the right legislative wing.
That’s what constitutional government is - repealing illegal/unconstitutional oppressive nonsense from the left. It’s remarkable how liberty shakes you to your core.
y'all Only have a problem when it promotes the general Welfare not the general Badfare.
Actually, we have a problem when it “promotes” anything as promotion is not the responsibility of government. It’s truly a shame that you don’t even know why your own government exists. A product of the entitled and selfish generation.
projecting much, right winger (like usual)?

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
projecting much, right winger (like usual)?
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
The preamble is not a “power”, you dumb dimwit. :lmao:
projecting much, right winger (like usual)?
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
The preamble is not a “power”, you dumb dimwit. :lmao:
It does provide context. You will notice how it doesn't say, promote the common defense.
An astounding 80% drop in food stamps recipients in just over one year, and a 114% increase in incomes. Who could possibly argue with these results?

TANF always were temporary and had a requirement to look for work & always had a strong record of people leaving the program through employment.

No, they did not decrease food stamp recipients by 80%. The number of able bodied people without children was decreased by 80%. Food stamps was always mostly about children.
This video is pure gold. Indisputable proof that the left doesn’t understand basic economics and peddles in pure propaganda...

And here is the blueprint functioning flawlessly yet again. The official liberal (false) narrative will attempt to convince you that this doesn't happen. Yet all across America, this happens every single day. Just imagine if we could restore Constitutional governmet and restore the over $1 trillion in waste to the American people...

Kentucky Businessman Buys Out Closing Kmart — and Donates Everything to Charity
Dear P@triot
Thanks for your post about the self sufficient school program that supports itself with campus jobs. I also promote this campus model as the ideal for govt reform, including prisons health care and VA that all need this innovation.

By applying that model to the business man who bought out a Kmart, why not turn these sites into sustainable centers for training in management, and creating jobs for Vets and other locals? Instead of Walmarts closing down or post offices running in the red, these can be bought out and taken over by Vets . If these sites are run like campus jobs, workers and managers can earn their education by learning how to operate them effectively on a sustainable basis. Just bring in experienced CEO to mentor and train people, who then graduate and rotate in new classes of interns for on the job training.

Using this model, we can reform the VA, the prisons and immigration system , and create enough jobs and training to take back production and manufacturing , as well as train enough service providers, doctors and nurses to meet demands for health care.

Every district will need its own local facilities and programs to cover the population. We need to start planning and investing resources now. Thanks for citing an existing model, so this can be promoted and replicated
This video is pure gold. Indisputable proof that the left doesn’t understand basic economics and peddles in pure propaganda...

Propaganda. One year bonus means nothing, next year.

And that idiotic statement right there is why nobody takes the left seriously about economics (or anything).

Experts reveal which president is more responsible for booming economy, long-term growth potential

Just propaganda for political purposes. Just like WikiLeaks.
This video is pure gold. Indisputable proof that the left doesn’t understand basic economics and peddles in pure propaganda...

Propaganda. One year bonus means nothing, next year.

And that idiotic statement right there is why nobody takes the left seriously about economics (or anything).

Experts reveal which president is more responsible for booming economy, long-term growth potential

Just propaganda for political purposes. Just like WikiLeaks.

What you desperately call “propaganda” other people recognize as reality. Conservative economic policy is flawless. It results in prosperity every time. And progressive policy results in poverty in every time.
This video is pure gold. Indisputable proof that the left doesn’t understand basic economics and peddles in pure propaganda...

Propaganda. One year bonus means nothing, next year.

And that idiotic statement right there is why nobody takes the left seriously about economics (or anything).

Experts reveal which president is more responsible for booming economy, long-term growth potential

Just propaganda for political purposes.

Is Apple involved in the “propaganda” game too, snowflake?
“Apple’s direct contribution to the US economy will be more than $350 billion over the next five years, not including Apple’s ongoing tax payments, the tax revenues generated from employees’ wages and the sale of Apple products,” the company said in a press release. Besides being good PR, Apple’s announcement signifies major companies’ newfound confidence in the U.S. economy.

Apple Vows $350 Billion Investment in US Economy – Here’s What It Means for You
This video is pure gold. Indisputable proof that the left doesn’t understand basic economics and peddles in pure propaganda...

Propaganda. One year bonus means nothing, next year.

And that idiotic statement right there is why nobody takes the left seriously about economics (or anything).

Experts reveal which president is more responsible for booming economy, long-term growth potential

Just propaganda for political purposes. Just like WikiLeaks.

What you desperately call “propaganda” other people recognize as reality. Conservative economic policy is flawless. It results in prosperity every time. And progressive policy results in poverty in every time.

speculative exuberance, nothing more. You guy has done nothing but get a tax break.
This video is pure gold. Indisputable proof that the left doesn’t understand basic economics and peddles in pure propaganda...

Propaganda. One year bonus means nothing, next year.

And that idiotic statement right there is why nobody takes the left seriously about economics (or anything).

Experts reveal which president is more responsible for booming economy, long-term growth potential

Just propaganda for political purposes.

Is Apple involved in the “propaganda” game too, snowflake?
“Apple’s direct contribution to the US economy will be more than $350 billion over the next five years, not including Apple’s ongoing tax payments, the tax revenues generated from employees’ wages and the sale of Apple products,” the company said in a press release. Besides being good PR, Apple’s announcement signifies major companies’ newfound confidence in the U.S. economy.

Apple Vows $350 Billion Investment in US Economy – Here’s What It Means for You

Private firms invest anyway. What the tax break means, is we have more debt. One point five trillion, not merely, three hundred fifty billion.
What the tax break means, is we have more debt. One point five trillion, not merely, three hundred fifty billion.
Tax breaks only result in additional debt if government fails to budget properly.

For starters, the increased income by these millions of Americans will result in increased taxes for them to pay.

Secondly, if we cut spending as we should, we’ll have a surplus after the tax breaks. No more debt.

This is why nobody takes the left seriously about economics.
speculative exuberance, nothing more. You guy has done nothing but get a tax break.
That “speculative exuberance” just resulted in the second most successful economy under a president for a year in U.S. history.

Conservative policy ends in prosperity. Progressive policy ends in poverty.

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