Fascism has a great economic track record.
So great that not one single society has ever survived it.
Keep in mind the Nazis actually fed Jews on a low calorie diet, they supplied them food until they died, the big question becomes why do you feed people you intend on killing?
To perform the forced labor prior to execution. Man...that question is the quintessential dumb polack question.
Fascism has a great economic track record.
So great that not one single society has ever survived it.
Keep in mind the Nazis actually fed Jews on a low calorie diet, they supplied them food until they died, the big question becomes why do you feed people you intend on killing?
To perform the forced labor prior to execution. Man...that question is the quintessential dumb polack question.

So, if you can starve people to death, why do you use gas chambers, and ovens?

Yeah, I didn't think it made much sense, either.

But, you British savages, you just can't think at all, I've not met a lower order of White life than a Brit.
we take the right wing even less seriously, when they insist on alleged, right to work States and still indulge poverty.
That’s what liberty is all about - indulging people in their personal choices. And make no mistake, poverty is a personal choice.

There isn’t a single person in the U.S. who chooses not to live in poverty that ends up in poverty. They might be poor - but not in poverty. Even working minimum wage will keep one out of poverty.
Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment is Not a Personal choice.
We have the blueprint for prosperity. It works every time without fail.
Disney will give a $1,000 bonus to 125,000 full- and part-time employees. The company will also spend $50 million to launch a higher education initiative that assists hourly employees with tuition.
More money in the pocket of Americans and more opportunities. The polar opposite of what left-wing policy delivers.

Disney to give $1,000 bonuses to 125,000 employees and create a higher education program
While our infrastructure erodes?
So. Much. Winning. We have the blueprint for prosperity...
Exxon Mobil Corp. CEO Darren Woods announced in a blog post Monday that his company will invest $50 billion in the U.S. over the next five years.

Woods credited both recent regulatory reform and the corporate tax rate cut that President Donald Trump signed into law last month for the company’s expansion plans. The tax rate was cut from 35% to 21%.

“These are all possible because of the resource base developed by our industry along with sound tax and regulatory policies that create a pro-growth business climate here in the U.S.,” Woods wrote.
It’s such a shame that so many had to suffer for so long under the failed policies of the left. None of this is rocket science. Whoever creates the best climate for businesses will get the jobs and tax revenues that come with it.

Exxon Mobil CEO announces $50 billion investment in US production and jobs, credits tax cuts
we take the right wing even less seriously, when they insist on alleged, right to work States and still indulge poverty.
That’s what liberty is all about - indulging people in their personal choices. And make no mistake, poverty is a personal choice.

There isn’t a single person in the U.S. who chooses not to live in poverty that ends up in poverty. They might be poor - but not in poverty. Even working minimum wage will keep one out of poverty.
Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment is Not a Personal choice.
Sure it is. Just choose to out perform your competition and you will never be unemployed.
We have the blueprint for prosperity. It works every time without fail.
Disney will give a $1,000 bonus to 125,000 full- and part-time employees. The company will also spend $50 million to launch a higher education initiative that assists hourly employees with tuition.
More money in the pocket of Americans and more opportunities. The polar opposite of what left-wing policy delivers.

Disney to give $1,000 bonuses to 125,000 employees and create a higher education program
While our infrastructure erodes?
Better our “infrastructure” erodes than our families. Under Obama and the Dumbocrats, poverty was rampant. Under President Trump and the Republicans, prosperity is rampant.
We have the blueprint for prosperity...
Why does it matter? Because, as The New York Times noted in a rare piece crediting President Trump’s tax breaks and deregulatory policies with the upturn in business optimism: “Investment in new plants, equipment and factory upgrades … bolsters economic growth, spurs job creation — and may finally raise wages significantly.”

Rising capital spending means increased productivity; with new machines and more efficient plants, workers are able to make more goods. Economists have long cited the lackluster productivity growth of recent years for sluggish wage gains.
President Trump delivering on every promise - just as he said he would.

Democrats panic over avalanche of good economic news
So. Much. Winning. We have the blueprint for prosperity...
Exxon Mobil Corp. CEO Darren Woods announced in a blog post Monday that his company will invest $50 billion in the U.S. over the next five years.

Woods credited both recent regulatory reform and the corporate tax rate cut that President Donald Trump signed into law last month for the company’s expansion plans. The tax rate was cut from 35% to 21%.

“These are all possible because of the resource base developed by our industry along with sound tax and regulatory policies that create a pro-growth business climate here in the U.S.,” Woods wrote.
It’s such a shame that so many had to suffer for so long under the failed policies of the left. None of this is rocket science. Whoever creates the best climate for businesses will get the jobs and tax revenues that come with it.

Exxon Mobil CEO announces $50 billion investment in US production and jobs, credits tax cuts
All we needed to do was enact a tariff on their expatriated cash reserves. treat them like solar.
Sound, proven conservative policy doing what it always does - creating unimaginable prosperity...
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Apple is planning to build a new corporate campus and hire 20,000 U.S. workers in an expansion driven in part by a tax cut that will enable the iPhone maker to bring an estimated $245 billion back to its home country.

The pledge announced Wednesday comes less than a month after Congress approved a sweeping overhaul of the U.S. tax code championed by President Donald Trump that will increase corporate profits.

Besides dramatically lowering the standard corporate tax rate, the reforms offer a one-time break on cash held overseas.

Apple plans to take advantage of that provision to bring back most of its roughly $252 billion in offshore cash, generating a tax bill of about $38 billion. That anticipated tax bill implies Apple intends to bring back about $245 billion of its overseas cash, based on the temporary tax rate of 15.5% on foreign profits.
Idiotic failed left-wing policy ensured that that money stayed overseas - benefiting other nations. Now it will return to the U.S. where it belongs - to benefit the U.S.

Apple Banks on Tax Break to Build 2nd Campus, Hire 20,000
So. Much. Winning. We have the blueprint for prosperity...
Exxon Mobil Corp. CEO Darren Woods announced in a blog post Monday that his company will invest $50 billion in the U.S. over the next five years.

Woods credited both recent regulatory reform and the corporate tax rate cut that President Donald Trump signed into law last month for the company’s expansion plans. The tax rate was cut from 35% to 21%.

“These are all possible because of the resource base developed by our industry along with sound tax and regulatory policies that create a pro-growth business climate here in the U.S.,” Woods wrote.
It’s such a shame that so many had to suffer for so long under the failed policies of the left. None of this is rocket science. Whoever creates the best climate for businesses will get the jobs and tax revenues that come with it.

Exxon Mobil CEO announces $50 billion investment in US production and jobs, credits tax cuts
All we needed to do was enact a tariff on their expatriated cash reserves. treat them like solar.
We already did what we needed to do - lowered tax rates to make the U.S. competitive with other nations. We had the highest corporate tax rates in the world under Obama. It ended failure. We’re now doing the exact opposite and getting the opposite result of failure.
Sound, proven conservative policy doing what it always does - creating unimaginable prosperity...
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Apple is planning to build a new corporate campus and hire 20,000 U.S. workers in an expansion driven in part by a tax cut that will enable the iPhone maker to bring an estimated $245 billion back to its home country.

The pledge announced Wednesday comes less than a month after Congress approved a sweeping overhaul of the U.S. tax code championed by President Donald Trump that will increase corporate profits.

Besides dramatically lowering the standard corporate tax rate, the reforms offer a one-time break on cash held overseas.

Apple plans to take advantage of that provision to bring back most of its roughly $252 billion in offshore cash, generating a tax bill of about $38 billion. That anticipated tax bill implies Apple intends to bring back about $245 billion of its overseas cash, based on the temporary tax rate of 15.5% on foreign profits.
Idiotic failed left-wing policy ensured that that money stayed overseas - benefiting other nations. Now it will return to the U.S. where it belongs - to benefit the U.S.

Apple Banks on Tax Break to Build 2nd Campus, Hire 20,000
FDRs social programs brought the US out of the third world and even electrified the South.
What an exceptional blueprint for education....

At this college, the tuition is nowhere near the $150,000 to $200,000 for a four-year degree that the elite top-tier universities are charging. At College of the Ozarks, tuition is free. That’s right. The school’s nearly 1,400 students don’t pay a dime in tuition during their time there.

So what’s the catch? All the college’s students—without exception—pay for their education by working 15 hours a week on campus. The jobs are plentiful because this school—just a few miles from Branson, a popular tourist destination—operates its own mill, a power plant, fire station, four-star restaurant and lodge, museum and dairy farm.

Some students from low-income homes also spend 12 weeks of summer on campus working to cover their room and board. Part of the students’ grade point average is determined by how they do on the job, and those who shirk their work duties are tossed out. The jobs range from campus security to cooking and cleaning hotel rooms, tending the hundreds of cattle, building new dorms and buildings, to operating the power plant.

This College Takes Hard Work Seriously -- And Kids Want to Go There
THIS HERE....is how all Colleges should work. They also would need less Federal Dollars to operate.
What an exceptional blueprint for education....

At this college, the tuition is nowhere near the $150,000 to $200,000 for a four-year degree that the elite top-tier universities are charging. At College of the Ozarks, tuition is free. That’s right. The school’s nearly 1,400 students don’t pay a dime in tuition during their time there.

So what’s the catch? All the college’s students—without exception—pay for their education by working 15 hours a week on campus. The jobs are plentiful because this school—just a few miles from Branson, a popular tourist destination—operates its own mill, a power plant, fire station, four-star restaurant and lodge, museum and dairy farm.

Some students from low-income homes also spend 12 weeks of summer on campus working to cover their room and board. Part of the students’ grade point average is determined by how they do on the job, and those who shirk their work duties are tossed out. The jobs range from campus security to cooking and cleaning hotel rooms, tending the hundreds of cattle, building new dorms and buildings, to operating the power plant.

This College Takes Hard Work Seriously -- And Kids Want to Go There
THIS HERE....is how all Colleges should work. They also would need less Federal Dollars to operate.
The left knows that this is not only a flawless economic solution - but that it also teaches work ethic and provides real-world experience/skills.

But you know what it doesn’t do? It doesn’t redistribute wealth and it doesn’t give the left power over anyone. And that is why they hate it.
FDRs social programs brought the US out of the third world
Why do you insist on lying? :dunno:

1. The U.S. (from its very inception) was never “third world”

2. FDR single-handedly caused the Great Depression

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate

Misguided government policies prolonged Great Depression

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate / UCLA Newsroom
socialism already took us to the Moon and back, last millennium even with massive deficits. the private sector is still waiting on a profit motive.
socialism already took us to the Moon and back, last millennium even with massive deficits. the private sector is still waiting on a profit motive.
Socialism took every nation to hell and beyond in the last millennium. Thanks for playing.

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