Let me use a Football analogy
Football is not a proper noun, nitwit. Therefore, it should not be capitalized unless it is at the beginning of a sentence.

You’re as ignorant about American grammar as you are American history. Barack Insane Obama started the game. It was 0-0 obviously. He fumbled 8 times and threw 5 int’s (not surprising when you see how that limp-wrist throws a baseball).

Thankfully - the head coach (the American people) turned the reigns over to Republicans in the 2010 midterms and instantly the team started the comeback.
It started at 7% under Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats and exploded to over 10% after they passed their idiotic “stimulus package”.

Thankfully the American people stepped in at the 2010 midterms and handed the nation over to Republicans. And over night the recovery “magically” started.
I guess, according to right wing fantasy, trailing a Great Recession, had nothing to do with it.
It started at 7% under Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats and exploded to over 10% after they passed their idiotic “stimulus package”.

Thankfully the American people stepped in at the 2010 midterms and handed the nation over to Republicans. And over night the recovery “magically” started.
I guess, according to right wing fantasy, trailing a Great Recession, had nothing to do with it.
The did “trail” the recession chief - they started it. There was no recession until Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats were in charge.
It started at 7% under Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats and exploded to over 10% after they passed their idiotic “stimulus package”.

Thankfully the American people stepped in at the 2010 midterms and handed the nation over to Republicans. And over night the recovery “magically” started.
I guess, according to right wing fantasy, trailing a Great Recession, had nothing to do with it.
The did “trail” the recession chief - they started it. There was no recession until Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats were in charge.
The trend was up for Obama and was already trending down for Trump.
The winning continues...as does the unimaginable lunacy of the Dumbocrats. If Barack Insane Obama had achieved any of this - the left would be crowing from the mountain tops. But they inexplicably complain about President Trump creating more jobs, higher wages, and increased prosperity.

Most workers will see pay hike in February under new tax law
it is being financed.
By proven economic policy!
proven to not increase revenues like tax hikes would.
President Trump has done more for the African-American community in less than 1 year than the Democrats have done in 150 years. But then again - the Democrats are fiercely racist. It's not like they've been trying to advance the African-American community.

Q&A: Black Activist Says Trump Policies, Unlike Obama’s, Create Jobs
We know what happened to those, "shovel ready jobs"; the right wing happened to them.
Uh...what? Even Barack Insane Obama’s himself declared “those ‘shovel-ready’ jobs weren’t as shovel-ready as I thought”. The right had nothing to do with it. That was just failed left-wing policy failing as always.
The winning continues...as does the unimaginable lunacy of the Dumbocrats. If Barack Insane Obama had achieved any of this - the left would be crowing from the mountain tops. But they inexplicably complain about President Trump creating more jobs, higher wages, and increased prosperity.

Most workers will see pay hike in February under new tax law
it is being financed.
By proven economic policy!
proven to not increase revenues like tax hikes would.
The government doesn’t need “increased revenue”. They need to cut spending. We don’t have an income problem - never have. We have a spending problem. Indisputable fact.
President Trump has done more for the African-American community in less than 1 year than the Democrats have done in 150 years. But then again - the Democrats are fiercely racist. It's not like they've been trying to advance the African-American community.

Q&A: Black Activist Says Trump Policies, Unlike Obama’s, Create Jobs
We know what happened to those, "shovel ready jobs"; the right wing happened to them.
Uh...what? Even Barack Insane Obama’s himself declared “those ‘shovel-ready’ jobs weren’t as shovel-ready as I thought”. The right had nothing to do with it. That was just failed left-wing policy failing as always.
Nothing but repeal, from the right legislative wing.

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