We have the blueprint for prosperity. History has shown time and time again exactly what works (conservative policy) and what doesn’t (failed progressive policy).
Work requirements have a proven record of success in moving people from welfare to self-sufficiency. In 2015, Maine began enforcing work requirements for food stamps despite partial waiver eligibility and saw an 80% drop in its work-capable caseload in just three months. Thirteen counties in Alabama saw similar results when they implemented work requirements for food stamps in 2017.

Work Requirements Have Revolutionized Welfare at the State Level. Now It’s Uncle Sam’s Turn.
What President Trump (and the Republicans) have done is nothing short of astounding. They have built one of the best economies in U.S. history...
Throughout the March quarter, Apple has paid over $3.2 billion in dividends, and they have plans to boost those payments up another 16% going forward. And the hits just keep on coming for Apple investors.

Apple has also announced the construction of a new mega-campus, and they’re looking at adding over 20,000 new jobs. Over the next 5 years, they’ll add $350 billion to the US economy.
Nancy Pelosi tried to call the tax cuts "crumbs". The results have not even been the whole bag of bread - they've been the whole damn bakery!!! Record highs in the market. Record lows in unemployment. Companies investing in their people and their infrastructure (just as history has proven over and over and over).

We have the blueprint for prosperity. Thankfully, President Trump and the Republicans are following that blueprint.

Sorry Nancy Pelosi, Apple’s record-shattering buyback program is proof positive tax breaks work
we take the right wing even less seriously, when they insist on alleged, right to work States and still indulge poverty.
That’s what liberty is all about - indulging people in their personal choices. And make no mistake, poverty is a personal choice.

There isn’t a single person in the U.S. who chooses not to live in poverty that ends up in poverty. They might be poor - but not in poverty. Even working minimum wage will keep one out of poverty.
Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment is Not a Personal choice.
Sure it is. Just choose to out perform your competition and you will never be unemployed.
only in right wing fantasy and not even in right wing, right to work States; even if everyone obtains a doctorate, with Capitalism's, natural rate of unemployment.
We have the blueprint for prosperity. It works every time without fail.
Disney will give a $1,000 bonus to 125,000 full- and part-time employees. The company will also spend $50 million to launch a higher education initiative that assists hourly employees with tuition.
More money in the pocket of Americans and more opportunities. The polar opposite of what left-wing policy delivers.

Disney to give $1,000 bonuses to 125,000 employees and create a higher education program
While our infrastructure erodes?
Better our “infrastructure” erodes than our families. Under Obama and the Dumbocrats, poverty was rampant. Under President Trump and the Republicans, prosperity is rampant.
right wing propaganda and rhetoric. we have a First Amendment.
We have the blueprint for prosperity. History has shown time and time again exactly what works (conservative policy) and what doesn’t (failed progressive policy).

Steel company says it will give a big bonus to workers if Trump tariffs pass
Lets compare the economies under Republican & Democrats the last 25 years.

Tax cuts under the Republicans under Bush led to the worst recession in 80 years & your team just borrowed 1.5 trillion to do it again.

If Republicans are doing such a great job, why is every single Republican running for Congress in my district are running against the current actions of Congress.
Our Rep quit. None are running to keerp up the good work.

So really, cut the mental masturbation you are doing & get informed.
only in right wing fantasy and not even in right wing, right to work States; even if everyone obtains a doctorate, with Capitalism's, natural rate of unemployment.
That’s because a doctorate isn’t an indication of anything in the real world. And therein lies your problem. You’re literally too stupid to understand what employers want (hint: it’s not a doctorate).
Tax cuts under the Republicans under Bush led to the worst recession in 80 years & your team just borrowed 1.5 trillion to do it again.
George W. Bush wasn’t President of the United States when the “worst recession in 80 years” hit. It was Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats, snowflake.
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, is a blueprint for prosperity.
only in right wing fantasy and not even in right wing, right to work States; even if everyone obtains a doctorate, with Capitalism's, natural rate of unemployment.
That’s because a doctorate isn’t an indication of anything in the real world. And therein lies your problem. You’re literally too stupid to understand what employers want (hint: it’s not a doctorate).
i can rely on statistics, on this one.
The city is gradually increasing the hourly minimum to $15 over several years. Already, though, some employers have not been able to afford the increased minimums. They've cut their payrolls, putting off new hiring, reducing hours or letting their workers go, the study found.

Shouldn't Labor simply be able to find another minimum wage job? It isn't like it is another autoworker job.

Seattle unemployment rate is around 3.8 percent. The US unemployment rate is 4.1 percent.
The city is gradually increasing the hourly minimum to $15 over several years. Already, though, some employers have not been able to afford the increased minimums. They've cut their payrolls, putting off new hiring, reducing hours or letting their workers go, the study found.
Shouldn't Labor simply be able to find another minimum wage job? It isn't like it is another autoworker job.
Nope. Several things happen with failed, ignorant left-wing policy like this...
  • Businesses drastically raise rates to cover drastic increase in labor costs. This causes inflation - and the minimum wage worker is no further ahead than they were before the raise. However, the rest of society is much further behind as they received no raise and now their dollar doesn’t buy nearly as much.
  • Businesses close down over the costs. Less jobs all the way around for the minimum wage worker.
  • Businesses recognize that this is a perpetual, idiotic left-wing fight and that their money would be better spent on automation. Less jobs all the way around for the minimum wage worker.
  • Businesses cuts hours of their minimum wage worker. The minimum wage worker walks away with less money per week than before the increase.
If only progressives understood basic economics.
Tax cuts under the Republicans under Bush led to the worst recession in 80 years & your team just borrowed 1.5 trillion to do it again.
George W. Bush wasn’t President of the United States when the “worst recession in 80 years” hit. It was Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats, snowflake.
The Bush recession started 4th quarter of 2007.

Once again you prove yourself to be nothing but a dumbass TRumpette.
The city is gradually increasing the hourly minimum to $15 over several years. Already, though, some employers have not been able to afford the increased minimums. They've cut their payrolls, putting off new hiring, reducing hours or letting their workers go, the study found.
Shouldn't Labor simply be able to find another minimum wage job? It isn't like it is another autoworker job.
Nope. Several things happen with failed, ignorant left-wing policy like this...
  • Businesses drastically raise rates to cover drastic increase in labor costs. This causes inflation - and the minimum wage worker is no further ahead than they were before the raise. However, the rest of society is much further behind as they received no raise and now their dollar doesn’t buy nearly as much.
  • Businesses close down over the costs. Less jobs all the way around for the minimum wage worker.
  • Businesses recognize that this is a perpetual, idiotic left-wing fight and that their money would be better spent on automation. Less jobs all the way around for the minimum wage worker.
  • Businesses cuts hours of their minimum wage worker. The minimum wage worker walks away with less money per week than before the increase.
If only progressives understood basic economics.

You have no logic.

If minimum age goes up 20%, you think all prices go up 20%. That is just plain stupid.

Your idea that we should subsidize minimum wage paying employers is again, stupid.

Businesses hire because they need workers. If they don't need them to work all those hours, they would not be doing it.
The city is gradually increasing the hourly minimum to $15 over several years. Already, though, some employers have not been able to afford the increased minimums. They've cut their payrolls, putting off new hiring, reducing hours or letting their workers go, the study found.
Shouldn't Labor simply be able to find another minimum wage job? It isn't like it is another autoworker job.
Nope. Several things happen with failed, ignorant left-wing policy like this...
  • Businesses drastically raise rates to cover drastic increase in labor costs. This causes inflation - and the minimum wage worker is no further ahead than they were before the raise. However, the rest of society is much further behind as they received no raise and now their dollar doesn’t buy nearly as much.
  • Businesses close down over the costs. Less jobs all the way around for the minimum wage worker.
  • Businesses recognize that this is a perpetual, idiotic left-wing fight and that their money would be better spent on automation. Less jobs all the way around for the minimum wage worker.
  • Businesses cuts hours of their minimum wage worker. The minimum wage worker walks away with less money per week than before the increase.
If only progressives understood basic economics.
so what if right wingers fail; all they know how to do is "make it on cheap labor". the third world or any other State in the Union, is cheaper.

The minimum wage worker should merely find another minimum wage employer, with better hours.

The unemployment rate in Seattle, is still lower than the national average.
The minimum wage worker should merely find another minimum wage employer, with better hours.
I just explained how that wasn’t true. Because you are a low IQ, minimum wage worker, I will explain it to you again...
  • Businesses drastically raise rates to cover drastic increase in labor costs. This causes inflation - and the minimum wage worker is no further ahead than they were before the raise. However, the rest of society is much further behind as they received no raise and now their dollar doesn’t buy nearly as much.
  • Businesses close down over the costs. Less jobs all the way around for the minimum wage worker.
  • Businesses recognize that this is a perpetual, idiotic left-wing fight and that their money would be better spent on automation. Less jobs all the way around for the minimum wage worker.
  • Businesses cuts hours of their minimum wage worker. The minimum wage worker walks away with less money per week than before the increase.
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, is a blueprint for prosperity.
If you were worthy of $15 per hour, you would be able to earn that rate without government forcing someone else to give it to you.

Only fascists achieve their desires through force. Tells us all we need to know about you.
You have no logic.
But I do have something you don’t have: facts.
Researchers at the University of Washington, who were commissioned by the city, found that when wages went up to $13 in 2016, low-wage workers saw their hours drop by 9%.

Workers ultimately made $125 less each month, on average, the report found.

"For every $1 worth of increased wages, we are seeing $3 worth of lost employment opportunities," said Jacob Vigdor, one of the study's authors.
It’s hilarious how easy you progressives have been duped by your masters. You guys can’t even bring yourselves to accept basic economics.

New study casts doubt on the benefit of Seattle's $15 minimum wage

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